Saturday 15 September 2012

Atom - The Simple Component

All objects are created up of a reason known as Atoms. Atoms are the simple building blocks that matter. Atom is atom structure element of any reason or substance or element that cannot broken any further. Hence we can conclude that an Atom is the simplest component of any element that cannot be split into distant simpler substances. Example:Carbon Atom, Oxygen atom, hydrogen atom, etc.

From Yesterday to the present of Atom? The phrase atome came from a Greek phrase - atomos, meaning invisible', from - - a- meaning not' and amp; - temn meaning I cut', which like an entire means the reason that is invisible or uncuttable, i. , sumthing that cannot be divided further. This is a concept that was being proposed by Indian and amp; Greek philosophers. The spoke about that the atoms are invisible components of matter. The concept that reason is created up of discrete units and cannot be broken into futher arbitrary tiny quantities was around for higher than a millennia.

Later within the 17th or 18th centuries the chemists provided proofs by providing physical experiments and amp; breaking below to the urnest position when it cannot be broken further. But within the later years, or shall be exactly spoke about during the 19th or 20th 100 years the physicists discovered components that are located subsequent to distant breaking regarding the lone atoms, hence proving that the atoms are divisible further. Hence the simple plan regarding the structural formation of atoms shall be traced years subsequent to the time when the concept of atom was being proposed. Later within the year 1805, an English Instructor and amp; Natural Philosopher Peter Dalton, who is thought about as the originator of theModern Atomic Theory, explanied the reason for the character of any elements that react in ratios of mini and amp; whole numbers in any provided chemical reaction or for what reason cerain gases dissolves well in h2o than any other gases. He proposed that each and amp; every element is consists of unique kind of its own and amp; these atoms can join togather to shape chemical compounds.

Distant extension regarding the theory was done by different scientists to conclude with distant new discoveries. Further Division of an Atom? An atom is consists of a dense central nucleus sarrounded by a cloud of electrons that are negatively charged. At the nucleus the atoms consists of positively charged protons and amp; electrically neutran Neutrons. In conclusion we can speak that the atoms are consists of 3 parts:. Electron:These are the negatively charged components that sarrounds the nucleus and amp; consists of lone negative charge and amp; has very mini mass.

This is the component regarding the atom that actualy work during any chemical reaction. Protons:These are the positively charged components that is located within the nucleus havins the mass as two and amp; charge of +1. Neutrons:These are components with no charge and mass equal to 1.

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