Monday 14 May 2012

Don T Dissolve English In Adrenaline----- A Biometric Perception

Don't dissolve English in adrenaline----- A biometric perception Professor Dr. PT Lee College of Engg and Tech, Kanchipuram Abstract. English language is a bull to non native speakers like their domesticated one and as such they should take the bull by the horns. Language learning is so many good and not formidable. Person is the master regarding the language and language is not the master regarding the man.

If one wants to grow to proficient in English, he should grow to the Linguistic Dictator. In this regard Biometrics returns handy to diagnose the fear psychosis that is needless. Biometrics is the recognition process based on one or more intrinsic anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics. Recently, computational bio-electrography based on gas discharge visualization GDV technique was proposed as one regarding the biometrics tools for investigating physiological and psycho-emotional functional states of an individual. In this paper, we present an application of computational biometrics based GDV for visual and quantitative evaluation of anxiety within the process of learning English like a 2nd Language ESL.

The integration of biometrics within the teaching paradigm was investigated in a pilot learn involving foreign students enrolled within the ESL course at the ESL Institute, VIT University. We measured the electro- photonic emission also called GDV-grams of students' fingertips prior to and subsequent to language activities, specifically listening comprehension tasks and showed that the anxiety index in listening comprehension paradigm corresponds to increase of entropy position of left paw corresponding to right hemisphere. Our pilot data confirms the recent findings of correlation of right hemisphere involvement in 2nd language acquisition at the position of language proficiency. Thus, computational biometrics based GDV tool should be used to evaluate and potentially identify anxiety present in ESL learners. Adrenaline, English, take the bull by the horns, Biometrics, Bio-electrography, GDV technique, Anxiety, ESL, Entropy, Right hemisphere.

Biometrics is an automated process of recognizing the lone features based on one or more intrinsic anatomy, physiology and psychological characteristics. A typical biometric system is comprised of six components: a sensor, signal processing algorithms, data storage, a matching algorithm and a decision process. The purposes regarding the biometric models are recognition, identification and verification. Recognition is knowledge of a previously enrolled individual; identification is the process of determining the identity of an individual, where as verification is a process by which the system confirms the existence of an individual. The biometric models existing nowadays are based on fingerprint, face, iris, voice, signature, paw geometry, palm and vascular pattern recognition, performance evaluation and novel sensors [1;.

For example, the palm and fingerprint models combine ridge flow, ridge characteristics and a ridge structure regarding the raised portion regarding the epidermis. Vascular pattern recognition models use near-far infrared light reflected or transmitted images of blood vessels of a paw or finger for personal recognition. Dynamic models use anatomic and behavioral characteristics for recognition purposes [3]. There exist other biometric models that are based on speaker recognition, dynamic signature measures, key stroke dynamics, retina recognition, gate or body recognition and facial thermography. The primary parts of biometrics applications shall be classified into the following 4 groups: two Medicinal biometrics, that is related to use of biometrics in medicinal applications for example medicinal diagnosis and is based on the extraction of biomedical pattern and its association to likely diseases; 3 Forensic biometrics, which refers to use of biometrics for criminal and body identification; 4 Convenience biometrics, that is related to maintaining the convenience position during the use of biometric services, 5 Security biometrics to reduce frauds and manage the access to restricted parts [4].

Computational bio-electrography was recently proposed and used like a promising method for complex evaluation regarding the functional state of an lone creating use of the fingertips and electro-photonic emission in an above intensity electromagnetic field [5]. The method involves capturing and analyzing the electro-photonic emission of fingertips creating use of an electro-photonic impulse analyzer based on gas discharge visualization technique GDV [5]. Multiple studies tried to determine what exactly forms the fluorescent glow also called GDV-grams around fingertips. [6] determined that the person central nervous system plays a crucial role within the formation of skin glow in an above intensity electromagnetic field. The ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate molecule acts like a neurotransmitter within the autonomous neuromuscular junctions, the ganglia and the central nervous system.

Therefore, in case of normal procedure regarding the organism, the ATP diffusion exchange and the electron stream should be regular, thus ensuring the regularity and uniformity regarding the fluorescence glow that occurs during the interaction regarding the skin i. of a finger together with the high intensity electromagnetic field. Another learn conducted by Williams [7] claims that critical structural-protein complexes within the mass regarding the skin give channels of heightened electron conductivity, measurable at acupuncture points on the skin surface. Stimulated impulse emissions from the skin are also developed mainly by transport of delocalized electrons. Optical emissions amplified in gaseous discharge, are registered by optical sensors within the electro-photonic impulse analyzer [7].

The parts of application of GDV technique with medicine, sports, psychology and cognitive study. The correlation of GDV data and the data obtained from the other diagnostic devices showed that GDV is a very fast, at the similar to time, accurate real-time diagnosis technique [8-12]. The GDV technique was successfully used in psychology and cognitive studies mainly to assess the psycho-emotional state of an lone and evaluate the changes that take location in a person organism over a period of time. Based on GDV parameters for example shape and volume of electro-photonic emission, symmetry and relationship regarding the captured image together with the rest regarding the GDV-grams of all fingertips, the presence or absence of aggressive signs and defects together with the organs or organ processes shall be predicted and hence it becomes likely to conclude related to the functional state of an lone at the moment of learn [13; 14]. Second language learning is a process by which an lone learns a language in addition to his or her native language.

English is the current lingua franca for communication within the modern era of globalization and was widely studied for adaptation as an worldwide language [15]. Within the United States of America, a majority regarding the population speak English as their native language. Worldwide students usually skills development cultural shock when they can be exposed to a native English environment, for example the United States, and it takes time for them to overcome the language barriers. It was demonstrated that native English speakers perform significantly better than non-native English speakers in all the primary subtests on Writing, Reading and Listening of an English Language Proficiency test [16]. The relatively poor performance of non-native speakers of English is mainly attributed to anxiety, that is a prominently documented psychological phenomenon in 2nd language learning.

It was recently reported that one third to one 1/2 of worldwide students skills development debilitating grades of anxiety while performing in their 2nd language [17]. The anxiety phenomenon within the field of 2nd language learning was the focus spot of different studies and studies projects. It was established that i anxiety can occur at any stage of language acquisition and can influence velocity and accuracy of learning, ii language anxiety shall be one regarding the predictors of language proficiency, iii learners with higher language anxiety stay away from interactive communication more many times than fewer anxious learners, iv anxiety arousal can negatively influence the communication output as it shall be interrupted by the freezing up moments which learners skills development when they can be anxious, v language learning below anxious circumstances can grow to traumatic to identity of a learner [18]. Young [19; 20] determined multiple aspects as potentially interrelated sources of anxiety from the perspective regarding the learner, the teacher and instructional process. Therefore, he claims that the likely causes of anxiety should be i personal and interpersonal anxiety, ii learner beliefs about language learning, iii instructors beliefs about language teaching, iv instructor-learner interactions, v classroom procedure and vi language testing.

In this paper, we hypothesize that language things for example listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing shall involve anxiety factor which shall be quantified and visualized creating use of the GDV method. The psycho-emotional aspects of language learning and performance, for example anxiety and stress, are manifested at the physiological position by increased sweating of palms and fingers and muscle tension. An electro-photonic impulse analyzer based on GDV can make use of these manifestations, mostly those revealed through the fingertips, for quantifying and visualizing the anxiety position of an ESL English like a 2nd Language learner. The GDV technique is non-invasive and sends a real-time measurement regarding the signals regarding the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system [21]. Thus, creating use of this biometric model of GDV, one shall be can quantify and visualize special biological features in psychological and physiological parameters pertaining to anxiety with respect to ESL learning.

The rest regarding the cardboard is organized as follows: Section 3 reviews the literature on relationship between learning English like a 2nd language and anxiety. Section 4 sends an overview regarding the origin of computational bio-electrography based on the GDV technique and describes the actual procedure used to obtain the GDV-grams. We also describe the analysis regarding the GDV-grams creating use of the built-in GDV software regarding the Electro-photonic impulse analyzer. Section 5 describes a pilot study, first of its nature, which was conducted by us to quantify and visualize the anxiety grades regarding the student learners of English like a 2nd language at Jackson State University. Section six concludes the paper.

English like a 2nd Language and Anxiety. With the increase of popularity of English language within the globe and its usage in almost all spheres of social, economic and cultural life, the should learn English like a 2nd Language ESL has increased between the populace whose native language is other than English. The teaching goals pursued by non-native students in English speaking countries, like the United States of America, want sure position of English language proficiency which shall be achieved through preparation and receiving a TOEFL test. Some students should begin English learn from the beginner's position and advance slowly due to peculiarities in their cultural background. For example, it was established that English language learners from Confucian Heritage Cultures CHCs, for example China, Korea and Japan, are more anxious when learning, performing and communicating in ESL [22].

It is a very challenging task for teachers and counselors in USA schools to address the critical wants regarding the students for whom English is not a native language. Scovel [23] was first to associate the inconsistency in 2nd language learning with anxiety. Horwitz was first to clearly define the concept of foreign language anxiety. Horwitz's Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale FLCAS was the primary contribution to field of 2nd language learning and acquisition [24]. The primary ways of anxiety measurement with behavioral observation, physiological assessment for example heart rates and blood pressure, learners' self-report on their internal feelings and reactions as well as structured interviews, follow-up interviews and questionnaires [25; 26].

The negative relationship between anxiety and achievement or performance was confirmed in multiple subsequent studies involving all 4 language skills: speaking [27-29], writing [30], reading [31] and listening [32; 33]. A student who suffers from reading anxiety can exhibit a variations of symptoms that result from the inhibition of their intellectual curiosity, aggression or independence. It was shown [34] that two reading anxiety shows a stronger negative correlation with reading achievement compared to general anxiety; and 3 consequently general anxiety and reading anxiety correlate substantially, reading anxiety measures something beyond general anxiety. Listening anxiety is a kind of anxiety that returns from listening to others, for example in a foreign language situation. Thus, listening anxiety shall negatively influence the learning process and affect performance [35].

Foreign language learners typically skills development considerable anxiety about receiving listening tests. The conclusions in [36] indicated that foreign language anxiety and listening anxiety are separate but related phenomena that most correlate negatively with achievement. An English Writing Anxiety Scale was developed in [37] and it identified 4 contributing factors for writing anxiety in English: fear of writing tests, anxiety about creating mistakes, fear of negative evaluation and little confidence in English writing. The conclusions have showed that the scale has adequate psychometric properties. Another learn [38] evaluated the anxiety of students over a ten year period, creating use of FLCAS.

The FLCAS scores measured the students' perception about their language learning skills and showed that anxiety plays a primary role in performing and successfully accomplishing creating use of a foreign or 2nd language. The first attempt [39] to use GDV technique in teaching was realized within the experiment to teach listening skills in English like a foreign language. The eyes regarding the student participants in this experiment were closed. The GDV technique was used to assess the functional state regarding the individuals and the biological dynamics within the process of perception and processing the details in English [39]. [40] reported the conclusions of investigation of college babies with GDV technique.

Regarding to interpretation regarding the GDV-grams obtained in their studies, only 36% of babies had normal psycho-emotional and physiological state; 42% have shown deficiency in electro-photonic emission and 17% were in a critical state. A positive correlation was located between the position of performance regarding the students and the conclusions of GDV test. Babies with deficiency in electro- photonic emission had decreased performance level. Due to active effort of psychologists, family, teachers and babies themselves, over a 5 month period of counseling, regime, daily exercise and correct nutrition,. 82% of babies had their electro-photonic emission in the.

This skills development has established that GDV technique shall be helpful in teaching process, mainly due to the fact that of instant and real-time assessment regarding the functional state of an lone and also anxiety and stress that accompany a learning process. Receiving cue from this research, we shall employ the GDV method to identify the special physiological and psycho-emotional signatures associated with anxiety in ESL learning process. Computational Bio-electrography Based on Gas. Discharge Visualization Technique. The first world-wide discoveries regarding the phenomenon of bright fluorescence around person body in an above frequency electrical circuit belong to Nicola Tesla in 1880.

The understanding regarding the significance of this discovery began in 1939 when Russian technician Semion Kirlian noticed the florescence around his fingers when repairing the high frequency tools within the hospital. He and his wife Valentina investigated this mysterious glow till. 1978 and it became well-known below the name of Kirlian. During the 1980s, different approaches for the applications of bio-electrographic technique in medicine were developed e. in Germany, Milhomens N.

in France, Oldfield H. in England, Konikevich A. within the USA and many others. Many books and studies articles have been published on Kirlian Photography and statistical correlations with interesting observations worldwide. In 1995, the Gas Discharge Visualization GDV technique, based on optical methods, modern electronics and computer processing of data, gave an special dimension to Kirlian Photography and lead to foundation of an special scientific field called computational bio-electrography.

Figure 1: A Setup regarding the Electro-photonic Impulse. Analyzer Operated through a Laptop. Figure 2: Actual Procedure of Covering the Paw with a Black Cloth for EPE Capture. The GDV assessment regarding the functional state of an lone comprises of static snapshots also called GDV- grams regarding the electro-photonic emission EPE regarding the 5- fingers from each paw a total of 10 finger EPE snapshots which are collected with and without creating use of filters on the glass surface regarding the Electro-photonic Impulse Analyzer. The filter is a thin glass film that prevents the direct contact regarding the skin regarding the fingertip on the glass surface regarding the analyzer.

The rationale behind creating use of the filter is to capture the EPE that represents the physiological parameters regarding the person; whereas, the EPE captured without creating use of the filter represents the psycho- emotional parameters regarding the person. Figure two demonstrates a setup regarding the Electro-photonic Impulse Analyzer operated through a laptop and Figure 3 illustrates the actual procedure of covering the paw with a black cloth to prevent the penetration of light onto the glass surface. A GDV-camera underneath the electrodes captures the EPE i. , GDV-grams regarding the fingertips placed on the glass surface regarding the analyzer. Figure 3: Sample GDV-grams regarding the Thumb and Index Fingers on the Left and Right Hands illustrating the Different Sectors representing the Organ Processes and their Life Coefficients L Left, R Right Figure 4: A Sample GDV-diagram obtained creating use of the static GDV-grams regarding the 10 fingertips The electro-photonic impulse analyzer has an in-built GDV-software to analyze the GDV-grams.

The GDV- software quantifies the activity status regarding the different organs or organ processes within the shape of life coefficients. The life coefficient of an organ or organ system in a GDV-gram is characteristic regarding the life state i. , the activity regarding the organ or organ system and is obtained by normalizing the image to standard GDV-grams. The GDV software that computes these numerical life coefficients was pre-calibrated together with the standard GDV-grams collected from about 10,000 people with normal health. The section regarding the life coefficient values for an organ or organ system in normal state is [-0.

0]; whereas, the organs or organ processes with energy. coefficient values below -0. 6 are spoke about to be hypo- functional little life and organs or organ processes with life coefficient values greater than 1. 0 are spoke about to be hyper-functional excess energy. Figure 4 illustrates the GDV-grams obtained for the two thumb and 3 index fingers on the left L and right R hands for a person subject.

The life status observed for the organs or organ processes was visualized in Figure 4 by highlighting their life coefficient values in green, pink and yellow colors representative regarding the normal, hypo-functional and hyper-functional states respectively. Using the life coefficients obtained from the GDV- grams of all regarding the fingertips from the left and right hands, the GDV-software constructs a GDV-diagram that presents a comprehensive view regarding the life states of all the organs or organs systems. The GDV-diagram of an lone a sample is shown in Figure 5 is represented creating use of 3 curves of red and blue color and each of these curves is divided into different sectors whose radius correspond to life coefficient values observed for the sector. Each sector within the GDV-diagram is characteristic of a critical organ or organ system. The curve together with the red color represents the GDV image taken without creating use of the glass filter and it captures the functionality regarding the organs or organ processes characteristic regarding the psycho-emotional status of an individual.

The curve together with the blue color represents the GDV image taken creating use of the filter and it captures the functionality regarding the organs or organ processes characteristic regarding the physiological status regarding the individual. For better visualization of coefficient distribution, the circles are presented in 3 colors: pink, lime and yellow corresponding to grades below norm i. , hypo- functional, norm normal and above norm hyper- functional respectively. In addition to static snapshots regarding the fingertips, one. could also collect dynamic GDV-grams to monitor the changes within the physiological and psycho-emotional states of an lone while performing a critical activity.

The dynamic GDV-grams shall be used to monitor an lone over a period of time during sure things for example watching a video, test, public speaking; investigate the psycho-physiological dynamics that shall take location and correlate them together with the content. The GDV-grams are a series of static snapshots regarding the fingertips collected at a standard interval. In Figures six and 6, we display a sequence of GDV-grams collected for every minute, illustrating the life status changes of non-native and native speakers while watching a 3-minute movie in English. A visual interpretation regarding the 3 sets of GDV-grams indicates that the non-native speakers undergo serious changes in their life states while watching a movie that affects their emotional anxiety, while there exists no significant changes within the life states regarding the native speakers watching the similar to movie. Figure 5: Dynamic GDV-grams of a Non-native Speaker while Watching a Movie in English.

Figure 6: Dynamic GDV-grams of a Native Speaker while Watching a Movie in English. Pilot Learn of ESL Learning Process Creating use of GDV Technique. Four worldwide students of Turkish, Vietnamese and Chinese origin right paw dominant at the English like a 2nd Language Institute ELSI, Jackson State University, volunteered to participate in our study. We have chosen to initially learn auditory comprehension anxiety due to the fact that of our conjecture that listening skill is the hardest to master in 2nd language learning. Our hypothesis in this pilot learn is that being non-native speakers, these individuals shall have increased expression of anxiety associated with language tasks in English, mostly together with the listening comprehension section.

All the students were enrolled within the moderate position of English like a 2nd Language course at ELSI. The students signed the consent shape in compliance together with the person Institutional Review Board IRB and the purpose regarding the procedure was explained to them regarding to guidelines regarding the person IRB. Seven individuals were recruited and participated within first phase of GDV recordings; however, only 4 participants completed the experimental protocol. 3 students did not display up due to the fact that of lack of understanding of instructions provided in English language. We recorded 3 sets regarding the static images of electro-.

photonic emission around the students' fingertips in an above intensity electromagnetic field generated by electro- photonic impulse analyzer, prior to and subsequent to the listening comprehension tasks. 1: Activation Coefficient for Student two Figure 7. 2: Activation Coefficient for Student 3 Figure 7. 3: Activation Coefficient for Student 4 Figure 7. 4: Activation Coefficient for Student 2.

Figure 7: The Distribution regarding the Activation Coefficient within the 4 ESL Participants Prior to and Subsequent to Receiving the Listening Test. The recording regarding the images was done with and without filter. 3 integral parameters, activation coefficient and integral entropy, were analyzed and were regarded as potential indicators for the measure of anxiety regarding the student participants. Regarding to Korotkov [5], activation coefficient is an average regarding the absolute magnitude of difference regarding the life coefficients of diagrams created creating use of GDV images captured with and without filter receiving corresponding dispersions. The proposed 0-10 scale of anxiety based on the.

activation coefficient is divided into 4 primary parts: 0-2 little position of anxiety, 2-4 normal position of anxiety, 4-8 high position of anxiety and 8-10 distress, altered state of consciousness. The activation coefficient regarding the 4 ESL participants prior to and subsequent to receiving the listening comprehension test is shown in Figure 7. As seen in this figure, the activation coefficient of 3 regarding the 4 participants was high prior to the test and little subsequent to the test. The activation coefficient of these participants decreased from 5. 12 13% decrease and 5.

For the fourth participant, the activation coefficient increased subsequent to the test from 2. 97 prior to the test to 3. 28 subsequent to the test 10% increase. We should expect the anxiety to leave up subsequent to the listening comprehension activities. However, for 4 out regarding the 5 ESL participants, we not ever observe an increase within the activation coefficient subsequent to the listening test.

1: Integral Entropy for Student two Figure 8. 2: Activation Coefficient for Student 3 Figure 8. 3: Integral Entropy for Student 4 Figure 8. 4: Activation Coefficient for Student 4. Figure 8: The Distribution regarding the Integral Entropy within the 4 ESL Participants Prior to and Subsequent to Receiving the Listening Test.

Thus, the proposed anxiety scale 0-10 subsequent to Korotkov cannot be used for the evaluating anxiety within the ESL listening comprehension task, though we not ever exclude the possibility of creating use of the activation coefficient like a measure of evaluating anxiety for other language things for example speaking, reading and writing. On the other hand, the distribution of integral entropy. has shown very promising results. Integral entropy is a measure regarding the deviation from the physiological and psycho-emotional balance. The proposed scale of anxiety based on integral entropy is divided into 4 primary parts:.

0-1 little position of anxiety, 1-2 normal position of anxiety, 2-. 4 high position of anxiety and > 5 very high position of anxiety. As presented in Figure 8, the integral entropy position of all the 4 ESL participants, measured creating use of the GDV-grams for the left paw corresponding to right hemisphere regarding the person brain, increased subsequent to the test when compared to values obtained prior to the test. The integral entropy position regarding the student participants increased from 1. 06 19% increase and from 1.

Hence, we contemplate on creating use of integral entropy like a measure regarding the anxiety of learning English like a 2nd Language, at fewest for the listening tasks, vindicated by the conclusions in our pilot study. Our preference for integral entropy like a measure of anxiety shall also be justified by the following observations from the literature on Chaos or Complexity Science and 2nd Language Acquisition [41] and the recent discovery within the literature that the right hemisphere is more involved in 2nd language learners who are fewer familiar and fewer trained within the language [42]. According to Larsen-Freeman [41], language learning. is a dynamic, complex, open, self-organizing, feedback sensitive task, and is constrained by strange attractors. It is complex, due to the fact that a multitude of interacting factors are involved within the ESL learning process.

Learning new vocabulary is a nonlinear process, for example, the student can listen to text with familiar words and look comfortable in performance, but the moment the teacher introduces new words, rather than creating progress, the student's performance becomes fewer proficient, due to the fact that subsequent to the introduction of new unfamiliar words, the system the student has constructed in his mind implodes. Therefore, orderly periods are very frequently followed by periods of chaos, mostly when something new is introduced and students should adjust an special content to their understanding and awareness. Order, eventually, shall be restored through interaction with others. The integral entropy metric captures the fluctuations within the physiological and psycho-emotional parameters regarding the lone from an orderly status to a disorderly status and vice-versa. The conclusions of a very recent learn demonstrated the significant difference between the proficiency position and hemisphere involvement in language processing.

It was shown that the right hemisphere regarding the person cerebrum is more involved and hence contributes to an increase within the entropy in 2nd language learners with fewer skills development and fewer training [42]. The conclusions of our pilot learn give empirical evidence to above finding and display that listening comprehension tasks in English like a 2nd Language activate functioning regarding the right hemisphere regarding the person brain, that is responsible for parsing and analyzing the semantic and phonetic characteristics regarding the language. 5 Conclusions and Future Work. Biometrics are used within the identification of special features based on anatomical, physiological and psychological parameters of an individual. Computational Bio- electography based on GDV technique is a biometric tool to identify special signatures expressed by individuals at physiological and psycho-emotional levels.

Learning of English like a 2nd language ESL is a process that is accompanied by anxiety, which can negatively influence the performance of students. In this paper, we have demonstrated the use of GDV to measure, quantify and visualize the anxiety grades of ESL learners. We identify the integral entropy measured by GDV as the appropriate parameter to quantify and visualize the increase in anxiety. As observed from the conclusions of our pilot study, the integral entropy of an ESL learner who has gone through a listening comprehension task increases by 7%-18%. Our conclusion regarding the use of integral entropy, based on the images collected from the left paw corresponding to right hemisphere, shall also be substantiated by recent findings on EEG Electro-encephalogram synchronization within the literature.

Thus, GDV like a biometric tool should be used to learn anxiety associated with ESL learning and in other parts of education. We anticipate that the integral entropy should possibly be used to capture the anxiety grades of ESL learners for other language things for example reading, writing and speaking and this shall be verified in our future work. As component of future work, we should also develop computational models that can identify special biological signatures that are characteristic regarding the anxiety position of an ESL learner for a critical language activity. Biometrics Sensors, Algorithms and Systems. Huang Understanding Forensic Digital Imaging.

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