Thursday 31 January 2013

Miracle Of Quran : Atom And Subatomic Particles

V3- Not even an atom's mass within the heavens and the earth, or something smaller or greater than it is hidden from Him, but all are in a clean record. 34-Sheba, V3 [34 SURE SABA,V 34]The atom is the smallest particle of matter. The god drew attention to the existence regarding the atom, laying emphasis on the importance of its knowledge. A naked eye receiving note of at a table, a carpet, a wall or a stone cannot fully grasp the importance regarding the atom and the knowledge it contains. While the Quran stresses the importance regarding the atom, it emphasizes also the subatomic particles, Or something smaller or greater than.

Within the expression greater than is comprised the knowledge regarding the greater compositions like molecules, the entirety of that is within God's ken. Men contemporary with the Prophet should not possibly have known that within the atom and subatomic particles and their compounds different variations of knowledge were comprised. The Quran asserts the omniscience of God. Drawing attention to the existence regarding the atom and the subatomic particles is relevant to the present day details that physics has discovered. The knowledge obtained this day by means of cosmological physics studying the science regarding the origin and structure regarding the universe are interrelated with the data of atomic physics.

Another miraculous sign regarding the Quran is its referring to the mass miskale in Arabic regarding the atom wherever the phrase zerre atom is mentioned. FROM VAST TO SMALLEST MAGNITUDES Imagine you can be chewing a pizza with good relish. What are its ingredients? Sausage, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and flour. What are the constituents of these sausages, cheeses, mushrooms and tomatoes and what are the constituents regarding the constituents? This series of questions leads us to molecules. The molecules themselves are created up of atoms for example oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.

Then return protons and electrons, together forming eventually the nucleus regarding the atom. The entire universe is created of reason or energy. From the trunk of a tree to its leaves, from the hands of a person being to his eyes, from golden ornaments to cotton dresses, everything is matter. The atom is the lone structure that constitutes the simple unit of any chemical element. The proton is an elementary particle that is the positively charged constituent of ordinary matter, and, like the neutron, is the building stone of atomic nuclei.

The electron is an elementary particle that is the negatively charged constituent of ordinary matter. These are the recent discoveries of science that led us to the discovery regarding the television, computer, Internet, etc. Take, for instance, a grain of sand within the palm, that is assumed to be the simplest matter, and ponder regarding the quadrillion of atoms it contains; quadrillions of atoms you should not finish counting throughout the span of your lifetime. Imagine that each of these atoms has its electrons moving around the nuclei, like the planets creating their rounds around the sun. A quadrillion solar processes contained within a grain of sand or piece of rock in your palm.

An intelligent mind shall readily conceive that there is nothing simple within the universe. Be it a pizza or a rock, suppose that you fancy recomposing them. To embark on such a huge project, you should leave return to the very beginning, to the primeval explosion, and repeat the process. In this odyssey, you can sprint into atoms, cornerstones regarding the universe, entailing the existence of protons, electrons and neutrons; then you can be faced by the gaseous substance created of hydrogen and helium; these shall be followed by stars and atoms produced in these stars which shall one day be transformed into the mushrooms, gouda and tomatoes of our pizza. Sequential to really make a pizza, we need to make the entire universe with all the stages it had.

The more you delve into the learn regarding the atom the greater becomes your wonder. Suppose a penny on the table is the nucleus of an atom. The orbit that the electron should trace around it should be at a distance of 2-3 km. What is in between? The distance between the two, i. , the nucleus and the electrons, is a vacuum.

In other words, a piece of rock held in our paw contains in it quadrillions of solar systems, but 99. 99% of it is a vacuum. Interesting, isn't it? While we observed the fact that the universe was replete with orbits as described within the verse 51-The Dispersing, 7, we witnessed the infinitude of God's power and magnitude. This divine power is demonstrated through higher than one hundred million galaxies, higher than a hundred million stars contained in each, countless planets and satellites and their quadrillions of devised orbits. A grain of sand, then, contains quadrillions of miniature replicas regarding the solar system where electrons dance around the nuclei of quadrillions of atoms.

What should one deduce from this? To begin with, the incommensurable magnitude of our Creator's power shall also be observed within the depth of matter. Endless vastness was created from these particles. The motion regarding the atom is the similar to movement around the center of limitless magnitudes. The system in any provided galaxy and the one forming a particle of powder is the similar to system. The Author of that speck of powder shall also be the Author regarding the universe.

All these phenomena spot to the immensity of His power and to the order reigning within the universe, as well as to the fact that nothing is casual in His creation. The creation regarding the smallest and regarding the biggest is equal for Him. The creation of a spot containing trillions of atoms and of immense space is equal for Him and difficulty is a notion not applicable for Him. There is no limit to His wisdom and power. V 27- And if all the trees on earth were created into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink, augmented by seven more oceans, the words of The god should not sprint out.

The god is indeed Almighty and Wise. 31-Luqmaan, V 27 [31 SURE LUQMAN, V27]INFINITESIMAL CONTENTS OF ATOMSThe nucleus regarding the atom contains protons charged with positive electricity. These positive charges repel each other. The miracle of creation occurs when protons adhere to each other forming a lone point. The power that confines the protons repelling each other and the neutrons within a lone spot is immense; it is called tough nuclear force.

The elementary particles containing this force are referred to with the French epithet gluons meaning sticky The immense destructive life regarding the atomic bomb was obtained by the use of this force. God, who devised everything within the universe with mathematical precision, has also conceived this immense force with mathematical exactitude. This force adheres the mutually repelling protons to each other; had the power been weaker or stronger, the protons should disintegrate or it should cause the intrusion of protons and neutrons into each other. The atomic bomb demonstrated tragically the immense power regarding the atom. It also showed that one regarding the factors that contributed to our worldly existence is its intrinsic balance.

Thanks to the welladjusted order reigning in this field, reason does not disintegrate all of a sudden, giving rise to noxious effects of radiation. Another important factor that contributes to the stability regarding the atom is the weak force inherent in it. This force is particularly important in establishing the balance regarding the nuclei that comprise an excessive many neutrons and protons. Electromagnetic force is another factor contributing to the existence of atom. It is this force that brings related to the attraction of oppositely charged particles and the repulsion of particles possessing like electric charges.

This has created likely the coming together regarding the protons and electrons. However, this coming together has its limits. Electrons don't ever stick to the protons while they move at a breathtaking velocity around the nucleus in their orbits. The repulsion of negatively charged electrons turning in succession, and the attraction regarding the electrons by the protons changes nothing. In this way, the electron does not stick to the proton that attracts it, nor is it moved away.

The Creator of this system, of these electrons, deprived of consciousness, is undoubtedly the Creator of matter, atoms, electrons, etc. Let us make an experiment as conscious person beings. Imagine tying a rope around the waists of 3 or 4 people while others stand within the middle regarding the circle. Let those within the middle try to pull the tied people towards themselves while the outside people are circumnavigating the center, and let the people creating the circle push each other and those within the center as well, resembling the movement within the nucleus of an atom. We certainly don't ever expect them to make thousands of rotations per 2nd like an electron.

Can reasonable person beings continue to imitate the motion of an atom for the length of one minute? And imagine for an instant that we venture to imitate the model of an atom with 4 or 5 orbits and that there exists 3 or 4 rotations around the symbolic nucleus. In addition to this, suppose that sumo wrestlers representing the gluons with adhesive properties within the nucleus try to hold those pulling the rope while pushing each other at their places. What an awkward skills development this should be! How have the protons and electrons been performing this feast over and over repeatedly endlessly for eons and eons with the quadrillions of atoms contained in a mini rock? These atoms existing within the universe and in our bodies were produced long ago in supernovas. The calcium in our teeth, the carbon that our pizza contains, and the iron atoms in our body are products of stars of high temperatures. These raw fabrics regarding the universe are prepared within the lab of these stars prior to being transformed into pizzas, water, blood, flesh, teeth and eyes.

This is not a story of an adventure receiving location distant distant from us. Our hands, hair, eyes, our very food and the chair we sit on, everything is performing this process indiscriminately. Our Creator is perpetuating this process incessantly with His omnipotence and omniscience. All these movements regarding the atom and the life inherent in it are what perpetuate our existence. V 2- To Him belongs the dominion regarding the heavens and the earth.

No son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion. It is He who created all things, and ordered them in exact measure. 25-The Distinguisher, V 3 [25 SURE AL-FURQAN, V 2]WHAT ELSE?It is estimated that there exists some 1080 particles within the universe. Sum 80 zeros subsequent to two to have an plan of this magnitude. These particles function thanks to complex, ingeniously devised and balanced forces.

So do the comets, supernovas and planets, a consequence regarding the harmonious interaction of these particles. What else should one bring forth to release an plan regarding the power and creation lying behind all these? In this chapter, I tried to outline the structure of an atom and emphasize that it was extremely complex, thorough and ingeniously devised. Were we to push our exploration further, our wonder should be many greater. The emergence of elementary particles within the wake regarding the Large Bang is the result of an intelligent design. The heat at every instant during the explosion, the many atomic particles, the forces involved in every stage and their intensities have been carefully planned.

Any change in these values should be the end of existence, of galaxies and atoms, and should end up in chaos. The consequence of this primeval explosion was not chaos as may be expected, but a thorough harmony, the work regarding the Creator, governed by physical laws, a thorough order reigning between galaxies and atoms. Tiny units of split seconds had their function to perform within the creation regarding the universe. Had the particles and anti-particles been created in equal number, all of them should be destroyed when the heat fell below one billion degrees, leaving behind nothing but radiation. The very fact of our existence is evidence to the contrary.

The many electrons had to be somewhat higher than the many positrons and the many protons should exceed the many anti-protons and the figure representing the neutrons should be superior to the many anti-neutrons. Every particle had to return into being at a predetermined velocity, heat and time sequence. The primeval explosion was drafted in such a method that it was followed by an evolution that reflected the Creator's ingenious artistry. We have touched on the structure regarding the atom and the formation of atomic particles subsequent to the primeval explosion. The more one delves into the mystery of creation the more one's wonder and amazement increase.

The actual magnificence regarding the atom, the creation of particles regarding the atom by an intelligent creation and the transformation regarding the particles into atoms are beyond the grasp regarding the intellect. If 1080 particles, with mutually attracting and repulsing electricity charges, had not been transformed into atoms in a finely balanced manner, neither the person ego, nor the pamphlet we read, nor the earth we inhabit should exist. Whether we ascend to the heavens or descend to the microscopic depths, we encounter the similar to perfection and immensity of God's work and design. V 120- To The god do belong the dominion regarding the heavens and the earth, and all that there is therein, and it is He who has power over all things. 5-The Feast, V 120, [5 SURE AL-MAIDA, V120].

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