Thursday 17 October 2013

Quran Phenomenally Characterizes The Atomic Hell

THE QURAN PHENOMENALLY CHARACTERIZES THE ATOMIC HELL AND AVERTS IT webmaster@oqasa. the causes of most these forms of atomic hell being identical ---- this 36 phrase prophecy regarding the Quran by the Grace of Merciful Allah is my own discovery with my 3 thousand pages explanation of it. The Quran says: Woe to every backbiter, defamer, who amasseth wealth of this world and arrangeth it against the future. He thinketh that his wealth shall remain with him for ever. Nay, for, verily he shall be cast into Al-Hotama.

And what should teach thee what Al-Hotama is? It is fire of Allah enkindled which leapeth up onto the hearts. It is a fire closed in on them in outstretched columns. Quran -104- Al-Homaza. Observe now the description of this modern progress of Baconian atomism by the Quran. Backbiter and Defamer.

Atomism, most ancient and modern is a doctrinal slander against divine religion. The soul of critical rationalism, the distinguishing philosophical standard of this modern Baconian age against every premodern age, being perverted to critical slander, and permeating through every phase of person affair, had rendered this age as the age of calumny with its intellectualized slander named propaganda. This age itself is the age of slander. Look slander every where, slander, every-way slander. The Quran says, He amasseth wealth of this world and arrangeth it against the future.

Observe this modern, continuous systematic, organized, ever-increasing, infinite and universal process of wealth-accumulation and increase, and its arrangement for future as distinct from the system of every premodern age. The Quran says, He thinketh that his wealth shall for ever remain with him. Observe man's faith within the continued eternity of this modern progress. The Quran says, Nay, for verily he shall be flung into Al-Hotama. Atomic hell as the logical and scientific consequence of this Baconian progress has now appeared.

And now observe the distinguishing phenomenal characteristics of atomic phenomenon against every other phenomenon, chemical, electrical, gravitational in this passage regarding the Quran. The Quran says, Hotama. Hotama literally means a crusher, and so is the atomic phenomenon. It crushes simple atomic structure irreparably. It destroys atomic nucleus.

In no other phenomenon atomic nucleus is so many as touched. The atomic life is generated by merely breaking the binding regarding the atomic nucleus. No other kind of life is generated in this manner. Atomic radiations follow the suit. They cause nuclear transmutations of atoms in inanimate reason while in living bodies they break cell nucleus chromosomes irreparably.

This atomic phenomenon is an absolute, universal crusher. Most the simple building block regarding the universe that is atom and the simple unit of life that is cell nucleus are absolutely irreparably crushed. All the 3 manifestations of atomic bomb that is Heat-flash, blast and radiations are crushers. Heat-flash crushes the hearts of exposed persons. The blast crushes structures, while radiations crush atomic nuclei and cell nuclei.

The appreciation regarding the Term BREMSTRAHLUNG by the Physicists as highly descriptive when first coined by the Germans for continuous spectrum of rays implied the realization regarding the crushing trait of atomic phenomenon by the physicists, for, the term literally meant breaking radiation. To this should be added Rutherford's surprise recorded in his diary subsequent to his well-known experiment of bombarding the Gold Foil with Alpha Particles. It was the highest many incredible function that ever happened to me in my life. It was as incredible as whether you fired a 15 inch shell at a piece of tissue cardboard and it came return and hit you, wrote Rutherford. Observe the words like Bombarding, hitting, smashing, crushing, breaking etc within the standard text books of atomic physics, and mark the phrases like Target Concept, direct action, indirect action, snapping the cable with a bullet, breaking the chromosomes, and sentences like Radiations hit the cell like a sledge hammer and crush them, within the standard text books of radiobiology.

And within the end mark the phonetic as well as functional identity that exists between the atoma regarding the scientists and the Hotama regarding the Quran and wonder. The Quran says, Hotama is fire. And so also is the atomic phenomenon exclusively a phenomenon of energy, and life is fire. Atomic bomb also is fire. So also are radiations.

Baquerrel, the discoverer of Radioactivity was first to skills development a burn on his skin next to the pocket in which he had carried a phial of Radium. The term cross-fire is used in Radiotherapy. The Quran says, Hotama is fire of Allah. The atomic hell has appeared as the result regarding the worldly ungodly methodology of Baconian atomism and its Baconian progress as retribution. The Quran says, Hotama is a fire which leaps up onto the hearts.

Atomic phenomenon actually is the nuclear phenomenon, for, the atomic nucleus is involved. This repeatedly is a distinguishing feature regarding the atomic phenomenon, for, no other phenomenon is nuclear. In no other phenomenon nucleus is ever touched. Quran's description of atomic fire, that is a fire which leaps up onto the hearts or appears within the hearts is confirmed merely by uttering the word, nuclear, since the nucleus and heart are synonymous, and most the orthodox physicists and standard text books of atomic physics frequently use the phrase heart for nucleus. 3 examples only shall suffice.

a Each fast particle returns from the break -up regarding the very Heart of a lone atom --- the nucleus ---of the radioactive material. Vide Physics - Physical Science Learn Society Committee -- 2nd edition --D. Heath and Business Lexington Massachusetts. be How many nuclear heart-beats are within the life-time of a radioactive nucleus which lasts only billionth of a second. Ibid page 21, Brief Problems.

Teller in 1939 spoke of receiving life from the heart of atom. The atomic radiations follow the suit and have their actions within the nuclei of atoms and cells. The highest many spectacular spectacle of atomic fire's leaping up over the hearts should be viewed within the thermonuclear device wherein the fire produced by the inner fission device is being directed onto the nuclei that is the hearts regarding the outer fusile material. The term thermonuclear is the scientific version regarding the statement regarding the Quran, namely, a fire which leaps up onto the hearts. Radiations display a discernible preference for the heart and all that is related to the heart in a living body.

They affect the coordination regarding the function at the position where it is beyond the manage regarding the brain. The bone-marrow and all the blood-forming organs are more sensitive to the effect of radiation than the brain, the nerves and the muscles. The blood relation of bone-marrow and blood-forming organs with heart is known. All the multi-cellular organisms are more sensitive to the effect of radiation than all the unicellular organisms. That the former hold a more elaborate circulatory and respiratory system than the latter is well Known.

Known also is the blood relation of circulatory and respiratory system with heart. The action of radiation is retarded within the absence of oxygen and the blood-relation of oxygen with heart is known. Lastly the heat-flash regarding the atomic bomb explosion kills its victim through shock to the heart. And Wordsworth has an great couplet to display the heart-atom relation. He laments? - To let a creed built within the heart of things Dissolve prior to a twinkling atomy.

The Quran says, Hotama is a fire closed in on them. The atomic phenomenon shows peculiar and distinctive characteristic of encompassing. The inverted cauldron like shape regarding the atomic bomb explosion, the continuous series of enclosures of regional and global kind of radioactive fallout, the relentless tenacity regarding the bone-seeking radio-active fabrics settled within the bones, the appearance of cancers six to thirty six years subsequent to the actual exposure to radiation, the appearance regarding the effects in anaphase inspite regarding the attack of radiation on the cell within the resting state regarding the cell, the encompassment regarding the whole body by the radiation even if only one organ regarding the body is irradiated, the survival regarding the lethally irradiated frogs from many months instead of dying within the usual time interval that of 3 to six weeks if kept in a dormant state at a little heat just above freezing point, and the appearance of radiation symptoms as soon as these irradiated frogs are warmed up, and the occurrence of their death thereafter within the usual time interval that of 3 to six weeks, Alexander Haddow's suggestion that the cancer-producing action regarding the cancer-producing substances may be the result of prolonged interference with normal growth, the encompassment by radiation of mankind to generation, even to their extinction through long-term radio-genetic effects, and the encompassment of this earth by radiation within the age of full-fledged atomic-energy-for-peace are some regarding the facts which indicate the distinct encompassing features of atomic phenomenon. The Quran says, in outstretched columns. Besides the symbolically distinctive features regarding the outstretched column associated with the atomic bomb explosion, the atomic phenomenon has yet another side of this aspect, namely that the earth of radioactivity should be regarded like an universe of columns.

The 5 cm rise regarding the Alpha Particle should appear like a formidable column if the volume regarding the particle is seen in comparison to the height it has assumed. A soccer rising within the similar to ratio to its volume should disappear within the skies. The cosmic rays present a spectacle of wonderful columns in showers, possessing heights that shall cause man's imagination to reel. The Description of Hotama the atomic hell by the Blessed Prophet of Islam:- Allah shall send angels equipped with covers of fire, and nails of fire, and columns of fire. They shall close the doomed with covers of fire, and shall transfix them with nails of fire, and then shall stretch the columns of fire upward above them.

The entire phenomenon shall be created so air-tight that not a whiff of delight shall enter from without, nor a trace of agony shall escape from within. Allah shall forget them on His throne, and shall slice them off from His mercy. The inmates of paradise shall begin to like the boons of Allah. The inmates of hell shall cease to cry for help, and the speech shall then return to an end. Their speech shall then be as the sound of inhaling and exhaling.

Quoted from Al-Jallalain Now the atomic bomb explosion is a close of fire, radiations are nails of fire. The out-stretched columns of fire miles high are a spectacle of atomic bomb explosion. No better description of atomic hell should be expected. The Quran says, What should teach thee What Al-Hotama is?. This mode of interrogation implies terribleness regarding the phenomenon according to the early commentators regarding the Quran.

To this should be added the extreme complexity regarding the subject of atomic science. The similar to question today, namely, What should teach thee what atomic science is? should be place to the leading atomists, and their reply should invariably be, Nothing. So meagre is man's knowledge of atomic science and so complex is atomic science.

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