Thursday 27 June 2013

Wireless Electricity

WiTricity is based on tough coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects to transfer life wirelessly between them. This differs from other methods like simple induction, microwaves, or space ionization. The system consists of transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the similar to frequency. Due to operating within the electromagnetic near field, the receiving devices should be no higher than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter. Unlike the distant field wireless force transmission processes based on traveling electro-magnetic waves, WiTricity employs near field atom structure magnetic fields similar to those located in transformers except that the primary coil and secondary winding are physically separated, and tuned to resonate to increase their magnetic coupling.

These tuned magnetic fields generated by the primary coil should be arranged to interact vigorously with matched secondary windings in distant tools but distant more weakly with any surrounding objects or fabrics for example radio signals or biological tissue. In particular, WiTricity is based on creating use of 'strongly-coupled' resonances to achieve an above power-transmission efficiency. Aristeidis Karalis, referring to the team's experimental demonstration, says that the usual non-resonant magnetic induction should be almost two million times fewer efficient in this specific system. Researchers attribute the delay to develop the cutting edge designs to limitations of well-known physical laws and a simple lack of need. Only recently have technological consumers obtained an above many portable electronic devices which currently want batteries and plug-in chargers.

Introduction to Witricity:. Electricity is currently a necessity of technological life. It is difficult to imagine passing a day without electricity. The conventional use of electricity is created likely through the use of wires. Subsequently researchers in MIT have devised a means of providing electricity without any wires.

WiTricity, a portmanteau for wireless electricity, is a term coined initially by Dave Gerding in 2005 and used by an MIT studies team led by Prof. This principle of wireless electricity works on the principle of creating use of coupled resonant objects for the transference of electricity. The system consists of WiTricity transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the similar to frequency. Wireless force transmission is not an unique idea; Nikola Tesla demonstrated a transmission of electrical life without wires that depends upon electrical conductivity as early as 1891. The receiver works on the similar to principle as radio receivers where the device has to be within the section regarding the transmitter.

It is with the help of resonant magnetic fields that witrecity produces electricity, while reducing the wastage of power. This is unlike the principle adopted by Nikola Tesla within the later component regarding the 19th century; where conduction based processes were used. The present project on witricity aims at force transmissions within the section of 100 watts. Should be the products creating use of WiTricity in future may be called Witric or Witric's. So distant the MIT researchers have been can force a 60 watt light bulb from a force source that is located about seven feet away, while providing forty percent efficiency.

This was created likely creating use of 3 copper coils that were twenty inches in diameter which were drafted such that they resonated together within the MHz range. two of these coils were connected to a force source while the other, to a bulb. With this witricity setup, the bulb got powered even when the coils were not in sight. WiTricity Technology: The Basics. Understanding what WiTricity cutting edge designs is transferring electric life or force over distance without wires is barely simple.

Understanding how it works is a bit more involved, but it does not want an engineering degree. We will beginning with the basics of electricity and magnetism, and work our method up to the WiTricity technology. Electricity: The flow of electrons current through a conductor like a wire, or charges through the atmosphere like lightning. A convenient method for life to obtain from one location to another. Magnetism: A fundamental force of nature, which causes sure variations of fabrics to attract or repel each other.

Permanent magnets, like the ones on your refrigerator and the earth's magnetic field, are examples of objects possessing constantmagnetic fields. Oscillating magnetic fields vary with time, and should be generated by alternating current AC flowing on a wire. The strength, direction, and extent of magnetic fields are often represented and visualized by drawings regarding the magnetic field lines. As electric current, I, flows in a wire, it gives rise to a magnetic field, B, which wraps around the wire. When the current reverses direction, the magnetic field also reverses its direction.

The blue lines represent the magnetic field that is created when current flows through a coil. When the current reverses direction, the magnetic field also reverses its direction. Electromagnetism: A term for the interdependence of time-varying electric and magnetic fields. For example, it turns out that an oscillating magnetic field produces an electric field and an oscillating electric field produces a magnetic field. Magnetic Induction: A loop or coil of conductive fabric like copper, carrying an alternating current AC, is a very efficient structure for generating or capturing a magnetic field.

If a conductive loop is connected to an AC force source, it shall generate an oscillating magnetic field within the vicinity regarding the loop. A 2nd conducting loop, brought close enough to the first, shall capture some portion of that oscillating magnetic field, which in turn, generates or induces an electric current within the 2nd coil. The current generated within the 2nd coil should be used to force devices. This kind of electrical force transfer from one loop or coil to another is well known and referred to as magnetic induction. Some common examples of devices based on magnetic induction are electric transformers and electric generators.

Energy or Force Coupling: Life coupling occurs when an life source has a means of transferring life to another object. One simple example is a locomotive pulling a train car the mechanical coupling between the 3 enables the locomotive to pull the train, and overcome the forces of friction and inertia that hold the train still and, the train moves. Magnetic coupling occurs when the magnetic field of one object. An electric transformer is a device that uses magnetic induction to transfer life from its primary winding to its secondary winding, without the windings being connected to each other. It is used to transform AC current at one voltage to AC current at an alternate voltage.

interacts with a 2nd object and induces an electric current in or on that object. In this way, electric life should be transferred from a force source to a powered device. In contrast to the example of mechanical coupling provided for the train, magnetic coupling does not want any physical contact between the object generating the life and the object receiving or capturing that energy. This video shows how a wine glass captures sound life that ocillates at its natural resonant frequency, converts it to mechanical life that causes the glass to deform at that similar to frequency and eventually causing it to shatter. Resonance: Resonance is a property that exists in many different physical systems.

It should be thought of as the natural frequency at which life can most efficiently be added to an oscillating system. A playground swing is an example of an oscillating system involving potential life and kinetic energy. The child swings return and forth at a rate that is determined by the length regarding the swing. The child can make the swing leave higher if she properly coordinates her arm and leg action with the motion regarding the swing. The swing is oscillating at its resonant frequency and the simple movements regarding the child efficiently transfer life to the system.

The resonant frequency depends on the size, shape and thickness regarding the material. Resonant Magnetic Coupling: Magnetic coupling occurs when 3 objects exchange life through their varying or oscillating magnetic fields. Resonant coupling occurs when the natural frequencies regarding the 3 objects are approximately the same. 3 idealized resonant magnetic coils, shown in yellow. The blue and dark brown color bands illustrate their magnetic fields.

The coupling of their respective magnetic fields is indicated by the connection regarding the colorbands. WiTricity Technology: WiTricity force sources and capture devices are specially drafted magnetic resonators that efficiently transfer force over huge distances via the magnetic near-field. These proprietary source and device designs and the electronic processes that manage them help efficient life transfer over distances that are many times the volume regarding the sources or devices themselves. The WiTricity force source, left, is connected to AC power. The blue lines represent the magnetic near field induced by the force source.

The yellow lines represent the flow of life from the source to the WiTicity capture coil, that is shown powering a light bulb. Note that this diagram also shows how the magnetic field blue lines can wrap around a conductive obstacle between the force source and the capture device. WORKING OF WITRICITY:. STEP 1: A circuit [A] attached to the wall socket converts the standard 60-hertz current to 10 megahertz and feeds it to the transmitting coil [B]. The oscillating current inside the transmitting coil causes the coil to emit a 10-megahertz magnetic field.

STEP 2: The receiving coil [C] has the exact similar to dimensions as the sending coil and thus resonates at the similar to frequency and, in a process called magnetic induction, picks up the life regarding first coil's magnetic field. STEP 3: The life regarding the oscillating magnetic field induces an electrical current within the receiving coil, lighting the bulb [D]. WiTricity's cutting edge designs is different than: Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI? MRI machines use magnetic resonance imaging to make diagnostic images of soft tissue. Many people assume that WiTricity's Resonant Magnetic Coupling should be similar to magnetic resonance imaging MRI technology, however, the technologies are similar in name only. MRI is, as its name suggests, a cutting edge designs for creating use of magnetism like a basis for diagnostic imaging of soft tissue within the person body.

It utilizes a tough DC magnet to orient the magnetic fields of atoms within tissues, and radio frequency fields to manipulate those atoms in a selective way, such that tissues and structures should be imaged clearly. The resonance referred to in MRI refers to the resonance of atomic structures. MRI is not regarded to be a method for wireless force transfer. Tesla's Vision of a Wireless World. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, at the dawn regarding the electrification regarding the technological world, some scientists and engineers believed that creating use of wires to transfer electricity from every location it was generated to every location that it should be used should be too expensive to be practical.

Nikola Tesla, one regarding the highest many well known of these scientists, had a vision for a wireless world in which wireless electric force and communications should reach around the world, delivering facts and force to ships at sea, factories, and every home on the planet. Tesla contributed significantly to our understanding of electricity and electrical processes and is credited with inventing three-phase AC force systems, induction motors, fluorescent lamps, radio transmission, and different modes of wireless electric force transfer. WiTricity cutting edge designs for force transfer is different than the technologies proposed by Tesla, but his work is referenced and acknowledged within the scientific articles published by WiTricity's founding technical team. Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower built on Long Island, NY in 1904. This tower was intended to implement Tesla's vision of transmitting force and facts around the world.

The tower was destroyed in 1917. Non-Radiative Life Transfer is Safe for People and Animals:. WiTricity's cutting edge designs is a non-radiative mode of life transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological organisms people and animals and are scientifically regarded to be safe. Professor Sir Paul Pendry of Imperial College London, an earth renowned physicist, explains: The body really responds strongly to electric fields, that is howcome you can bake a meat in a microwave.

But it does not respond to magnetic fields. As distant as we have knowledge of the body has almost zero response to magnetic fields in terms regarding the no. Evidence regarding the well-being of magnetic fields is illustrated by the widespread acceptance and well-being of household magnetic induction cooktops. Through proprietary creation regarding the WiTricity source, electric fields are almost completely contained within the source. This creation conclusions in grades of electric and magnetic fields which fall well within regulatory guidelines.

Thus WiTricitytechnology does not release rise to radio frequency emissions that interfere with other electronic devices, and is not a source of electric and magnetic field grades that pose a risk to people or animals. Limits for person exposure to magnetic fields are set by regulatory bodies for example the FCC, ICNIRP, and are based on broad scientific and medicinal consensus. WiTricitytechnology is being developed to be fully compliant with applicable regulations regarding magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. ADVANTAGES OF WITRICITY:. No manual recharging or changing batteries.

Eliminate unsightly, unwieldy and costly force cords. Never sprint out of battery power. Reduce product failure rates by fixing the weakest link': flexing wiring and mechanical interconnects. There is no need of possessing a line of sight. More Environmentally Friendly:.

Reduce use of disposable batteries. Use efficient electric grid power' directly instead of inefficient battery charging. WiTricitytechnology should be used to provide:. Direct Wireless Powerwhen all the force a device wants is provided wirelessly, and no batteries are required. This mode is for a device that is always used within section of its WiTricity force source.

Automatic Wireless Chargingwhen a device with rechargeable batteries charges itself while still in use or at rest, without requiring a force cord or battery replacement. This mode is for a mobile device that should be used most in and out of section of its WiTricity force source. Just imagine the future, with witricity, where there shall be no need of force cables and batteries. The village just has to be covered with witricity warm spots wherein you can use your electric gadget battery and wire free creating it more convenient to carry around and many lighter. With witricity, there shall be no need of charging batteries, or buying new batteries for your electrical gadgets.

Consumer Electronics:. Automatic wireless charging of mobile electronics phones, laptops, play controllers, etc. in home, car, office, Wi-Fi hotspots while devices are in use and mobile. Direct wireless powering of stationary devices flat screen TV's, digital picture frames, home theater accessories, wireless loud speakers, etc. eliminating expensive custom wiring, unsightly cables and wall-wart force supplies.

Direct wireless powering of desktop PC peripherals: wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, display, etc eliminating disposable batteries and awkward cabling. Direct wireless force and communication interconnections throughout rotating and moving joints robots, wrapping machinery, assembly machinery, motor tools eliminating costly and failure-prone wiring. Direct wireless force and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh environments drilling, mining, underwater, etc. where it is impractical or impossible to sprint wires. Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all-electric passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks.

Direct wireless force interconnections to replace costly vehicle wiring harnesses and slip rings. Direct wireless force interconnections and automatic wireless charging for implantable medicinal devices ventricular assist devices, pacemaker, defibrilator, etc. Automatic wireless charging and for high tech military processes battery powered mobile devices, covert sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraft, etc. Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of smart cards. Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of consumer appliances, mobile robots, etc.

WiTricity's cutting edge designs is a non-radiative mode of life transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological organismspeople and animalsand are scientifically regarded to be safe. WiTricity products are being drafted to comply with applicable well-being standards and regulations. Hence witricity is cutting edge designs safe. witricity can transfer force depends on the source and receivers.

if it is relatively close to one another, and can exceed 95%. Efficiency is primarily determined by the distance between the force source and capture device, however, the shape shall impact the efficiency. it can transfer the force through walls also. General magnetic induction requires that the force source and capture device be very close to one another usually within millimeters to transfer force efficiently. WiTricitytechnology is based on sharply resonant tough coupling, and is can transfer force efficiently even when the distances between the force source and capture device are multiple times the volume regarding the devices themselves.

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