Friday 7 February 2014


Definition: Teleportation is the instant transfer of reason from one spot to another. Teleportation was widely utilized in works of science fiction, it also appears in physical theories. Teleportation, is it a dream, a science fiction or a bed time story!. According to what we watch from movies produced by Hollywood and TV episodes, teleportation seems to be higher than just a science fiction or bed time story. Ever since mankind started exploring space, he started considering his transport methods to overcome the obstacles of endless distances that separate him from the rest regarding the universe.

Many theories have been developed through the ages and throughout the world. Many are still studied till this technological time. And the issue is being taken even more and more seriously by astro-physicists. The phrase teleportation was first applied in early 1930's by an american writer Charles Fort to describe the strange disappearances and appearances of anomalies, which he suggested should be connected. He joined the Greek prefix tele- meaning distant to the Latin verb portare meaning to carry.

Scientists are currently experimenting on such a method of travel, combining properties of telecommunications and transportation to achieve an procedure called teleportation. In this article, you can read about experiments that have actually achieved teleportation with photons, and how we may be can use teleportation to venture anywhere, at anytime. Teleportation involves dematerialization of an object at one point, and sending details of its atomic configuration to another location, where it shall be reconstructed. In an attempt to eliminate time and space factor from venture to achieve an instant transportation to any desired location, without crossing physical distance. In 1993, an announcement by the prominent physicist Charles Bennett teleported teleportation from science fiction into theoretical science possibility when He and a team of researchers at IBM confirmed that quantum teleportation was possible, but only if the original object being teleported was destroyed.

This revelation, first announced by Bennett at an annual meeting regarding the American Physical Society in March 1993, was followed by a report on his findings in March 29, 1993 issue of Physical Review Letters. Since that time, experiments creating use of photons have proven that quantum teleportation is in fact possible. A team of American and European scientists successfully experimented on teleporting a photon, an life particle, carrying light subsequent to reading its atom structure and sending its details throughout approximately one meter of coaxial cable and make a replica of that photon. Subsequent to that the original photon did not exist once the replica was made. In 2002, researchers at the Australian Local University successfully teleported a laser beam.

The most recent successful teleportation experiment took location on October 4, 2006 at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. Eugene Polzik and his team teleported details stored in a laser beam into a cloud of atoms. According to Polzik, It is one step distant due to the fact that for first time it involves teleportation between light and matter, 3 different objects. One is the carrier of details and the other one is the storage medium. The details was teleported about 1.

Quantum teleportation holds promise for quantum computing. These experiments are important in developing networks that can distribute quantum information. A Professor of University of Wales Bangor, Samuel Braunstein, called such a network a quantum Internet. This cutting edge designs shall hold a future use to build a quantum computer that has data transmission rates many times faster than today's most powerful computers. What is most fascinating is the fact that Quran mentioned teleportation over one thousand 4 hundred years ago.

It says and I quote: AL Namle, the ant, surat 27: Solomon saying: 38 to 40: And he said: O' nobles, which of you can bring to me her throne, prior to they sue for peace?' One audacious between the Jinn replied: I shall bring it to you prior to you rise from your seat. I am tough enough and faithfull. But he who had knowledge regarding the book, said: I shall bring it to you prior to your gaze returns return to you. And when he saw it set prior to him, Sulayman said: This is a favor from my God with which He should test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful. This actually refers to King Solomon when he requested from his companions if any of them was can bring the throne of queen Saba to him, which was over 5000 km away.

two of Jinn claimed he can bring it prior to Solomon rises up from his seat, while another more knowledgeable being probably Thoth or an angelic being stated that he can bring that throne prior to Solomon completes his blink of an eye. Instant communication It is a clean indication that in those days, the days of Solomon he and others believed in teleportation otherwise howcome should a king asks for such a request to be fulfilled. Then we have the fact that an anonymous being successfully brought the throne to Solomon. Yet again, ancient history, theology, mythology and technological science share the similar to interests and explore the similar to possibilities, I dare to speak science in here due to the fact that Quran describes that anonymous being like an lone of knowledge and not magic, But he who had knowledge regarding the pamphlet. Without the past there is no present, with no present there should be no future.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Resistance - Basics

The current within the electrical circuit not only depends on electromotive force but also on the circuit parameters. For example if lamp is connected in a circuit, current gets affected and lamp filament become? warm radiating light. But if contact at one end is loose, current decreases but sparking occurs at loose contact creating it hot. If 3 lamps are connected one subsequent to the other, brightness obtained is fewer than that obtained by a lone lamp. These examples display that current, flow of electrons depends on the circuit parameters and not only the e.

This properly of an electric circuit lending to prevent the flow of current and at the similar to time causes electrical life to be converted to heat is called resistance. The concept of resistance is analogous to friction involved within the mechanical motion. Every metal has a tendency to oppose the flow of current. Higher the availability regarding the free electrons, lesser shall be the opposition to flow of current. The conductor due to high many free electrons release fewer resistance to flow of current.

The opposition to flow of current and conversion of electrical life into heat life shall be explained with the help of atomic structure as below. When the flow of electrons is established within the metal, the ions get formed which are charged particles as discussed earlier. Now free electrons are moving in critical direction when connected to external source of e. So such ions always grow to obstruction for the flowing electrons. So there is collision between ions and free flowing electrons.

This not only reduces the velocity of electrons but also produces the heat; the effect of this is nothing but the reduction of flow of current. Thus the fabric opposes the flow of current. The resistance is denoted by the symbol 'R' and is measured in ohm symbolically represented as O. We can define unit ohm as below. 1 Ohm: The resistance of a circuit, in which a current of two Ampere generates the heat at the rate of one joule per 2nd is spoke about to be two ohm.

Thus unit two ohm shall be defined as that resistance regarding the circuit if it develops 0. 24 kilojoules of heat, when one ampere current flows through the circuit for one second. Earlier we have seen that some fabrics possess huge many free electrons and hence release fewer opposition to flow of current. Such elements are classified as the 'Conductors' of electricity. While in some fabrics the many free electrons are very fewer and hence offering a huge resistance to flow of current.

Such elements are classified as the Insulators' of electricity. Examples of good conductors are silver, copper, aluminum while examples of insulators are generally non metals like glass, rubber, wood, cardboard etc.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

High College Bullying Statistics - The Disturbing Trends Of Modern Bullying

It was once very common for parents to think about bullying an organic component of growing up. Those were the days when high college bullying consisted of locking smaller children in their lockers and calling them names like 4 eyes. While that kind of high college bullying was distant from acceptable or right, it was very different from the kind of bullying suffered by high college students today. Bullying is growing worse together with the years, since bullies can now reach their bullies outside regarding the college halls through cell phones and the Internet. With nonstop harassment around the clock, it's no wonder that we hold a growing epidemic of bullycide occurring around the country.

A recent read by the Josephson Institute of Ethics revealed some startling statistics about high college bullying in our modern world. There were higher than 40,000 teenagers involved in this study, which creates it the largest ever conducted on high college bullying today. Consider a quick list of some regarding the findings from this study:. 50% of participating high college students admit to bullying someone else within the past year. 47% of participating high college students speak they were bullied in a method that caused serious upset within the past year.

24% of participating high college students do not look safe at school. 33% of participating high college students look violence is an issue at their school. 52% of participating high college students admit to hitting someone out of anger within the past year. While the statistics on high college bullying from this read are startling, they aren't new to anyone who was following the trends on bullying. There have been other studies on a smaller scale that presented similar results, with 1/2 or nearly 1/2 of teenagers admitting to being bullied to one degree or another.

High college bullying this day is very many more physical than it was in previous generations and it is nearly nonstop, without limits to college hallways. Bullying now occurs online as well as through text messaging and can occur at all hours regarding the day and night. Another change in high college bullying is the high rate of athletes and very successful children who are bullied. It used to be that the children who were bullied were shy, smaller than their peers, or somehow not cool. Today, it seems highly successful, bright and pretty children with many talents are also falling victim to bullies.

In some communities, it almost seems like being smart and accomplished should be a sentence to bullying since other children are threatened by that talent and brightness. Rather than being the in team today, successful children are being targeted by bullies. High college bullies have always been around and always should be higher than likely, but what should the future look like if these trends continue? Violence in schools seems to be spiking rather than hitting a plateau, which creates the above high college bullying statistics very scary.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Structure Reports Online

Bromido 3,5-dimethylpyrazole-N [hydrotris 3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl borato-3N,N',N'']copper II. Abstract: Within the title copper complex, [CuBr C15H22BN6 C5H8N2 ], the CuII atom is coordinated by one Br atom, 3 N atoms from the hydrotris 3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl borate ligand and one N atom from the 3,5-dimethylpyrazole ligand, forming a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry. The equatorial positions are occupied by the Br atom and the N atoms regarding the hydrotris 3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl borate ligand. 4- 3,5-Dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-ylmethyl -3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-2-ium dihydrogen phosphate: a combined X-ray and DFT study. Abstract: The atom structure regarding the title salt, C11H17N4+H2PO4-, was determined from single-crystal X-ray analysis and compared with the structure calculated by density functional theory DFT at the BLYP level.

The crystal packing within the title compound is stabilized primarily by intermolecular N-HO, O-HN and O-HO hydrogen bonds and - stacking interactions, and thus a three-dimensional supramolecular honeycomb network consisting of R42 10, R44 14 and R44 24 ring motifs is established. The HOMO-LUMO life gap 1. 338 eV; HOMO is the highest occupied molecular orbital and LUMO is the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital indicates an above chemical reactivity for the title compound. Formula: C11H17N4+H2PO4-. Bromido 3,5-dimethylpyrazole-N [hydrotris 3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl borato-3N,N',N'']copper II X.

Xing Abstract: Within the title copper complex, [CuBr C15H22BN6 C5H8N2 ], the CuII atom is coordinated by one Br atom, 3 N atoms from the hydrotris 3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl borate ligand and one N atom from the 3,5-dimethylpyrazole ligand, forming a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry.