Sunday 2 September 2012

The Similar To Force That Place Your Atoms Together Can Do It Again!

The similar to power that place your atoms together can do it again!. Believe it or not you can be created out of atoms. Trillions and trillions, endless atoms assembled together to shape your constitution, your systems, your height your weight, you color. All sorts of atoms with specialized shapes and structures, function and objectives are place together to make you what you are. From the sperm and ovule you can be created out of atoms.

These atoms constitute your cells and atom structure according to a very precise and succinct procedure and then evolves into a precise and meaningful program that your atoms should realize. Your atoms should undergo all sorts of forced shapes and forms sequential to constitute you body and all your systems. Every and each one system, like blood, heart, liver, lungs, brain, bones, muscles, nerves and glands have their own specific cells. Underlying the structure of these organs and processes there atoms. Your atoms work according the objective of every organ and every system that constitute your body.

They can be controlled in such method that they make what they can be created for. If any of your processes dysfunction as it should, in case of cancer or aids then your system suffers from disorderly atoms. Your atoms should all work in absolute harmony to make a fully harmonious functioning of your body. No one system should leave out of order or you die, or nearly. Your kidneys should function according to procedure they can be created for.

They have objectives to fulfill and t the letter. They cannot afford to dysfunction otherwise death is inevitable. Your heart atoms stop functioning for a brief little periods and you die. You shall survive if treated urgently but with a paralysis of one half, or other side effects. Any dysfunction in any of your processes leads into disequilibrium of your body and this shall result in death or other handicaps, brief or for life.

You cannot exist without your atoms. Now, what are atoms? Nobody knows. How did they return about? No one can answer. How did they return together to constitute yourself? No one knows. Why should these atoms function and how do they function to make you alive and kicking? No one can give with answers.

Mysteries and total enigmas. But, there you can be you are left with your atoms for a life-cycle, without any decision of yours and without any role to play nor manage over your atoms. The purpose regarding the moral of all this is that whoever created your atoms and place them together to make you what you can be for a sure time can repeat similar thing again, at pleasure. So, for the people who not ever trust in resurrection and a 2nd life within the hereafter, they ought to reconsider their logic. For whoever has assembled your atoms together can do it again.

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