Friday 11 January 2013

What Is The Worst Difficulty Caused By Unhealthy Food...not What You Think

A little questions stand on the frontline:1. Howcome are so many people sick? 2. Howcome does one person succumb to symptoms and another person does not?3. Howcome do people living a western life style have more diseases than other person beings around the globe?Even a brief unit of read about cellular nutrition opens your eyes to respect the body's innate processes to preserve health. WELLNESS is the natural state of being alive and active, not sick and suffering.

It is against person nature to be sick; and nature sends us with extraordinary wealth of nutrients to make sure that that we do not sicken. The sad realization is that little of us realize the importance of a little factors. Most do not have the aspirations to be nutritional specialists or doctors which want years of read and training but even little awareness, a little changes, can leave an extended method in balancing the odds of vibrant well-being against debilitating sickness. CELLULAR DEGENERATION disrupts the metabolism of microscopic cells first. It should seem that the majority of illnesses are self-inflicted caused by a cellular breakdown inside the body.

It should seem that a weak immune system does not function normally to deter the army of harmful agents attacking the base and life of cells. Degenerative disease begins in young babies and bad habits mature into adulthood. In spite of scientific progress and health related technology, our society carries a burden of people living detailed in ill well-being where total well-being like spending shall double due to the fact that regarding the epidemic of cellular diseases. PRINCIPLE OF NUTRITION is UNIVERSAL. The body wants a full spectrum of 100 or more nutrients daily created available to every cell to repair and regenerate itself as well as to protect the cells from infectious agents or oxidative damage.

CELLULAR NUTRITION is emerging as an integral study. Critical molecules inside each regarding the tiniest structures in cells should have all the capabilities to metabolize and feed themselves as well as make immunological defense factors within their walls and then pass their reason to following generations. For example, the well-being and function of each cell is highly dependent on the structure regarding the phospholipids layer a double layer membrane surrounding each cell. How can we hold them healthy? The term cellular membrane fluidity returns up all the time and should be influenced by diet. What an interesting diagram it should be to look what happens when french-fry debris confront a typical cell.

CELLULAR INTEGRITY is our most important priority. Disease and well-being begin and end in an lone cell. We need a simple educational primer for lay people on what constitute a cell's structure and function if only at a primary level. We should make the invisible visible so we do not take for granted these fundamental units of life. We should marvel in awe at these submicroscopic atoms and electrons that regulate our functions of living, thinking, feeling and reasoning.

Billions of new cells are produced daily and trillions of cells work in synthesis. Cells degenerate for 3 primary reasons: a. nutrient deficiency b. INFLAMMATION is the no. one killer within the industrialized world.

The root cause of cellular degenerative disease begins in response to some damaging action done to cells. The purpose of our inbuilt immune system is for immunological response with multiple teams to try and fix the problem. If not remedied, the symptoms continue and it shall take decades to surface like a serious disease with few, if any, cures. The benefits of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients often appear as anti-inflammatory. Prevention is the key.

Make nutritional choices that regenerate cells not inflame and degenerate. FREE RADICALS, OXIDATIVE STRESS, ANTIOXIDANTS are terms that consistently explain the occurences of different cellular degenerative diseases. Are your cells armed with more anti-oxidant agents to combat free radicals? Or is oxidative stress overcoming the many anti-oxidants and damaging cellular membranes, proteins, nucleic acids causing more and more inflammation?Free radicals are tiny scrap of energy, usually an unpaired electron, with electrical charges. This unstable electron reacts with other nearby compounds proteins, lipids, DNA to try and take an electron which can cause a chain reaction which disrupts the routine regarding the living cells. Normally the body can handle free radical damage by innate immune processes but they should be vastly outnumbered by environmental factors within food choices.

Antioxidants, enzymes and co-factors work together in neutralizing free radicals by supplying the extra electrons they need. The exciting news as we read more and more related to the natural molecules of greens and vegetables called phytonutrients, the more thousands of allies we incorporate to help overcome environmental damage most inside and outside our bodies. BIONUTRITION shall also be an emerging science that is defined as the body's ability to protect itself against cell damage. The cells need essential micronutrients daily to give well-being benefits. There is a shift within the health related paradigm to a multi-target therapy aimed at protecting, repairing and stimulating the immune system rather than a monosubstance treating a lone cause.

In that order to reduce deficiencies and inflammation and progressive disease these nutrients remain constant in synergyvitamins, minerals, essential fats, amino acids,probiotics 9. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS that work should keep billions in drug and well-being costs. Jeffrey Blumberg, professor at the Friedman College of Nutrition Science at Tufts University pointed out: As our place faces an ever-growing crisis in well-being care, it is important to acknowledge the role that correct dietary supplements can play in reducing our burden of disease and the cost to manage it. 30, 2004 Many studies are yielding promising conclusions but more long term, well controlled studies are need. There is a focus on targeting simultaneously a section of interdependent conditions within the body rather than receiving note of for that one magic bullet or drug.

YOU ARE MORE THAN YOU EAT. YOU ARE WHAT YOUR CELLS CAN ASSIMILATE is the new slogan Who controls your spoon and fork? What is the equation between chronic poor nutrition and chronic degenerative disease? Bad food shall harm your cells; good food shall enhance cells' vitality. Be can differentiate between commercial hype for profits and sound nutritional science recommendations. Our lifestyle wants serious decision-making alternatives for lone responsibility to say, Here is what I'm doing and I'm component regarding the solution, not component regarding the problem. Finally, what shall determine your future choices of food and supplements? a Shall you own an worldwide directive tell you that supplements shall only be purchased from registered doctors? be Shall you get multivitamins as highlighted on crates of Wheaties due to the fact that the Mealie flakes of Champions promotes them?c Get ready a new lime salad with olive oil, salmon, tomatoes, celery with a sprinkle of walnuts for lunch and appreciate that science is now confirming the millennia-old holistic power of Mother Nature.

In conclusion, consumers need more information. We should be can draw a simple diagram to explain the miracle of a lone cell, some simple structures and functions. We should be can draw simple pictures to understand what happens to a cell when encountering good guy nutrients versus bad guy nutrients. We should help our innate processes that program our body to live well and we should stay away from unhealthy lifestyles that bring pain and financial gain to large business that thrives on sickness.

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