Saturday 28 April 2012

Imbecile Man! Tell Us What You Own Created? Not Even An Atom!

Imbecile man! Tell us what You own created, apart from your daily shit?
 Oh Man! The arrogant boaster and self-conceited miserable being
What did you make in this world? Nothing.  Well, every vase declares what is in it. Did you ponder you can make something?
You are unable to make a wing of a fly, let alone a fly or an amoeba. atom structure incapable of creating 3 antennas of a cockroach hanging on his head. You own no antennas attached to your mini head, otherwise, you should have knowledge of where you can be going in life.
But you don't. Tell us of someone who does have knowledge of what is he, or she, doing in this world? No one can answer this question, mostly scientists, men of knowledge, and exact knowledge at that. Subsequent to all, these sciences are called exact sciences, aren't they?
What's so exact about them? Nothing. They can not even tell us what reason is? Where did it return from? What explains its presence? What explains its structure? What explains its function? unless you own 3 antennas and could not release a damn.

You are incapable to understand life? You can be incapable to explain death. This is what you can be an utter shit, created into a person shape. Pretentious to knowing and you nothing, except what things let you to discover.
Things, like the universe and whatever is in it, for example, tell us what they need to tell us. They tell us and we need to listen. They speak to us and we need to hear. They reveal to us their presence, their structure and their form, shape, color and function; life and other myriads of features, and we see. They stand aloof from us offering their secretes to whoever is ready to be humble and understand, to admire and apreciate, to have knowledge of and acknowledge its creator.
They reveal their inner thoughts, and inner and outer dimensions, while we reap their benefits. But we stand all the time at a distance shape things watching what they decide to reveal. It is not in our power to make anything. We only discover what is and then use what we discover. We not ever invent anything uncover its plans and exploits it.
We only assemble of what already is, what we discover and what we uncover in existence. The universe is there, already there prior to us. Our planet earth is there, already there prior to us. We ourselves, shit as we are, are already there in front of us. Civil engineers discover rules and reason is already there to build and construct. Medicine discovers illness and remedies that already there.
No person being, scum or otherwise, have contributed to presence of anything within the universe. Nature, we only discover it, its contents and its constituents, its inhabitants, its habits, its rules, its energy, its power, its capacities expressed in every little thing. Life and death, remain as mysterious as our existence, our origin and our finality. 
Unless you have knowledge of better!
We must learn how to bow below to Creator of everything, acknowledging Him in absolute humbleness and abasement, submitting unto the the Power that place your atoms together.

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