Sunday 10 June 2012

The Stars And Fate Of Brock Edward Lesnar

If you should look my soul I should be many bigger than Lesnar. Turi what happened to me? Howcome did I lose final night? What is going on in my life? Brock Lesnar born July 12, 1977. First Brock fought on two of his negative 2011 Dragon window datesand like 99. 09% regarding the world's population he, all the fighters and the UFC promoters have no clue regarding the primary ingredient shaping up victory or failure. But there is so many more going on behind the man, his fate and his UCI goodle UCI dr.

turi and his diverticulitis diseaseswhile being a good excuse isNOTthe primary reason of his decision to exit the pentagon that ended his MMA stardom. First born in July, like a Cancer home or family or food he is very vulnerable to thestomachand the little destructive blows he received fromAlistair Overeem did the job. Do not forget final 3 years when theDiverticulitis entered and plagued his life the Tail regarding the Dragon was within the sign of Cancer creating him very vulnerable to any kind ofdiseases. Note also it is during the exact nasty Dragon that I was myself diagnosed with colon cancer and spoke about my dramaticexperiences on a TV show. Confirm it from my webpage drturidotcom.

But most importantly and currently the Tail regarding the Dragon in Gemini in his 12th subconscious home totallyneutralizeshis shall and affects him negatively psychically. The progressive Dragon's Head in Sagittarius is in his 6th home of work and well-being and forced him into serious changes. Like all souls born in July Cancer Confirm cancer on drturidotcom are extremely worrisome in all affairs of well-being and truly connected with their family who did not need him to obtain hurt or suffer in any ways. Brock was born with a Dragon's Tail negative in Aries violent death or violent hobbies and there isNOaccidents for him to be attracted or ended up in such a violent sport. With Neptune the regulator of his subconscious currently messed up by the Universal Dragon in Gemini also in his 6th home of work and well-being Brock is can autohypnoseshimself into a dangerousunstoppablebit bull but with the Cosmic Code against him currently, no progress should be attained.

Mars the planet of danger and fight also regulates his 11th home of wishes, groups and colleagues and howcome he became such a figure in this Martian sport. Note also his Saturn fear principle in Leo life creates him fear death ordiseases and this position also stimulate a tough drive to do the greatest for his children. It is an insanity for all MMAfighters and their administration like the police or NASA or NWS or NOOA etc. and our infantilescience not to take in consideration the UCI of their employees or their own to use the Comic Code at their advantage. And this is the very reason howcome theIlluminati removed such wisdom and preciously guardit for themselves.

Memo from my prediction page:America, born July 4th 1776, is a cancer place and shall receive the Dragon's Tail on her 12th home as of March 2011 untilAugust 2012forcing a total re-structure regarding the working force and its simple physical organizations. On a spiritual US or world meaning this dragon shall induce a serious increase in mental problems dementia or depressions or schizophrenia etc. where medications shall make the situation worse. Expect dramatic news and a serious increase involving suicides. Thus souls born in July and January are currently undergoing serious psychological changes while those born in June and December receive the Dragon on themselves.

In any case asexperiencedwith Brock, serious changes are imposed by God's Celestial will. Lastly Brock is very wealthy and well-known but not ever view the following little sample for souls born in July. Personal:In March 4th 2011 the karmic Dragon moved within the Axis Sagittarius Head or Gemini Tail and shall wait there until August 30th 2012 stimulating your 6th and 12th houses regulating your subconscious creative or destructive forces and your work and service to the world. Then in August 30th 2012 the Dragon changes its axis from Sagittarius or Gemini into Scorpio or Taurus and shall stimulate all affairs regulating your wishes, friends, groups and your love, children, romance and speculations area. On your twelve home subconscious the difficult Dragon's Tail shall force you to undergo serious psychological changes creating you very vulnerable to any induced fears where imagination should override your logic and your sense of reality.

Some me be apocalyptic and based upon religious fabric other from reading or listening to negative materials. This impact shall force you rebuild your soul appropriately with progressive spiritual fabric or suffer the consequences of uncontrolled imagination that should lead to serious depressions and even suicidal tendencies. The progressive Dragon's Head in Sagittarius shall induce healing spiritual fabric generated from foreigners. Feeding your soul with good food shall rebuild of your physical atomics structure leading you to exercise or undergo worthwhile dieting programs and present an unique you and an unique image to the world. Indeed the stars not ever lie.

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