Friday 11 October 2013

Learning About Your Body

Express - diagnostic complex is a special system, which gives details related to the function of body's organs subsequent to just a couple of minutes. The simple principle regarding the Express - diagnostic is the measurement of electrical parameters of biologically active zones regarding the skin bearing on the status of interrelated organs and tissue systems. The measurement process covers seven of biologically active zones regarding the skin and takes no higher than 4 minutes. The Express - diagnostic is recommended for almost everybody like a preventative diagnostic tool, which detects likely changes within the person body up to 3 years prior to first symptoms arise. It is mostly recommended for people who skills development increased grades of stress within the workplace or in their daily lives.

Express - diagnostic complex allows:. Receive within the brief term details on the functional status regarding the person body within the shape of phantom analysis; Evaluate the compensatory possibilities of organs, processes and whole organism; Identify the state of stress and determine the degree of its severity; Monitor the effectiveness and conclusions of clinical and physiological, folk and eastern methods of rehabilitation manual therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc. With the aid of a spectrum of colors and subsequent to a fast computer diagram regarding the person body, every organ should be seen, along with the condition the spinal vertebrae and likely deviations from normal function. What is Bio- resonance - MORA?. MORA - is based on the principal of bio-resonance.

Whereas surgery is aimed at the position of structural anatomy, and pharmaceuticals at the position of cellular biochemistry, bio-resonance works with the electromagnetic component regarding the body. All substances, whether living or non-living, emit electromagnetic frequencies based on the quantity and rotational velocity of their atoms. All bio-chemical processes in a person body are controlled by the details carried by electromagnetic oscillations special to each individual. MORA is a modality that utilizing a patient's own ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillation. The method had its inception in 1977 subsequent to development by the German physician Dr.

Franz Morell and electronics engineer Mr. During higher than 20 years of research, carried out by well known scientists in Germany and abroad, it was located that each lone possesses a special spectrum of ultra-fine electromagnetic oscillations which should be electronically sensed, processed and then utilized. Today, it is known that the chemical processes within the bodies of humans and animals are controlled by the details carried by and within these oscillations. Furthermore, organs and cell categories possess characteristic oscillation spectrums - which are at the similar to time special to each individual. Researchers have been can analyze the distinct wave patterns, or oscillations, of normally-functioning body processes and organs as well as the oscillations of allergens, viruses, bacteria, and toxins for example, mercury.

If there is faulty nutrition, stress, toxins or negative emotions, the body's well oscillations grow to imbalanced or weak. A body without its own well-being sustaining oscillation, no detailed withstands viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals and metals, etc. that are normally present and have their own vibrations. Functional disturbances occur whenever the delicate guidance of bodily processes is influenced too greatly by interfering and unnecessary pathological oscillations. These malfunctions shall eventually cause physical manifestations of disease if the body cannot adequately compensate for them.

Morell had the brilliant system to specifically eliminate these interfering oscillations by utilizing their own mirror images to cancel them out, thus unburdening the body and facilitating natural self healing. MORA uses technology that detects and reads the ultra fine electromagnetic oscillations produced by every molecule, cell, organ, gland and system of our body. MORA motor reads the distorted frequencies associated with illness and through biological filter, separates the pathological frequencies from the body's natural frequencies. MORA technology includes an inversion circuit that produces the 'mirror image' regarding the pathological oscillation, thereby canceling out the electromagnetic oscillation regarding the pathogen rendering it inert. In addition, natural healthful physiological oscillation patterns should be amplified or strengthened to optimal levels.

The ability regarding the body to regulate and heal itself is that is why re-activated and stabilized. Troublesome oscillatory information, from deposits of heavy metals or informationally non-metabolized nourishment for example, is inverted - or changed - into its mirror image and is then returned in this shape to body. In this method pathological oscillations burdening the body are optimally reduced or even eliminated via their respective opposite oscillations produced by the MORA device.

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