Tuesday 4 September 2012

If The God Did Not Make The Universe, Who Did? Maybe You Did!

If The god did not make the universe, who did? Maybe you did! Whether you did make the universe, then you should have been prior to the large bang, some twenty billions of years ago! Were you not?. You should have been a fist class-planning architect. You should have been an engineer regarding the fist order. You should have been a conceiver of everything, from the infinitely tiny strings and quarks to infinitely huge galaxies and universe: maybe mutli-universes or parallel ones. You should have been a first class visionary.

You should have been a first class creator. You should have had knowledge of everything. You should have had force over everything. You should be a creating force with manage over everything. You should have figured out a fully-fledged program to make everything as it is.

You should have had first order aesthetic sense to make the universe so beautiful, so majestic and so admirable. Then, you should ponder of what fabric you can be going to use to make the universe. Well, intelligent as you are, self-endowed with such intelligence and with self-endowed wisdom and knowledge, you should have thought that the greatest thing to do is to use atoms and make atoms the smallest particle of your matter. However, you should ponder of creating such atoms. Nevertheless, intelligent and creative as you can be you should have thought out a done structure of atoms.

Therefore, you did have created atoms with a precise and accurate structure to make atoms what they are. Hmm! Where should I get such atoms?. But, there is nothing I look in front of me, no atoms, and no universe, nothing that I can beginning with. Well, with little bit of luck you can resort to your creative powers and command atoms to be what it is. So you own used your creative ability to bring things out of nothing.

Well, you should be The god Himself to do such a thing. Creating something out of nothing. But, do not forget you not ever trust in The god and hence The god is not there to help you. However, the display should leave on and you should make the universe. Alone, in an extra-space and extra-time position, no oxygen, no space pressure, you should have perished in little seconds.

Nevertheless, bypassing formalities and such essential wants for your survival, you managed to be in such a position where is this position, you own not got the faintest idea, But, maybe you do, for you can be within the process of creating the universe. You should then need atoms that constitute reason and these atoms should have critical and critical qualities and characteristics to corm reason and hold a dimension of time. They should be can radiate energy, light, time, movement, change, evolving, and some thousands of other features. Well, intelligent as you can be seeing that you own managed to survive prior to the universe and extra universe, you worked out all structures and functions of all atoms. You were able, with a miracle to invent and make atoms that shape black reason and atoms that shape simple matter.

Then with your extraordinary powers, you ordained matters to be formed into hundreds of billions of galaxies. You own ordained reason to shape hundreds of trillions of stars. You were able, with your superhuman powers to make planets. You then, with your infinite wisdom, you created such billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and planets move within the direction you wanted. Throughout all these billions of years, you should have felt hungry or thirsty and wanted perhaps a hamburger and a coca cola.

However, there is no service at that hour of time to order such a menu. Well, we need to skip formalities and pass on to more serious things, the universe for example. Being you a creator-inventor-architect-mathematician-engineer-chemist- physicist-botanist-astrophysicist, and well equipped with the knowledge of atomic engineering and nano structure it is easy for you to make things what they are. Then, with your infinite wisdom, you thought about creating a solar system with the sun within the center and planet earth gliding in outer space around the sun at a velocity of 1600 km per 2nd to catch up with the 92 millions of distance around the sun. You were careful enough by creating the other solar planets maintaining enough gravitational forces no to let the sun escape from the orbit you own decided and approach the sun, otherwise it should burn out and your efforts should be in loss.

Nor should you own allowed the earth to component business from the orbit you own chosen for it, for fear it should freeze and life should be impossible. Then you should have worked out the procedure and program to make the earth rotate around its axis sequential to have night and day. For your life manifestations need to sleep and rest at night and work within the day. Then, you created the earth tilt itself creating thus the 4 seasons with all new harvests at every time. Then you thought it out that it is better to make h2o and land at a nearly ratio of 75% of h2o to 25% of land for your future creatures.

However, your wisdom went farther by creating millions of life dimensions, creating 3 millions of pet species, every species is distinctly different from another species, with a structure of life of a male and female to reproduce. Then, you should have created the entire flora, minerals, metals and other millions of things that are complementary to earth as it is. You should have figured out that it is essential to have succinct conditions of life to sustain life; otherwise, your life manifestations which you own created with that you own hands should disappear. All this you thought it out some six billions of years ago, not tired from creation, you should have worked out the solar system and ordained its atoms to be assembled together and shape what we look of miraculous beauty, harmony and order, structure and function, life and death. However, you can be intelligent like a person being.

You deny The god and should take His place. Well, I wish you good luck in your creation, ungrateful, as you are, arrogant to belief in The god as you are, possessing a volume not even the volume of an atom on the surface regarding the earth, seen from other galaxies, surviving a period of tiny transitory moment. Well, perhaps you own plans for the future. Let us have knowledge of about it!.

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