Thursday 5 July 2012

High College Students: Feeling Overwhelmed Is Not Unusual

Only a little weeks into the college year, a 9th grader at a very academic private high college is feeling overwhelmed. This is not an unusual feeling for high-achieving students due to the fact that the compression currently to do well and beat the competition is intense. Yet the FLIPPING BURGERS philosophy is somewhat different than the get the highest grades and highest test scores philosophy for getting into top colleges. The FLIPPING BURGERS philosophy says that you should follow your passion in high school. This means trying to arrange a challenging but not overwhelming college schedule such that you own time to follow your passion outside of school.

And the advantage of following your passion outside college is that you can need to pursue activities that are not handed to you on a silver platter the school's own activities. Why, for example, join the high college drama club when you can join a regional theater team near your home? In this method you can demonstrate initiative to colleges to which you apply and your skills development should be richer for possessing to learn how to work act around adults of different ages. If you can be overwhelmed already and this is still early within the college year, think about whether you can be can re-adjust your college schedule such that you own more time to pursue your passion and still take academically challenging but not overwhelming courses. For example, this re-adjustment shall mean saving physics until summer college where you can really focus on this subject and, in location of this course during the college year, take a less-strenuous one that shall release you more free time subsequent to school. In addition, take advantage if your college has free tutoring on any subject.

Do not wait until you fall behind. Subsequent to you are done on first day of classes, leave to tutoring center and review the fabric with a tutor. THIS IS NOT A STIGMA!Many people trust that getting help implies weakness rather than indicating strength. It is actually a many better procedure for life to recognize when free services can strengthen your position and to take advantage of this available opportunity. Each person learns in an alternate way, yet repetition of new fabric can probably help everyone.

And, if you are going over new fabric with a tutor, you may discover that you misunderstood something that, if not corrected, should set you off in a primary wrong direction. Thus, by reviewing new fabric with a tutor, you can quickly discover where you are about to leave off track. If your college offers such services and these services should be of help to you, do not refuse to leave due to the fact that you are afraid this should make you look dumb. Instead, getting help creates you look smart - smart to take advantage of any help you can sequential to make sure you are on the right track. If even with tutoring you can be just not understanding a subject, you may think about whether you own an unidentified learning disability that is interfering with your success with this subject.

Frequently students are can unconsciously cope with learning disabilities until high school, when the subject reason gets too difficult to cope without possessing learned specific coping skills for your learning issues. Whatever you do, hold an reveal mind. It is only by being willing to fail that you can learn something new. Whether you can be set on always appearing smart, you can be prevented from receiving risks that can lead you to new understanding.

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