Sunday 17 February 2013

Some Miracle Regarding The Quran - 4

LAND LOSS AT THE EXTREMITIES Don't ever they look how We return to land eroding it at its extremities?. Don't ever they look how We return to land eroding it from its extremities?. Qur'an, 21:44 The Earth is bombarded by proton, electron and alpha particles from the Sun. These solar winds are powerful enough to separate the atmosphere from the Earth. However, it shall take about 5 times detailed than the total life regarding the Sun at the Earth's present rate of reason loss at most 4 kg [6.

6 lbs] per 2nd for the atmosphere to be used up. Press Release, Swedish Institute of Space Physics IRF, March 9, 2001 That is because, thanks to powerful magnetic field formed by the magnetosphere within the atmosphere, the Earth is to some extent protected from this powerful erosion. The loss of ions-oxygen, helium and hydrogen-dispersed over the Earth's ionosphere layer into the depths of space is of many smaller dimensions than the vast layer of space surrounding the Earth. Even so, the quantity leaking into space is nevertheless of a significant size. Solar Wind Blows Little of Earth's Atmosphere into Space, NASA Thanks to NASA spacecraft, researchers have obtained concrete evidence that life explosions on the Sun cause oxygen and other gases to disperse into space from the outer layer regarding the Earth's atmosphere.

Scientists first observed that the Earth experiences a loss of reason from its outer layers on September 24-25, 1998. Solar Wind Blows Little of Earth's Atmosphere into Space, NASA However, the above verses shall also be referring to loss of land on Earth in another regard. At the present time, the polar ice caps are melting and the h2o position within the oceans is rising. The increasing quantity of h2o is covering ever more land. As coastal regions return below water, the land surface or total no.

of land is decreasing. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles within the Qur'an, New York, USA: Crescent Publishing House: 1998, 115. The expression eroding it from its extremities within the above verses shall well be pointing to coastal regions being covered by water. An Special York Times report on this subject reads: Over the final century, the average surface heat regarding the globe has risen by about two degree Fahrenheit, and the rate of warming has accelerated within the final quarter-century. That is a significant amount.

Previous studies of satellite and submarine observations have seemed to establish a warming trend within the northern polar region and raise the possibility of a melting icecap. Scientists at the Goddard Space Science Institute, a NASA studies center in Manhattan, compared data from submarines within the 1950's and 1960's with 1990's observations, demonstrating that the ice close over the entire Arctic basin has thinned by 45 percent. Satellite images have revealed that the extent of ice coverage has significantly shrunk in recent years. Paul Noble Wilford, Ages-Old Icecap at North Pole Is Now Liquid, Scientists Find, New York Times, August 19, 2000. The findings created towards the end regarding the 20th century help us to understand the wisdom of Surat ar-Ra'd 41, and Surat al-Anbiya' 44.

This loss at the extremities, as revealed by Allah, should be understood in light of another scientific fact revealed within the Qur'an. The fact that the Earth, which revolves around its own axis, has a geoid shape, is an information that has gained acceptance in recent centuries. Studies has revealed that the equatorial diameter regarding the Earth expands below the effect regarding the force stemming from this rotation, and that it is compressed at its extremities, in other words the poles. Furthermore, since the Earth is in constant rotation this change continues to occur. Indeed, the term nanqusu in Surat ar-Ra'd 41, translated as eroding, shows that this process of erosion is an ongoing one.

It is the force of gravity that has provided such celestial bodies as the Earth their spherical form. However, that shape is not exactly spherical; it flattens out somewhat at the poles and thickens at the equator. Regarding to NASA figures, the radius regarding the Earth is 6,378. 2 miles at the equator but only 6,356. 9 miles from pole to pole.

Earth Fact Sheet; This is a difference of some 0. This model regarding the shape regarding the Earth was suggested by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687. This fact, revealed within the Qur'an 1,400 years ago, is another of its scientific miracles. THE SPLITTING EARTH [I swear] by heaven which returns and the Earth which splits. Qur'an, 86:11-12 The Arabic phrase sad` within the above verse means cracking, splitting apart.

Allah's swearing by the splitting regarding the Earth points to an important phenomenon, as do the other scientific miracles within the Qur'an. Scientists first descended to depths regarding the seas and oceans sequential to learn mineral resources in 1945-1946. One regarding the highest many important facts to emerge from that studies was the fissured structure regarding the Earth. The rock layer on the external surface regarding the Earth was split by large numbers of cracks faults, tens of thousands of kilometres long, running from north to southern and east to west. Scientists also realised that there was molten magma below the sea, at depths of 100-150 km 60-90 miles.

Due to these splits and cracks, lava flows from volcanoes on the sea bed. Due to this fissured structure, a significant no. of heat shall also be provided off, and a large component of molten rocks forms the mountains below the oceans. If the Earth did not possess this structure, which allows large amounts of heat to escape from its crust, life on Earth should grow to impossible. Arctic Explorers, June 23, 2000; Tetsuzo Seno, Satoru Honda, Mantle Convection and The Global Sea Level: When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on The Earth There is no doubt that such information, which compulsory such advanced cutting edge designs to be discovered, being provided 1,400 years ago is yet another proof that the Qur'an is the phrase of Allah.

THE EARTHS DISGORGES ITS CHARGES When the Earth is convulsed with its quaking and the Earth then disgorges its charges and person asks, What is wrong with it?, on that day it shall impart all its news. Qur'an, 99:1-4 The phrase zilzaal in Arabic means earthquake, or tremors, and the phrase athqaalahaa means charges, heavy burdens. When one considers the above verses within the light regarding first meaning, it should be seen that reference is being created to an important scientific fact about earthquakes. Surat az-Zilzal 3 mentions the Earth disgorging its charges. Indeed, like a result of studies in recent years, it was realised that there exists heavy metals at the centre regarding the Earth, and that these appear like a result of movements on the Earth's surface.

Regarding to geologists' calculations, as the Earth cooled, heavy and dense substances sank to its centre, while lighter ones rose to surface. For that reason, the Earth's crust consists regarding the fewest heaviest substances basalt and granite rocks, while heavy metals nickel and iron are located within the core. Like a result, the subsurface, which consists of molten metals, is created of a fabric that is many heavier and denser than the surface. During earthquakes, the heavy substances below the surface have an opportunity to rise, and the Earth thus disgorges its charges, as revealed within the Qur'an. Moreover, those regions where metal reserves are most concentrated are also those with the greatest volcanic activity.

These scientific findings, which emerged only recently, and like a result of wide-ranging research, are just some regarding the scientific facts indicated by Allah within the Qur'an.

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