Tuesday 21 August 2012

Jesus And Paul Dominic Crossan

3 or 3 or 2011Dear VIP Reader;Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the person who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. '- Albert Dominic Crossan, born Feb. 17, 1934 The more I dig into the Cosmic Code the more, not only do I realize it's incredible force but its impact upon people's fate and idiosyncrasy. But one thing sure Cosmic Consciousness allows me to truly perceive people's destiny and in this case Peter Dominic Crossan's change of heart.

In this essay I shall expose his UCI Unique Celestial Identity and release the reader with a deeper look into his perception of Christ. First and foremost Peter Dominic Crossan like me was born in February below the New Age energythis should make you wonder howcome he became an lone regarding the robe and felt for what I translate as humanity religious poisoning. To normal soul, he sign of Aquarius is perceived as the symbol of an lone holding a jar but there is a many deeper meaning behind this critical sign. Indeed the wise ancient Sumerian wisdom while totally lost and ridicule has a meaning only perceptible to a very mini crowd of spiritually advanced born souls. Uranus God regarding the Sky in Greek mythology rules this sign and this mean also technology, television, astrology, geniuses, the future of mankind, UFO and of course all matters related to New Age.

The moth of birth dictate the soul's purpose and those born in February like Peter and I, are programmed through God's celestial creation the stars or the Cosmic Code or the signs to obtain a very critical interest to what is going on within the Universe. For example, a soul born with a latent, logical, rational UCI shall make an astronomer, an astrophysicist and shall lead the soul to operate with mathematics and work for NASA. A more spiritually inclined soul shall use his natural telescope and deal with the archetypal realm of consciousness and objectivity; intuition and channeling shall replace the limitation regarding the 5 person senses. This translate with polarity of perception and interests for example an astronomer versus an astrologer with the only important difference that the advanced soul realizes that the stars are many higher than mere rocks hanging up there only for the sake of beauty and have more to release than gravitational forces per say. Indeed Einstein knew a bit higher than our current infantile scientific community mesmerized by discovering new planets or constellations every lone day The intuitive mind is a sacred present and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We shall not solve the problems regarding the earth from similar position of thinking we were at when we created them. Higher than anything else, this new 100 years demands new thinking: We should change our materially based analysis regarding the earth around us to with broader, more multidimensional perspectives. ~Albert Einstein The greatness regarding the Universe is unknown, but I understand the spiritual forces that direct and move all the planets in our galaxy like a Divine source of force that shall be used to book and bring person a life filled with success, love, peace and harmony. TuriThus the soul's purpose of an Aquarius is to use his natural ingenious telescope, investigate the stars outside of conventional tools and accepted scientific disciplines then collect all the wisdom into the jar.

Then his mission is to release that Universal wisdom from the heavens to a very thirsty world; it appears this is what I have been doing for the final 45 years and it also appears that Peter Dominic Crossan, at the tender age of 77 years old finally realized the damage of political or religion and what Jesus was all about. But there is still something missing though, his findings are still logical and unperceptive pertaining to savior's true ministry. Thus creating use of Astropsychology and by exposing Crossan's UCI the reader shall locate the answers to why, from a very pious person he finally reached his rebellious Aquarius soul's purpose late in his life. First Peter Dominic Crossan was born with a Dragon's Tail in Leo and this position enunciates a serious fear of death. Note also that Leo rules like thus whether you have knowledge of a preeminent Leo in your chart, LOVE is the answer to all your queries, should they be religious or not.

The force regarding the stars is extreme but the divine details allowing one to perform simple auto analysis is very rare, mostly if Cosmic Consciousness is missing. In fact A Gemini student of mine called me this morning telling and selling me the final religious discovery he signed for All his words were all about LOVE and the LOVE of Jesus etc. Even with fair handling regarding the Cosmic Code through my teachings, this student felt for his Leo or Like 3rd building of communication overriding his perception of God's magnificent celestial creation and the force exerted by the signs upon his own self. His final email to me wasDr. Turi; Until you can acknowledge that Jesus Jesus is the foundation regarding the Universe.

Your Job is all talk and you are college is destined for failure. Saying we were most right is to speak that the Truth shall encompass truth. Within the Name regarding the Father, and regarding the Son, and regarding the Blessed Spirit. How can Jesus the son of The god be the foundation regarding the Universe when His Father in The Heaven is the sole responsible for creation? Creates no sense and all I was doing was to agree with his like theory sequential to stay away from more religious selling and hurt his feelings but he was gone a bit too distant and sounded like a Minister infatuated with Jesus. Incidentally this is precisely what I teach, Jesus' altered Ministry or the true heart and divine manifestation of Our Father In The Heavens.

But it seem this student did not as of yet perceived my message and let his fears and like override his higher consciousness. With the tail regarding the Dragon in Gemini on his first building he is bound to re-evaluate all I taught him and subsequent to a little years he got caught within the religious or like for Jesus and the codification of thoughts. I used this example due to the fact that this was one regarding the many factors that lead Peter Dominic Crossan to aim for religions and his LOVE for the light and Jesus the savior. So let us now confirm more of his hidden personality and understand what happened to his new perception and judgment. But the real sign creating him prone to serious religious interest is very obvious to any of my advanced studentsAnd that is Peter Dominic Crossan's location of his Mercury critical thinking or communication located within the sign of PISCES.

This sign was subconsciously chosen by Christians to represents their critical faith and the warnings associated with Neptune's rulership. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune the God of Deception and this imaginative or deceiving sign was in charge of humanity's fate for the final 3 thousand years. Thus the ending regarding the Age of Pisces soon to be replaced by the New Age of Aquarius. The wise Sumerian picked this watery symbol to represent how a soul can with no problems be deceived living like a fish stuck in his mini bowl, where only a imaginary loving world is real. A world where the harsh reality of life is replaced by love, hopes and wishes and where the facts of war and a harsh world are dismissed.

Pisces or Neptune rules also locations of confinement, for example churches, synagogues, temples, jails, hospitals. Pisces toys are alcohol, drugs, pot, health related prescriptions where uncontrolled imagination and fears leads the soul towards madness, suicide, dementia, depressions etc. Thus with such a Neptunian cocktail regulating Peter Dominic Crossan's mental process, there exists no wonder howcome he was lead by the Cosmic Code to perform a religious mission on earth. If all the pious people regarding the robe were to uncover their own UCI they located locate out that; they can be all saturated with Neptune's illusive values. The decision they created was already created by the stars they inherited at birth and they have NO clue of how God, through his creation stimulated their spiritual endeavors, call it karma in so many levels.

By the method do you have knowledge of that first ever place of prayer was located in Israel below the foundation of a jail and below the oldest Mosaic representing the sign of Pisces? Confirm the truth two of his first fan letters came from someone who declared: If Hell were not already created, it should be invented just for you. Other critics have called him demonic, blasphemous and a schmuck. DT Rebuttal: Gee I have been called worse than these and repeatedly the lost accusing souls are petrified by hell itself. In fact for this religiously poisoned fan to use Hell like a thorough proof of is induced fear creating the parents fully responsible for such an early psychic poisoning. When Peter Dominic Crossan was a teenager in Ireland, he dreamed of becoming a missionary priest.

But the message he is spreading about Jesus currently isn't the kind that should endear him to many place of prayer leaders. Crossan says Jesus was an exploited peasant with an attitude who did not perform many miracles, physically rise from the dead or die as punishment for humanity's sins. DT Rebuttal: Well I have knowledge of tons of people who once were very religious then woke up to reality due to the fact that of sure experiences. The very purpose of any soul stuck on HELL that should be earth learning ground is similar for Peter Dominic Crossan due to the fact that life is a constant process of changes. Jesus was extraordinary due to the fact that of how he lived, not died, says Crossan, one regarding the world's top scholars on the historical Jesus, a field in which academics use historical evidence to reconstruct Jesus in his first-century setting.

I cannot imagine a more miraculous life than nonviolent resistance to violence, Crossan says. I cannot imagine a bigger miracle than an lone standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly Peter Dominic Crossan's very words nonviolent resistance to violence, speak for themselves about LOVE and understanding and reinforce my theory regulating his own psyche. In another time, Crossan's views should have been confined to scholarly journals. But he and his best-selling books, within the recent Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, have changed how biblical scholars operate.

Crossan believes the public should be exposed to even the highest many divisive debates that scholars have had about Jesus and the Bible. He co-founded the Jesus Seminar, a controversial team of scholars who hold public forums that cast doubt on the authenticity of many sayings and deeds attributed to Jesus. DT Rebuttal: Indeed Crossan's views should be exposed to general public but what about mine? Is there anything valuable in my work dissecting the UCI, the mind and the divinity of The god outside of Crossan's views and perception of Jesus? The fact is this world, since Jesus' birth was below the jurisdiction of deceiving Neptune and this planet supports anything creative where reality, critical thinking and higher spiritual teachings have no room. Yes have you noticed that the highest many well-known people on this world are top generator of fictitious fabric based upon imagination? Is this howcome Crossanis shall also be a greatest seller selling stories such Harry Potter?I AM AN AQUARIUS, PROMOTER OF THE TRUTHJohn Dominic Crossan says even the writers regarding the Book of jesus disagreed about Jesus' message. The 77-year-old Crossan has built on the seminar's mission by writing a series of best-selling books on Jesus and the Apostle Paul.

With his silver Prince Valiant haircut and his pronounced Irish accent, he is also appeared on documentaries for example PBS's From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians and A and amp;E's Mysteries regarding the Bible. Crossan's overarching message is that you do not need to accept the Jesus of dogma. There is another Jesus hidden in Scripture and the past who was ignored. DT Rebuttal: Peter Dominic Crossan says even the writers regarding the Book of jesus disagreed about Jesus' message but how can anyone dissect the truth about Jesus when first documentations of his life appeared over 5 hundred years subsequent to his death? Who's to know Jesus was a normal being contacted by extraterrestrials that cursed him with supreme wisdom exactly as it happened to me? Subsequent to all I have all the solid proofs of my own incredible claims and knowing that incredible experiences breed incredible people that have incredible things to teach this is a thorough and accurate representation of Jesus in my mind. But peole can only relate to me due to the fact that of their personal similar experiences, similar learning and most of all, a similar highly spiritually advanced UCI, anything else is totally bull I shall sum He is changed the method we look and ponder about Jesus, says Byron McCane, an archaeologist and professor of religion at Wofford College in Southern Carolina.

He is important in a method that little scholars are. Byron McCane isn't what life is all about, changes? With this kind of archaic thinking how can progress, competitive views and originality be? I should call Peter Dominic Crossan view simplistic, logical, no brainer and realistic, the question is what about my advanced views and true perception of Jesus' messed up ministry and his connection to UFO? But that is MY prerogative due to the fact that I LIVED IT and how can I be sought as decent, normal, real and legit when I assure the reader this kind of skills development is indeed real and not only extraordinary but exceptionally rare. How can the reader wonder about my sanity or ego and endorse my claim and not ponder for a 2nd Dr. Turi is mentally unstable? Unless Jesus should speak from the heavens and divulge what really happened to him then all you have knowledge of is what happened to me return in August 2001 when the ET downloaded the Cosmic Code secrets to me. And I truly look it is of an utmost importance due to the fact that it does reflect the truth about Jesus, other spiritual world well-known leaders and my humble self.

They all hold a very similar religious message it seems, mine is totally different but not ever the less, very REAL, mysterious and reflect God's celestial shall and signsThat's all!A reluctant scholarCrossan shall also be reviled in a method that little scholars are. Some critics speak he is trying to debunk Christianity. Some question his personal faith. At a college lecture, Crossan says an audience member stood up and asked him if he had received the God Jesus as his savior. Crossan spoke about he had, but refused to repeat his questioner's evangelical language to describe his conversion.

DT Rebuttal: And that is where the true meaning regarding the phrase Scholar appliesBut what if the old scholastic religious expert advices on The god children's books they wrote was ALL wrong? But who to use critical thinking when Neptune and Pisces life blur a truth all scientists and SCHOLAR are prone to miss reading the printed words and missing the essence regarding the heart itself? Has The god himself written any books or created the stars and ET's that is the kind of simplistic questions a scholar or a scientist has to acknowledge first reader. I wasn't going to release him the language; it's not my language, Crossan says. I wasn't trying to denigrate him, but do not ponder you have knowledge of the monopoly on the language of Christianity. When asked if he is a Christian, Crossan does not hesitate. DT Rebuttal: When asked if he is a Christian, Crossan does not hesitate.

Sound like the inquisition to me where the very essence regarding the heart is missed for the causeAs distant as the language is concerned how can any Worshipper or Crossan himself really hear God's celestial tongue when none possess Cosmic Consciousness? Yes None of them have been trained to speak the language regarding the Gods and mastering the Cosmic Code starlight language demand a very unique teacher and only when the student and the earth is ready shall the teacher appear And I have knowledge of how not only to listen to The god but translate his celestial shall and the proof are at shall talk to you, you will not hear me, I shall present myself to you, you will not look me. GodCrossan says he not ever planned to be a Jesus scholar but was drafted to play that role by the Roman Worshipper Church. He grew up in a mini village in Ireland reading adventure stories like 20,000 Leagues below The Sea and reciting poetry with his father on long walks. He wanted adventure and travel. The missionary priests who visited his boyhood college with stories of mission trips to Africa seemed to release both.

DT Rebuttal: Little does Crossan knows that he was computerized or drafted by creation and ordered by The god through the Cosmic Code itself to attract the Neptunian religious life to fulfill his Aquarius soul's purpose. Indeed there exists NO accident but I doubt very many he knows enough related to the Cosmic Code rules and The god pulling the strings of his destiny. Note that his Mercury words in Pisces poetry is the primary factor of attraction due to the fact that Crossan's very future was nothing else than the reincarnation of HIS very thoughts. Pisces is religiously deceptive, Aquarius is vibrant and very smart and it took Crossan many years to figure it out. His very name CROSSan also played a subconscious role in his decision to promote or debunk Jesus.

Crossan says his father, a banker, and his mother, a housewife, did not push religion on him. He was raised in a general Irish Worshipper place of prayer where faith was undiscussed, uninvestigated and uncriticized. I did not grow up in an atmosphere where the Book of jesus was stuffed below my throat. Peter Dominic Crossan's parents, Daniel and Elizabeth, not ever pushed religion on him. DT Rebuttal: But this is where repeatedly he was already SET by his natal UCI chart with his Mercury the mind in Pisces religions to sign up at an early age.

09% of person walking this earth, Crossan is depraved of Cosmic Consciousness and happens to be nothing else than a peon regarding the stars. He was or is INCAPABLE of creating use of his shall or the component of The god in each person being due to the fact that no one taught him otherwise. Meantime first teachers always play an important component of molding the psyche of their babies and some are already set to grow to terrorists or religious martyrs. But if the child is blessed with an advanced UCI, with time and observation, his own mental strengths shall allows him to exit the Neptunian deceiving addictive religious pull. Yet Crossan immersed himself within the earth regarding the Book of jesus for the rest of his adult life.

When he entered a monastery at 16, place of prayer leaders told him they wanted him to be a scholar due to the fact that he had already taken 5 years of Latin and Greek. He became a priestly prodigy: ordained by 23; a doctorate at 25. He studied in Rome and Jerusalem, and eventually became a New Testament scholar who became known as an authority on the parables of Jesus. Crossan saw them as subversive literary gems. DT Rebuttal: In God's name, what does a 16-years-old child knows about life or his own self? Crossan's natal moon emotions in Leo fame or fear of death ruled his psyche until puberty and what does his mentally depraved, religious poisoned place of prayer leader really knew or knows about Pisces, Aquarius, the cosmic Code, the signs and The god true celestial identity?The fact is, CROSSan, was MOLDED, fabricated, produced and influenced by the Place of prayer Inc.

and how can such a young person read about real life when his life experiences consist at digesting piles of archaic literatures in a convent? At 14 years old I was within the streets, experienced real hell surviving in stealing food when the neighbors trash had nothing to offer. Yes I was within the real world and at 23 I already knew all related to the moon's impact upon people life and the hell I was in. Crossan was like a fish, in his own tank his own world forced to accept the scriptures and convinced of salvation only through biblical learning. But due to the fact that of his Mercury in Pisces, he had first to leave through these murky waters then later on in life respond to God's higher order and fulfill his own purpose. His Aquarius genius like intellectual nature helped him to FREE his own soul and locate his OWN salvation.

But who's to trust and know this 77 years-old person lifetime experiences and his own perception of Jesus when his soul is full of anger for what was done to his descendants by the British ruling hierarchy? Should you trust my own 61 years of non religious highly spiritual findings to bring you the true face of The god and Jesus' true Ministry?Crossan's days like a priest should end, due to the fact that regarding similar forces that shaped the rest of his career: the clash between place of prayer dogma and scholarly truth. Crossan says it was bliss being a priest and scholar within the mid-1960s due to the fact that the Roman Worshipper Place of prayer had instituted a series of modernizing reforms. But conservative place of prayer leaders fought those reforms, and Crossan says they pressured him to steer his studies toward conclusions that reinforced place of prayer doctrine. It's like you are a scientist in studies and development, and you speak that this drug is lethal, and they say, Locate something good in it,' Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: Indeed I wrote intensively about those reforms in previous newsletters saved at Yes there exists tons of valuable details available to those willing to do the mental gymnastics to raise above fear and ignorance and read the facts related to the Place of prayer Inc.

Indeed Gypsies were persecuted for centuries but now they shall be canonized, Yes Gay and Lesbian suffered similar fate but they can be now accepted as Bishops. This crowd has very many of cash they need to survive reader and the list goes on and on about an Illuminati organization that controls the details and the rest regarding the ignorant The god fearing mass. In God's name I wish Crossan path meet mine one day for 3 Aquarius' fate, while initially very different finally joined within the name of The god and the truth for humanity. He left the priesthood in 1969 subsequent to he angered place of prayer leaders by publicly questioning the church's ban on birth control. He married, and settled into a career of teaching and writing books that were view primarily by other scholars.

Later, however, Crossan should anger place of prayer leaders again. DT Rebuttal: Indeed that was the greatest thing for him to do, remove the Neptunian life from his new perception and persona; this act shall finalize his true mission as an Aquarius, a truth seeker and a Messenger regarding the Gods. Meantime again, how can I remain modest and finalize his quests to help him master and understand the Cosmic Code, the new face and tools of The god and Jesus' original Ministry through the New Age movement? I wish someone email him this essay for I should bring closure and the truth to an lone that give 77 years of his life seeing for it and being deceived all along due to the fact that he fully deserves it. Crossan takes on an worldwide roleIn 1985, Robert Funk, a New Testament scholar, asked Crossan to join him on a risky mission: Expose the public to academic debates related to the historical Jesus. The seminar was Crossan's first large exposure to public.

The press gravitated to him due to the fact that he was a scholar who did not talk like a scholar. Christianity most admits and subverts the historical Jesus. DT Rebuttal: Crossan was trained by the place of prayer to grow to a scholar but his UCI Unique Celestial Identity is loaded with Aquarius and this sign is very many ANTI scholar. My own mission is to teach the earth on the celestial tools used by The god to stir his babies to work and explain their soul's purpose on hell earth or the school. This lack of Cosmic Consciousness is so detrimental and infringe all the Universal laws The god created for humanity.

It is like an unaware police psychologist hiring a soul born with an inadequate UCI or a Dragon's Tail negative in Scorpio the police to fulfill a Law Enforcement career. Everyone loses, the cop gets killed on first day on the job, and or or he becomes crooked and abuse force and cost the tax payer the place of prayer Inc. in this case bad publicity and tons of cash through legal battles. And you ponder only religious figures are numb? Try the police and whether you can be a cop join us Dominic Crossan, historic Jesus scholarHe became known for his sound bites inspired, he says, by Jesus' use of parables to distill complex truths in pithy but provocative sayings. Explaining howcome America's reliance on military may was similar to Rome's, he told Time magazine: There is good news and bad news from the historical Jesus.

The good news: The god says Caesar sucks. The bad news: The god says Caesar is us. DT Rebuttal: I teach my students to be very aware of any subconscious glitches due to the fact that there exists NO accidents creating use of historical references and this is exactly what Crossan did by mentioning Rome. Crossan was born with a Dragon's Tail past lives in Leo Rome or Italy thus anyone who view my pamphlet The Force regarding the Dragon should have knowledge of immediately that Crossan's past lives were lived there. But did Crossan view my pamphlet related to the Dragon and uncovered his past lives, he does not have knowledge of me but you do, so did you view about your Dragon's Tail yet? here is your answer reader, a total lack of interest! My pamphlet while extraordinarily real offers these answers but it is not yet a greatest seller due to the fact that it does not endorse, promote or sell the real Jesus and his altered ministry.

The earth has so many to learnCrossan's public profile rose another notch in 1991 when The New York Times ran a front-page story 3 days prior to New year's on his book, The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant. The pamphlet became a bestseller, and Crossan followed up with more. He says people were anxious to embrace a faith with brains and heart, and read the the past behind the text, not just its wording. When we started out, people thought we were out on the left wing, he says. Now, I'm talking in about 30 churches a year.

Very many of this is becoming mainstream. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly people shall pay large fortunes to be deceived as long as you tell them any story they need to hear and when it returns to Jesus with 99. 09 % regarding the earth below Neptune spiritual control, the more stories Crossan created the more rewards and fame he got. Indeed the stars not ever lie or like and the truth is; if there is demand the drugs shall sell, period!Crossan's revolutionary JesusIt's still controversial, though. A casual look for of Crossan's name online turns up plenty of insults and warnings not to view his books.

Crossan says, however, that he is trying to understand the stories of Jesus, not refute them. Still, his findings many times end up challenging little of Christianity's most cherished beliefs. DT Rebuttal: This is a typical reaction based upon tons of fictional fabric that killed millions during the dark Ages when the Pisces deceiving life was at its strongest The Place of prayer Inc. has many to lose when logic is applied reader. But all Crossan is doing is to use his imaginative Pisces or Mercury ruled mind imagine the story then crystallize it in a shape of greatest seller.

Yes people shall like you whether you make them ponder and this is what he doesHowever when you make people REALLY ponder like my challenging fabric does, they shall HATE you due to the fact that it goes against their secure archaic belief that they shall all end up in paradise with The god near Jesus I wonder when the earth shall finally realize there is no hell to leave to, due to the fact that they can be already there, below here on this dense physical world, stuck in their created up fears and humongous ignoranceConsider his understanding regarding the resurrection. Jesus did not bodily rise from the dead, he says. First Christians told Jesus' resurrection story like a parable, not like a fact. Crucifixion meant that imperial force had won, Crossan says. Resurrection meant that divine justice had won.

The god is on the side regarding the crucified one. Rome's' values are a dead issue to me. DT Rebuttal: The fact is by seeing at the make up of CROSSan's UCI there is no doubt in my mind that he was a Roman soldier witnessing and killing rebellious villains through crucifixion, and all against his willHe shall have also forced to deliver the mortal wound to many other souls ending up on the infamous CROSS with nailed hands Indeed following a revolution, Julius Cesar killed a good chunk regarding the captured slaves within Spartacus on the cross and he created sure all roads leading to Rome were loaded with crosses and dead bodies like a solid deterrent for anyone willing against his regime. Crossan was then fighting a regime he was forced to give and, decades later, he located himself in a similar situation with the Place of prayer Inc. Yes indeed the past has a very peculiar method to repeat itself through reincarnations.

How related to the stories of Jesus' miracles, like raising the dead or stilling the storm?Yes Dr. Turi you have knowledge of better I, Peter Dominic Crossan like a child, wanted to be a missionary priest as an Irish schoolboy due to the fact that my Mercury the mind is located within the pious sign of Pisces!Most were parables, too, Crossan says. But there were some exceptions. I'm completely convinced that Jesus was a primary healer, he says. I do not ponder anybody should talk about Jesus if all he did was talk.

People like to talk about Scripture, but Christians should also have knowledge of the past to understand Jesus, Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: Indeed Jesus was a healer but should he have been a healer regarding the mind too? Knowing the future is the reincarnation regarding the thoughts and thoughts are things, can a well directed thought process affect the atomic structure of anyone's body and heal it? Gee do I have incredible stories to tell from my many patients and students readerOMG, healing or killing oneself with the mind is so very real and it should be mendatory for all person beings to have knowledge of about this powerful real psychic power! Try you can be amazed. But was Jesus an organic clinical hypnotherapist and studied the subject like I did then? Impossible, 3 thousand years ago, schools cardboard and pen were not yet invented! Subsequent to all there is still the real possibility of UFO interferences downloading rare wisdom unto him, like it happened to meIn Jesus' time, Rome was forcing many Jewish families into destitution, with high taxes and land seizures. Some Jews advocated violent rebellion, but others opted for non-violent resistance. Jesus called for nonviolent resistance to Rome and just distribution of land and food.

He was crucified due to the fact that he threatened Roman stability not like a sacrifice to The god for humanity's sins, Crossan says. DT Rebuttal: This is funny reader, I did not view the content of this article, I view the content and release you with rebuttals all along and view the story with you. And the more I view Crossan's terminology the more I appreciate my own undeniable perceptionI already mentioned above that while Crossan was a roman soldier he was also pissed off at the Roman's abuses against the people. The very fact that Jesus were forced to deal with Roman politics threatened their stability and lead to savior's demise. Crossan's logical side associates with the current Place of prayer Inc.

manipulation and Cesar's evil ways to hold on to power. I should speak similar thing about my own mission and message, I am also a threat to Worshipper Illuminati status quo and they crucified me their own method by removing me from Wikipedia, Yahoo and many other public websites. Repeatedly I had thousands of colleagues on FB and I am now banned to accept more friends. Thus whether you like my work joins us at you know in a The god that uses violence to keep humanity, you will begin believing that violence is permissible in sure circumstances, for example suicide bombing or invading other countries to spread democracy, Crossan says. The person addiction to violence, though, is so ingrained that even the authors regarding the New Testament had trouble accepting Jesus' nonviolence, Crossan says.

So they did little editing. DT Rebuttal: It is wonderful that only a minority of people have enough mind force to definitely discern the truth and religions deceiving controlling political aims. OK now let me RE write what Crossan truly meant but cannot say, so I also did little editing Whether you know in a The god that uses violence to keep humanity, you will begin believing that violence is permissible in sure circumstances, for example suicide bombing or invading other countries to spread democracy and or or Christianity, Crossan says. Crossan's proof: Jesus preaches nonviolence at the beginning regarding the New Testament. By the pamphlet of Revelation, he is leading armies through heaven to kill evildoers.

Christianity most admits and subverts the historical Jesus, Crossan says. Remember the highest many veneered Roman The god was Mars The God Of War and the person red or blood addiction to violence, is INGRAINED due to the fact that of Mars' location by sign and house. There exists no true ways to determine Jesus' UCI but I can only rely on details I have and not necessarily trust. Jesus was born with Mars in Aries dignified and this created him a warrior regarding the mind. Thus we can only agree to disagree but one thing is sure Jesus, Crossan and I were all born in February.

Medieval Jesus ZodiacJesus Born: February 28, 6, 3:34 AM in: Bethlem Israel Sun: 717 Pisces Moon: 2457 Aquarius Ascendant: 1216 Capricorn Midheaven: 049 ScorpioMedieval Jesus ZodiacBut howcome should Jesus speak to his disciples leave to village and locate the person with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces Is it interesting to have knowledge of that if this birth chart and date is correct Jesus was born February 28th and I was born February 26 meantime in some ways am I also a warrior regarding the mind and is my ministry dedicated to wisdom, to The god and to peace within the world?All Is That And That Is AllWhen men realize the place of prayer is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs regarding the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight shall bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world. TuriDoes Crossan subvert Christianity?Is Crossan doing similar admitting and subverting Jesus, some wonder? The words brilliant, keen mind and someone who loves the Book of jesus are many times used by fellow scholars to describe Crossan. They speak he is generous with his time, funny and personally warm. He has real depth regarding the soul, says McCane, the biblical scholar and archaeologist. He is spiritual within the greatest sense regarding the word.

He sees the earth like a location where values matter. Yet some also wonder if he unwittingly gives people an excuse to diminish Jesus' importance. DT Rebuttal: Incidentally the Aquarius traits mentioned above seem to fit me like a glove to anyone who knows me personally but I trust my reader to look me through my writings too and chances are they shall also perceive my own similar Aquarian qualities. The only difference between us 3 Aquarius' is that unlike Crossan, I was not born with Mercury the mind in deceiving religious Pisces and refused to ever enter another Place of prayer when I first saw the mutilated body of Jesus on the cross. I instinctively knew the place, the story and the aim was evil to core, and I was only six years old.

View more in my pamphlet Beyond The Secret Crossan was to act out his stars and fate early in life, my Mercury the mind in Aquarius the stars is dignified, and this is brings a huge difference in perception and intuition. Mercury in Pisces is ruled by faith AND UNFOUNDED FICTIONAL STORIES, while Mercury in Aquarius is highly intellectual and can perceive the spirit's essence in action per say. This mean I not ever sign of for the codification of thought, books and accepted person created disciplines with no problems and I was forced by my own UCI The god to gain the golden keys of truth my own independent way. Crossan sees the earth where physical values matter, I look the earth where God's divine spiritual values rule this physical world. And this fact can only be allowed to a minority of blessed souls can handle life's and Mars wars reality and not only look the earth through rose colored Neptunian glasses where only LOVE rules and where only Jesus' LOVE is the answer.

Ben Witherington, a New Testament scholar who has written multiple books related to the early Worshipper community, says Crossan's work allows people to sidestep questions like: Did he return to keep the world? Is he the son of God? It's a user-friendly Jesus that does not make demands on someone, he says. DT Rebuttal: Ben Witherington, a New Testament academically or scholarly educated soul express his latent, undeveloped, non curious, conform logical UCI where Jesus' truth was printed, accepted as is and should not ever be challenged in fear of going to hell. Indeed the soul is totally religiously poisoned where reason or critical thinking is inapproachable. These are the innocent lost pious souls knocking your door trying to convince themselves regarding the truth by convincing you they have the truth. Witherington says Crossan is trying to discover a nonsupernatural method to explain Jesus and Scripture, and the shoe does not fit.

The stories are inherently theological, he says. They all suggest that The god intervenes in history. Whether you have knowledge of a challenge with the supernatural, you have knowledge of a challenge with the Bible. DT Rebuttal: It amazes me that the very empty souls representing The god on earth for example Ben Witherington, New Testament scholar and all others Neptunians are the very fewest knowledgeable of God's supernatural celestial forces at work. Suggesting that The god is intervening in our person the past is an information but the HOW and WHY supernatural secrets or God's celestial tools are absolutely foreign to these people.

The only challenge I have with Ben Witherington is The god has a large return and acts of The god are NOT accidents but God's celestial supernatural manifestation that humanity has yet to uncover. One regarding the highest many persistent criticisms of Crossan's work is that he is turned Jesus into a peasant insurrectionist due to the fact that his Irish ancestors battled the British Empire. Crossan says growing up Irish creates you skeptical about empire. But he says he came of age within first generation subsequent to Irish independence when hatred regarding the British was not pervasive. Crossan once wrote in his memoir that he learned 3 things from Irish history: One, the British did terrible things to Irish.

Two, the Irish, had they the power, should have done equally terrible things to British they did it to one another with the British gone. DT Rebuttal: Repeatedly it is obvious that reading about Ireland and the British political differences baffled Crossan Jupiter higher learning in Libra justice and with Pluto investigation in Cancer his ancestry. His sense of justice and Plutonic investigation gives him with a constant flow of spiritual regeneration but what does any religious scholar knows about Astropsychology, astrology, Jesus initial Ministry and The god celestial will?Supporters of Crossan's work speak he is encouraged ordinary Book of jesus readers to ask tough questions. He opened up space in well-known lifestyle for people to ponder related to the the past behind the biblical texts, says Timothy Beal, author of The Rise and Fall regarding the Bible: The Unexpected The past of an Accidental Book. He invited people return into the texts to question those authoritative sources that have been telling them, This is what the Book of jesus says, and you do not need to view it to yourself,' Beal says.

DT Rebuttal: I can only hope many of my readers are as spiritually advanced as I am due to the fact that in my work, history, dialogues and endless articles are saved for future generations that shall with time recognize the true prophetic values of my World large net legacy. Indeed we are basically witnessing the end of an Age and the birth of an unique one, nothing really special as the eternal Universal clock turns in favor regarding the Age of reason and spiritual freedom. Indeed the Age of Pisces, the age of illusion, deception, religions, lies, ignorance and fears is coming to an end as we approach the year 2012. The New Age of Aquarius and its promises for a universal religion based upon love, respect forgiveness, education, freedom like and respect is just around the corner. As many as Crossan opened up space in well-known lifestyle for people to ponder related to the the past behind the biblical texts my own mission is as, if not more important.

I am totally dedicated to humanity spiritual regeneration uncovering the immaculate perception of God's manifestation on earth. But you look reader it took 77 years for Crossman to finally escape the quick sand of deceiving Neptune and still no Cosmic Consciousness was established. Crossan's life todayHis Irish accent remains, but Crossan is now an American citizen. He lives near Orlando, Florida, and spends many of his time traveling to lectures and appearing in religious documentaries. After spending many of his life within the Roman Worshipper Church, Crossan is now an outsider.

He has not joined a place of prayer due to the fact that he says a priest may deny him the sacraments due to the fact that of his run-ins with place of prayer leaders. If I attend a regional Roman Worshipper Church, I should get sucked return into all the debates, he says. I do not need to give my life fighting Roman Catholicism. Crossan has also broken with place of prayer tradition by marrying. He married Margaret Dagenais, a university art professor, soon subsequent to leaving the priesthood in 1969.

She died of a heart attack in 1983. Today, his current wife, Sarah, is a yoga teacher and photographer. She's also his partner in travel. Crossan wanted to look the earth like a boy. Now he sees it like a man.

The 3 many times venture to blessed sites, where she takes photos that Crossan later uses in place of prayer presentations. Crossan's reputation between general Christians was so touchy that it initially affected his relationship with her parents, Sarah said. We did not talk about his work with them, she says. They was not able to handle it. They thought he was so wrong.

They loved him like a person, but not his work. Crossan spoke about Very many of people within first 100 years thought Jesus was saying something so important that they were willing to die for it. If people finish with my books and now look howcome Pilate executed him and howcome people died for him, then I've done my job. Turi rebuttal: Very many of people within the twentieth 100 years still ponder Jesus was saying something so important that they can be willing to die for it. If people view my books and my Cosmic Code newsletters with an reveal mind they shall appreciate the ministry Jesus was not allowed to fulfill due to the fact that Pilate executed him prior to he should introduce humanity to Our Father In The Heavens, then I've also done my job.

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