Monday 15 April 2013

Home Schooling During The High College Years

Home schooling during the high college years should be a good and rewarding time for most the child and parent. This time should be used to keep, maintain and even deepen a relationship with your child during an above stress time of their lives. This should be a time to build a trust with your child such that they can be willing to listen to council high school physics like to share with them during this time of their lives. Also, like a Person of the church parent it should be the time to book your child in their Person of the church walk and to help with any questions that they have such that their relationship with the God is their own; which shall help them as new choices and decisions return their method within the upcoming years. As your child enters the high college years record keeping becomes very important.

You can need to begin recording the things that your child accomplishes such that you can report them for college admission considerations. This is the time to begin receiving note of at the requirements regarding the top 3 college choices that your child is thinking about attending. This shall help in knowing what they need from incoming freshman. Also, confirm your state requirements in what they recommend an above college student to have prior to graduation. Some things that we learned along the method is to begin a record writing below every pamphlet view during the high college years neither for college or free reading.

Hold up to date with your records; this shall help whether you own to present them for scholarships or grants. Keeping track and recording your child's extracurricular things are just as important as recording the grades regarding the academic classes. For homeschoolers this is important due to the fact that hobbies should possibly be counted as physical learning credit as well as extracurricular. Colleges are interested in a child's outside things only to display that they can be a well rounded person, sports, 4-H, component time job it isn't important to a college what a student is involved in just that they hold a well balanced life and are active in academic as well as extracurricular activities. During this time of your child's development it is important for them to begin learning life lessons while they can be still in a safe environment and still have you like a sounding board to hear from them and have some input towards their dreams and decisions.

This is a best time to teach about finances, if they hold a vehicle its time for them to pay for the bills that occur from that vehicle; hopefully there isn't a payment on it; but there shall be insurance that has to be paid, gas, maintenance for example new tires and oil changes, here is a best story on oil changes. All of this is to teach them that as they get ready to step out on their own there exists financial things that they shall be responsible for and this is a step towards learning this responsibility. This is a busy, exciting time for your teen. They still have their college work to hold up with; they can be busy with extracurricular things as well as many of them possessing jobs to help them earn the cash they need for their special purchases. Its also a time for teen parents to begin paying more attention to record keeping to help our teens take the next step in their educational process as well as being there to listen and release sound advise as your children contemplate what they shall do next in their lives.

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