Friday 31 August 2012

Disbelievers In One The God Deserve Hell Fire

Disbelievers in One The god Deserve Hell Fire We are all created of atoms. The universe and all its constituents are created of atoms. Everything small, microscopic or huge like a galaxy is created of atoms. Atoms need to be founded. Atoms need to be constructed within the method they are.

Atoms should be gathered together to shape a sure shape and a sure structure. Atoms should be place together sequential to bring about what we observe and see. Atoms should be held together in their shape and structures. They should hold a controlling force that manipulates its structure, change and shape and shape, color and energy. Whether we look into ourselves or our planet earth or the whole Milky method galaxy and farther to close the whole universe Atoms are needed.

Atoms are wanted in every shape and form, intensity and different and multiple dimensions and characteristics. These tiny little atoms perceived only by calculation and not seen by the eye but they exist regarding to sciences. What are these atoms? What is the origin of these atoms? Howcome should there be atoms?. Atoms are at heart of matter: whether we analyze them into their smaller components as neutrons, protons and electrons, or their smaller constituents for example the quarks or even smaller for example strings, if we happen to know within the Theory of Strings, these little things are not only responsible for the presence, change and shape of everything, but also responsible for the life and powers that they can be can produce. Atoms life is produced by subjecting little atoms of wealthy plutonium 36 to catapulting life that these little tiny things make the force of an atomic bomb or hydrogen one.

These are at the heart regarding the atomic life producing motoring force for electricity and sub marine functioning. This means that within these infinitely mini structures there lies the immense force that person is can imagine. These reason constituents should return from somewhere. If I and you did not bring about these atoms and place it together to shape our universe then someone should have done the job. Something that is capable of creating, Something that is capable of creating atoms, giving them its characteristics and putting them together and holding them together, otherwise they disperse and disintegrate.

This force should be can assemble together these atoms in whatever shapes and forms we can observe and examine. This force should be can have absolute manage over these atoms, otherwise chaos and disorder reigns and the whole thing should be in a mess. If existence, represented in its universe shape and some 3 million manifestations of life species, not counting flora or other forms, microscopic or otherwise, then the universe cannot possibly exist. If the earth goes near to the sun or the moon returns into collision with the earth then life perishes in little seconds. Sequential ot hold a universe the method our universe there should be a creator-designer-God that has performed everything.

Sequential to have life manifestations with absolute harmony between all life phenomena on our planet earth then a creating-organizing-controlling force is wanted to shape everything. If our life cycle as life manifestations is to be effectuated then there should be a power-architect that should have force over everything should exist. If our shape, form, structure as person beings as well as our processes of procreation ever to exist then there should there be a force that creates, shapes, forms, change and manage should exist. If we look minutely into the structure and shape regarding the universe and the structure and shape of life manifestations then we do look one pattern, one plan, one system, one kind of life structure, one system of change, one system of order, one system of laws, that are unchangeable. This in itself should indicate one creator, one designer, on architect, one maker and one controller and disposer: One God.

Now, the people who not ever acknowledge such a force should be blind in their minds and their hearts and souls not to see. Or rather they look the absolute need for such a force but ignore it out of pure arrogance. Their brain functions but rejects the greatest obvious of all, the need of a God. Disbelievers not ever know in The god for they can be not need for The god in their life. They exist and their conditions of existing are there, and their means of subsistence are there, so they not ever look the need for a The god All Mighty for their survival.

There where they fall within the error of calculating and thinking. There where they miss the greatest important question ever to challenge and defy man's own presence, intelligence and nature. Disbelievers in one The god are provided ample signs to reflect and deduce and then conclude the absolute certainty of a God-Creator capable of everything, and have manage over everything. To deny this creator-God is to deny the real truth but person blind himself to the truth and hence he deserves punishment for his intentional self-blinding and ignoring the truth. Man is forced to look into the universe.

He has a life time to do it. But he intentionally blinds himself to the creator The god and he ignores The god forgetting the very reason of his own being. This itself deserves Hell Fire.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Study With Graphics

Studying with graphics can enable learners grasp difficult concepts easier. Pictorial representation of an system can speak what a little hundred thousand words cannot do. In traditional text pamphlet aided learning plans expressed in text shape requires very many of creative imagination and explanation for the educator and learner. Though educational charts and 3-dimensional models have distant aided text pamphlet education, they still leave you with limitations to make understanding of concepts easier and limit or inhibit the process learning. The texts need stretch your imagination beyond your normal grades of thought to obtain the desired grasp regarding the difficult concepts in pictorial forms.

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Wednesday 29 August 2012

God Only Is The Creator: Person Only Discovers And Assembles What Is Already Created

God Only Is The Creator: Person Only Discovers and Assembles What is Already Created Creation belongs only to The god who creates everything from nothing. The act of creation, according to 3 books of religion namely the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an is restricted only and only to God. The god in these texts is the only force that commands by act: the act of creation. The Book of jesus informs us: Within the beginning The god created heaven and earth'. Genesis 1:1 Within the Qur'an we read: It is The god who has created heavens and earth'.

Qur'an 14: 32 In Chapter 36: 82 we read: If The god wants to make a thing, then He says to it: Be, and it is. In order to make you have knowledge of to have the fabric compulsory to bring about something into existence. This is only the website of God. Reason is created of atoms. Atoms are created of protons, neutrons, electrons.

These little particles that constitute atoms are distant now hypothesized to smaller particles like quarks and super quarks and these are distant constituted by strings and super strings that are 3 million times smaller than quarks, itself smaller than protons or neutrons some 3 to 3 hundred thousands of times. These infinitely mini particles: strings should be created sequential to return to being. Otherwise, they remain extra existence. Some force should have brought them into existence, planned its structures, assembled then in whatever form, shape, life or other characteristics as this force pleases. These particles are place together not only according to its structure, shape and shape and color but it has to function within these structures, forms and shapes and colors in an exact way.

This reveals intentionality and directionality of matter. This is strictly restricted to force that has created it: God. The result is our living universe with its trillions of galaxies, stars, planets and other universal bodies. It contains reason in all its shapes and forms and colors. From the infinitely large as galaxies to infinitely mini as microscopic life manifestations, all should be brought about according to an exact system with specific lone structure, form, shape, color, energy, change and life-cycle of birth, growth, development, aging, and death.

Things should be controlled in term of their structure, function and shape and should be conducted within the method they are. Only the force that brought them about is capable of doing this. Conditions of which are compulsory to existence and behavior of objects and phenomena should be as such that brings them about and keeps them within the method they are. Only a creator The god can do this. Unless you and I maybe can do it.

Man himself is made, like any other thing, out of atoms of an exact character and features to be what person is. Person is created of myriads of processes that function to perfection to be what it is. The atoms of man, or any other species of life, should function according to a very detailed and exact system and program, otherwise it should not ever be what it is. Every lone species of life, human, animal, mineral or other, is constructed of sure specific atoms. These atoms function to be what they can be in a succinct method that does not change with laws and regulation governing it from spot zero to its disappearance, or change into other forms.

Man being created from nothing into his, or her, present shape, structure, form, color is subject to strict laws and conditions of survival that already created according to a very detailed and exact system and program. Change of its shape and its development from spot zero of non-existence to existence in its present form, like a dimension of reason in time and space, should be commanded and controlled to letter, otherwise it cannot be what it is. But person thinks he can make things. This is a false pretentious wishful thinking presumption, out of arrogance and ignorance regarding the person being. A person is incapable of created a wing of a fly, or even an amoeba or a microbe, or an apple or a tree, let alone a planet or a galaxy,of any type.

Person cannot created and does not make anything. What he can do, at the utmost, is only and only to discover what is already created and brought into existence and then make use of it. should he have one, is already created with its processes of thought, analysis, conclusions and creating use of what it discovers. The god only is the creator. He then discovers what utility things can have and discovers and assembles what plans are already there to use and the according to what he discovers he creates different shapes and forms of things and objects.

Man is not ever capable to bring an aspect from nothing. He cannot and does not make atoms but combines these atoms that already are in existence to make whatever possibilities these atoms release person to make and shape. A building is constructed according to a sure system that person discovers with his mind. All sciences and arts are means and objects of discovery and use, nothing more nothing less. His mind is already there, his thinking is already created to give him and his discovery of what is and what he can assemble together are already there.

He does not make atoms, nor their characteristics of energy, gravitation and usages, for these are already in existence. He does not ever bring particles that are not their into existence. But person is arrogant, boastful creature and thinks he can make things. A scientist discovers and then creates use of whatever plans are offered him to make combinations of what is. An artist discovers themes and shapes forms and colors to imitate what is in existence.

His mind and imagination, fantasy and invention is already in existence. He creates use of what is already there. Nothing is created by man, but person only discovers and exploits what is created. The creator is only The god and person creates use of it.

Monday 27 August 2012

Why Indo-us Nuclear Co-operation? A Historical Analytical Perspective

Nuclear Force is a manifold term. It can describe the production of electricity as well as nuclear weapons capability; the ambiguity of nuclear force creates the term mostly appropriate in Indian context. Indian quest for nuclear capability began even prior to India gained independence in 1947, these men sought to win for their region all the prestige, status, and economic benefits associated with being a nuclear power, within the choice of building the bomb if necessary. The capacity to master atoms represented modernity, potential prosperity transcendence regarding the colonial post, lone and local prowess, and worldwide leverage. Jawaharlal Nehru stated that India should develop atomic energy, indeed he was very simple in his thought regarding the use of atomic life when he said, I do not have knowledge of to distinguish the 3 peaceful and defense purposes I ponder we should develop it for peaceful purposes of course if we are compelled like a nation to use it for other purposes, possibly no pious sentiments shall stop the nation from creating use of it that way.

He along with Homi Bhabha, a distinguish physicist, played a leading role in drafting India's nuclear programme. Atomic Life commission. AEC was established in 1948 this was followed by the establishment regarding the department of Atomic Life DAE in 1954 to execute the policies and program regarding the AEC. Right from the beginning the Indian nuclear studies spread it interest throughout the entire nuclear fuel cycle. Accordingly, in course of time the DAE established many subsidiaries: 5 studies center: 5 Government owned bodies or businesses Nuclear force cooperation to design, construct and operate nuclear force plants.

Uranium cooperation of India Ltd - to mine and mill the uranium, Heavy h2o reactor to sprint heavy h2o plants and Nuclear fuel complex to manufacture nuclear fuel for reactors. It has also established the Atomic Life Regulatory Board in 1983 to oversee and enforce all nuclear operations. From the beginning, there was friction between India's nuclear program and the larger worldwide effort to manage nuclear technology and fabrics In 1948, the United Nations grappled together with the USA inspired attempt to establish worldwide contour over fissile fabrics and the facilities that should mine, process, and utilize them, most for peaceful and military purposes. That proposal to make an Worldwide Atomic Development authority to own and operate all materials, technologies, and facilities with potential nuclear weapon applications caused significant consternation for newly independent India which was holding best stock of atomic future; India feared that the plans of United States and other best powers were yet another colonial strategy. At this juncture Nehru unveiled a four-year plan to begin developing India's nuclear capability, starting with surveying for atomic fabrics and processing monazite to obtain thorium Applications of atomic life in medicine and biology were also announced, Bhabha began discreetly to seek terminal details on reactor theory, design, and technology from the United States, Canada and United Kingdom.

The thrust of these things was to move beyond theoretical studies to application of technology. India's movement toward nuclear independence son ran afoul of US interests. In July 1953 an Indian government owned business prepared to place 3 tons of Thorium Nitrate on a Polish ship in Bombay stated for eventual delivery to China. Thorium Nitrate is a fabric useful like a potential nuclear fuel. American through the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1951-required that the United States deny any from of military, economic, or financial assistance to a county trading such fabric to Soviet Union or it satellites, which included china, Thus, U.

S Ambassador to India George V. Allen informed Nehru that transfer regarding the Thorium Nitrate should compel the united states to slice of all its programs in India. Nehru responded vehemently that India should not ever vitiate its sovereignty and let the United States to actuate what India should trade with whom. Nor should India accept political steins attached to aid. The dispute brewed through the summer as Nehru remained intransigent and U.

S officials confronted an unbending legal mandate. Finally, Secretary of State Peter foster Dulles offered a compromise, India agreeing to state that the Thorium Nitrate was going to China only for commercial purposes, and that India had contacted China without the knowledge regarding the U. S legislation's applicability on India. The thorium nitrate episode exacerbated already-strained Indo-American relations and foreshadowed similar disputes between India's sovereign interests in nuclear independence and American Law and policies drafted to prevent nuclear proliferation. INDIA CANADA CIVIL NUCLEAR AGREEMENT AND U.

S SUPPLY OF HEAVY WATER FOR CANDU REACTOR. First indigenous studies reactor, Apsara a swimming pool reactor of 1MW was established together with the technical assistance of UK, which became critical in August 1950. The 2nd reactor CIRUS a 40 MWe Heavy H2o moderated, Light H2o cooled, natural uranium fuelled reactor was supplied by Canada during 1955, it became critical with heavy h2o supplied by the US subsequently. This reactor was thought about an efficient producer of plutonium, for it has high nutrition economy. The plant for separating plutonium from the spent fuel irradiated at the CIRUS reactor was drafted and constructed at Tomboy by an American firm.

During the similar to period of 1954-74 as many Indian nuclear scientist, were trained within the US and another 263 were trained in Canada. The heavy h2o production facility built at Nangal with German assistance became functional in 1962 and seven more plants were built by 1991. In early 1955, members regarding the US Joint committee on Atomic Life visited India to promote the expansion of peaceful applications of atomic. This meeting engendered mutual interest in supplying India with heavy h2o that should be used to moderate the planned CIRCUS reactor, which was the source regarding the plutonium. Also in 1955 Prime Minister Nehru persuaded the leaders regarding the Worldwide community to make Homi Bhabha the president regarding first UN conference on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, held, in Geneva in July and August.

This conference facilitated the dissemination of newly declassified technical papers on atomic energy. This background indicates how inconsequential nonproliferation concerns were for USA and Canadian policymakers in this period. TARAPUR AGREEMENT, POKHRAN I and amp; THE ESTRANGEMENT OF INDIA UNITED STATES RELATIONS The differences between India and US on the continued supply of little enriched uranium to Tarapur Atomic force station TAPS based on the Indo-US agreement of 1963 should be unrealistic to underestimate. The Planning Commission regarding the government of India approved the construction of India's first Atomic force station below the country's Third Five-year plan. It was decided to install this plant within the Western region and to supply the force generated to states Gujarat and Maharastra.

In August 1960 the decision to build first Atomic Force Reactors at Tarapur, 100 kilometers north of Bombay, was made. Global tenders were invited by the Department of Atomic life for this project and the one submitted by the Worldwide General Electric Business regarding the USA was located to be the greatest suitable. An Indo-US bilateral agreement relating specifically to this project was signed on August 8, 1963. Below a loan Agreement dated December 1963, the U. S agency for Worldwide Development created the grant available for the project.

S AEC India contract signed on Shall 17, 1966, agreed to give fuel throughout the life of this station, The Tarapur Atomic force station TAPS consists of 3 reactors regarding the Boiling H2o Type, each generating over 200 MWe. The reactors are fuelled with LEU and moderated by light water. The 1963 agreement has rightly been characterized as unique between U. S bilateral agreements in that it gives for the exclusive use of US. Fuel Tarapur reactors, and in exchange for a USA guarantee of it supply.

This provision played a central role in securing initial Indian acceptance of safeguards at Tarapur. The applicable domestic laws or polices regarding the United States of America with respect to ownership and supply of special nuclear fabric for use by the seller's domestic distributes should be changed according to agreement. In 1971 the contract was amended at Washington's request precisely due to the fact that the U. S law regarding ownership was changed. The private ownership of special Nuclear Fabric Act was amended to permit private ownership of nuclear fuel POKHRAN I In Shall 18, 1974, the desert village of Lokhari, near Pokhran also spelled Pokharan within the western Indian state of Rajasthan shook together with the detonation of a nuclear explosive device 107 meters below to ground.

The Indian government declared it a peaceful nuclear explosion experiment. The Atomic Life Commission stated that India had no intention of producing nuclear weapons. Indira Gandhi told a press conference there is nothing to obtain excited about. This is our normal studies and study. But we are firmly committed to only peaceful uses of atomic energy.

Prime Minister India Gandhi, while repeating to platefuls of non-alignment, reoriented India's foreign policy, basing it fewer on adherence to moral principles and more on the imperatives of statecraft. Some Indian analysts argue that US compression on India during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war also convinced Indira Gandhi regarding the signal importance of developing India's military nuclear capabilities. No authoritative public chronology exists of Indian decision-making regarding the 1974 explosion. FUEL PROBLEMS IN TARAPUR AGREEMENT In 1963 agreement gains the US the right to want the return of tools transferred and the special nuclear fabric produced that from within the function of non-compliance together with the guarantees of safeguards on India's part. In 1963 Agreement gives that when the nuclear fabric Utilized in Tarapur requires reprocessing, such reprocessing should be performed in Indian facilities upon a spot determination regarding the parties that the provisional agreement correlating to safeguards should be effectively applied.

S built Tarapur facility, which played no role in India's 1974 underground explosion, was initially below worldwide safeguards following the passage of to1978 Nuclear Non-proliferation Act NNPA and then the United States terminated nuclear cooperation with India in 1980. The NNPA compulsory scientist receiving US nuclear technology or fabrics to accept full scope safeguards, placing all of their facilities below worldwide inspection. This action included termination of sales of fuel and spare components fuel Tarapur. India's commitment to maintain safeguards on the Tarapur reactors and spent fuel, the Reagan Administration concluded a tripartite agreement with India and France in 1983 below which little enriched Uranium from China was supplied to Tarapur below IAEA safeguards. INDIA'S 1998 NUCLEAR EXPLOSION THE REACTION OF US: - The years 1997-1998 proved momentous for India in term of its domestic policies within the span of one year.

Together with the collapse regarding the shaky united front government in December 1997, new local elections were called for February -March 1998. The BJP emerged as the final lone party within parliament and, together with the help of a many regional parties it assumed power. The BJP's election manifesto had spoken regarding the perceived should induct nuclear weapons into India's arsenal along with a strategic review of India's security environment. This trigger came within the fuel of Pakistan's test of an intermediate-range ballistic missile, code-named Ghauri, on April 6, 1998 that was built with Chinese assistance. Its section should enable Pakistan to target twenty volume cities of India.

3 factors drove India's decision to test it nuclear weapons in 1998. First was the incremental and fitful acquisition regarding the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons. The evolution regarding the nuclear program and the 1998 test were product of calculated practical choices based upon considerations of local security. Perceived threats shape China and Pakistan was also key factors in India's decision to test. Many foreign and multiple Indian political commentators have dismissed the security impetrations underlying the Indian nuclear weapons program as well as the Indian tests, while privileging other explanations based on considerations of status, prestige, and the short-term exigencies to domestic policies woes, still many regarding the conventional wisdom dismiss India's felt security wants and blithely asserts that India should be better of without nuclear weapons.

NEXT STEP IN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP NSSP INDIA and amp; US AGREEMENT: - The Relations between India and their US within the nuclear region have huge been based on suspicion and mutual distrust subsequent to Pokhran I resulting in India's isolation from the global civil nuclear life cooperation regime. Even though by Pokhran II, the should order had changed together with the end regarding the cold war and the demise regarding the Soviet Union, this distrust of Indian continued. Within the aftermath regarding the September 11th function there was a change within the US altitude towards India. The proposed nuclear deal with US is the culmination and result regarding the process of mutual understanding set in motion within the aftermath Pokhran II. Mutual appreciation of each other's life and security wants within the changing world was identified as one regarding the key parts of likely cooperation within the Next Step In Strategic Partnership NSSP between the United States Civil nuclear cooperation was identified as one regarding the key parts of likely cooperation within the Next step in strategic partnership NSSP between India and the United States.

This process is to end India's isolation from global nuclear trade regimes. In January 2004 the United States and India agreed it expand cooperation in 3 critical areas: - civilian nuclear activities, civilian space programs, and high technology trade. In November 2001, Prime Minister Vajpayee committed our countries to strategic partnership, since then, 3 countries have strengthened bilateral cooperation significantly in multiple areas. This has included implementation of measures to address proliferation concerns and to make sure that compliance with U. The efforts have enabled the United States to make modifications to US export licensing policies that shall foster cooperation in commercial space programs and permit sure exports to force plant at safeguarded nuclear facilities.

These Modifications, within removing the Indian space Studies organization ISRO Headquarters from the department of commence Entity list, are fully consistent with US government non-proliferation laws, obligations, and objectives. Indo-US relations in general were on an upward suring subsequent to Bill Clinton's see to India in March 2000. INDO-US NUCLEAR DEAL: The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President George W. Bush place joint statement of July 18, 2005 to enable fuel civil nuclear life cooperation with India covering aspects regarding the associated nuclear fuel cycle. COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF THE INDO-US NUCLEAR DEAL: a Birth regarding the Deal: - The India and United States of America place agreement was during the former Prime Minister A.

Vajpayee, below the Next Step in Strategic Partnership NSSP but subsequent to the 14th Lok Sabha Election BJP government was defeated by Congress. be Joint statement: Subsequent to multiple years of negotiations by the NDA Government and later by the UPA government, the prime minister of India and the president of United States of America signed an agreement on the strategic relationship between the 3 countries on July 18, 2005. That agreement devoted 3 paragraphs to cooperation in civil nuclear energy. Specifically, it spoke about that like a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology, India should acquire the similar to benefits and advantages as other such states, president Bush promised that he should also seek agreement shape congress to adjusts US laws and policies, and the United States shall work with colleagues and allies to adjust worldwide regimes to enable full civil nuclear life cooperation and trade with India. In return India agreed to separate its civilian and military nuclear.

Facilities and programmes in a phased manner, to location most regarding the civilian facilities below IAEA safeguards. To sign an more protocol together with the IAGA, to continue its unilateral moratorium on testing, and to work together with the US on concluding at a multilateral position the fissile fabric slice off Treaty. FMCT Though there was some concern regarding the statement regarding the FMCT, the statement about adjusting, US laws and worldwide regimes suggested that this agreement should being us to nuclear table like a de-facto nuclear power, in recognition regarding the realities regarding the day. It should also let us to agreement our indigenous nuclear force programme with imported reactors, sued as the Russian WER reactor already below construction at Kudankalam. The separation plan: - The problems together with the nuclear deal commend together with the very next step- the separation plan.

Finally, the separation plan also spells out that, to distant guard against any disruption of fuel supplies, the united states is prepared to take the following more steps These with two The united states is willing to incorporate assurances regarding fuel supply within the bilateral US- India agreement: 3 The United States shall join India in seeking to negotiate together with the IAEA and India-specific fuel supply agreement. We have knowledge of that the US has reneged on most points. The bilateral 123 Agreement contains only vague reassurances and no concrete assurances and India is negotiation together with the IAEA alone, not jointly together with the U. S if the US has already. Prior to the deal is done, turned it return on us, it argues ill for the future regarding the relationship.

The Hyde Act: - The Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Atomic Life Cooperation Act of 2006 is known as the Hyde Act. It is the parent act of 123 Agreement. Hyde Act is the legal framework for a bilateral pact between the United States and India below which the US shall give access to civilian nuclear technology and access to nuclear fuel in exchange for IAEA safeguards on civilian Indian reactors. This act gives the legal basis for a 123 Agreement with India.

The 123 Agreement requires approval from US Congress as well as Indian Cabinet. It shall define the exact terms and conditions for bilateral civilian nuclear cooperation. Signatories to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NPT are granted access to civilian nuclear technology from each other as well as nuclear fuel via the Nuclear Suppliers Team in exchange for Worldwide Atomic Life Agency-verified compliance regarding the NPT tenets. India, Israel, and Pakistan, however, have not signed the NPT, arguing that instead of addressing the central objective of universal and comprehensive non-proliferation, the treaty creates a club of nuclear haves and a larger team of nuclear have-nots by restricting the legal possession of nuclear weapons to those states that tested them prior to 1967. This Act gives the legal basis for the 123 Agreement with India, even though the provisions of most the acts are not entirely similar.

It was compulsory to pen below this Act due to the fact that below the US Atomic Life Act, it cannot have nuclear cooperation with a region that is not a signatory regarding the Non Proliferation Treaty. The Hyde Act enables US to sign a pact with India, which has not signed the NPT. Subsequent to this, the US produced a document and submitted it to their Congress for amendment of their Atomic Life Act. This was deeply debated within the US with testimonies from multiple experts in that country. Going through all these statements, the Indian public was worried that the US Congress shall prescribe condition not intended within the July 2005 agreement.

2005 the US passed the Hyde Act for Indo-US cooperation in civil nuclear energy. The 123 Agreement: - A 123 Agreement' refers to Section 123 regarding the USA Atomic Life Act of 1954, which indicates the terms that should be included in USA agreements for nuclear cooperation with other states. An Agreement for Cooperation should be established below the criteria outlined within the Atomic Life Act sequential for the USA to authorize the transfer of civil nuclear technology to other nations. The United States has entered into agreements together with the following states or groups of states: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, European Atomic Life Community Euratom 1, Indonesia Worldwide Atomic Life Agency IAEA, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Morocco, Norway, Southern Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan and Thailand. This important regarding the Indo- US nuclear relations subsequent to a series of negotiations the government of India announced that it has initiated a 123 Agreement, without publishing the detail.

This aerated political protests it was created public. The text regarding the agreement state that: each party shall implement this agreement in accordance with its respective applicable national, laws, regulations, and license requirements concerning the use of nuclear life for peaceful purposes. By agreeing to present draft regarding the 123 Agreement, India has agreed to accept all the provisions regarding the Hyde Act. Further, the 123 Agreement also states India shall location its civilian nuclear facilities below India-specific safeguards in perpetuity and negotiate and appropriate safeguards agreement to this end together with the IAEA. The 123 Agreement seems to let India the right to reprocess irradiated Uranium, and carry out multiple processes towards a closed fuel cycle, though the details as enumerated are not well thought-out.

Naturally the political upheaval against this agreement was intense. There were debates in public force, within the committees regarding the political parties as well as amongst some concerned scientists. f Worldwide Atomic Life Agency IAEA Critical safeguards: - The 123 Agreement clearly states that: The US shall join India in seeking to negotiate together with the IAEA an India- critical fuel supply agreement. The negotiations with IAEA completed six rounds of talks and then it was announced that the text regarding the agreement was almost finial. The Indian case is unique within the sense that it is neither a nuclear weapon state nor a non-weapon state as envisaged by the NPT.

Hence the safeguards and the more protocol has to be India specific. Now the Board of Governors has approved the India critical IAEA safeguards agreement. The agreement that shall reveal India's 14 regarding the 22 existing and future nuclear reactors for inspections by the UN nuclear watchdog got the lime signal from the 35-member Board of Governors regarding the IAEA subsequent to a three-hour meeting. g Nuclear Suppliers Team NSG clearance: - NSG is a team of 45 members and like a cartel to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons, it was created like a reaction to India's 1974 peaceful nuclear explosion. Technological sanctions imposed upon India subsequent to India's nuclear test and the its non accession to NPT and CTBT created a sense of estrangement in India's nuclear industry.

To avail the full benefits regarding the proposed Indo-US nuclear deal, the 45 members' cartel has to approve and sanction a waiver for India. Subsequent to a hard diplomatic struggle, the Nuclear Suppliers Team reportedly gave a sleek waiver to India to full satisfaction regarding the Manmohan Singh Government. The opponents regarding the Indo-US civilian nuclear cooperation initiative, however, continued to retrieve fault together with the outcome regarding the NSG deliberations. The US has, by amending the NSG rule, ensured a position playing field for its own. How Indo-US Deal shall increase nuclear force generation: India has a flourishing and largely indigenous nuclear force program and expects to have 20,000-MWe nuclear capacities online by 2020, subject to an opening of worldwide trade.

It aims to supply 25% of electricity from nuclear force by 2050. Due to the fact that India is outside the nuclear non-proliferation Treaty, due to its weapons program, it is largely excluded from trade in nuclear plant of materials, which has hampered its development of civil nuclear energy. The nuclear weapons capability of India has arisen independently of tits civil nuclear fuel cycle and uses indigenous Uranium. Due to the fact that of its relative isolation in Worldwide trade and lack of indigenous uranium, India has uniquely been developing a nuclear fuel cycle to exploit it reserves of thorium. INDIA'S NUCLEAR TRADE ISOLATION ENDS India signed a nuclear agreement with French nuclear giant Areva to build a nuclear force plant and supply of nuclear fuel on Feb.

Areva shall supply 3 Europian Pressurised Reacters EPRs of 1650 MWe each for the plant to be built at Jathiapur in Maharashtra. Chairman of Atomic Life Commission Anil Kakodkar spoke about this was just the beginning. This read provided a comprehensive overview regarding the India's nuclear relationship together with the United States. Historically, the United States with its non proliferation agenda targeted threshold states like India such that nuclear weapons should be a done prerogative regarding the super powers alone. Subsequently together with the changes within the structures of world politics, the United States has return to accommodate India's civilian nuclear preferences.

India's indigenous nuclear force programme was a challenge to established locus of powers. It should be safely assumed that the United States has now return to accept the importance of India and the IAEA clearance and the NSG waiver is a testimony to this fact. It gives a historical picture regarding the relationship between 3 countries. The past if deconstructed shows that United States is accepting a transition from the conventional superpower acronym to more accommodative superpower. This shows that if India's indigenous nuclear force programme should progress with success, the Indo-US nuclear deal is a simple improvement from the estrangement suffered.

Contemporary the past shows that India US relations is receiving a broader assignment hitherto underdone. ENDNOTES George Perkovich India's Nuclear bomb. The impact on Global proliferation, University of California press, London, 1999 A. Noorani, Indo-Us Nuclear Relations, Asian Survey Vol. April 1989, Mohammed B.

Alam, India's Nuclear Policy, Mital Publications Delhi-110035 1988 George perkovich, India's Nuclear bomb,The impact on Global proliferation, university of California press, London, 1999. Khanna, India's Nuclear Doctrine Samskriti, New Delhi-2000. Ganguly Sumit, India's Pathway to Pokhran-II, The prospects and Sources of New Delhi's Nuclear Weapons Program, Worldwide Security, Vol-23, No.

Sunday 26 August 2012

International High School: Have Knowledge Of More About It

School is the institution where you read the simple skills like reading, writing and later gain acquainted about different realms of knowledge. It is that is why imperative that the atmosphere regarding the college is conducive to studying and helps within the over all personality development regarding the student. Selecting the right college is high school physics today's times as many ills for example drugs and violence are affecting our schools. Yew Chung worldwide high college is a premium educational institution, that is providing quality bilingual teaching to the students. The institution founded by Madame Tsang Chor-hang is educating students for the final 70 years.

The premium college specializes in early childhood teaching and offers through-train service to make sure that the students get the greatest education. The college offers educational services in Early Childhood, Primary as well as Secondary Education. The graduates from the college also known as Baccalaureate graduates have the caliber to enter any well known university regarding the world. The Yew Chung Worldwide high college follows a global vision of emerging worldwide scene of a global village. Most regarding the worldwide cities are witnessing rapid growth and business expansion.

Hong Kong and other cities are an important component regarding the increasing Chinese role within the universe economy. The institute prepares the students for their role within the emerging world order. The unified educational methodology regarding the institution focuses on preparing students for the responsibilities ahead. The aim of Yew Chung Foundation is to develop the academic, intellectual and physical potential regarding the students. A bilingual program puts special emphasis on Chinese as well as the English language and culture.

The early teaching curriculum is thematically drafted and offers a dual language and multicultural environment. The babies are taught through games and structured things thereby enhancing the child's abilities and capabilities. Similarly the primary and the secondary curriculum are so drafted so as to make sure that that the student's competence, creativity, difficulty solving and exploration abilities are enhanced. The educational program of an Worldwide High College should get ready the students to face the competitive world outside the college campus. In Yew Chung schools all through the education, like is taken that the delicate balance between tradition and modernity is maintained.

The blend of eastern and western cultures and a futuristic orientation helps the students to face the challenges regarding the present century with confidence and aplomb. Yew Chung Worldwide college regularly evaluates its curriculum and teaching methods to maintain the effectiveness as well as the quality regarding the educational program. See the place and locate out more related to the Yew Chung educational program.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Implementing Wellness Programs In High Schools

Organizing wellness programs should be beneficial for the high school. It is very crucial to make the students aware regarding the lifestyle they should choose. An effective wellness program can promote better chewing habit as well as exercise habit. If the students are well they shall have the life to read hard and shall also remain focused that is compulsory to achieve their academic goal. When a college takes the charge regarding the overall well being regarding the students, their ability to read well improves.

How to organize an above college wellness program? Sequential to set up a wellness program within the college you need to follow the steps provided below. Sequential to begin a wellness program first thing you need to do is to set up a committee that should be in charge of all the planning and activities. It is compulsory to appoint a nutritionist, a yoga instructor or physical teaching teacher and a counselor to make sure that the students are guided properly for their overall well being. Prior to implementing the wellness program you should write a mission for it explaining the goal regarding the program and how are you planning to achieve the goal. Make sure to address issues like diet, exercise and awareness.

Writing a mission not only helps you to sprint the program smoothly. But it shall also help you to apply for the grant. It is not the right thing to begin wellness programs without real planning. Write below the policies, events as well as critical activities you wish to implement within the program. You can do things like adding healthier chewing choices within the cafeteria, schedule a yoga class for the students, distribute wellness book magazines, establish a students' club with the mission of promoting good health, arrange seminars on wellness etc.

Sequential to sprint a wellness program it is absolutely compulsory to discover a fund to help the program. You should establish long-term aim for the program as it shall help you to obtain grant. Many grants are available for schools that are promoting the overall wellness regarding the students. You just need to be aware for those grants and apply for them. Make the students an active component regarding the wellness program by giving them some responsibilities.

This shall encourage the students to participate within the programs. Wellness programs should be an integral component of high college curriculum due to the fact that it encourages the students to adopt a well lifestyle at an early stage.

Friday 24 August 2012

An Excerpt From The Pamphlet Curing The Cause And Preventing Disease, An Unique Approach To The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Illness And Aging With Functional

and lt;b and gt;The 3 Pillars of HealthThe Simple Foundation of Your Overall Well-being and lt; or be and gt;Lets begin with a discussion of your well-being within the context regarding the 3 first body systems:- the hormonal or immune system,- the digestive system,- and the detoxification system. These 3 processes are your pillars of well-being due to the fact that the well-being of your other body systemssuch as the cardiovascular and nervous systemsdepend on the strength of these 3 key systems. and lt;b and gt;The First Pillar of True Functional Health: Your Hormone and Immune System and lt; or be and gt;Anyone wanting to assess overall well-being creating use of a functional diagnostic medicine approach can begin with a simple, inexpensive saliva test that measures adrenal gland function. Due to the fact that the adrenal glands are between first organs to display signs of stress, a 24-hour saliva test shall measure how stress should be impacting your immune system by detecting changes in hormone production and balance. The samples of saliva you submit to a functional science department are place through a sophisticated hormonal analysis to measure grades of cortisol and DHEA.

The grades of these 3 hormones, produced by the adrenal glands, decrease when your body is below stress. Saliva testing measures the free, bio-available hormone activity, which determines how hormones actually do their job at the cell level. In addition, saliva hormone testing more accurately reflects how effective your tissues and cells are accepting the hormones you own in your body as well as those you can be receiving through your skin in creams, gels, or patches or by mouth. Due to the fact that most blood tests do not measure bio-available hormone levels, they significantly underestimate hormones that are delivered topically and orally. Urine testing conclusions within the similar to limitation.

Whether you rely on hormone grades measured by blood and urine testing, you should have too many cortisol and DHEA in your system and not have knowledge of it. and lt;b and gt;Many Causes of Adrenal Stress and Adrenal Exhaustion and lt; or be and gt;Adrenal stress is a collection of signs and symptoms that conclusions when the adrenal glands fail to function effectively. Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can lead to adrenal exhaustion. The term adrenal exhaustion refers to fatigue thats not relieved by sleep. With adrenal exhaustion, you can not have any obvious signs of physical illness, yet you live with a general sense of sickness, tiredness, or gray feelings.

People suffering from adrenal exhaustion often should use coffee, colas, and other stimulants to obtain going within the morning and to hold themselves going during the day. This syndrome was known by many other names within the past, for example non-Addison's hypoadrenia, sub-clinical hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, adrenal neurasthenia, adrenal apathy and adrenal fatigue. Consequently adrenal exhaustion affects millions of people within the USA and around the world, conventional medicine does not yet recognize it like a distinct syndrome. Subsequent to all, its not a readily identifiable entity like lamb pox or a mole on your arm. Adrenal stress should possibly arise during or subsequent to acute or chronic infections, mostly those regarding the digestive and respiratory processes e.

, bacterial overgrowth from undigested nourishment and invasive yeast and fungal infections regarding the intestines, candida antibodies, food antigens, celiac or gluten-sensitive enteropathies, or mucosal barrier function. Common respiratory infections with influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia and lt;b and gt;What Causes Adrenal Exhaustion? and lt; or be and gt;Adrenal exhaustion conclusions when your adrenal glands cannot adequately meet the demands of stress. The adrenal glands mobilize your bodys response to every kind of stress whether its physical, emotional or psychological through hormones that regulate life production and storage, heart rate, muscle tone, and other processes that enable you to cope together with the stress. Whether you own an emotional crisis for example the death of a loved one, a physical crisis for example primary surgery, or any kind of repeated or constant stress in your life for example work deadlines, family or financial stress, your adrenals should respond. If they dontor if their response is inadequateyoull skills development some degree of adrenal exhaustion.

Adrenal exhaustion can wreak havoc with your life. In serious cases, the activity regarding the adrenal glands becomes so diminished that you can have difficulty getting out of bed for higher than a little hours a day. With each reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in your body gets affected more profoundly. Changes occur in your carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, heart and cardiovascular system, and even sex drive. To compensate for the decrease in adrenal hormones that occurs, many other alterations take location at the biochemical and cellular levels.

Fortunately, your body does its greatest to make up for below functioning adrenal glands, but it does so at a price. and lt;b and gt;Do You Have Symptoms of Adrenal Stress? and lt; or be and gt;The most commonly experienced symptoms of adrenal stressand ultimately adrenal exhaustioninclude fatigue, depression, inability to lose weight, cravings for sweets, decreased sex drive, insomnia, poor memory, anxiety, PMS, weakened immune response, recurrent infections, unexplained nervousness or irritability, and joint or muscle pain. As these symptoms grow to obvious to you, the inside of your body begins to make profound physiological changes. To help you understand the significance of how adrenal stress should be affecting you, take this simple quiz to determine whether you may be in a state of adrenal stress. Do you skills development problems falling asleep? Yes or No 2.

Do you skills development problems staying asleep? Yes or No 3. Do you look tired when awaking within the morning? Yes or No 4. Do you awaken within the middle regarding the night? Yes or No 5. Do you frequently have nightmares? Yes or No 6. Do you look tired many regarding the day? Yes or No 7.

Do you suffer from depression? Yes or No 8. Do you suffer from pain? Yes or No 9. Do you look mentally and emotionally stressed? Yes or No 10. Do you suffer from little blood sugar? Yes or No 11. Do you have later than within two hour of awaking? Yes or No 12.

Do you have fewer than 4 to six balanced foods throughout the day? Yes or No 13. Do you frequently skip meals? Yes or No 14. Do you need caffeine to obtain you going within the morning? Yes or No 15. Do loud noises bother you? Yes or No 16. Do you get startled easily? Yes or No 17.

Do you suffer from allergies? Yes or No 18. Do you suffer from recurrent or chronic allergies? Yes or No 19. Do you take thyroid hormone medications? Yes or No 20. Do you take any hormones whether by mouth or from a gel or fresh cream on the skin? Yes or No 22. Do you suffer from mental confusion? Yes or No 22.

Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Yes or No 23. Do you suffer from frequent light-headedness? Yes or No 24. Do you own a recent the past of fainting? Yes or No 25. Do you get with no problems upset? Yes or No 26. Do you take any sleeping medications? Yes or No 27.

Do you take any antidepressant medications? Yes or No 28. Do you exercise fewer than 30 periods six days a week? Yes or No 29. Do you look worse subsequent to exercising? Yes or No 30. Do you frequently get a 2nd wind high life late at night? Yes or No 31. Do you give fewer than 20 periods outdoors every day? Yes or No 32.

Do you locate that sunlight bothers your eyes? Yes or No. Do you own high blood pressure? Yes or No Whether you answered yes to at fewest 4 of these questions, you can be suffering from adrenal stress or adrenal exhaustion and should benefit by getting your adrenal glands tested. and lt;b and gt;Stage two of Adrenal Exhaustion and lt; or be and gt;Whatever the source of stresswhether from physical illness, nutritional deficiencies, or emotional stress at building or workyour bodys initial reaction is the same: The adrenal glands make more regarding the stress hormones called cortisol and DHEA. This first stage of adrenal exhaustion is called hyperadrenia, or over-activity regarding the adrenal glands. It is the bodys attempt to hold up together with the demands placed on it by stress.

Normally, when the stress dissipates, the glands have time to recondition and get ready for the next stressful event. However, if your stress grades remain high due to challenges for example a chronic illness or a deadline at work, your body shall remain locked in Stage two of adrenal stress. If your stress hormone grades remain elevated for an extended period of time, the ability of your adrenal glands to recover and replenish its production of cortisol and DHEA is diminished. Another method to look at this is to ponder of your adrenal gland reserve of hormones like a savings account. Whether you continually withdraw money from savings and dont replace it, eventually you wont be can recover financially.

Fatigue and other adrenal stress symptoms are signs that your bodys reserve was overdrawn and your adrenal glands are becoming exhausted. If the stress continues, your high grades of cortisol and DHEA begin to drop and youll then enter into Stage 3 of adrenal exhaustion. A good example of someone below constant stress should be a young mother and wife who has very many of responsibilities in a day. She has to rise earlier than anyone else to get ready mealie flakes and lunch for the children and perhaps for herself and her husband. She has to be showered and dressed in time to drive the children to school.

When she finally gets them there, she heads off to her work. While at work, she has deadlines and a boss to respond to; all the while, shes seeing at the clock. 3 oclock returns around and she wraps things up at the office, then heads out to pick up the children and leave home. At home, its time to get ready snacks, help with homework, and get ready dinner. Six oclock and her husband walks into the building feeling angry due to the fact that of a situation at work and grumbles at her and the kids.

Subsequent to possessing a rushed and aggravated dinner, she cleans up the kitchen, helps the children finish their homework, gives them their baths, tucks them into bed, and so on. Her own bedtime returns not soon enough. She falls on the bed and, prior to long, its time to do it all over again. No wonder she feels exhausted. Shes had no time to recover from the stress of this day prior to another day regarding the similar to returns at her.

and lt;b and gt;Stage 3 of Adrenal Exhaustion and lt; or be and gt;You shall have genetically tough adrenal glands and be can maintain high grades of stress for many years. Or you can enter into Stage 3 more quickly when you can be physically and emotionally drained, day subsequent to day. Eventually, whether you continue to skills development excessive stress, you enter into Stage 3 of adrenal exhaustion. Like a transition period, it usually takes between seven and 18 months to move from stage two to stage 2. During that time, the stress response of your adrenal glands is gradually weakened and compromised.

Below such chronic stress, your adrenal glands eventually burn out. At this point, they grow to so fatigued, you can no detailed sustain an adequate response to stress. You fall asleep exhausted but cant sleep through the night. You get up within the morning exhausted and cant wait for your first cup of coffee, a double espresso. Lunch time returns and the food you ponder shall release you more life only leads to 3 oclock zombies.

You get building late at night and all you need to do is leave to sleep. Whether you continue on this course of activity, you can move to Stage 4 of adrenal exhaustionhypoadrenalism. and lt;b and gt;Stage 4 of Adrenal Exhaustion and lt; or be and gt;In Stage 3, your adrenal glands have been depleted of their ability to make cortisol and DHEA in sufficient amounts. Now it becomes increasingly more difficult for your body to recover and replenish the adequate grades of cortisol and DHEA wanted to sustain any reasonable position of function in your body. Due to the fact that cortisol maintains your mood as well as your life levels, constant fatigue and low-level depression beginning to display up.

As cortisol and DHEA grades drop, you skills development depressed mental function; poor memory and mental confusion. Without intervention at this adrenal exhaustion stage, you can eventually skills development adrenal failure. and lt;b and gt;Can Adrenal Exhaustion Affect Your Sex Hormones? and lt; or be and gt;Because all of your hormones are linked by biochemical pathways, stress-induced cortisol and DHEA depletion directly impacts the female hormones, progesterone and estrogen. The predominant male hormone, testosterone, is affected as well. Female hormonal symptoms for example mood swings, irritability, tasty cravings, headaches, menstrual cramping, and infertility shall be related to inability regarding the adrenal glands to adapt to stress.

Menopausal symptoms of night sweats and warm flashes should possibly be related to well-being regarding the adrenal glands. Many women look they can be on an emotional rollercoaster with their female hormones, yet little healthcare providers fully understand the role the adrenal glands play in female hormone production and balance. Testosterone grades in men also suffer like a result of weak adrenal gland output of cortisol and DHEA. Due to the fact that sex hormone grades drop as cortisol and DHEA grades drop, the sex drive for most men and women diminishes. and lt;b and gt;Bone Loss, Pain, and Inflammation and lt; or be and gt;When you r cortisol grades are abnormal due to chronic stress and adrenal exhaustion, bone loss can occur as well.

This is due to the fact that excessive cortisol blocks mineral absorption. Whether you take calcium supplements to help protect you from bone loss and your cortisol is elevated, your body doesnt with no problems absorb the calcium. It can then precipitate or excrete out of your bones and deposit in your joints. This can cause arthritis or deposits within the blood vessels; it can increase your risk for hardening regarding the arteries. Furthermore, due to the fact that cortisol is compulsory to reduceThe following diagram demonstrates the 3 stages of adrenal exhaustion.

It shows that, with continued over stimulation regarding the adrenal glands constant stress, your body moves distant into different stages of adrenal exhaustion until you end up in adrenal failure. and lt;b and gt;The Role of Digestive Enzymes and lt; or be and gt;Digestive enzymes are protein molecules located within the digestive tract. They break below components of food so they shall be used by your body for life and cell reproduction. The first websites of digestive enzyme production are the oral cavity your mouth, the stomach, and the tiny intestines. Enzymes are secreted by different glands: the salivary glands within the mouth, the glands within the stomach, the pancreas, and the glands within the tiny intestine.

An inability to digest dietary protein is one example of a deficiency of dietary enzymes that stems from unhealthy diets. Without sufficient enzymes, your body cant break below the food you have for use within the manufacturing of life or other processes wanted by your body to sustain life. Whether you own little grades of digestive enzymes, you wont be can completely use the food you eat. Any nourishment you dont digest due to the fact that of insufficient enzymes grow to toxic to your body. These partially digested nourishment give a fuel supply for harmful microorganisms like yeast, bacteria, and parasites.

Health-sustaining enzymes are abundant in raw and lightly cooked greens and fruits, and should grow to component of your daily food intake. Digestive enzymes are present in many regarding the nourishment you eatraw vegetables and vegetables, for example. When you bake vegetables and vegetables, many of these enzymes get destroyed within the process of heating and help to deplete your bodys own production of digestive enzymes. When they decrease, other enzymes wanted for correct immune function and higher than 4000 other biochemical reactions can get pulled from the blood stream return into the digestive system. This leads to depletion of enzyme reserves not directly related to digestion.

If youve depleted your reserve of digestive enzymes through poor chewing habits, you can boost them by increasing your intake of raw vegetables and greens or the use regarding the right dietary supplements. They shall help hold you in an anabolic or rebuilding state. Supplemental enzymes shall help you properly digest the protein, fats, and carbohydrates that are essential to maintaining stable blood sweetener and overall health. Consult your functional diagnostic healthcare practitioner about correct diets and supplements that shall bring your digestion return to health. Do you look how enzymes are involved in every process in your body? Depleting your enzymes depletes you of your optimal health! and lt;b and gt;Dysbiosis and Hidden Digestive Problems and lt; or be and gt;Dysbiosis is an imbalance in well organisms or good bacteria that inhabit your digestive and intestinal tract.

A positive result on the indican test can spot to dysbiosis as well as digestive enzyme deficiencies. Dysbiosis shall be caused by parasitic infections, bacterial overgrowth, or invasive yeast referred to as Candida. Hidden or subclinical inflammatory conditions should possibly interfere with digestion and cause a positive reading on the indican test. Subclinical refers to subtle problems that are frequently missed due to the fact that they dont cause obvious symptoms until months or possibly years later. Many causes of chronic well-being problems for example digestive upset are subclinical hidden and need sophisticated functional diagnostic testing to reveal them.

Food intolerances are an usual cause of hidden inflammation within the gastrointestinal digestive tract. For example, some people are sensitive to grains that contain gluten molecules located in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Other people react to lactose present in dairy products or even sugar. These categories of hidden food reactions are frequently seen in people with chronic digestive symptoms. Symptoms for example gas, bloating, nausea, and stomach cramping are good examples of reactions caused by specific food intolerances.

A well-being practitioner not trained in diagnosing subtle digestive problems shall suggest receiving an antacid to treat the symptom instead of seeing for the cause regarding the disturbance, removing the offending substance, or recommending enzyme therapy. Convenient salivary tests are now available to determine these categories of food reactions. Parasitic infections are another example of commonly undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems; these shall be identified by stool testing done at building and then sent to a science department for analysis. and lt;b and gt;Those Nasty Parasites and lt; or be and gt;Parasitic infections are not only located in third-world countries. Many people ponder of parasites like a difficulty thats been eliminated within the industrialized world.

But as more people venture to and from other countries, the universe shrinks. And with that travel, parasites emerge everywhere. Fortunately, recent improvements in diagnostic testing methods enable healthcare practitioners to determine high grades of parasite infections creating use of a simple take-home stool test. Parasites are usually acquired by self-inoculation, meaning they can be most often spread from your paw to your mouth. This can occur from chewing at delis in which the staff has poor hygiene and you consume contaminated food, or from salad bars and buffets where food is left sitting out long enough to attract bacteria from the space and from other patrons.

Handling money, shaking hands with people, and creating use of public restrooms are all ways you shall be exposed to potential parasitic infections. The key to reducing your risk of infections is washing your hands frequentlyespecially prior to and subsequent to you have and use the restroom. When multiple people are exposed to similar to pathogen, or infectious organism, one person should be can fight it off while another shall grow to infected. This was widely seen with different bacterial organisms, most notably E. coli bacteria, located most often in lamb products and new produce, has caused severe digestive illness and has, in rare cases, been fatal.

While many people are exposed to similar to tainted chicken or produce, some react more severely than others. This difference in susceptibility is a reflection of SIgA, your bodys first-line mucosal immune defense discussed earlier. When you own tough mucosal immunity normal SIgA, the mucosal lining of your gastrointestinal tract is can defend you from invading pathogens. Studies studies have shown that whether you own lowered mucosal immunity, you can hold a decreased ability to successfully fight pathogens. For instance, an autoimmune sickness you can have creates it difficult for your body to fight off simple bacteria or viruses that youre exposed to every day.

It can leave you more likely to hold a severe reaction to common cold. In some cases, this shall lead to a life threatening pneumonia. and lt;b and gt;Detecting Infectious Organisms and lt; or be and gt;To combat weakened immunity and parasitic infections, its useful to have knowledge of about new technologies and tests that have been created to detect infectious organisms. One new test is called a stool antigen test. It is highly effective in determining acute and chronic parasitic infections previously undetected with outdated testing methods.

Bacterial overgrowth from undigested nourishment and invasive yeast and fungal infections regarding the intestines are also frequent causes of digestive stress. These too shall need more testing for example a yeast culture, Candida antibodies, food antigens, celiac or gluten-sensitive enteropathies, or mucosal barrier function Digestive tract infections are very common and shall be neither clinical symptomatic or sub-clinical without symptoms. Many patients who seek like from a functional diagnostic healthcare practitioner have one or more gastrointestinal GI infections. Some have active GI symptoms; others display up with general complaints for example fatigue, body pain, headaches, cognitive problems, light headedness, brain fog, and or or general malaise. Even more ominous than possessing a primary GI infection is the tendency of invading microorganisms to metamorphose into different stages of their life cycle, and to migrate to tissues and organs sometimes distant from the GI tract.

For example Cryptosporidium Parvum can sometimes be located within the lungs and conjunctiva clean component regarding the eyes and Helicobacter pylori was located within the oral cavity and even the prostate gland. Such stages, within cysts, can remain dormant within tissues, and shall be difficult to detect. That is howcome it is extremely important to test for GI infections creating use of most microbiology and immunological assays.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Book Review: The Universal Physics Theory By Benoit Launier

In the third edition of Benoit Launier's controversial physics treatise, The Universal Physics Theory, the author takes aim at everything we trust to be true. Launier has not ever felt comfortable with the truths we hold to be self-evident, nor the textbooks spoke about to be true. Launier takes aim at any and every truth he deems compulsory from Einstein's theories to Newton's laws and beyond. Everything is fair game. Possessing sprint countless of experiments over the final 3 decades, Launier's postulations make for an exciting read.

Launier dares to ask important questions. Furthermore, he analyzes the answers in best detail, bringing to light many holes within the theories previously held dear. Howcome has 'The 2nd principle, structure of atom special theory of relativity rests,' been accepted so widely, even though it is completely irrational? Launier asks. Do electrons actually orbit the nucleus of atoms, as the Rutherford-Bohr structure regarding the atom suggests? Are there really 11 dimensions? The list goes on and on, and the details Launier presents shall shock you; it shall cause you to question everything. One regarding the best scientific quests of our time is developing a lone theory that shall unify all theories of physics.

If we do not reach this pinnacle of discovery, our theories shall forever remain paradoxical as well as inaccurate. By pealing return the layers of obscurity and confusion, through logic and commonsense, Launier unveils the universal physics theory which has always been present from the beginning. We have basically been blinded by idolism and our biased convictions. Too many of our established physical theories leave trails of inconsistencies, paradoxes, and incongruities. The Universal Physics Theory discriminates between what is perceived and what is real.

To their own demise, some physicists shall cry out of order, simplistic, or this is not the method we do things? but for the true thinker, this pamphlet is a fascinating read. Launier's theories leave an extended method towards explaining the physical world in which each of us wakes up every morning. Agree or disagree, you can be provoked to question the validity of everything you were told has already been proven.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Jesus And Paul Dominic Crossan

3 or 3 or 2011Dear VIP Reader;Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the person who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. '- Albert Dominic Crossan, born Feb. 17, 1934 The more I dig into the Cosmic Code the more, not only do I realize it's incredible force but its impact upon people's fate and idiosyncrasy. But one thing sure Cosmic Consciousness allows me to truly perceive people's destiny and in this case Peter Dominic Crossan's change of heart.

In this essay I shall expose his UCI Unique Celestial Identity and release the reader with a deeper look into his perception of Christ. First and foremost Peter Dominic Crossan like me was born in February below the New Age energythis should make you wonder howcome he became an lone regarding the robe and felt for what I translate as humanity religious poisoning. To normal soul, he sign of Aquarius is perceived as the symbol of an lone holding a jar but there is a many deeper meaning behind this critical sign. Indeed the wise ancient Sumerian wisdom while totally lost and ridicule has a meaning only perceptible to a very mini crowd of spiritually advanced born souls. Uranus God regarding the Sky in Greek mythology rules this sign and this mean also technology, television, astrology, geniuses, the future of mankind, UFO and of course all matters related to New Age.

The moth of birth dictate the soul's purpose and those born in February like Peter and I, are programmed through God's celestial creation the stars or the Cosmic Code or the signs to obtain a very critical interest to what is going on within the Universe. For example, a soul born with a latent, logical, rational UCI shall make an astronomer, an astrophysicist and shall lead the soul to operate with mathematics and work for NASA. A more spiritually inclined soul shall use his natural telescope and deal with the archetypal realm of consciousness and objectivity; intuition and channeling shall replace the limitation regarding the 5 person senses. This translate with polarity of perception and interests for example an astronomer versus an astrologer with the only important difference that the advanced soul realizes that the stars are many higher than mere rocks hanging up there only for the sake of beauty and have more to release than gravitational forces per say. Indeed Einstein knew a bit higher than our current infantile scientific community mesmerized by discovering new planets or constellations every lone day The intuitive mind is a sacred present and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We shall not solve the problems regarding the earth from similar position of thinking we were at when we created them. Higher than anything else, this new 100 years demands new thinking: We should change our materially based analysis regarding the earth around us to with broader, more multidimensional perspectives. ~Albert Einstein The greatness regarding the Universe is unknown, but I understand the spiritual forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy like a Divine source of force that shall be used to book and bring person a life filled with success, love, peace and harmony. TuriThus the soul's purpose of an Aquarius is to use his natural ingenious telescope, investigate the stars outside of conventional tools and accepted scientific disciplines then collect all the wisdom into the jar.

Then his mission is to release that Universal wisdom from the heavens to a very thirsty world; it appears this is what I have been doing for the final 45 years and it also appears that Peter Dominic Crossan, at the tender age of 77 years old finally realized the damage of political or religion and what Jesus was all about. But there is still something missing though, his findings are still logical and unperceptive pertaining to savior's true ministry. Thus creating use of Astropsychology and by exposing Crossan's UCI the reader shall locate the answers to why, from a very pious person he finally reached his rebellious Aquarius soul's purpose late in his life. First Peter Dominic Crossan was born with a Dragon's Tail in Leo and this position enunciates a serious fear of death. Note also that Leo rules like thus whether you have knowledge of a preeminent Leo in your chart, LOVE is the answer to all your queries, should they be religious or not.

The force regarding the stars is extreme but the divine details allowing one to perform simple auto analysis is very rare, mostly if Cosmic Consciousness is missing. In fact A Gemini student of mine called me this morning telling and selling me the final religious discovery he signed for All his words were all about LOVE and the LOVE of Jesus etc. Even with fair handling regarding the Cosmic Code through my teachings, this student felt for his Leo or Like 3rd building of communication overriding his perception of God's magnificent celestial creation and the force exerted by the signs upon his own self. His final email to me wasDr. Turi; Until you can acknowledge that Jesus Jesus is the foundation regarding the Universe.

Your Job is all talk and you are college is destined for failure. Saying we were most right is to speak that the Truth shall encompass truth. Within the Name regarding the Father, and regarding the Son, and regarding the Blessed Spirit. How can Jesus the son of The god be the foundation regarding the Universe when His Father in The Heaven is the sole responsible for creation? Creates no sense and all I was doing was to agree with his like theory sequential to stay away from more religious selling and hurt his feelings but he was gone a bit too distant and sounded like a Minister infatuated with Jesus. Incidentally this is precisely what I teach, Jesus' altered Ministry or the true heart and divine manifestation of Our Father In The Heavens.

But it seem this student did not as of yet perceived my message and let his fears and like override his higher consciousness. With the tail regarding the Dragon in Gemini on his first building he is bound to re-evaluate all I taught him and subsequent to a little years he got caught within the religious or like for Jesus and the codification of thoughts. I used this example due to the fact that this was one regarding the many factors that lead Peter Dominic Crossan to aim for religions and his LOVE for the light and Jesus the savior. So let us now confirm more of his hidden personality and understand what happened to his new perception and judgment. But the real sign creating him prone to serious religious interest is very obvious to any of my advanced studentsAnd that is Peter Dominic Crossan's location of his Mercury critical thinking or communication located within the sign of PISCES.

This sign was subconsciously chosen by Christians to represents their critical faith and the warnings associated with Neptune's rulership. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune the God of Deception and this imaginative or deceiving sign was in charge of humanity's fate for the final 3 thousand years. Thus the ending regarding the Age of Pisces soon to be replaced by the New Age of Aquarius. The wise Sumerian picked this watery symbol to represent how a soul can with no problems be deceived living like a fish stuck in his mini bowl, where only a imaginary loving world is real. A world where the harsh reality of life is replaced by love, hopes and wishes and where the facts of war and a harsh world are dismissed.

Pisces or Neptune rules also locations of confinement, for example churches, synagogues, temples, jails, hospitals. Pisces toys are alcohol, drugs, pot, health related prescriptions where uncontrolled imagination and fears leads the soul towards madness, suicide, dementia, depressions etc. Thus with such a Neptunian cocktail regulating Peter Dominic Crossan's mental process, there exists no wonder howcome he was lead by the Cosmic Code to perform a religious mission on earth. If all the pious people regarding the robe were to uncover their own UCI they located locate out that; they can be all saturated with Neptune's illusive values. The decision they created was already created by the stars they inherited at birth and they have NO clue of how God, through his creation stimulated their spiritual endeavors, call it karma in so many levels.

By the method do you have knowledge of that first ever place of prayer was located in Israel below the foundation of a jail and below the oldest Mosaic representing the sign of Pisces? Confirm the truth two of his first fan letters came from someone who declared: If Hell were not already created, it should be invented just for you. Other critics have called him demonic, blasphemous and a schmuck. DT Rebuttal: Gee I have been called worse than these and repeatedly the lost accusing souls are petrified by hell itself. In fact for this religiously poisoned fan to use Hell like a thorough proof of is induced fear creating the parents fully responsible for such an early psychic poisoning. When Peter Dominic Crossan was a teenager in Ireland, he dreamed of becoming a missionary priest.

But the message he is spreading about Jesus currently isn't the kind that should endear him to many place of prayer leaders. Crossan says Jesus was an exploited peasant with an attitude who did not perform many miracles, physically rise from the dead or die as punishment for humanity's sins. DT Rebuttal: Well I have knowledge of tons of people who once were very religious then woke up to reality due to the fact that of sure experiences. The very purpose of any soul stuck on HELL that should be earth learning ground is similar for Peter Dominic Crossan due to the fact that life is a constant process of changes. Jesus was extraordinary due to the fact that of how he lived, not died, says Crossan, one regarding the world's top scholars on the historical Jesus, a field in which academics use historical evidence to reconstruct Jesus in his first-century setting.

I cannot imagine a more miraculous life than nonviolent resistance to violence, Crossan says. I cannot imagine a bigger miracle than an lone standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly Peter Dominic Crossan's very words nonviolent resistance to violence, speak for themselves about LOVE and understanding and reinforce my theory regulating his own psyche. In another time, Crossan's views should have been confined to scholarly journals. But he and his best-selling books, within the recent Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, have changed how biblical scholars operate.

Crossan believes the public should be exposed to even the highest many divisive debates that scholars have had about Jesus and the Bible. He co-founded the Jesus Seminar, a controversial team of scholars who hold public forums that cast doubt on the authenticity of many sayings and deeds attributed to Jesus. DT Rebuttal: Indeed Crossan's views should be exposed to general public but what about mine? Is there anything valuable in my work dissecting the UCI, the mind and the divinity of The god outside of Crossan's views and perception of Jesus? The fact is this world, since Jesus' birth was below the jurisdiction of deceiving Neptune and this planet supports anything creative where reality, critical thinking and higher spiritual teachings have no room. Yes have you noticed that the highest many well-known people on this world are top generator of fictitious fabric based upon imagination? Is this howcome Crossanis shall also be a greatest seller selling stories such Harry Potter?I AM AN AQUARIUS, PROMOTER OF THE TRUTHJohn Dominic Crossan says even the writers regarding the Book of jesus disagreed about Jesus' message. The 77-year-old Crossan has built on the seminar's mission by writing a series of best-selling books on Jesus and the Apostle Paul.

With his silver Prince Valiant haircut and his pronounced Irish accent, he is also appeared on documentaries for example PBS's From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians and A and amp;E's Mysteries regarding the Bible. Crossan's overarching message is that you do not need to accept the Jesus of dogma. There is another Jesus hidden in Scripture and the past who was ignored. DT Rebuttal: Peter Dominic Crossan says even the writers regarding the Book of jesus disagreed about Jesus' message but how can anyone dissect the truth about Jesus when first documentations of his life appeared over 5 hundred years subsequent to his death? Who's to know Jesus was a normal being contacted by extraterrestrials that cursed him with supreme wisdom exactly as it happened to me? Subsequent to all I have all the solid proofs of my own incredible claims and knowing that incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible things to teach this is a thorough and accurate representation of Jesus in my mind. But peole can only relate to me due to the fact that of their personal similar experiences, similar learning and most of all, a similar highly spiritually advanced UCI, anything else is totally bull I shall sum He is changed the method we look and ponder about Jesus, says Byron McCane, an archaeologist and professor of religion at Wofford College in Southern Carolina.

He is important in a method that little scholars are. Byron McCane isn't what life is all about, changes? With this kind of archaic thinking how can progress, competitive views and originality be? I should call Peter Dominic Crossan view simplistic, logical, no brainer and realistic, the question is what about my advanced views and true perception of Jesus' messed up ministry and his connection to UFO? But that is MY prerogative due to the fact that I LIVED IT and how can I be sought as decent, normal, real and legit when I assure the reader this kind of skills development is indeed real and not only extraordinary but exceptionally rare. How can the reader wonder about my sanity or ego and endorse my claim and not ponder for a 2nd Dr. Turi is mentally unstable? Unless Jesus should speak from the heavens and divulge what really happened to him then all you have knowledge of is what happened to me return in August 2001 when the ET downloaded the Cosmic Code secrets to me. And I truly look it is of an utmost importance due to the fact that it does reflect the truth about Jesus, other spiritual world well-known leaders and my humble self.

They all hold a very similar religious message it seems, mine is totally different but not ever the less, very REAL, mysterious and reflect God's celestial shall and signsThat's all!A reluctant scholarCrossan shall also be reviled in a method that little scholars are. Some critics speak he is trying to debunk Christianity. Some question his personal faith. At a college lecture, Crossan says an audience member stood up and asked him if he had received the God Jesus as his savior. Crossan spoke about he had, but refused to repeat his questioner's evangelical language to describe his conversion.

DT Rebuttal: And that is where the true meaning regarding the phrase Scholar appliesBut what if the old scholastic religious expert advices on The god children's books they wrote was ALL wrong? But who to use critical thinking when Neptune and Pisces life blur a truth all scientists and SCHOLAR are prone to miss reading the printed words and missing the essence regarding the heart itself? Has The god himself written any books or created the stars and ET's that is the kind of simplistic questions a scholar or a scientist has to acknowledge first reader. I wasn't going to release him the language; it's not my language, Crossan says. I wasn't trying to denigrate him, but do not ponder you have knowledge of the monopoly on the language of Christianity. When asked if he is a Christian, Crossan does not hesitate. DT Rebuttal: When asked if he is a Christian, Crossan does not hesitate.

Sound like the inquisition to me where the very essence regarding the heart is missed for the causeAs distant as the language is concerned how can any Worshipper or Crossan himself really hear God's celestial tongue when none possess Cosmic Consciousness? Yes None of them have been trained to speak the language regarding the Gods and mastering the Cosmic Code starlight language demand a very unique teacher and only when the student and the earth is ready shall the teacher appear And I have knowledge of how not only to listen to The god but translate his celestial shall and the proof are at shall talk to you, you will not hear me, I shall present myself to you, you will not look me. GodCrossan says he not ever planned to be a Jesus scholar but was drafted to play that role by the Roman Worshipper Church. He grew up in a mini village in Ireland reading adventure stories like 20,000 Leagues below The Sea and reciting poetry with his father on long walks. He wanted adventure and travel. The missionary priests who visited his boyhood college with stories of mission trips to Africa seemed to release both.

DT Rebuttal: Little does Crossan knows that he was computerized or drafted by creation and ordered by The god through the Cosmic Code itself to attract the Neptunian religious life to fulfill his Aquarius soul's purpose. Indeed there exists NO accident but I doubt very many he knows enough related to the Cosmic Code rules and The god pulling the strings of his destiny. Note that his Mercury words in Pisces poetry is the primary factor of attraction due to the fact that Crossan's very future was nothing else than the reincarnation of HIS very thoughts. Pisces is religiously deceptive, Aquarius is vibrant and very smart and it took Crossan many years to figure it out. His very name CROSSan also played a subconscious role in his decision to promote or debunk Jesus.

Crossan says his father, a banker, and his mother, a housewife, did not push religion on him. He was raised in a general Irish Worshipper place of prayer where faith was undiscussed, uninvestigated and uncriticized. I did not grow up in an atmosphere where the Book of jesus was stuffed below my throat. Peter Dominic Crossan's parents, Daniel and Elizabeth, not ever pushed religion on him. DT Rebuttal: But this is where repeatedly he was already SET by his natal UCI chart with his Mercury the mind in Pisces religions to sign up at an early age.

09% of person walking this earth, Crossan is depraved of Cosmic Consciousness and happens to be nothing else than a peon regarding the stars. He was or is INCAPABLE of creating use of his shall or the component of The god in each person being due to the fact that no one taught him otherwise. Meantime first teachers always play an important component of molding the psyche of their babies and some are already set to grow to terrorists or religious martyrs. But if the child is blessed with an advanced UCI, with time and observation, his own mental strengths shall allows him to exit the Neptunian deceiving addictive religious pull. Yet Crossan immersed himself within the earth regarding the Book of jesus for the rest of his adult life.

When he entered a monastery at 16, place of prayer leaders told him they wanted him to be a scholar due to the fact that he had already taken 5 years of Latin and Greek. He became a priestly prodigy: ordained by 23; a doctorate at 25. He studied in Rome and Jerusalem, and eventually became a New Testament scholar who became known as an authority on the parables of Jesus. Crossan saw them as subversive literary gems. DT Rebuttal: In God's name, what does a 16-years-old child knows about life or his own self? Crossan's natal moon emotions in Leo fame or fear of death ruled his psyche until puberty and what does his mentally depraved, religious poisoned place of prayer leader really knew or knows about Pisces, Aquarius, the cosmic Code, the signs and The god true celestial identity?The fact is, CROSSan, was MOLDED, fabricated, produced and influenced by the Place of prayer Inc.

and how can such a young person read about real life when his life experiences consist at digesting piles of archaic literatures in a convent? At 14 years old I was within the streets, experienced real hell surviving in stealing food when the neighbors trash had nothing to offer. Yes I was within the real world and at 23 I already knew all related to the moon's impact upon people life and the hell I was in. Crossan was like a fish, in his own tank his own world forced to accept the scriptures and convinced of salvation only through biblical learning. But due to the fact that of his Mercury in Pisces, he had first to leave through these murky waters then later on in life respond to God's higher order and fulfill his own purpose. His Aquarius genius like intellectual nature helped him to FREE his own soul and locate his OWN salvation.

But who's to trust and know this 77 years-old person lifetime experiences and his own perception of Jesus when his soul is full of anger for what was done to his descendants by the British ruling hierarchy? Should you trust my own 61 years of non religious highly spiritual findings to bring you the true face of The god and Jesus' true Ministry?Crossan's days like a priest should end, due to the fact that regarding similar forces that shaped the rest of his career: the clash between place of prayer dogma and scholarly truth. Crossan says it was bliss being a priest and scholar within the mid-1960s due to the fact that the Roman Worshipper Place of prayer had instituted a series of modernizing reforms. But conservative place of prayer leaders fought those reforms, and Crossan says they pressured him to steer his studies toward conclusions that reinforced place of prayer doctrine. It's like you are a scientist in studies and development, and you speak that this drug is lethal, and they say, Locate something good in it,' Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: Indeed I wrote intensively about those reforms in previous newsletters saved at Yes there exists tons of valuable details available to those willing to do the mental gymnastics to raise above fear and ignorance and read the facts related to the Place of prayer Inc.

Indeed Gypsies were persecuted for centuries but now they shall be canonized, Yes Gay and Lesbian suffered similar fate but they can be now accepted as Bishops. This crowd has very many of cash they need to survive reader and the list goes on and on about an Illuminati organization that controls the details and the rest regarding the ignorant The god fearing mass. In God's name I wish Crossan path meet mine one day for 3 Aquarius' fate, while initially very different finally joined within the name of The god and the truth for humanity. He left the priesthood in 1969 subsequent to he angered place of prayer leaders by publicly questioning the church's ban on birth control. He married, and settled into a career of teaching and writing books that were view primarily by other scholars.

Later, however, Crossan should anger place of prayer leaders again. DT Rebuttal: Indeed that was the greatest thing for him to do, remove the Neptunian life from his new perception and persona; this act shall finalize his true mission as an Aquarius, a truth seeker and a Messenger regarding the Gods. Meantime again, how can I remain modest and finalize his quests to help him master and understand the Cosmic Code, the new face and tools of The god and Jesus' original Ministry through the New Age movement? I wish someone email him this essay for I should bring closure and the truth to an lone that give 77 years of his life seeing for it and being deceived all along due to the fact that he fully deserves it. Crossan takes on an worldwide roleIn 1985, Robert Funk, a New Testament scholar, asked Crossan to join him on a risky mission: Expose the public to academic debates related to the historical Jesus. The seminar was Crossan's first large exposure to public.

The press gravitated to him due to the fact that he was a scholar who did not talk like a scholar. Christianity most admits and subverts the historical Jesus. DT Rebuttal: Crossan was trained by the place of prayer to grow to a scholar but his UCI Unique Celestial Identity is loaded with Aquarius and this sign is very many ANTI scholar. My own mission is to teach the earth on the celestial tools used by The god to stir his babies to work and explain their soul's purpose on hell earth or the school. This lack of Cosmic Consciousness is so detrimental and infringe all the Universal laws The god created for humanity.

It is like an unaware police psychologist hiring a soul born with an inadequate UCI or a Dragon's Tail negative in Scorpio the police to fulfill a Law Enforcement career. Everyone loses, the cop gets killed on first day on the job, and or or he becomes crooked and abuse force and cost the tax payer the place of prayer Inc. in this case bad publicity and tons of cash through legal battles. And you ponder only religious figures are numb? Try the police and whether you can be a cop join us Dominic Crossan, historic Jesus scholarHe became known for his sound bites inspired, he says, by Jesus' use of parables to distill complex truths in pithy but provocative sayings. Explaining howcome America's reliance on military may was similar to Rome's, he told Time magazine: There is good news and bad news from the historical Jesus.

The good news: The god says Caesar sucks. The bad news: The god says Caesar is us. DT Rebuttal: I teach my students to be very aware of any subconscious glitches due to the fact that there exists NO accidents creating use of historical references and this is exactly what Crossan did by mentioning Rome. Crossan was born with a Dragon's Tail past lives in Leo Rome or Italy thus anyone who view my pamphlet The Force regarding the Dragon should have knowledge of immediately that Crossan's past lives were lived there. But did Crossan view my pamphlet related to the Dragon and uncovered his past lives, he does not have knowledge of me but you do, so did you view about your Dragon's Tail yet? here is your answer reader, a total lack of interest! My pamphlet while extraordinarily real offers these answers but it is not yet a greatest seller due to the fact that it does not endorse, promote or sell the real Jesus and his altered ministry.

The earth has so many to learnCrossan's public profile rose another notch in 1991 when The New York Times ran a front-page story 3 days prior to New year's on his book, The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant. The pamphlet became a bestseller, and Crossan followed up with more. He says people were anxious to embrace a faith with brains and heart, and read the the past behind the text, not just its wording. When we started out, people thought we were out on the left wing, he says. Now, I'm talking in about 30 churches a year.

Very many of this is becoming mainstream. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly people shall pay large fortunes to be deceived as long as you tell them any story they need to hear and when it returns to Jesus with 99. 09 % regarding the earth below Neptune spiritual control, the more stories Crossan created the more rewards and fame he got. Indeed the stars not ever lie or like and the truth is; if there is demand the drugs shall sell, period!Crossan's revolutionary JesusIt's still controversial, though. A casual look for of Crossan's name online turns up plenty of insults and warnings not to view his books.

Crossan says, however, that he is trying to understand the stories of Jesus, not refute them. Still, his findings many times end up challenging little of Christianity's most cherished beliefs. DT Rebuttal: This is a typical reaction based upon tons of fictional fabric that killed millions during the dark Ages when the Pisces deceiving life was at its strongest The Place of prayer Inc. has many to lose when logic is applied reader. But all Crossan is doing is to use his imaginative Pisces or Mercury ruled mind imagine the story then crystallize it in a shape of greatest seller.

Yes people shall like you whether you make them ponder and this is what he doesHowever when you make people REALLY ponder like my challenging fabric does, they shall HATE you due to the fact that it goes against their secure archaic belief that they shall all end up in paradise with The god near Jesus I wonder when the earth shall finally realize there is no hell to leave to, due to the fact that they can be already there, below here on this dense physical world, stuck in their created up fears and humongous ignoranceConsider his understanding regarding the resurrection. Jesus did not bodily rise from the dead, he says. First Christians told Jesus' resurrection story like a parable, not like a fact. Crucifixion meant that imperial force had won, Crossan says. Resurrection meant that divine justice had won.

The god is on the side regarding the crucified one. Rome's' values are a dead issue to me. DT Rebuttal: The fact is by seeing at the make up of CROSSan's UCI there is no doubt in my mind that he was a Roman soldier witnessing and killing rebellious villains through crucifixion, and all against his willHe shall have also forced to deliver the mortal wound to many other souls ending up on the infamous CROSS with nailed hands Indeed following a revolution, Julius Cesar killed a good chunk regarding the captured slaves within Spartacus on the cross and he created sure all roads leading to Rome were loaded with crosses and dead bodies like a solid deterrent for anyone willing against his regime. Crossan was then fighting a regime he was forced to give and, decades later, he located himself in a similar situation with the Place of prayer Inc. Yes indeed the past has a very peculiar method to repeat itself through reincarnations.

How related to the stories of Jesus' miracles, like raising the dead or stilling the storm?Yes Dr. Turi you have knowledge of better I, Peter Dominic Crossan like a child, wanted to be a missionary priest as an Irish schoolboy due to the fact that my Mercury the mind is located within the pious sign of Pisces!Most were parables, too, Crossan says. But there were some exceptions. I'm completely convinced that Jesus was a primary healer, he says. I do not ponder anybody should talk about Jesus if all he did was talk.

People like to talk about Scripture, but Christians should also have knowledge of the past to understand Jesus, Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: Indeed Jesus was a healer but should he have been a healer regarding the mind too? Knowing the future is the reincarnation regarding the thoughts and thoughts are things, can a well directed thought process affect the atomic structure of anyone's body and heal it? Gee do I have incredible stories to tell from my many patients and students readerOMG, healing or killing oneself with the mind is so very real and it should be mendatory for all person beings to have knowledge of about this powerful real psychic power! Try you can be amazed. But was Jesus an organic clinical hypnotherapist and studied the subject like I did then? Impossible, 3 thousand years ago, schools cardboard and pen were not yet invented! Subsequent to all there is still the real possibility of UFO interferences downloading rare wisdom unto him, like it happened to meIn Jesus' time, Rome was forcing many Jewish families into destitution, with high taxes and land seizures. Some Jews advocated violent rebellion, but others opted for non-violent resistance. Jesus called for nonviolent resistance to Rome and just distribution of land and food.

He was crucified due to the fact that he threatened Roman stability not like a sacrifice to The god for humanity's sins, Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: This is funny reader, I did not view the content of this article, I view the content and release you with rebuttals all along and view the story with you. And the more I view Crossan's terminology the more I appreciate my own undeniable perceptionI already mentioned above that while Crossan was a roman soldier he was also pissed off at the Roman's abuses against the people. The very fact that Jesus were forced to deal with Roman politics threatened their stability and lead to savior's demise. Crossan's logical side associates with the current Place of prayer Inc.

manipulation and Cesar's evil ways to hold on to power. I should speak similar thing about my own mission and message, I am also a threat to Worshipper Illuminati status quo and they crucified me their own method by removing me from Wikipedia, Yahoo and many other public websites. Repeatedly I had thousands of colleagues on FB and I am now banned to accept more friends. Thus whether you like my work joins us at you know in a The god that uses violence to keep humanity, you will begin believing that violence is permissible in sure circumstances, for example suicide bombing or invading other countries to spread democracy, Crossan says. The person addiction to violence, though, is so ingrained that even the authors regarding the New Testament had trouble accepting Jesus' nonviolence, Crossan says.

So they did little editing. DT Rebuttal: It is wonderful that only a minority of people have enough mind force to definitely discern the truth and religions deceiving controlling political aims. OK now let me RE write what Crossan truly meant but cannot say, so I also did little editing Whether you know in a The god that uses violence to keep humanity, you will begin believing that violence is permissible in sure circumstances, for example suicide bombing or invading other countries to spread democracy and or or Christianity, Crossan says. Crossan's proof: Jesus preaches nonviolence at the beginning regarding the New Testament. By the pamphlet of Revelation, he is leading armies through heaven to kill evildoers.

Christianity most admits and subverts the historical Jesus, Crossan says. Remember the highest many veneered Roman The god was Mars The God Of War and the person red or blood addiction to violence, is INGRAINED due to the fact that of Mars' location by sign and house. There exists no true ways to determine Jesus' UCI but I can only rely on details I have and not necessarily trust. Jesus was born with Mars in Aries dignified and this created him a warrior regarding the mind. Thus we can only agree to disagree but one thing is sure Jesus, Crossan and I were all born in February.

Medieval Jesus ZodiacJesus Born: February 28, 6, 3:34 AM in: Bethlem Israel Sun: 717 Pisces Moon: 2457 Aquarius Ascendant: 1216 Capricorn Midheaven: 049 ScorpioMedieval Jesus ZodiacBut howcome should Jesus speak to his disciples leave to village and locate the person with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces Is it interesting to have knowledge of that if this birth chart and date is correct Jesus was born February 28th and I was born February 26 meantime in some ways am I also a warrior regarding the mind and is my ministry dedicated to wisdom, to The god and to peace within the world?All Is That And That Is AllWhen men realize the place of prayer is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs regarding the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight shall bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. TuriDoes Crossan subvert Christianity?Is Crossan doing similar admitting and subverting Jesus, some wonder? The words brilliant, keen mind and someone who loves the Book of jesus are many times used by fellow scholars to describe Crossan. They speak he is generous with his time, funny and personally warm. He has real depth regarding the soul, says McCane, the biblical scholar and archaeologist. He is spiritual within the greatest sense regarding the word.

He sees the earth like a location where values matter. Yet some also wonder if he unwittingly gives people an excuse to diminish Jesus' importance. DT Rebuttal: Incidentally the Aquarius traits mentioned above seem to fit me like a glove to anyone who knows me personally but I trust my reader to look me through my writings too and chances are they shall also perceive my own similar Aquarian qualities. The only difference between us 3 Aquarius' is that unlike Crossan, I was not born with Mercury the mind in deceiving religious Pisces and refused to ever enter another Place of prayer when I first saw the mutilated body of Jesus on the cross. I instinctively knew the place, the story and the aim was evil to core, and I was only six years old.

View more in my pamphlet Beyond The Secret Crossan was to act out his stars and fate early in life, my Mercury the mind in Aquarius the stars is dignified, and this is brings a huge difference in perception and intuition. Mercury in Pisces is ruled by faith AND UNFOUNDED FICTIONAL STORIES, while Mercury in Aquarius is highly intellectual and can perceive the spirit's essence in action per say. This mean I not ever sign of for the codification of thought, books and accepted person created disciplines with no problems and I was forced by my own UCI The god to gain the golden keys of truth my own independent way. Crossan sees the earth where physical values matter, I look the earth where God's divine spiritual values rule this physical world. And this fact can only be allowed to a minority of blessed souls can handle life's and Mars wars reality and not only look the earth through rose colored Neptunian glasses where only LOVE rules and where only Jesus' LOVE is the answer.

Ben Witherington, a New Testament scholar who has written multiple books related to the early Worshipper community, says Crossan's work allows people to sidestep questions like: Did he return to keep the world? Is he the son of God? It's a user-friendly Jesus that does not make demands on someone, he says. DT Rebuttal: Ben Witherington, a New Testament academically or scholarly educated soul express his latent, undeveloped, non curious, conform logical UCI where Jesus' truth was printed, accepted as is and should not ever be challenged in fear of going to hell. Indeed the soul is totally religiously poisoned where reason or critical thinking is inapproachable. These are the innocent lost pious souls knocking your door trying to convince themselves regarding the truth by convincing you they have the truth. Witherington says Crossan is trying to discover a nonsupernatural method to explain Jesus and Scripture, and the shoe does not fit.

The stories are inherently theological, he says. They all suggest that The god intervenes in history. Whether you have knowledge of a challenge with the supernatural, you have knowledge of a challenge with the Bible. DT Rebuttal: It amazes me that the very empty souls representing The god on earth for example Ben Witherington, New Testament scholar and all others Neptunians are the very fewest knowledgeable of God's supernatural celestial forces at work. Suggesting that The god is intervening in our person the past is an information but the HOW and WHY supernatural secrets or God's celestial tools are absolutely foreign to these people.

The only challenge I have with Ben Witherington is The god has a large return and acts of The god are NOT accidents but God's celestial supernatural manifestation that humanity has yet to uncover. One regarding the highest many persistent criticisms of Crossan's work is that he is turned Jesus into a peasant insurrectionist due to the fact that his Irish ancestors battled the British Empire. Crossan says growing up Irish creates you skeptical about empire. But he says he came of age within first generation subsequent to Irish independence when hatred regarding the British was not pervasive. Crossan once wrote in his memoir that he learned 3 things from Irish history: One, the British did terrible things to Irish.

Two, the Irish, had they the power, should have done equally terrible things to British they did it to one another with the British gone. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly it is obvious that reading about Ireland and the British political differences baffled Crossan Jupiter higher learning in Libra justice and with Pluto investigation in Cancer his ancestry. His sense of justice and Plutonic investigation gives him with a constant flow of spiritual regeneration but what does any religious scholar knows about Astropsychology, astrology, Jesus initial Ministry and The god celestial will?Supporters of Crossan's work speak he is encouraged ordinary Book of jesus readers to ask tough questions. He opened up space in well-known lifestyle for people to ponder related to the the past behind the biblical texts, says Timothy Beal, author of The Rise and Fall regarding the Bible: The Unexpected The past of an Accidental Book. He invited people return into the texts to question those authoritative sources that have been telling them, This is what the Book of jesus says, and you do not need to view it to yourself,' Beal says.

DT Rebuttal: I can only hope many of my readers are as spiritually advanced as I am due to the fact that in my work, history, dialogues and endless articles are saved for future generations that shall with time recognize the true prophetic values of my World large net legacy. Indeed we are basically witnessing the end of an Age and the birth of an unique one, nothing really special as the eternal Universal clock turns in favor regarding the Age of reason and spiritual freedom. Indeed the Age of Pisces, the age of illusion, deception, religions, lies, ignorance and fears is coming to an end as we approach the year 2012. The New Age of Aquarius and its promises for a universal religion based upon love, respect forgiveness, education, freedom like and respect is just around the corner. As many as Crossan opened up space in well-known lifestyle for people to ponder related to the the past behind the biblical texts my own mission is as, if not more important.

I am totally dedicated to humanity spiritual regeneration uncovering the immaculate perception of God's manifestation on earth. But you look reader it took 77 years for Crossman to finally escape the quick sand of deceiving Neptune and still no Cosmic Consciousness was established. Crossan's life todayHis Irish accent remains, but Crossan is now an American citizen. He lives near Orlando, Florida, and spends many of his time traveling to lectures and appearing in religious documentaries. After spending many of his life within the Roman Worshipper Church, Crossan is now an outsider.

He has not joined a place of prayer due to the fact that he says a priest may deny him the sacraments due to the fact that of his run-ins with place of prayer leaders. If I attend a regional Roman Worshipper Church, I should get sucked return into all the debates, he says. I do not need to give my life fighting Roman Catholicism. Crossan has also broken with place of prayer tradition by marrying. He married Margaret Dagenais, a university art professor, soon subsequent to leaving the priesthood in 1969.

She died of a heart attack in 1983. Today, his current wife, Sarah, is a yoga teacher and photographer. She's also his partner in travel. Crossan wanted to look the earth like a boy. Now he sees it like a man.

The 3 many times venture to blessed sites, where she takes photos that Crossan later uses in place of prayer presentations. Crossan's reputation between general Christians was so touchy that it initially affected his relationship with her parents, Sarah said. We did not talk about his work with them, she says. They was not able to handle it. They thought he was so wrong.

They loved him like a person, but not his work. Crossan spoke about Very many of people within first 100 years thought Jesus was saying something so important that they were willing to die for it. If people finish with my books and now look howcome Pilate executed him and howcome people died for him, then I've done my job. Turi rebuttal: Very many of people within the twentieth 100 years still ponder Jesus was saying something so important that they can be willing to die for it. If people view my books and my Cosmic Code newsletters with an reveal mind they shall appreciate the ministry Jesus was not allowed to fulfill due to the fact that Pilate executed him prior to he should introduce humanity to Our Father In The Heavens, then I've also done my job.

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