Saturday 4 January 2014

Immortality Regarding The Body

When we entertain Immortality we immediately ponder of Immortality regarding the soul subsequent to the body dies. But, what related to the body? Howcome do we assume automatically that the body is to be thrown distant as though it has a limited purpose? Isn't it likely that the body was created for a many higher purpose?For those of you who are can obtain past the teachings you were raised from birth with. such as the statement that everyone dies. for those of you who are can reveal their mind to all possibility I challenge you together with the thought that your body does not should die. are you brave enough to entertain such a brave thought? A thought that goes against everything you have been taught since birth?Can you stand alone, steadfast and brave in your belief when the all the globe tells you the opposite? For those that can the rewards are great.

Evolution was going on since forever and shall continue to advance into Eternity. As long as there is movement there shall be evolution. Evolution is change, change is movement as the Universe moves forward in it's unending spiral through Eternity. It shall change, but it shall not die. man, earth, sun, planets, galaxies, and Universes are always evolving forward to new and greater heights.

It shall be no other way, for life is movement. Your body should change sequential to evolve into the next realm. it is an on going process that shall not ever end. But, here is the key, that change should be pushed into being while here on the earth. consciously with all the shall of your mind and heart.

That change should happen with you in charge. Due to the fact that earth is the plane of physical evolution and no one can evolve for you. you should achieve this best and glorious feat yourself. There is a door, one that shall exalt you to highest heaven. Reserved for the people who overcome.

reserved for the people who have created a body of Light. In order to access this door we should grow to Master of our environment. We should grow to Master of our thoughts, words, actions and deeds. Our life and desires should be controlled and orchestrated consciously by us. For those hungry for more, there is more! Leave within and ask.

Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given. Knock and the door shall open. It should begin within that you own heart. You should have reached the spot in your evolution that nothing from without is fulfilling you anymore.

You should desire with all your heart to have knowledge of The god not just have knowledge of about God. And then you should ask. If you can be possessing a hard time grasping the system that your body does not should die I release this:Do you really ponder people shall be dying 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 years into the future together with the strides that science continually makes? You have knowledge of in your heart that someday science shall figure it out. Why wait for science to figure it out when you have knowledge of all the tools you need available to you right now? Howcome not join the thousands of spiritual pioneers piecing this veil that has held us captive for so long?Your body was created for a purpose, but that purpose was not death. Your present body was created through years of evolution and it is still evolving.

Howcome should you know for a 2nd that it stops here? Evolution does not stop. As you practice being in command of your faculties through the thoughts, words, deeds and actions of your body, you slowly but surely change the atomic structure of your body. Walter Russell once stated that the atom was light curled in on itself. You can be created of Light, first substance created. But, this light was clouded over with every fearful, discordant thought we have had through all our lifetimes, creating this light ever so dim.

Sort of like light trying to pierce though a dirty filter. The earth has always been the stage for the evolution regarding the body and it still is. Once you remove all the veils dimming that ever lasting, living light within, that light shall burst forth in blazing Glory and every cell within your body shall beam forth the fullness regarding the Light within and you can grow to a being of Light as Jesus did on the Mount of Transfiguration. Satprem so aptly named his book, The Mind of The Cell. or Willed Mutation of Our Species.

Shall your Immortality into existence by your burning desire to consciously evolve your body into the fullness of it's purpose. a being of Light, our next step on this glorious evolutionary road. Glorify The god by achieving this best and Glorious body of Light. This is howcome you were created, this is howcome you have knowledge of a body, this is your mission on earth. All things are likely to the people who believe.

It should begin in your heart. Turn within for direction from your God. He is waiting patiently for your attention, when you have exhausted your outside chase. Why or how can anyone know that the body evolved through all these eons of years on earth only to be eliminated now? It basically does not make sense. and your mind to greater glories which are your inheritance.

With our new glorified bodies we shall continue to consciously evolve these bodies as we spiral on to greater heights, worlds without end.

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