Saturday 6 April 2013

If We Are Created Of Atoms: Then The God Should Be In These Atoms?

If we are created of atoms: Then, The god should BE in these atoms? We are not vegetables. We are not minerals, we are not stones, except for some. No one person can tell. Atoms place together to shape matter, this is what we are, this is what everything is. Take your name away, and your identity perishes.

Who are you? No one knows, mostly you, you don't. What the hell is it all about?. If we have not got the faintest plan who we are, how can we define what are we doing here? A contradiction in terms. Well from a very abstract distancy we look atom structure at the universe, possessing a strange tool of observation, our brain, and should conclude something. Driven by our insatiable curiosity, our motor to know, we are obliged to explore the universe for explanations.

We not ever have knowledge of who are we. We not ever have knowledge of how we got here. We not ever have knowledge of what are we doing here. We have no plan where we are going to. Above all, we have not got the faintest plan of WHY all this? Unless you know! I don't.

But Alas he did not uncover who we are, he failed to define reason and time, which remain done enigmas. Hawking, with his distorted wisdom, dismissed the necessity of a creator-cause for the universe, for he thought intelligent as he is, reason produces itself. We if reason does reach the construction of our living universe, in its immensity, its order, its laws, its forms and shapes, its colors and its exactitude in every way, well, Reason should be a calculative, intelligent all powerful and all designing God. Who created reason we can question Hawking, but he does not give with any answer. He is unable to move in his chair and so he is equally unable to move in his little brain.

We are created of atoms, assembled together in such a definite and succinct manner, sequential to satisfy critical functions. These atoms should be held together sequential to remain together. They should be chosen sequential to function as they do. They should have command from somewhere and obey such a command. Unless, like the blind Hawking, we ponder that atoms chose by itself to return together and be together, to shape our shape and our structure, giving us life, putting us through the process of aging, then commit us to death and then disintegrate.

Very intelligent should be our atoms to perform such precise functions with precise programs and exact finalities. Then these atoms give us with our brain and the one hundred and twenty billions of neurons sequential to thin, with sight and hearing. Atoms, by its own genius, give us with our genetic charts and brings into life our life-cycle with 3 pairs of each kind. Well, the peak atoms should have similar intelligence. And so the atoms of trees, minerals, and the 3 million manifestations of life every species has its own characteristics.

Well atoms are intelligent and matter, composed of atoms, can do all these things. Of course they could, if we are stupid enough to ponder it.

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