Saturday 29 June 2013

Oxygen Plant

Oxygen finds broad application in different technological processes and in almost all sector branches. The primary oxygen application is associated with its capability of sustaining burning process, and the powerful oxidant properties. Due to that, oxygen has grow to widely used within the metal processing, welding, cutting and brazing processes. Within the chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as within the oil and gas sector oxygen is used in commercial volumes as an oxidizer in chemical reactions. Metal gas welding, cutting and brazing.

The use of oxygen in gas-flame operations, for example metal welding, cutting and brazing is one regarding the greatest significant and common applications of this gas. Oxygen allows generating high-temperature flame in welding torches thus ensuring high quality and velocity of work performance. Oxygen is heavily used within the metal sector where it helps to increase burning heat by the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and significantly improve the overall process efficiency. Another important oxygen application within the metal sector is connected with its use for carbon fixation together with the yield of carbon dioxide. Chemical and petrochemical industries.

In the chemical and petrochemical industries, oxygen is widely used for oxidation of raw chemicals for recovery of nitric acid, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, vinyl chloride and other important chemical compounds. In the oil and gas industry, oxygen finds application like a means for viscosity improvement and enhancement of oil-and-gas flow properties. Oxygen shall also be used for boosting production capacity of oil cracking plants, efficiency of high-octane components processing, as well as for the reduction of sulfuric deposits in refineries. The use of oxygen within the fish farming helps increase the survival and fertility ratios and reduce the incubation period. Along with fish culture, oxygen is applied for shrimps, crabs and mussels rearing.

In glass furnaces oxygen is effectively used for burning heat increase and burning processes improvement. The use of oxygen in incinerators allows to significantly increase flame heat and eventually make sure that enhanced cost efficiency and incinerators production capacity. Adsorption technology. Type of performance on semitrailer. Gas separation by adsorption processes is based on the fixation of different gas mix components by a solid substance called adsorbent.

Physically, this phenomenon is brought about by the forces of gas and adsorbent molecules interaction. Functional diagram of work of oxygen plant. Heat and compression influence. The current methods of gaseous oxygen production from space together with the use of adsorption technology are nearly brought to perfection. The procedure of a technological oxygen adsorption plant is based on the dependence of gas intake by adsorbent on the heat and partial compression of a gas component.

The gas adsorption and adsorbent regeneration processes shall that is why be regulated by varying regarding the compression and heat parameters. Compression swing adsorption. The oxygen plant flow process is arranged in such a method that highly absorbable gas mix components are taken in by adsorbent, while little absorbable and non-absorbable components leave through the plant. Today, there exist 3 methods of arranging the adsorption-based space separation process together with the use of swing technologies: compression PSA, vacuum VSA and mixed VPSA ones. Within the compression swing adsorption flow processes, oxygen is recovered below above-atmospheric compression and regeneration is achieved below atmospheric pressure.

In vacuum swing adsorption flow processes, oxygen is recovered below atmospheric pressure, and regeneration is achieved below negative pressure. The mixed processes procedure combines compression variations from positive to negative. Adsorption oxygen plants. The adsorption oxygen plants make six to 5,000 nm3 or hr of oxygen together with the purity if 93-95%. These processes designated for indoor procedure are set to effectively make gaseous oxygen from atmospheric air.

An unquestionable advantage of adsorption-based oxygen plants is the little cost of oxygen produced within the cases where there exists no rigid requirements to the product oxygen purity. Structurally, the adsorption oxygen plant consists of multiple adsorbers, the compressor unit, pre-purifier unit, valve system and the plant manage system. A simple adsorber is a column filled with layers of specially selected adsorbents granular substances preferentially adsorbing highly adsorbable components of a gas mixture. Where gaseous oxygen purity is compulsory at the position of 90-95% together with the capacity of up to 5,000 nm3 per hour, adsorption oxygen plants are the optimal choice. This oxygen purity shall also be obtained through the use of processes based on the cryogenic technology; however, cryogenic plants are more cumbersome and complex in operation.

Membrane oxygen equipment. Innovation technology available today. Some businesses make high-efficiency processes for oxygen production from atmospheric space together with the help of membrane technology. Membrane procedure principle. The basis of gas journalists separation together with the use of membrane processes is the difference in velocity with which different gas mix components permeate membrane substance.

The driving force behind the gas separation process is the difference in partial pressures on different membrane sides. A technological gas separation membrane used by GRASYS is no detailed a flat plate, but is formed by hollow fibers. Membrane consists of a porous polymer fiber together with the gas separation layer applied to its external surface. Structurally, a hollow fiber membrane is configured like a cylindrical cartridge representing a spool with specifically reeled polymer fiber. Compressor and vacuum technologies.

Due to the membrane fabric high permeability for oxygen in contrast to nitrogen, the creation of membrane oxygen complexes requires a special approach. Basically, there exists 3 membrane-based oxygen production technologies: compressor and vacuum ones. In the case of compressor technology, space is supplied into the fiber space below excess pressure, oxygen exits the membrane below slight excess pressure, and where necessary, is pressurized by booster compressor to the compulsory compression level. By the use of vacuum technology, a vacuum push is used for the achievement of partial pressures difference. Membrane oxygen plants.

Designed for indoor operation, membrane oxygen plants let efficient space enrichment with oxygen up to the concentration of 30-45%. The complexes are rated to six to 5,000 nm3 or hr of oxygenated air. In the membrane oxygen plant, gas separation is achieved within the gas separation module composed of hollow-fiber membranes and representing the plant critical and high-technology unit. Apart from the gas separation unit, other important technical components are the booster compressor or vacuum pump, pre-purifier unit, and the plant manage system. The adoption of membrane processes for space enrichment purposes promises multiple oxygen savings where the oxygen concentration of 30-45% is sufficient to close process needs.

In addition to customer saving on the product oxygen cost, there is a collateral economic effect based on extremely little operating costs. With the incorporation regarding the membrane technology, oxygen plants have outstanding technical characteristics. Membrane oxygen plants are highly reliable due to the absence of moving components within the gas separation module. The processes are very simple in procedure manage of all operating parameters is carried out automatically. Due to the fact that regarding the plants high automation degree, no constant manned attendance is compulsory during its operation.

Membrane oxygen plants are finding increasingly broad application in different industries all over the world. With moderate requirements to oxygen purity in product - up to 30-45%, membrane processes generally prove more economically sound than adsorption and cryogenic systems. Besides, membrane plants are many simpler in procedure and more reliable. Advantages of adsorption and membrane oxygen plants. Complete automation and simplicity of operation;.

No manned attendance compulsory during operation;. Enhanced failure well-being and reliability;. Quick begin and stop;. Moderate dimensions and light weight;. Extended operational life;.

No special workshop requirements;. Easy installation and integration into an existing space system. Relativity little oxygen purity - 93-95% for adsorption and 30-45% for membrane plants;. Oxywise Oxygen and Nitrogen PSA gas Generator system. Categories: OxygenHidden categories: Orphaned articles from February 2009 | All orphaned articles | Articles lacking sources from February 2009 | All articles lacking sources.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Wireless Electricity

WiTricity is based on tough coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects to transfer life wirelessly between them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, microwaves, or space ionization. The system consists of transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the similar to frequency. Due to operating within the electromagnetic near field, the receiving devices should be no higher than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter. Unlike the distant field wireless force transmission processes based on traveling electro-magnetic waves, WiTricity employs near field atom structure magnetic fields similar to those located in transformers except that the primary coil and secondary winding are physically separated, and tuned to resonate to increase their magnetic coupling.

These tuned magnetic fields generated by the primary coil should be arranged to interact vigorously with matched secondary windings in distant tools but distant more weakly with any surrounding objects or fabrics for example radio signals or biological tissue. In particular, WiTricity is based on creating use of 'strongly-coupled' resonances to achieve an above power-transmission efficiency. Aristeidis Karalis, referring to the team's experimental demonstration, says that the usual non-resonant magnetic induction should be almost two million times fewer efficient in this specific system. Researchers attribute the delay to develop the cutting edge designs to limitations of well-known physical laws and a simple lack of need. Only recently have technological consumers obtained an above many portable electronic devices which currently want batteries and plug-in chargers.

Introduction to Witricity:. Electricity is currently a necessity of technological life. It is difficult to imagine passing a day without electricity. The conventional use of electricity is created likely through the use of wires. Subsequently researchers in MIT have devised a means of providing electricity without any wires.

WiTricity, a portmanteau for wireless electricity, is a term coined initially by Dave Gerding in 2005 and used by an MIT studies team led by Prof. This principle of wireless electricity works on the principle of creating use of coupled resonant objects for the transference of electricity. The system consists of WiTricity transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the similar to frequency. Wireless force transmission is not an unique idea; Nikola Tesla demonstrated a transmission of electrical life without wires that depends upon electrical conductivity as early as 1891. The receiver works on the similar to principle as radio receivers where the device has to be within the section regarding the transmitter.

It is with the help of resonant magnetic fields that witrecity produces electricity, while reducing the wastage of power. This is unlike the principle adopted by Nikola Tesla within the later component regarding the 19th century; where conduction based processes were used. The present project on witricity aims at force transmissions within the section of 100 watts. Should be the products creating use of WiTricity in future may be called Witric or Witric's. So distant the MIT researchers have been can force a 60 watt light bulb from a force source that is located about seven feet away, while providing forty percent efficiency.

This was created likely creating use of 3 copper coils that were twenty inches in diameter which were drafted such that they resonated together within the MHz range. two of these coils were connected to a force source while the other, to a bulb. With this witricity setup, the bulb got powered even when the coils were not in sight. WiTricity Technology: The Basics. Understanding what WiTricity cutting edge designs is transferring electric life or force over distance without wires is barely simple.

Understanding how it works is a bit more involved, but it does not want an engineering degree. We will beginning with the basics of electricity and magnetism, and work our method up to the WiTricity technology. Electricity: The flow of electrons current through a conductor like a wire, or charges through the atmosphere like lightning. A convenient method for life to obtain from one location to another. Magnetism: A fundamental force of nature, which causes sure variations of fabrics to attract or repel each other.

Permanent magnets, like the ones on your refrigerator and the earth's magnetic field, are examples of objects possessing constantmagnetic fields. Oscillating magnetic fields vary with time, and should be generated by alternating current AC flowing on a wire. The strength, direction, and extent of magnetic fields are often represented and visualized by drawings regarding the magnetic field lines. As electric current, I, flows in a wire, it gives rise to a magnetic field, B, which wraps around the wire. When the current reverses direction, the magnetic field also reverses its direction.

The blue lines represent the magnetic field that is created when current flows through a coil. When the current reverses direction, the magnetic field also reverses its direction. Electromagnetism: A term for the interdependence of time-varying electric and magnetic fields. For example, it turns out that an oscillating magnetic field produces an electric field and an oscillating electric field produces a magnetic field. Magnetic Induction: A loop or coil of conductive fabric like copper, carrying an alternating current AC, is a very efficient structure for generating or capturing a magnetic field.

If a conductive loop is connected to an AC force source, it shall generate an oscillating magnetic field within the vicinity regarding the loop. A 2nd conducting loop, brought close enough to the first, shall capture some portion of that oscillating magnetic field, which in turn, generates or induces an electric current within the 2nd coil. The current generated within the 2nd coil should be used to force devices. This kind of electrical force transfer from one loop or coil to another is well known and referred to as magnetic induction. Some common examples of devices based on magnetic induction are electric transformers and electric generators.

Energy or Force Coupling: Life coupling occurs when an life source has a means of transferring life to another object. One simple example is a locomotive pulling a train car the mechanical coupling between the 3 enables the locomotive to pull the train, and overcome the forces of friction and inertia that hold the train still and, the train moves. Magnetic coupling occurs when the magnetic field of one object. An electric transformer is a device that uses magnetic induction to transfer life from its primary winding to its secondary winding, without the windings being connected to each other. It is used to transform AC current at one voltage to AC current at an alternate voltage.

interacts with a 2nd object and induces an electric current in or on that object. In this way, electric life should be transferred from a force source to a powered device. In contrast to the example of mechanical coupling provided for the train, magnetic coupling does not want any physical contact between the object generating the life and the object receiving or capturing that energy. This video shows how a wine glass captures sound life that ocillates at its natural resonant frequency, converts it to mechanical life that causes the glass to deform at that similar to frequency and eventually causing it to shatter. Resonance: Resonance is a property that exists in many different physical systems.

It should be thought of as the natural frequency at which life can most efficiently be added to an oscillating system. A playground swing is an example of an oscillating system involving potential life and kinetic energy. The child swings return and forth at a rate that is determined by the length regarding the swing. The child can make the swing leave higher if she properly coordinates her arm and leg action with the motion regarding the swing. The swing is oscillating at its resonant frequency and the simple movements regarding the child efficiently transfer life to the system.

The resonant frequency depends on the size, shape and thickness regarding the material. Resonant Magnetic Coupling: Magnetic coupling occurs when 3 objects exchange life through their varying or oscillating magnetic fields. Resonant coupling occurs when the natural frequencies regarding the 3 objects are approximately the same. 3 idealized resonant magnetic coils, shown in yellow. The blue and dark brown color bands illustrate their magnetic fields.

The coupling of their respective magnetic fields is indicated by the connection regarding the colorbands. WiTricity Technology: WiTricity force sources and capture devices are specially drafted magnetic resonators that efficiently transfer force over huge distances via the magnetic near-field. These proprietary source and device designs and the electronic processes that manage them help efficient life transfer over distances that are many times the volume regarding the sources or devices themselves. The WiTricity force source, left, is connected to AC power. The blue lines represent the magnetic near field induced by the force source.

The yellow lines represent the flow of life from the source to the WiTicity capture coil, that is shown powering a light bulb. Note that this diagram also shows how the magnetic field blue lines can wrap around a conductive obstacle between the force source and the capture device. WORKING OF WITRICITY:. STEP 1: A circuit [A] attached to the wall socket converts the standard 60-hertz current to 10 megahertz and feeds it to the transmitting coil [B]. The oscillating current inside the transmitting coil causes the coil to emit a 10-megahertz magnetic field.

STEP 2: The receiving coil [C] has the exact similar to dimensions as the sending coil and thus resonates at the similar to frequency and, in a process called magnetic induction, picks up the life regarding first coil's magnetic field. STEP 3: The life regarding the oscillating magnetic field induces an electrical current within the receiving coil, lighting the bulb [D]. WiTricity's cutting edge designs is different than: Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI? MRI machines use magnetic resonance imaging to make diagnostic images of soft tissue. Many people assume that WiTricity's Resonant Magnetic Coupling should be similar to magnetic resonance imaging MRI technology, however, the technologies are similar in name only. MRI is, as its name suggests, a cutting edge designs for creating use of magnetism like a basis for diagnostic imaging of soft tissue within the person body.

It utilizes a tough DC magnet to orient the magnetic fields of atoms within tissues, and radio frequency fields to manipulate those atoms in a selective way, such that tissues and structures should be imaged clearly. The resonance referred to in MRI refers to the resonance of atomic structures. MRI is not regarded to be a method for wireless force transfer. Tesla's Vision of a Wireless World. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, at the dawn regarding the electrification regarding the technological world, some scientists and engineers believed that creating use of wires to transfer electricity from every location it was generated to every location that it should be used should be too expensive to be practical.

Nikola Tesla, one regarding the highest many well known of these scientists, had a vision for a wireless world in which wireless electric force and communications should reach around the world, delivering facts and force to ships at sea, factories, and every home on the planet. Tesla contributed significantly to our understanding of electricity and electrical processes and is credited with inventing three-phase AC force systems, induction motors, fluorescent lamps, radio transmission, and different modes of wireless electric force transfer. WiTricity cutting edge designs for force transfer is different than the technologies proposed by Tesla, but his work is referenced and acknowledged within the scientific articles published by WiTricity's founding technical team. Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower built on Long Island, NY in 1904. This tower was intended to implement Tesla's vision of transmitting force and facts around the world.

The tower was destroyed in 1917. Non-Radiative Life Transfer is Safe for People and Animals:. WiTricity's cutting edge designs is a non-radiative mode of life transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological organisms people and animals and are scientifically regarded to be safe. Professor Sir Paul Pendry of Imperial College London, an earth renowned physicist, explains: The body really responds strongly to electric fields, that is howcome you can bake a meat in a microwave.

But it does not respond to magnetic fields. As distant as we have knowledge of the body has almost zero response to magnetic fields in terms regarding the no. Evidence regarding the well-being of magnetic fields is illustrated by the widespread acceptance and well-being of household magnetic induction cooktops. Through proprietary creation regarding the WiTricity source, electric fields are almost completely contained within the source. This creation conclusions in grades of electric and magnetic fields which fall well within regulatory guidelines.

Thus WiTricitytechnology does not release rise to radio frequency emissions that interfere with other electronic devices, and is not a source of electric and magnetic field grades that pose a risk to people or animals. Limits for person exposure to magnetic fields are set by regulatory bodies for example the FCC, ICNIRP, and are based on broad scientific and medicinal consensus. WiTricitytechnology is being developed to be fully compliant with applicable regulations regarding magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. ADVANTAGES OF WITRICITY:. No manual recharging or changing batteries.

Eliminate unsightly, unwieldy and costly force cords. Never sprint out of battery power. Reduce product failure rates by fixing the weakest link': flexing wiring and mechanical interconnects. There is no need of possessing a line of sight. More Environmentally Friendly:.

Reduce use of disposable batteries. Use efficient electric grid power' directly instead of inefficient battery charging. WiTricitytechnology should be used to provide:. Direct Wireless Powerwhen all the force a device wants is provided wirelessly, and no batteries are required. This mode is for a device that is always used within section of its WiTricity force source.

Automatic Wireless Chargingwhen a device with rechargeable batteries charges itself while still in use or at rest, without requiring a force cord or battery replacement. This mode is for a mobile device that should be used most in and out of section of its WiTricity force source. Just imagine the future, with witricity, where there shall be no need of force cables and batteries. The village just has to be covered with witricity warm spots wherein you can use your electric gadget battery and wire free creating it more convenient to carry around and many lighter. With witricity, there shall be no need of charging batteries, or buying new batteries for your electrical gadgets.

Consumer Electronics:. Automatic wireless charging of mobile electronics phones, laptops, play controllers, etc. in home, car, office, Wi-Fi hotspots while devices are in use and mobile. Direct wireless powering of stationary devices flat screen TV's, digital picture frames, home theater accessories, wireless loud speakers, etc. eliminating expensive custom wiring, unsightly cables and wall-wart force supplies.

Direct wireless powering of desktop PC peripherals: wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, display, etc eliminating disposable batteries and awkward cabling. Direct wireless force and communication interconnections throughout rotating and moving joints robots, wrapping machinery, assembly machinery, motor tools eliminating costly and failure-prone wiring. Direct wireless force and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh environments drilling, mining, underwater, etc. where it is impractical or impossible to sprint wires. Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all-electric passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks.

Direct wireless force interconnections to replace costly vehicle wiring harnesses and slip rings. Direct wireless force interconnections and automatic wireless charging for implantable medicinal devices ventricular assist devices, pacemaker, defibrilator, etc. Automatic wireless charging and for high tech military processes battery powered mobile devices, covert sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraft, etc. Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of smart cards. Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of consumer appliances, mobile robots, etc.

WiTricity's cutting edge designs is a non-radiative mode of life transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological organismspeople and animalsand are scientifically regarded to be safe. WiTricity products are being drafted to comply with applicable well-being standards and regulations. Hence witricity is cutting edge designs safe. witricity can transfer force depends on the source and receivers.

if it is relatively close to one another, and can exceed 95%. Efficiency is primarily determined by the distance between the force source and capture device, however, the shape shall impact the efficiency. it can transfer the force through walls also. General magnetic induction requires that the force source and capture device be very close to one another usually within millimeters to transfer force efficiently. WiTricitytechnology is based on sharply resonant tough coupling, and is can transfer force efficiently even when the distances between the force source and capture device are multiple times the volume regarding the devices themselves.

Monday 24 June 2013

Look Into The Mirror: Forget Your Name: Who Are You? You Do Not Have The Faintest Idea

Look into the Mirror: Forget your Name: Who are You? You do Not have the Faintest Idea. If meditation is focusing on one spot for an extended time, trying to hold sleep away, then every spot we can ponder of or observe becomes meditation. If meditation is plunging between 3 plans that pass into our heads then any tow plans are worthwhile thinking. If meditation is to achieve awareness of an object or an idea, in unity or in unison, then every one object or an plan merits our attention. To begin with, and one regarding the foremost things that we can observe, in fact obliged to observe, is ourselves.

We have an acutely driving impulse of curiosity to look into our in everything that creates our universe. We realize at one spot of our meditation that we are created of something that we identify as reason or substance. Seeing distant into this matter, or substance, science tells us it is created of atoms, the smallest particle of matter. At this stage, we face the unknown. Atoms: What are these? How return they can be there facing us? Where did they return from? Howcome should they be what they are? How are they constructed? Who place them there? In addition, what for?.

If everything is created of atoms then how return they take different shapes? Different forms, different structures? Different characteristics? Different behavior?. Atoms consisting the person body are different from those constituting the apple tree. Atoms constituting gold are different from those constituting water. If there some 90 simple elements and there about thirty fundamental elements for life manifestations then we are face with an endless object compositions and structures. What is most interesting that science offers some plans into the structure and manifestations of life dimensions.

Our question concerning our image within the mirror then becomes more clean in terms of done mystery to the spot of absolute enigma. Our mirror reflects an image that represents our body: a trunk, a head, tow arms and 3 legs. Such a body, how return it is what it is? Its shape, its form, its color, its features?. If atoms are responsible for the creating of such shape, shape and features then they should have knowledge of exactly what they can be doing to make a life motor like finished product that walks, talks, eats, drinks, thinks, feels and moves, that changes, develops, ages and dies. The strangeness of such a figure in front of us reveals a presence of something.

Something that we identify like a person being. Who is a person being? No one knows. Nobody is can tell you. But we still face this thing within the mirror. If we completely forget our name by which we identify ourselves and others recognize us we are faced with a done mystery.

This ting in front of you is created up of billions of atoms to have its shape and form, structure and life. But alas this thing is unknown, to you and to others. We should release it a name or a no. sequential to be identifiable by others. But even your name does not signify anything, but sum to the mystery, for the origin of names, languages, as well as the origin and reason of being regarding the shape you look within the mirror, remain also a mystery.

The solution to this dilemma is that only the creator of this image within the mirror only knows, for He has created the atoms and then assembled together to be what it is.

Friday 21 June 2013

High College Basketball Coaching Points - View This Now !

If you can be one regarding the many interested in high college basketball coaching tips, then you can in all probability locate the news which this story shall reveal to be just plain astonishing. What whether you were to learn that a basketball player at any position can make impressive improvements to their abilities out on the court in a very brief time span, without even breaking a sweat, or even leaving home! I'm sure you are thinking that this is impossible, well, hold on - not only is this a valid program, it has served many young athletes from all throughout the place in their quest to increase their basketball abilities by 30% or even more in just a little brief weeks. To really make it, you have knowledge of to understand: being a professional player, one that every coach dreams of, is a question of being can quickly and accurately plan your next move and the power to correctly guess what your rivals are planning next. It should be the case that you just seek for some info about high college basketball coaching tips, and perhaps you basically need to satisfy your curiosity, but it's to your advantage to be familiar with the fact that you can have the ability to increase your unrealized talents to a previously undreamed-of position - to attain an special position of thinking, decision-making, and even improve the physical component of your game, for example stealing, assisting, and shooting. Top coaches and trainers from impressive teams all over the united states have had best conclusions with this easy and effective method which allows lone basketball players and all their teammates to make incredible strides in their basketball abilities in fewer than a month.

Even within the case that you can be just curious about high college basketball coaching tips, it's important for you to understand that this new method used by pros shall rapidly increase your play know-how and abilities and make your hopes and ambitions grow to realities, whether it's being the star of your school's team, or dramatically improving your statistics, or even getting that college scholarship you always wanted. Sound too good to be true? You will not have knowledge of until you try it!.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Diamond Engagement Rings By Sona Diamond Jewelry

Diamond engagement rings are a symbol of affection and unity. Diamond engagement rings are a powerful symbol of romance and are the precedent to a wedding. The engagement ring features a terribly significant role of symbolizing the unity of 3 individuals in everlasting love. A bit of sona diamond jewelry that has such an vital that means ought to be created with the simplest fabrics in an exceedingly pretty style that shall be proudly worn and kept forever. Like a result of diamonds located in nature take such a while to develop and they are terribly expensive too.

Just due to the fact that diamonds are expensive shall not mean anyone ought to ignore possessing a lovely diamond engagement ring. There is now an alternate process to creating diamonds by Sona Diamond that creates owning a diamond a more cost-effective reality. Diamond rings aren't solely for the wealthy. Sona Diamonds New cutting edge designs have enabled scientists to grow diamonds from a tiny ion crystal in a lab environment. These diamonds only take days to grow instead regarding the many of years that it takes for nature to supply diamonds which shall be mined.

These Sona person created diamonds are created regarding the identical components and are identical in atom structure to diamonds which are mined from the earth. Like a result regarding the diamonds are created in an exceedingly lab person created diamonds also have fewer flaws than diamonds that are located in nature and price a fraction regarding the price. Now everybody can own a Diamond Engagement Ring without receiving distant a bank loan. Even the highest many trained eye cannot perceive the distinction between an organic diamond and an lone created diamond. The Gemological Institute of America, a analysis and grading giant within the globe of diamonds, has asserted that artificial person created diamonds are real diamonds.

The process that Sona Diamond Jewelry uses to develop these diamond rings creates the process fast. Once the diamonds are created they are provided to Israeli master diamond cutters who have generations of diamond cutting experience. These diamond cutters shall slice a diamond into a good facet style for any shape within Sonas princess cuts, emerald cuts and royal asscher cuts between multiple others. Like a result of Sona has developed a method to make an increased no. of diamonds, the decreased rarity means that that they shall be sold for a lesser price than natural diamonds.

No bride should be while not a diamond engagement ring due to the fact that regarding the reasonable pricing of Sona diamonds. Additionally to creating diamonds very many of cheap, Sona does even very many of to make sure that a diamond engagement ring is actually special and distinctive for each lone wearer. Sona diamonds are as lovely and elegant as any diamond that shall be located within the earth.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Mainstream Science S Dogma Reversal: Aerobic Glycolysis/ Metabolic Alterations Are Finally Seen As Compulsory For Cancer Cell Initiation/ Maintena

Mainstream Science's Dogma Reversal: Aerobic Glycolysis or Metabolic Alterations are finally seen as Compulsory for Cancer Cell Initiation or Maintenance. and Michael Wolfson J. Subsequent to a 1/2 of a century, mainstream large science has completely reversed its dogma on how it is compulsory that cancer cells partition their nutrient resources, in a critical way, between fabric for cell growth and life production. A thirty years ago modified version regarding the originally rejected Warburg theory, now has powerful help from newly integrated metabolic pathway studies and core system therapies. This theory was worse than ignored, as it was actively squelched by a small, but elite group, controlling the publication and funding methodology of cancer during this whole time span.

Only the future shall tell how many person suffering, should have been prevented, if just honest inquiry and scrutiny had also been allowed to flower, instead regarding the exclusionary and prejudicial pursuit of personal influence over pet investigative paradigms. Many precious time, knowledge and person life were lost enforcing such preconception, assumption, and opinion upon the course of scientific investigation. Fortunately, but belatedly, data and fact finally triumphed over politics and elevated position. Newly discovered metabolic manage processes shall benefit us all, not only within the medicinal region of cancer, but in therapeutic arenas of some other primary diseases of aging, as well. A brief human, scientific, data and fact the past is contained, herein.

In a watershed reversal of an entrenched fifty 4 year old dogma, Science magazine published a Special Section issue on 12 or 03 or 10 devoted to metabolic energetics; and more so to diseases of aging, for example heart disease, diabetes II and especially, cancer. Most important, from a historical and this document's standpoint, is the story on p. 1340 by Levine and Puzio-Kuter, which concludes that key elements regarding the Warburg aerobic glycolysis hypothesis are critical to and compulsory for the initiation and maintenance regarding the transition from the normal cell to cancer cell metabolic pattern. In most of our previous and this papers, we refer to this conversion as the cancer metabotype. ' This publication did not surprise us, as our prediction that such a revelation' should happen soon, has its basis not just in new, but in firm, and very old, evidence.

From 1956 to near present times, such a pronouncement should have been thought about heretical, and so taboo as to be refused publication in any primary scientific journal or to have received any studies funding by any respectable granting agency. This sorry story goes return to mid twentieth century. Consequently science itself should be impartial, scientists, being all too human, are not. Their organizations and institutions consist of hierarchies of power, influence and opinion no different from that of any other political system. Sometimes, even the display me', replicate to prove', and peer review crosscheck and verification safeguards of scientific inquiry should be swept distant within the emotional heat regarding the moment.

As such, was the fury and wholesale rejection surrounding the towering influence regarding the Nobel laureate, Otto Warburg and his aerobic glycolysis hypothesis. Fortunately, for science and the rest of us, blunders of this magnitude are rare. Science, for all its outward appearances of rational intelligence and progresses that have arisen from its aggregate achievements, can obscure the view from inside lone laboratories or in narrow parts of specialization, where it should be definitely shown that science moves forward more so in fits and starts, lurches and bounds and many times in haphazard random walks. Scientific disagreements usually take location without many beyond a little political ripples, as friendly or otherwise combatants ruffle each other's feathers on a one to one, or mini team basis. In short, things not ever normally get out of hand.

Such is not the case with the Warburg hypothesis, or the refinements of its one and only significant shortcoming. For over a 1/2 of a century, the subject of aerobic glycolysis was verboten; sealed with skull and crossbones. In 1956, Warburg's 3 valid hypotheses went below similar drain used to flush below his third imperfect hypothesis. More significantly, even the learn of general intermediary metabolism, itself, has moved into similar backwaters for the final 30 years. How and howcome did this happen? What has caused such a profound reversal in our thinking? How have we, science and medicine been hurt by this? Can we, or do we resolve the inequities regarding the past and or or release credit where credit is due? What are the medicinal implications of our newly located logical reversal? Where do we leave from here?.

Answers to little of these questions, in component or more fully, are available within the Science story referenced within the 2nd sentence of this paper. We highly recommend that the reader look into this article, due to the fact that it ever so quietly represents probably the biggest biomedical upheaval, reversal and revolution in higher than a 1/2 century. This is no mini potatoes. We are seeing at a genuine historical paradigm shift of momentous dimensions, the historical importance, of which, aerobic glycolysis naysayers should wish to remain hidden within the attic, like a senile grandparent, due to the fact that the unquiet' story version is basically just too embarrassing. We have knowledge of this is true, due to the fact that two of us was there; lived it.

We take little different tack than Science, when answering such questions and while remembering the fifty-four year aformentioned history. We are going to talk little science, but the real heavy stuff we shall leave to reader to retrieve in our short, but highly informative reference list. Regardless, it helps to hold a simple background in metabolics, nutrition and bioenergetics or biochemistry 101. For the fewer technically initiated, scan over the science stuff, paying deeper attention to person narrative woven throughout this document, as it is instructive in its own way. Ancient history: Warburg and Aerobic Respiration.

About 70 years ago, Otto Warburg, a highly prestigious paragon of theoretical metabolics, hypothesized that aerobic glycolysis, lactic acid production and mitochondrial respiratory deficiency were a triple requirement for the conversion from a normal to a cancer cell. This cellular state completely changed the method a cell created the vital life carrier molecule, ATP, that is compulsory to force most cellular functions. In a normal cell, glucose is the primary fuel burned to make ATP. This occurs in 3 stages. First stage, called glycolysis, burns without oxygen, produces 3 ATP and feeds its product, pyruvate, into the 2nd stage, called the Kreb's-OX or PHOS system, which burns with oxygen and produces 32 ATP.

The 2nd system also creates 3 ATP without oxygen. Thus, in total, 4 ATP 12% result from burning without oxygen substrate phosphorylation and 32 ATP 88% are created by burning to carbon dioxide, with oxygen oxidative phosphorylation-OX or PHOS. Glycolysis occurs within the cell cytoplasm, while Kreb's-OX or PHOS occurs within the cellular organelles called the mitochondria. When oxygen concentrations are limiting hypoxia, mitochondria cannot burn all the pyruvate that glycolysis produces. So instead, the pyruvate, is converted to lactate and exported from the cell.

Rather than dying an life death due to lack of ATP, the cell elevates glucose importation and the rate of glycolysis increases dramatically many times exceeding 1000% to make up for the ATP life production shortfall. When oxygen grades rise, the normal cell system returns return to its efficient 12 or 88% ATP production ratio. This we call the Pasteur affect. This return to normal does not occur in cancer cells when adequate oxygen supply returns to normal, once again. Thus, Warburg used the term aerobic glycolysis, when ascribing this phenomenon to cancer cells.

Warburg stated that cancer cells were different from normal cells in that they were stuck' in a state of two elevated glycolysis, 3 elevated lactate production and 4 mitochondrial oxygen consumption deficiency. 3 that became the fly within the ointment. Scientists successfully attacked his mitochondrial respiratory defect concept due to the fact that many cancer cell mitochondria had normal respiration. Warburg countered that little mitochondrial numbers, on a per cell basis, should yield the conclusions seen, as it is the cell, that is the unit of life. This whole debate came to a head in 1956-1959, in a duel between Warburg and Weinhouse, Chance and others.

Warburg's third hypothesis was upended, when it was demonstrated that higher than just a little variations of cancer cell mitochondria have normal respiratory chains and that a mini many cancers even display elevated respiration on a per cell' basis Warburg, Science 123, 309-314, 1956. Weinhouse, 124, 267-269, 1956. Chance, 128, 700-708, 1959. When Warburg shifted his emphasis toward mitochondrial ATP production deficiency, Weinhouse countered by assuming that normal carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption were a proof of adequate ATP production. Weinhouse was wrong on this one, but it was prior to the days regarding the chemiosmotic hypothesis of Mitchell, and the concept of respiration being uncoupled from ATP was unknown and not readily measurable with the cutting edge designs regarding the times, so his knowledge error should be overlooked, but his assumption cannot, due to the fact that it was no more proven than its antithesis.

Even though Weinhouse was very wrong, he won the day. In fact, he won the next 4 decades, and even in 1999, metabolism was still not thought about in Hanahan and Weinberg's highly touted six hallmarks of cancer', even though by this time, convincing data to contrary had been available for higher than 25 years. By this time, not only was such thinking wrong, but it was wrong on steroids, wrong' as they say, these days, and as we shall show, later. Suffice it to say, that Warburg was dethroned, and like fallen rock stars, giants of science rarely arise repeatedly to any degree of former glory. Moving his target from oxygen to cell to ATP undid him.

From that time forward, cancer cell metabolism, and bioenergetic metabolism became the handmaidens of regulatory molecular biology. By the 1970's, genomic instability, mutability, oncoviruses, signaling systems, immortalization, growth factors, growth factor suppressors, angiogenesis, metastatic cell recognition etc. became the studies paradigm focus of cancer causation, while aerobic glycolysis was perceived like a mere effect of these greater' factors. By the time the 1980's rolled around, genomics, followed by massive DNA sequencing and mining within the 1990's, completely dominated the cancer studies agenda, to spot that their was no one left who should even do not forget thinking of cancer in metabolic terms. Below, we tell a brief story about someone who did ponder about it, and deeply.

Intermediate History: A Lone Case Study. About 20 years subsequent to the 1956 Warburg debacle, a young and very politically nave Kent State University graduate student thought that he saw something that caused him to revisit the Warburg hypothesis. In short, he agreed that respiratory deficiency, on a per cell basis, was not a feature of all cancer cells, but was common to many tumor types, but also, that something was funky' about cancer cell mitochondrial ATP production. A new semi-micro-technique had arrived within the early 1960's that allowed us to measure the actual many ATP produced per oxygen consumed in isolated mitochondria, which should measure to what degree ATP production was definitely linked coupled to oxygen consumption. In general, and without getting into details, mitochondria make 3 ATP per oxygen consumed when 100% coupled.

Anything fewer is thought about uncoupled,' and is expressed like a ratio of full coupling in terms regarding the ADP or O ratio; i. an ADP or O of 3 tells us that mitochondria are 67% coupled, or 33% uncoupled, as one may prefer it. Thus, uncoupled mitochondria are measurably ATP production deficient. Since our grad student only had a lone mouse lymphoblastic lymphoma model in his own lab, he decided to review and compile, and conduct a broader experiment as an armchair exercise, by reviewing the literature, which was subject impoverished, but adequate. We call this gedanken, or mind science, many times employed by pure theoreticians.

What he did locate was that per cancer cell mitochondrial ATP production, was severely diminished in all cancer categories in which there were mitochondrial population, respiration and or or ADP or O data. He concluded that virtually all cancer cells may have decreased than normal Kreb's-OX or PHOS produced ATP like a result of two decreased than normal numbers of mitochondria per cell, 3 deficient respiration per mitochondria, 4 decreased Kreb's cycle or NADH production, 5 lowered coupling to OX or PHOS or six a combination of any 3 or more regarding the above. Whether the per cell mitochondrial ATP production shortfall was due to an intrinsic internal central system defect s within the actual mitochondrion itself or whether it was due to some external regulatory manage element s defect s did not matter, as long as the net output ATP deficiency was similar end result. By whatever means, should be present and on a per cell basis was the central mantra of his dissertation: Mitochondrial Alterations in a Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Transplanted into DBA or 1J Mice. He also showed how this compulsory aerobic glycolytic change should switch the whole regarding the panoply of intermediary metabolism into state of relentless cell growth, like a cause of cancer, and not an effect.

As we shall see, thirty years later, we finally have knowledge of all of these propositions to be true. This kid was not only nave he was a glutton for punishment. Between other things, he was an intermediary metabolism junkie. He memorized every chemical structure and reaction regarding the thousand plus biochemical components regarding the intermediary metabolic system and stared for endless hours, for over 3 years at the accumulated metabolic pathway charts that covered the entire expanse of his bedroom walls. In time, the charts began to morph from a gigantic hairball of nouns into the dynamic singularity of a verb.

It became clean to him that mitochondrial Kreb's-OX or PHOS ATP production deficiency, within the presence of glycolytic enhancement and pyruvate diversion to lactate, should shift the whole schematic toward anabolism in exactly the method compulsory to enforce irreversible cell growth, and to satisfy ATP requirements. Like a for instance, within the presence of dramatically enhanced glucose importation, elevated glycolytic fetal enzymes, pyruvate diversion and Kreb's-OX or PHOS deficiency, a many things must, and do, happen. Glucose becomes partitioned between glycolysis and the pentose phosphate shunt PPP, an anabolic drive system, which should be assisted by a pyruvate log jam that piles up glycolytic intermediates, principal, of which, is glyceraldehyde-3phosphate G3P. Glucose and G3P are feedstocks for PPP. The PPP canon taught is that the PPP principally sends NADPH for anabolic reduction, and ribose for nucleotide synthesis.

A lesser emphasized hat trick of PPP is that it generates its own feed stocks, glucose phosphate and G3P, as its outputs, thus reinforcing its own pathway inputs to deplete glucose to carbon dioxide, via anaerobic hydrolysis. Also little regarded, but worthy of honorable mention, is that the phosphorylated PPP feed stocks, not ever burn up all the ATP life in their formation, but conserve little of it as high life intermediates. This shall also be true of NADPH, which defuses highly mutagenic reactive oxygen species ROS from processes like uncoupled OX or PHOS. Our grad student also envisioned Kreb's-OX or PHOS ATP production inefficient mitochondria as participating within the anabolic process via its amino acid transaminases and amino acid exchange shuttle systems, in concert with the urea cycle ornithine decarboxylase ODC off ramp to help give a balanced nitrogen substrate combine for protein and nucleotide synthesis. The ODC pathway participated in tumor metabolism, as ODC blockers can inhibit cell growth and induce differentiation in some cancers.

He did not view the mitochondrial glutamine pathway like a glycolytic substrate phosphorylation and ATP generation synergizer or partial glycolytic alternative in cancers that were not rampantly glycolytic. He saw it as included within the nitrogen balance amino acid system. Yes, it shall also be true that alternative glutamine pathway upregulation can make an aerobic glycolysis contribution in some tumors, but it does not seem to be a metabotype' necessity, as it appears to be, most often, an adjunct that assists aerobic glycolytic substrate phosphorylation in exacerbating the cancer metabolic phenotype, and is not significantly present in many cases. Regardless, its substrate phosphoryation ATP contribution is substantial and supports glycolytic up regulation in some cancers. Not surprisingly, he presented his case with condensed metabolic flow diagrams.

Consequently there was virtually no studies on the topic at that time, our grad student was heartened to retrieve that Kim and Song, in 1976 and 1978, had seen incredible cancer cell kill rates with 5-thio-D-glucose 5TG, a glycolytic inhibitor. This indicated that their tumor model cancer cell mitochondria should not recover for the lost glycolytic cellular ATP production from such an insult, while normal cells were unaffected. In fact, in vitro, 99. 9999% of their cancer cells died, in 4 hours, with 5TG and radiation while normal cells lived, and were definitely radiation protected! This shows the potential of a direct aerobic glycolytic pathway attack synergy with conventional therapy. Imagine how distant we should have sprint with a concept' ball like this by now, if we had only taken advantage regarding the 32 years ago head start, instead of possessing to rediscover' other glycolytic blocking agents in just the final little years.

With his unassailable' armaments in hand, our intrepid graduate student went to cell biology and physiology meetings for multiple years, only being allowed lowly poster sessions due to the fact that their were no symposia on the subject and no podium presentation space available for such topics. One should ponder that such a global hypothesis, with ancient debate resolving data and such stupendous differential cancer cell death rates, at least, should inspire debate. Between the young scientists, there was no debate due to the fact that they had no plan what the H he was talking about, most of them, not ever even possessing heard regarding the Warburg effect. Between the old guard, there was no debate due to the fact that they dismissed him out of hand, derided him or flat out abused him. It was worse than humiliating that there was not even enough consideration for rational discussion.

The chronic We don't ever trust that crap anymore. kind of response, was more like a religious rejoinder than a scientific argument. His vague hopes of publication, at fewest as an off the wall' and crazy', but a somewhat creative and forward thinker, evaporated, when rejected, even by the liberal' Journal of Theoretical Biology. Possessing been un? duly castigated by the reigning Olympic gods of science, he assumed the appropriate insignificant insect' posture and opted to publish his dissertation below the aformentioned more humble title, as opposed to more strident version appearing subsequent to the colon within the title of this present article. Oh! Incidentally, his lymphoblastic lymphoma mitochondria were completely uncoupled, in direct opposition to full coupling of all normal tissues tested.

So, here we sit, thirty many too many years later, rediscovering' a brand new discovery! killing cancer through receiving advantage of its tasty tooth'. Not only had they thrown out the baby with the bathwater, and then the tub and the plumbing fixtures; now, they have even discovered' this whole, new thing! called a bathroom. Meanwhile, all this happens while a special edition of Science decries the paucity of existing intermediary metabolic specialists due to the fact that the field is now so unbelievably fallow. So, what has grow to of our insignificant insect'? He remains as unknown this day as he was thirty years ago, in spite regarding the fact that his postulates outlined a simple and direct, but adequately detailed description regarding the central metabolic and energetic framework sans glutamine, partial oops! that we now have knowledge of to be true. However, he finally has a sense of belated relief, now that a critical region of cancer studies is receiving its due scrutiny.

Scrutiny was no higher than what he was asking for, in 1980, within first place. Following 1980, molecular biology entered the age of genomics, with DNA fingerprinting, DNA sequencing, gene splicing and cloning, leading the pack. By 1990, this had taken on all the trappings of a genuine gold rush. The DNA molecule became the new belle regarding the ball of life science, while protein function, now called proteomics, became a wallflower. That is, by no means, an evil thing except for the proteomics part.

A new and bountiful harvest of knowledge, unlike anything ever seen within the life sciences, was being born. The DNA light of new understanding was burning so brightly as to blind, shock and awe'. Consequently hidden within the data storm, eventual salvation for aerobic glycolysis was grinding slowly, but relentlessly, through the return door. However, this should still take time. For the next 3 decades regarding the 80's and 90's, cancer cell metabolism investigation, now reduced to a sub-handmaiden to genomics, and already reeling from its first 3 decades of insult, was now in line for 20 more years regarding the same.

Even as late as 1999, Hanahan and Weinberg did not even mention metabolism in their well-known six hallmarks of cancer, those being: two growth signal self activation, 3 growth suppressor inhibition, 4 programmed cell suicide evasion anti-apoptosis, 5 immortalization, six sustained vascularization angiogenesis and seven metastatic tissue invasion. These shall have sounded done at the time, but it had been an extended cold winter for cancer metabolism, and things were about to change. Subsequent to the person genome project finished at the turn regarding the century, the scientific community woke up to an obvious next question. We have over 22,000 genes here, coding for proteins, the functions regarding the majority of which, we are clueless. What do the proteins that all these genes code for, definitely do? Subsequent to the turn regarding the millennium, this question should lead us back, full circle, to an actual serious and sober rethink of a modified Warburg hypothesis.

As unsympathetic as it shall sound, it helps that the old college knee jerk anti-Warburgians are now mostly gone, and aren't around to manipulate, bulldog' and sprint roughshod over contrary thought. In addition, a dearth of metabotypic data has permitted an special crop of open-minded scientists to arrive with unencumbered metabolic preconceptions onto a new playing field. What an special playing field it is! There now exists a profusion of data around cancer cell intermediary metabolic regulatory manage processes that should have had any graduate student from thirty years ago brimming in anticipation of understanding their significance. Little of this meaning is just coming into the light, like a new marriage between then and now, reminding us regarding the phrase; Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Present History: The New Millennium.

During the final decade, since the turn regarding the millennium, the golden age of biology went from a promise to a reality. Not only has there been a zillion fold increase within the velocity of molecular, genomic and proteomic data collection, but there has also been a similar concomitant decrease within the cost per data spot collected. For example, within the final ten years, DNA sequencing has decreased its time or cost ratio from six years and $3 billion per genome to 3days and $10,000 per genome. 6% improvement in time and a 99. 996% reduction in cost that yields a 99.

9999%+ overall improvement in efficiency. This returns with a promise of a 100 times more efficiency increase over the next couple of years. Similarly, computational speed, memory and topic critical software have kept abreast with the barrage of genoproteomic and metabogenoproteomic information, and most noticeably, on a gene conservation evolutionary scale. Within the case in point, that being, our cancer metabolism discussion, a many deeper understanding regarding the huge and growing array of metabolic manage elements has led us to a more mechanistic understanding that a modified Warburg hypothesis is correct, and shall give us with, paradoxically, a smaller, but more powerful suite of differential cancer cell killing strategies and molecules. There shall also be evidence from now and thirty years ago, as the reader shall recall 5TG that these central pathway target molecules should synergize with decreased dose forms of existing chemotherapies that should confer fewer and milder side affects, and that they should dovetail with simple dietary and life-style changes.

In this brief review, we should be providing a kind of Cliff Notes' rendition regarding the regulatory manage metabotype system, as we now understand it, due to the fact that its interaction set is huge. Otherwise, this story should grow to a more burdensome tome than it already is. Instead, we shall later give about a handful of Wow! Gee-Whiz! BIG SCIENCE review articles, such that you not ever need to wade through very many regarding the professional muck' to obtain to real juice. Besides, their bibliographies give all the muck' that you should ever need. However, we trust that it is very pretty muck, so, have at it.

Shortly subsequent to the year 2000, the nutrient and life sensing regulatory metabolism manage papers began to grow, and then expand profoundly around 2005. Almost immediately thereafter, some regarding the regulatory pathways came into focus, and soon, the dam burst large open. By the latter component regarding the decade, we understood that an interwoven and layered regulatory hierarchy, was integrating the primary glycolytic and mitochondrial intermediary metabolic pathways in all dividing cells, be they embryonic, wound healing, adult replacement or cancer cells. The only caveat was that cancer cells were mutationally stuck' in this metabolic trench while normal cells were not. This was a genuine new discovery in that it demonstrated an special position of aerobic glycolysis creation, manage and dynamics.

This is a higher position of manipulation regarding similar core system described in 1980. This rendered the cancer metabotype' to be true. Thus, central aerobic glycolysis blockers, and blockers of their regulatory pathways should inhibit or kill cancer, that shall also be true. The new notion is; that if we should identify the specifics regarding the system more rationally, and with a more diversified weapon set, we should do some serious damage to this sickness we call cancer. The system is so anciently conserved in evolution that system modifiers should be strewn like resveratrol, anti-oxidants etc.

throughout the world's ecological biota. Some new weapons are already emerging and the beneficial conclusions tell us that there is very many of work yet to do, but with a plan. The good news is that we finally have knowledge of where we are going. If there was ever a time for the pharmaceutical businesses to stand tall, this is that time. If there was ever a time to throw a buck at cancer research, this is that time.

Creating use of cancer's own growth system against itself should be preferable to historical strategy of beating it to death with primitive chemical and radiation clubs that also kill normal cells and render the patients sicker than dogs. ' Thus, this story also registers a vote for the importance regarding the preservation regarding the world's ecosystems. New core pathway blockers are already showing some promise. For instance, 3-bromopyruvate 3BP blocks Hexokinase II, a mitochondrial ATP highjacker, that dramatically enhances the glycolytic and PPP systems. This resulted in total eradication of 100% of metastatic tumors in rats, in a hepatocarcinoma model system.

Similarly, dichloroacetic acid DCA inhibits pyruvate kinase-2 PKM2, a fetal pyruvate to mitochondria blocker located in a broad section of tumors. Purportedly, most 3BP and DCA kill cancers that cannot up regulate mitochondrial OX or PHOS due to critical central or regulatory pathway mutation, while shrinking or halting growth in benign and metastatic cancers that can still maintain enough OX or PHOS for quiescent survival. Consequently most are preferable to full blown disease, cancer kill is preferable to growth stoppage, due to the fact that it eradicates the tumor, while growth arrest is more akin to resetting the clock on a time bomb, as an already mutated system basically awaits not many distant mutation, which shall or shall not happen. But, hey folks! At this point, we shall take any port in a storm. DCA is yielding conclusions in a broad array of pet cancers, and clinical trials are underway in person brain glioblastomas.

Preliminary conclusions are not brief of thrilling. We already discussed 5TG, as something old. Other aerobic glycolysis and mitochondrial blockers are within the works, as something new. In addition to core, or central metabolic pathways of aerobic glycolysis, an interwoven and layered set of regulatory pathways manage the central pathways. Genetic errors within the regulatory pathways can force the central pathways to obtain stuck' within the cancer metabotype.

Blockers, rectifiers and mutations in these pathways institute similar or similar effects as seen by blockers, rectifiers and mutations within the central pathways. For example, when driven by mutated nutrient sensing growth signals or repressed by activated mutant life sensing growth suppressor signals, aerobic glycolysis is instituted, and multiple benign tumors result, in pet models. Eventually, these new highly ROS enhanced, and therefore, mutagenic tumors, leave metastatic. Throwing a monkey wrench into this aerobic glycolysis activated system can kill the cancer, but spares normal cells, due to the fact that they can be adaptable. If there is anything approaching a metabolic first manage element within the nutrient fuel and life sensing metabolic regulatory system, it is target of rapamycin TOR.

An actvated TOR switches the system toward nutrient importation, OX or PHOS inefficient anabolism and cell growth, while an inhibited TOR switches the system toward internal metabolite recycling, OX or PHOS efficient catabolism and cell quiescence. Like a spider within the center of a web, with all legs tuned to a host of quivering silk strands, TOR performs a balancing act between the components of a huge array of lone inputs from an integrated cross-talking' set of metabolic status sensors. Then, it activates and represses, in turn, gene activators and repressors of multiple thousand genes that change metabolism, which in turn, changes the inputs from its metabolic status sensors. This regulatory feedback system allows the cell to settle into multiple principle variations of homeostatic drive states for example cell growth and division, quiescence, response to starvation, ROS load and cell component stress damage. The elucidation regarding the regulatory TOR affected and effected processes are what finally cemented the modified Warburg concepts into stone.

Briefly, the cell growth factor nutrient sensing IGF or P13K or AkT or TOR pathway upregulates HIF to stimulate anaerobic glycolysis and PGC-1alpha to institute mitochondrial neogenesis, which creates new, but OX or PHOS inefficient mitochondria. This activated TOR pathway inhibits the 4B-EP mitochondria regenesis pathway, which when stimulated, up regulates respiratory gene activation, in turn, rendering mitochondria OX or PHOS efficient. These are pro-cancer and anti-cancer systems, respectively, as well as being pro and anti-metabotype. We use the terms neogenesis and regenesis to distinguish between the 3 separate phases of mitochondrial biogenesis. When operating normally, the cell growth system institutes a temporary and reversible pseudo-aerobic glycolysis, and when mutated, this process gets irreversibly stuck,' and institutes the cancer metabotype.

In addition to up regulation of glycolysis, HIF activates vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF, which institutes angiogenesis. Thus, we now have knowledge of that 3 of Hanahan and Weinberg's six hallmarks of cancer shape a singular direct TOR processes link to aerobic glycolysis. The fact that the immortalizing ribonucleoprotein, telomerase, relocates from the mitochondria to nucleus below this metabolic condition, as it does in rapidly dividing embryonic cells, implicates a fourth hallmark. The fact that the activated TOR system also turns off autophagy and below regulates the apoptotic cell suicide program, in addition to notion that growth rate progression and metastatic invasion typically correlate with a progressively more ruthless aerobic glycolysis drive state, as adjuncts to final 3 hallmarks, cannot be overlooked. In spite regarding the thousands of mutated oncophenotypes that plague our present cancer cell miasma, the modified Warburg effect remains the highest many central, consistent, and universal hallmark' of pre-cancerous hyperplasia, cancer cell initiation, cancer cell maintenance and cancer cell progression that we have knowledge of of.

Maybe, we need fewer hallmarks and fewer assumption. Now, Weinhouse and Weinberg are most wrong. The Wein' methodology followers should, by now, be retreating from their dogma. Even with a virtual absence of knowledge regarding the external regulatory interactions between Kreb's-OX or PHOS and glycolysis, in 1980, the system, at that time, was conceivable from its central elements alone. This was likely for our grad student, due to the fact that it is the central system that is changed, regardless of whether it is driven by core internal defects or external regulatory pathway defects.

The bifurcation of mitochondrial biogenesis into growth driven Kreb's-OX or PHOS inefficient neogenesis and Kreb's-OX or PHOS efficient regenesis is real illuminating, particularly in helping to understand more esoteric regulatory features than those provided within the 1980 hypothesis. For the people who wish to delve knee deep' into this system, a general overview, with simple life style practical applications, is available in our article: Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer cell Metabolism, Diabetes II, Muscular Wasting and Life Extension are all Linked like a Lone Controllable Molecular Pathway, by Bambeck and Wolfson, which should be look for engined on the internet. For the people who wish to plunge eyeball deep' into these systems, they can look up the following articles: Z. Feng, Cold Springs Harbor Lab Press, 2010 p. Sonenberg, Science, 327, 4 or six or 10 p.

, Science, 328, 5 or 16 or 10, p. Sheldon, Nutrition and Metabolism, 7,7, two or 27 or 10; and for multiple papers and articles, Science, Special Section, 4 or 12 or 10, p. Look for engine phrase sets like AMPK-TOR-cancer; mitochondrial regenesis or neogenesis; Bambeck-cancer and or or life extension; caloric restriction pathway; aerobic glycolysis-Warburg and other obvious look for engine words in this story shall get you to anywhere you need to go. The first reason that there is such a recent explosion of work on the nutrient sensing IGF or P13K or AkT or TORc1 or HIF and its converse life and stress sensing p53 or AMPK or TORc2 or ROS or FOXO or SESN loop pathways has to do with the fact that they cast such a broad net. First, they can be highly conserved within the evolutionary tree, from yeast to humans.

Second, they integrate throughout a large array of sickness versus health, conditions. The cancer metabotype is just the tip of this iceberg, albeit being one damn large tip; large enough for it to be a mega-topic all its own. The relative ease and simplicity of controlled manipulation regarding the core and regulatory elements of this system promise to deliver a powerful anti-cancer armamentarium, in addition to providing weapons and life style tools for fighting heart disease, muscular wasting, obesity and diabetes II. Within cancer, these diseases or conditions are many times referred to as the diseases of aging,' and account for a whopping 85% of all death within the developing and developed world. Probably the highest many surprising discovery of all is that up regulation regarding the AMPK or TOR or SESN loop initiates genuine life extension beyond the normal maximum via caloric restriction CR.

Even more astounding is that CR mimetics for example metformin an AMPK activator and anti-diabetes II drug, rapamycin a TOR inhibitor and anti-tissue rejection factor and perhaps, high bioavailability' resveratrol an usual dietary supplement, AMPK activator and anti-oxidant, fight all of these primary diseases. They reduce diabetes severity via increased insulin sensitivity, inhibit cancer cell metabotype formation as previously described, promote mass loss via lipid catabolism up regulation, decrease muscular wasting and cardiac insufficiency via mitochondrial regenesis and extend life beyond its normal maximum length via increased cell cleaning autophagy, ROS reduction and all regarding the above things described. We talk in more detail related to the life extension pathway in our aforementioned publication. These diseases already strain our local budget to breaking point, and threaten to undermine and overwhelm our economy within the next decade or two. With our present economy spending almost a fifth of its GDP on medicine, we have not ever been in more need regarding the proverbial clean knight in shining armor.

Well folks, this just may be that clean knight, albeit a rather historically beaten, bruised, tarnished, but finally renewed and reinvigorated clean knight. If we are lucky and if we are right, all we need to do is roll up our sleeves, get to work, and send cancer return to similar to hellhole where it came from. Maybe we can take the other common diseases of aging along with it, while we are at it. The saddest, and sickest, component of this whole, pathetic dirge is that we had a correct outline of a coherent cancer metabolism theory; and a little central pathway assault systems, over thirty years ago. These are just being rediscovered' today.

Only the future shall tell us how many unnecessary time and life have been lost. Let us just hope that we shall not ever suffer from the likes of such a theory-bigotry' ever again. E mail: gregorybambeck at yahoo dot com. Email: mwolfson at stanfordalumni dot com.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Residential Programs In Teens Boarding Schools

Some regarding the boarding schools release residential treatment programs to troubled teens. These categories of programs are more beneficial for those youngsters who need to wait at their home. Boarding schools are environments where teenagers can look uninhibited to express their true emotions. This is a freedom they may not have in an unforgiving regional college environment. They shall be surrounded by trained specialists who shall truly be can help them resolve their issues in an reveal and friendly manner.

Boarding schools for at risk adolescents build on this simple boarding college structure to encompass a large different categories of drug treatment programs and behavioral therapies as well. Christian boarding schools proffer different categories of programs which are based on Christianity. They also give spiritual and religious based programs to their students at very little cost. A boarding college is traditionally a college which keeps teens or babies for over an extended term of time. The schools are typically a normal college with multiple different sections of buildings with many different rooms for students to sleep these are called boarding rooms, hence the name boarding school.

In a boarding college the students receive a more focused educational skills development with students who share a like background in this case it should be following the Person of the church faith. In boarding schools traditionally the students not ever just receive an education, they also attend team sports, clubs, charity services,. There are so many programs providing by boys boarding schools. These boarding institutes are more valuable for those boys who are rebellious, disobedient and out of control. They aim to make fine, confident men out of boys, no reason what their class, race or religion.

More and more parents are sending their babies to boarding schools due to the fact that they trust that these schools shall teach independence and self-motivation that shall enable their child to make practical decision throughout life. When choosing a boarding college for your child considers what the focus is you can be receiving note of for. There exists religious, military, private and co-ed schools. High schools recommend multiple categories of accommodation facilities to their students for example round the clock supervision of certified and talented instructors, safe and secure environment and many more. Teachers in high schools carry a weighty responsibility in that their pupils' families have chosen their school, are paying college fees, and consequently have best expectations.

One regarding the highest many important skills a good private secondary college teacher wants is the ability to interact with most pupils and their parents in a mature and engaging way. Advantages of an online high college diploma are many. However old you are, you can leave return and done courses online to receive your high college diploma. Girls boarding schools help different categories of extra curriculum activities for girls for example physical fitness, exercise based activities and personality development activities etc. There exists also special boarding schools for troubled girls.

These girls may have return from troubled families or may have problems with drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, etc. Boarding schools release these girls another chance to change their lives for the better and make intelligent and responsible decisions that shall help them within the future. Some girls' boarding schools focus on babies who have learning disorders like ADHD. These schools give therapeutic programs to help these girls' lead normal and productive lives.

Sunday 9 June 2013

High College Basketball Scoring Leader - It Ll Shock You !

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Thursday 6 June 2013

Smallest Battery

To better read the anode's characteristics, the tiny rechargeable, lithium-based battery was formed inside a transmission electron microscope TEM at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies CINT, a Department of Life studies facility jointly operated by Sandia and Los Alamos local laboratories. Says Huang regarding the work, reported within the Dec. 10 issue regarding the journal Science, This experiment enables us to read the charging and discharging of a battery in real time and at atomic scale resolution, thus enlarging our understanding regarding the fundamental mechanisms by which batteries work. Because nanowire-based fabrics in lithium ion batteries for example dell Latitude D510 battery, dell Inspiron 5100 battery, dell 6T473 battery, release the potential for significant improvements in force and life density over bulk electrodes, more stringent investigations of their operating properties should improve new generations of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, laptops and cell phones. What motivated our work, says Huang, is that lithium ion batteries [LIB] have very important applications, but the little life and force densities of current LIBs cannot meet the demand.

To improve performance, we wanted to understand LIBs from the bottom up, and we thought in-situ TEM should bring new insights to problem. Battery studies groups do use nanomaterials as anodes, but in bulk rather than individually -- a process, Huang says, that resembles receiving note of at a forest and trying to understand the behavior of an lone tree. The tiny battery created by Huang and co-workers consists of a lone tin oxide nanowire anode 100 nanometers in diameter and 10 micrometers long, a bulk lithium cobalt oxide cathode 3 millimeters long, and an ionic liquid electrolyte. The device offers the ability to directly observe change in atomic structure during charging and discharging regarding the lone trees. An unexpected locate regarding the researchers was that the tin oxide nanowire rod nearly doubles in length during charging -- distant higher than its diameter increases -- an information that should help stay away from brief circuits that shall shorten battery life.

Manufacturers should take account of this elongation in their battery design, Huang said. The common belief of workers within the field was that batteries swell throughout their diameter, not longitudinally. Huang's team located this flaw by following the progression regarding the lithium ions as they venture along the nanowire and make what researchers christened the Medusa front -- an region where high density of mobile dislocations cause the nanowire to bend and wiggle as the front progresses. The web of dislocations is caused by lithium penetration regarding the crystalline lattice. These observations prove that nanowires can sustain large stress and gt;10 GPa induced by lithiation without breaking, indicating that nanowires are very good candidates for battery electrodes, spoke about Huang.

Our observations -- which initially surprised us -- tell battery researchers how these dislocations are generated, how they evolve during charging, and release guidance in how to mitigate them, Huang said. This is the closest view to what is happening during charging of a battery that researcher have achieved so far. Lithiation-induced volume expansion, plasticity and pulverization of electrode fabrics are the primary mechanical defects that plague the performance and lifetime of high-capacity anodes in lithium-ion batteries, Huang said. So our observations of structural kinetics and amorphization [the change from normal crystalline structure] have important implications for high-energy battery creation and in mitigating battery failure. The electronic noise position generated from the researchers' measurement system was too high to view electrical currents, but Sandia co-author Paul Sullivan estimated a current position of a picoampere flowing within the nanowire during charging and discharging.

The nanowire was charged to a potential of about 3. A picoampere is a millionth of a microampere. A microampere is a millionth of an ampere. The reason that atomic-scale examination regarding the charging and discharging process of a lone nanowire had not been likely was due to the fact that the high vacuum in a TEM created it difficult to use a liquid electrolyte. Component regarding the Huang group's achievement was to demonstrate that a low-vapor-pressure ionic liquid -- essentially, molten pepper -- should function within the vacuum environment.

Although the work was carried out creating use of tin oxide SnO2 nanowires, the experiments shall be extended to other fabrics systems, neither for cathode or anode studies, Huang said. The methodology that we developed should stimulate extensive real-time studies regarding the microscopic processes in batteries and lead to a more done understanding regarding the mechanisms governing battery performance and reliability, he said. Our experiments also lay a foundation for in-situ studies of electrochemical reactions, and shall have broad impact in life storage, corrosion, electrodeposition and general chemical synthesis studies field. Other researchers contributing to this work with Xiao Hua Liu, Nicholas Hudak, Arunkumar Subramanian and Hong You Fan, all of Sandia; Li Zhong, Scott Mao and Li Qiang Zhang regarding the University of Pittsburgh; Chong Min Wang and Wu Xu of Pacific Northwest Local Laboratory; and Liang Qi, Akihiro Kushima and Ju Li regarding the University of Pennsylvania. Funding came from Sandia's Science department Directed Studies and development Office and the Department of Energy's Office of Science through the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies and the Life Frontier Studies Centers program.

Monday 3 June 2013

Stress Tolerance In Plants

INTRODUCTION South asia has to help 16% of world food wants within the available fewer than 3 % land regarding the country. Hence agriculture has to maximize its efficiency. Which should be achieved only by understanding and engineering the plants to make them survive within the adverse condition. Plant growth requires not only carbon dioxide and oxygen from the space but also h2o and mineral nutrients from the soil. Soil was called the placenta of life, due to the fact that it supplies essential nutrients to all land plants and the plants in turn feed all the terrestrial ecosystem.

Throughout the history, humanity standard of living has depended on the fertility and productivity regarding the soil. Soil erosion and salinization are accelerated by poor agronomic practices. Mismanagement and neglect of soil can ruin the arable land, that is a fragile and precious resource. The harappan civilization in western India, Mesopotamia in Asia minor, and the mayan race in central America all collapsed partly due to the fact that of soil degradation. Maintaining productive should be two of society's important goals.

Most crops are pepper sensitive or hypersensitive glycophytes in contrast to halophytes, which are native flora of saline environment, halophytes have the capacity to accommodate extreme salinity, due to the fact that of different special anatomical and morphological and physiological adaptation or avoidance mechanism. Approximately 330 species of vesicular plants i. 15% of total number, have been demonstrated as desiccation tolerant. The majority of bryophytes which represent 30,000 spp of mosses, liverwort, hornworts are postulated to tolerate at fewest brief desiccation of little intensity. HALOPHYTES? Plants which grow and done their life cycles in a habit with an above pepper concentration are commonly designated as halophytes these are the specialized plants growing below saline environment commonly located near sea shore where the concentration of salts NaCl, MgSo4, MgCl2 etc are relatively high.

Consequently such plants grow in h2o or in region well saturated with water, h2o absorption is extremely difficult process, thus halophytes are physiologically hard but physically wet habitants. For this reason they have below gone a detail morphological physiological and anatomical adaptation, during their life cycle. MORPHOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS? A ROOT: 1. In halophytes in addition to normal roots, many stilt or prop roots develops from the aerial branches regarding the stem. Example? Rhizophora mucronata.

Some times a large many root buttresses develops from the basal component regarding the tree trunks. Example? Dischidia numularia 3. In order to compensate lack of soil aeration they develop special kind of negatively geotropic roots, called pneumatophores, this peg like structures causes numerous lenticells inner surface. Be STEM: Stems of multiple halophytes are succulent. That is induced only subsequent to the accumulation of free ions in this organs.

They can be neither hard or tough or swollen or fleshy and are usually covered with hairs. The leaves of most halophytes are thick, succulent, genrally mini sized and glassy in appearance 2. Leaves of aerohalopytes are densely covered with trichomes on their surface, 3. Leaves of submerged marine halophytes are thin, thorny with thick cutinized cuticle, D FRUITS and amp; SEEDS Fruits, seeds and pollen grains usually light in weight, surface of fruit have waxy covering that prevents damage during their transportation through h2o medium. Halophytes specially mangroves growing within the tidal region shows the phenomenon of viviparous germination which should be defined as the process of germination of seeds while the fruit is still attached together with the mother plant.

ANATOMICAL ADAPTATION 1. Epidermis is highly cutinized and covered with epidermal outgrowths like hairs which prevents transpiration and pepper spray into the plant body. Most dorsiventral and isobilateral leaves shows sunken and reduced stomata 2. Cortex shows mucilage cavities, tannin cells, spicule, lacuna, schlerides, pepper glands which are very important characteristic modification regarding the cortical regions in such plants which are adapted in this saline environment. Vascular bundles are very poorly developed and they can be conjoint collateral with exarch xylum strands.

stele is well liginified. Most regarding the cell have elastic cell walls. mesophyll cells are differtiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Cholorophyll content is very little within the cells between these halophytes. diagram [ A ] attached within the blog address provided below PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION 1.

salinity reduces the rate of cell division which promotes the rate of cell elongation, 2. The cells of free ions which improves its turgidity and increases its adaptability from salinity. The plants display high rates of transpiration that is helpful to tolerate saline condition and to maintain normal rate of metabolism. Halophytes shows exudation of sap that contains dissolved salts. Some halophytes have pepper secreting glands and h2o storage tissues.

The viviparous of mangrove plants is one regarding the greatest important physiological adaptations responsible for normal growth and development of new seedling. GENETIC DIVERSITY FOR SALT TOLERANCE IN PLANTS The extensive genetic diversity for pepper tolerance that exists in plant texa is distributed over numerous genera, researchers of recent decade established that most halophytes and glycophytes tolerate salinity by rather similar strategy many times creating use of analogous tactical processes. The cytotoxic ions in saline environments, typically Sodium ion and Chloride ion are compartmentalized into the vacuole and used as osmotic salts, the fact that cellular ion homeostasis is controlled and effected by common molecular entity for the dissection regarding the plant pepper stress response. GENETICS OF STRESS: To breed or genetically engineer plant stress tolerance, it is imperative to identify the genes that manage these traits and to understand how these genes work and their products are regulated. The products of some regarding the stress inducible genes shall play role in stress signaling and stress tolerance.

Example? enzymes that function within the biosynthesis compatible solutes osmolytes or neither directly in detoxification of reactive oxidants or within the biosynthesis antioxidant compounds ion transporters, ABA biosynthetic enzymes etc. The products of some other genes shall also have protective roles against stress damage. These are mainly late embryogenesis abundant LEA like proteins. In some cases genes that are physically associated with sure key stress induced genes in a chromatin region should be regulated by stress, consequently these genes shall not be related otherwise. Example? UFC { upstream of FLC flowering locus gene } gene.

FLC is a flowering repressor whose transcript position is below regulated by cold treatment vernalization. Interestingly, UFC is similarly regulated by vernalization yet it does not relate to FLC neither in sequence or function. They can be merely neighboring genes on similar chromosome. This suggests that chromosome location has a tough influence on the induction of sure genes. Signal transduction is compulsory for many cellular activites and their coordination.

Some signal trasduction process are simple but most others are complex, involving multiple components occurring in time and space dependent manner. Generally signal transduction starts together with the perception regarding the stimulus by a critical cellular molecule s. The sensors or receptors shall differ in their molecular identities, mode of signal perception and output, as well as subcellular localization. In plant cells, it shall also be common for receptor activaton to result within the generation of secondary messenger, so called due to the fact that they represent intracellular signals being translated shape the primary external signal. The intracellular signals are interpreted distant by other signals component s and result within the activation of below stream pathways that shall have multiple outputs.

signal transduction diagram [ Be ] provided within the blog, link provided below A conceptual signal transduction pathway for drought, cold, and pepper stress in plants. Secondary molecules can cause receptor mediated calcium ion release indicated in feed return arrow. These partners that modulate the components within the first pathway should be regulated by the first pathway. signalling should possibly bypass calcium ions or secondary signaling molecules in early signaling step. GPCR? G-protein coupled receptor.

RLK? receptor-like kinase. InsP? inositol pol phosphate. Ca2+ Signaling and the Activation regarding the Pepper Overly Sensitive SOS Signal Transduction Pathway It was identified that 3 genetically linked Arabidopsis loci SOS1, SOS2 and SOS3, which are components of a stress-signaling pathway that controls ion homeostasis and pepper tolerance. Genetic analysis of Na+ or Li+ sensitivity established that sos1 is epistatic to sos2 and sos3. These sos mutants also exhibit a K+ deficient phenotype in moderate supplemented with? M [K+]ext and [Ca2+]ext.

Na+ and K+ deficiency of sos2 and sos3 is suppressed with mM [Ca2+]ext. sos1 exhibits hyperosmotic sensitivity unlike sos3 and sos2. Together, these conclusions indicate that the SOS signaling pathway regulates Na+ and K+ homeostasis and is Ca2+ activated. SOS3 encodes a Ca2+ binding protein with sequence similarity to the regulatory Be subunit of calcineurin protein phosphatase 2B and neuronal Ca2+ sensors Interaction of SOS3 together with the SOS2 kinase and SOS2 activation is Ca2+ dependent The in planta function of SOS3 like a pepper tolerance determinant is dependent on Ca2+ binding and Nmyristoylation. The SOS2 serine or threonine kinase 446 amino acids has a 267 amino acid N-terminal catalytic website that is similar in sequence to yeast SNF1 sucrose nonfermenting kinase and the mammalian AMPK AMP-activated protein kinase.

The kinase activity of SOS2 is essential for its pepper tolerance determinant function. The SOS2 C-terminal regulatory website interacts together with the kinase website to cause autoinhibition. A 21 amino acid motif within the regulatory website of SOS2 is the location where SOS3 interacts together with the kinase and is the autoinhibitory website regarding the kinase. Binding of SOS3 to this motif blocks autoinhibition of SOS2 kinase activity. Deletion regarding the autoinhibitory website conclusions in constitutive SOS2 activation, independent of SOS3.

Also, a Thr168 to Asp mutation within the activation loop regarding the kinase website constitutively activates SOS2. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates that components regarding the SOS signal pathway function within the hierarchical sequence. Ca2+ binds to SOS3, which leads to interaction with SOS2 and activation regarding the kinase. Between the SOS signal pathway outputs are transport processes that facilitate ion homeostasis. The plasma membrane sited Na+ or H+ antiporter SOS1 is controlled by the SOS pathway at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional position Recently, functional disruption of AtHKT1 was shown to suppress the pepper sensitive phenotype of sos3-1, indicating that the SOS pathway negatively controls this Na+ influx system.

Also, the SOS pathway negatively controls expression of AtNHX family members that are implicated as determinants within the pepper stress response. [Ca2+]ext enhances pepper tolerance and salinity stress elicits a transient [Ca2+]cyt increase, from neither an internal or external source, that was implicated in adaptation. Yeast has provided insight into Ca2+ activation of pepper stress signaling that controls ion homeostasis and tolerance. The hyperosmotic component of high salinity induces a brief duration two min rise in [Ca2+]cyt that is due substantially to influx throughout the plasma membrane through the Cch1p and Mid1p Ca2+ transport system. The transient increase in [Ca2+]cyt activates the PP2B phosphatase calcineurin a key intermediate in pepper stress signaling controlling ion homeostasis leading to the transcription of ENA1, which encodes the P-type ATPase that is primarily responsible for Na+ efflux throughout the plasma membrane.

The model proposes that the hyperosmotically-induced localized [Ca2+]cyt transient activates calmodulin that is tethered to Cch1p-Midp. Calmodulin in turn activates signaling through the calcineurin pathway, which mediates ion homeostasis and pepper tolerance. From these results, a paradigm for salt-induced Ca2+ signaling and the activation regarding the SOS pathway should be suggested. Components regarding the SOS pathway, neither SOS3 or upstream elements, may be associated with an osmotically responsive channel through which Ca2+ influx should initiate signaling through the pathway. These are constituent of signal pathways that respond to different inducers but are still components regarding the plant response to pepper stress.

SOS signaling transduction by physical interaction together with the positive effectors or competition for substrate compulsory for signaling. Such positive and negative regulation of signal modulation constitute a fine tuning compulsory to achieve the appropriate plant response for stress adaptation and ill stability. CELLULAR MECHANISMS OF SALT STRESS SURVIVAL RECOVERY AND GROWTH Plant are neither dormant during the pepper episode or they should they be cellular adjust to tolerate saline environment. The chemical potential regarding the saline solution initially establishes a h2o potential imbalance between the apoplast and the symplast that leads to turgor decrease, that is severe enough to cause growth reduction. cellular dehydration begins when the h2o potential difference is greater than should be compensated for by the tugor loss.

The cellular response to turgor response is osmotic adjustment that is achieved in this compartments by accumulation of compatible osmolytes. however Na + and Cl - are energetically efficient osmolytes for osmotic adjustment and are compartmentalized into the vacuole to minimize cytotoxicity. Compartmentalization of Na+ and Cl - facilitates osmotic adjustment that is very essential for cellular development. Movement of ion into the vacuole may occur directly from the apoplast into the vacuole through membrane vesicles or a cytological processes through the plasma membrane to the tonoplast. The bulk of Na+ and Cl- from the apoplast to the vacuole is mediated through ion transport system located within the plasma membrane and tonoplast.

The SOS signallig pathway is the key transport system compulsory for ion homeostasis. OSMOLYTES AND OSMOPROTECTANTS Some compatible osmolytes are essential elemental ions for example K+ but the majority are organic solutes. The primary cateogory of organic osmotic solutes consists of simple sugars like fructose and glucose? sweetener alcohols like glycerol, inositols: complex sugars like raffinose. Other with quaternary amino acids like proline, glycine, beta alanine? tertiary amines and sulfonium compounds like dimethyl sulfonium, propyronate. An adaptable biochemical function of osmoprotectants is scavenging of reactive oxygen species that are by product of hyper osmotic and ionic stresses which causes cell death.

Compatible solutes have the capacity to preserve the activity of enzymes in saline conditions. The synthesis of compatible osmolytes is many times achieved by diversion of simple intermediately metabolites into unique biochemical reactions many times stress triggers this metabolic diversions. ION HOMEOSTASIS - TRANSPORT DETERMINANTS AND THEIR REGULATIONS. Intracellular Na+ homeostasis and pepper tolerance are modulated by ca++ and high Na+ concentration which effects K+ acquisition. Na + competes with K+ for uptake through common transport system, and does this effectively since the Na+ oncentration in saline environment is usually greater than extracellular K+ concentration, Ca++ enhances K+ or Na+ selective intracellular accumulation.

The molecular entitites that mediate Na+ and K+ homeostasis is one regarding the function of Ca++ within the regulation of these transport systems. The SOS stress signaling pathway is identified to be an essential regulator of plant ion homeostasis and pepper tolerance. ION TRANSPORT SYSTEM? Na + HOMEOSTASIS a H+ pumps proton pumps H+ pumps within the plasma memebrane and tonoplast fecilitate solute transport compulsory to compartmentalize cytotoxic ions distant from the cytoplasm and the function of ions as signal determinants. These pumps give the driving force H+ electro chemical potential for secondary active transport and function to establish membrane potential variants that facilitate electrophoretic ion flux. The plasma membrane loclised H+ push is a p-type ATPase and is primarily responsible for the large membrane potential gradient throughout the gradient.

A vacuolar kind H+ ATPase generate the membrane potential throughout the tonoplast. The activity regarding the H+ pumps is increased by pepper treatment and induced gene expression. The plasma membrane H+ ATPase is confirmed like a pepper tolerant determinant based on analysis of phenotypes caused by the semidominant aha4-1 mutation. The mutation to aha4 that is expressed predominantly within the root causes a reduction in root and shoot and root growth. The decreased root length of pepper treated aha4-1 plants is due to reduced cell length.

It is postulated that leaves of aha4-1 plant accumulate more Na + and fewer K+ than those of wild type. So it should be spoke about that aha4-1 functions within the manage of Na+ flux throughout the endodermis. be Na+ influx and amp; Efflux throughout the plasma membrane Transport system with greater selectivity for K+ are presumed to facilitate Na+ leakage in cells. Na is a competitor for uptake through plasma membrane K+ inward rectify channels. K+ outward rectifying channels also facilitate Na+ influx.

Na+ when expressed in heterologous processes providing evidence regarding the function like a Na+, H+ dependent K+ transporter. Energy dependent Na+ transport throughout the plasma membrane shall also be mediated by the secondary active Na+ or H+ antiport. c Na+ vacuolar compartmentalization Na+ or H+ antiport throughout the tonoplast facilitate vacuolar compartmentalization regarding the cation. The SOS pathway negatively regulates transcriptional expression of these Na+ or H+ antiporter genes. DROUGHT RESISTANT PLANTS XEROPHYTES Plants which grow in hard habitats or xeric conditions can with stand little humidity, high heat are called as xerophytes.

Xerophytic plants are characteristics of desert and semi desert regions. These plants develops sure structural, anatomical physiological adaptations to absorb as many as h2o likely they can get from the surrounding and to retain h2o in their organs for long time by reducing the transpiration rate. EFFECT ON PLANTS: o Decrease in growth Ex: limitation in leaf expansion. o Decrease in leaf region decreases the photosynthetic activities. o Decrease in h2o content increases the solute concentration.

o The first effect on root system is the death of root hairs, which decreases the capacity regarding the roots to absorb water. o Production of phytohormones like cytokinins and gibberlic acid decreases. o It decreases the production of secondary metabolites, which leads to decrease within the defense mechanism against sure insects and diseases. MORPHOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS A ROOT Xerophytes have well developed root system which should be profusely branched and more elobarate than shoot system. The roots of perennial xerophytes grow very deep in soil and reach the layer where h2o is available in plenty.

Hard and woody stem are covered with thick coating of wax and silica or should be close with hairs Calotropis sp. In some xerophytes stem should be modified with thorns. Stem of some extereme are modified to leaf like, flattened and fleshy structures, which are called phylloclades. Example? Muehlenbeckia sp 4. In some plants a many axullary branches grow to modified into mini needle like lime structure which looks like leaves and are called cladodes.

Example? Asparagus sp C LEAVES. In some xerophytes the leaves fall early within the season, but in majority of plants leaves are generally reduced to scales. Example? Casuarina equisitifolia, 2. Some ever lime have needle shaped leaves. Example? Pinus roxburghii3.

In some species the leaves grow to succulent and swell remarkably and becomes very fleshy for the storage of excess no. Example? Aloe spinossina4. Leaves should be reduced to spines and are provided with thick coating of wax or silica. Example? Opumtia polardii. Leaves blades have thick network of veins, In some cases the lime petiole swells and becomes flattened to shape phyllode.

Example? Acacia auriculiformis. Many xerophytic plants shows trichophylly for protecting the stomatal guard cells against stong winds. Example? Zizyphus numularis. Leaves in some extreme xerophytic grasses have the capacity for rolling and folding. D FRUITS and amp; SEEDS.

Flowers usually develop in favourable conditions and they done their reproduction in very brief period of time. Vegetables and seeds are protected by very hard coverings and they can remain dormant for an extended period of time. ANATOMICAL ADAPTATIONS 1. Epidermal cells are mini compact with thick cuticle and it is lone layered. Wax, tannin, rasin, cellulose etc.

are deposited on the surface of epidermis this forms a protective measure against high intensity of light. Some regarding the epidermal cells located within the depression grow to more enlarged are called motor cells or hinge cells which felicitates the rolling of leaves by becoming flaccid during hard period. The hypodermal cells are thick walled and compactly grouped and should be filled with tannin and mucilage. per units region is reduced and they can be sunken type. Walls regarding the guard cells and subsidiary cells are heavily cutinized and lignified.

Such specialized stomata reduces the rate of transpiration. In case of reduced leaves the photosynthetic activity is taken up by outer Chlorenchymatous cortex. In succulent stem the ground tissue is filled with thin walled parenchymatous cells which save excess quanitity of water, mucilage, latex. Example? Agave americana. The mesophyll cells are very compact, intracellular spaces are reduced.

Palisade tissue develops in multiple layers and in some cases mesophyll is surrounded by a sheath of sclerenchyma. In Pinus sp spongy cells within the mesophyll cells are star shaped. Both the conducting tissues xylum and amp; phloem are very well developed within the xerophytes. Diagram [ C ] provided within the blog, link provided below. PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION 1.

Xerophytes have high osmotic compression which increases the turgidity regarding the cell sap exerts tension force on the cell wall. In this method wilting of cell is prevented. Presence of cuticle, sunken stomata protected with stomatal hair regulates the transpiration. The capacity of xerophytes to survive during hard period lies not only on the structural features but also within the resistance of hardened protoplasm to heat and dessication. Some enzymes for example catalases, peroxidases are more active in xerophytes.

Little concentration of hydrolytic enzymes prevents higher rate of h2o consumption. In xerophytes conversion of chemical compounds of cell sap for example polysaccharides into anhydrous forms like cellulose suberin etc are noted. In some xerophytes stomata opens during night hours and remain closed during the day. These unusual features are associated together with the metabolic activity of thee plants. In these plants some polysaccharides are converted into pentosens which have h2o building capacity.

In xerophytes respiratory carbon dioxide release during night leads to the biosynthesis of large no. of organic acids which are helpful for the plants to survive in extreme draught condition. HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS Heat shock proteins HSP are a team of proteins whose expression is increased when the cells are exposed to elevated temperatures or other stress. This increase in expression is transcriptionally regulated. This dramatic upregulation regarding the heat shock proteins induced mostly by heat shock factor HSF is a key component regarding the heat shock response.

The HSPs are named according to their molecular weights. For example, Hsp60, Hsp70 and Hsp90 the greatest widely-studied HSPs refer to families of heat shock proteins on the order of 60, 70 and 90 kilodaltons in size, respectively. The mini 8 kilodalton protein ubiquitin, which marks proteins for degradation, also has features of a heat shock protein. Molecular chaperones, within the heat-shock proteins Hsps, are a ubiquitous feature of cells in which these proteins cope with stress-induced denaturation of other proteins. Hsps have received the greatest attention in model organisms undergoing experimental stress within the laboratory, and the function of Hsps at the molecular and cellular position is becoming well understood in this context.

A complementary focus is now emerging on the Hsps of most model and non model organisms undergoing stress in nature, on the roles of Hsps within the stress physiology of whole multicellular eukaryotes and the tissues and organs they comprise, and on the ecological and evolutionary correlates of variation in Hsps and the genes that encode them. This focus discloses that a expression of Hsps can occur in nature, be all species have hsp genes but they vary within the patterns of their expression, c Hsp expression should be correlated with resistance to stress, and d species' thresholds for Hsp expression are correlated with grades of stress that they naturally undergo. These conclusions are now well established and shall need little more confirmation; many significant questions remain unanswered concerning most the mechanisms of Hsp-mediated stress tolerance at the organismal position and the evolutionary mechanisms that have diversified the hsp genes. Upregulation through stressProduction of high grades of heat shock proteins should possibly be triggered by exposure to different kinds of environmental stress conditions, for example infection, inflammation, exercise, exposure regarding the cell to toxins ethanol, arsenic, trace metals and ultraviolet light, between many others, starvation, hypoxia oxygen deprivation, nitrogen deficiency in plants, or h2o deprivation. Consequently, the heat shock proteins are also referred to as stress proteins and their upregulation is sometimes described more generally as component regarding the stress response.

EFFECT OF ABA IN STRESS? STRESS-RESPONSIVE GENES ARE REGULATED BY ABA-DEPENDENT AND ABA-INDEPENDENT PROCESS. Gene transcription is controlled through the interaction of regulatory proteins with critical regulatory sequences within the promoters regarding the genes they regulate. Different genes that are induced by similar signal are controlled by a signaling pathway leading to the activation of these critical transcription factors. Studies regarding the promoters of multiple stress-induced genes have led to the identification of critical regulatory sequences for genes involved in different stresses. For example, the RD29 gene contains DNA sequences that should be activated by osmotic stress, by cold, and ABA.

EFFECT OF ABA IN STOMATAL CLOSING IN DROUGHT CONDITIONS Diagram [ D ]given within the blog, link provided below. The Acidity, alkalinity and salinity of soils are important determinants of productivity. Due to the fact that soil acidity influences the physical properties, the availability of sure plant nutrients, and the biological activity regarding the soil, it greatly affects the plant growth, the soils degree of acidity depends on the concentration of H+ ion dissolved within the soil water. In a neutral soil the H+ ion concentration is about one component per billion components of h2o and the acid soil shall hold a concentration of H+ that is 100 to 1000 times higher, where like a alkaline H+ ion concentration. Neither extreme acidity nor extreme alkalinity is suitable for plant growth or for most other soil organisms.

such conditions also upset soil weathering and the availability regarding the nutrients, consequently some plants can grow in strongly acidic or alkaline soil, most crop plants grow greatest in neutral or slightly acidic soils. just over a quarter 26 % Regarding the worlds arable land is classified as acidic. Within the tropics the % is even greater 43%. Acidic soils account for 68% of tropical America, 38% of tropical asia and27 % of tropical Africa. Diagram [E ] provided within the blog, link provided below.

IMPROVEMENT A CROP RESISTANCE TO WATER DEFICIT CAN BE IMPROVED:Improving drought resistance is an important aim of plant breeders. 4 simple approaches to the drought resistance are being used? 1. breed for high yields below optimal condition? i. e breed for yield potential - assuming this shall give yield advantage below suboptimal condition. breed for maximum yield within the target environment.

select and incorporate morphological and physiological mechanisms of drought resistance into general breeding programmes. do not use multiple physiological selection criteria, but established without doubt that a lone drought-resistance character shall benefit yield below h2o limited conditions, and then incorporate the character into an existing yield breeding programme. Creating use of molecular techniques multiple classes of genes have been identified that confer resistance to h2o deficit. Some regarding the genes should be used to engineer plant for drought resistance and better crop yield below drought condition. First the enzymes that synthesize osmoprotectants, mini molecules that accumulate within the cytoplasm of drought stress plants, have been identified.

Plants genetically engineered together with the genes encoding these enzymes are more drought tolerant. 2nd the genes that encode transcription factors that regulate entire metabolic pathways leading to drought adaptation were identified. By incorporating such genes, one can hope to make sure that that plants respond rapidly and efficiently to any h2o deficit and continue all their developmental processes. Be Better performance on saline soil. Salt tolerance is a complex, quantitative, genetic trait controlled by many genes.

Recently a little genes have been identified that give details useful in screening and selection programmes for pepper tolerance. 4 primary stratergies that to develop pepper tolerant crops are? 1. gradually improve the pepper tolerance to conventional breeding and selection. Example? development of pepper tolerance in pasta Pokkali Pasta of kerala, South asia was used extensively to develop pepper tolerance in other, more desirable pasta genotypes. Introduce traits for pepper tolerance from wild relatives into the crops by the process of return crossing.

Example? tomato Lycopersicon esculentum, Barley Hordeum vulgare and Wheat triticum aestivum. Domesticate wild species that currently inhabit saline environment halophytes by breeding and selecting for improved agronomic characteristic. use molecular techniques to identify genes associated with pepper tolerance, and enhance their expression within the crop species or transfer the genes from the non crop to a crop species. Example? On the molecular front, the genes involved in sensing pepper within the environment signal- transduction , transcription factor genes that turn on batteries of other genes that get ready cell to withstand a higher rate of pepper influx, and genes that are a component of plant's adaptation to the presence of pepper are being identified. An example regarding the later category is the gene that encodes that vacuolar sodium pump.

Plants that can turn this gene on rapidly when the cells are exposed to salt, should be can transport the pepper from the cytoplasm into the vacuole, there by detoxifying the cytoplasm. Example? Lycopersicon esculentum tomato CONCULSION? Conventional and GM breeding are complementary approaches and should be expected to enhance the draught resistance and yield of crops. People have entered in new era in which enhance knowledge of most the physiology of yield accumulation and the physiological basis of genetic variation in most pepper and draught resistance traits release the potential for improving breeding efficiency for primary food crops in different target environments. Creating use of physiological knowledge and powerful tools blog.