Tuesday 22 May 2012

Fusion Reactor And Platonic Solids

The first plan for a fusion reactor is a resonance of laser rays and some other elementary particles torrents together with the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. The proportion regarding the resonance should be ordinary, golden or harmonic -, 3 or 3, 4 or 5, etc or 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 and so on. Harmonics are ratios of distant Fibonacci numbers. regarding the harmonic is the many steps between Fibonacci numbers it compares. Each harmonic is the sum regarding the previous two.

and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. The structure regarding the reactor should be created by Platonic Solids. A dodecahedron and an icosahedron should be described around it and an octahedron and tetrahedron should be entered inside. The faces regarding the polyhedrons should be used for a circular electric current with a perpendicular magnetic vector to center. To compress plasma to maximum stage from all directions evenly.

The vertices for lasers and emitters. A cube is earth, particles, a tetrahedron is fire, light. An octahedron is dual to a cube, a tetrahedron is dual to itself. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. A torr reactor is likely too, but it should hold a 12 phase or 12xn cycle like zodiac or some other polygon like decagon like a basis for its rhythm.

Due to the fact that without a cycle rhythm plasma is unstable. It runs distant from any magnetic traps. Life does not like forms for it is formless by nature and forms are its opposite. Plasma or fire is an element of freedom and creativity. It shall work only when it wants it itself.

Like Sagittarius, a fire zodiac sign. The greatest method to manage plasma is to let it freely leave distant in a jet. Along a laser ignition ray. On a spaceship or an airplane. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;.

Six laser rays, symmetrical around one central empty channel, work like a pump. They can push on any elementary particles or substances. For example, nuclear fuel to a tiny but effective uranium or plutonium reactor, compressing it to temperature, wanted for the ignition of a chain reaction. The construction regarding the reactor should be similar as for fusion Platonic Solids. Laser push shall be used in an annihilation photon engine too.

For the transportation of anti-matter to focus of a paraboloid, which reflects parallel rays of light. Antimatter shall be produced in a reverse process by the crossing of powerful laser rays at a catalyst substance in a Platonic Solids magnetic trap. Then it shall be accumulated in it and conserved for future use in space. Distant distant from usual sources of energy. Such an accumulator is many more effective than any other.

And shall reveal for photon ships all planets of our system with their wealthy natural resources for economical use. Leading mankind from an isolated planet to nearest space and preparing the next stage of technological evolution the invention of astral starships. Leaping directly to other stars through multidimensional space. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. This teleportation phenomenon requires a very high life position in a very tiny space.

For life is the source of matter, its condensation, and can revert substance return from physical state to aetheral and astral, light. That is a multidimensional simplex, projected to tetrahedron of electromagnetic waves. Its vertices are photons going distant from each other with equal speeds when it grows as it should be regarding to theory of relativity. The cube is physical space. The dodecahedron is closest to sphere of all real physical fields and is condensed energy, turned into substance at the creation regarding the universe.

Quarks are triangular faces of polyhedrons. Ordinary particles are projections of divine multidimensional light to our person three-dimensional physical world. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. Teleportation breakthrough wants a carbon fusion reaction as in stars on the 2nd stage of their development. Such fusion reactor wants annihilation of antimatter in one focus of a stationary ellipsoid reactor.

The other focus is for concentration of light energy, reflected from its internal surface, and ignition of fusion. Quarks as primary particles are close to primary subtle life position and shall be influenced by a subtle life generator during the teleportation leap. Forming a five-dimensional astral channel, which finally opens space for the wanted distant connection of three-dimensional spaces of different stars. Through the light simplex like a photon ray or a quark torrent, which in astral is the same. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;.

The greatest shape of a space ship is prompted by a Platonic Solid too. It is a double tetrahedron, 3 tetrahedrons with one common face. Transformed for better streamlining within the atmosphere. The fist one pulled forward, the 2nd one reduced. The bottom can work like a wing, though wings are added to it too.

The rigidity of triangles and tetrahedrons make this structure stable and safe. It shall be used for planes or velocity automobiles too. As well as speed-boats. Or for a universal vehicle, combining all these in one. An orbit space station shall be rigid and safe if created like a icosahedron, due to triangles in its faces.

It is close to sphere too and can help any spherical surface. Hemi-icosahedron a roof. A dodecahedron can give like a structure of a cross-country vehicle wheel. With broad contact surface and flexible ribs. Tetrahedron shall be used in architecture to help usual cubic structures from inside to make them more rigid and high.

and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. Platonic Solids were used by The god to make the universe, galaxies and stars. They constitute the very foundation of space. Compact packing of spheres is an icosahedron 1+12=13 and its 2nd layer is a dodecahedron 1+20=21. These are Fibonacci numbers, the 7th and the 8th, their ratio is a golden proportion 13 or 21 or 12 or 20=3 or 5.

They describe plasma in a reactor, or a star or an atomic explosion. The center is Sun, fire or condensed plasma itself, the 7th no. is Saturn, compression, condensation and structure or shape regarding the reactor, earth, the 8th no. is Uranus, decentralization, explosion, burst or warm gas, air. The third layer is the 9th number, Neptune, liquid, water, for cooling and transmission of heat.

The fourth layer is the 10th number, Pluto, transformation of life into another type, or new fire, e. electromagnetic current or light. Astrology prompts qualities of space structures due to the fact that it is astral logic, or the science of a five-dimensional space. And astral, Mars, is a key to any movement, or interaction, or projection of spaces. Astrology is proved by logic and facts no fewer than any other science and have the right to exist and to cooperate with mathematics and physics in any research.

and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. Platonic Solids describe and enter the orbits of planets, their correspondence to elements is explained by correspondence of these planets to zodiac signs. Tetrahedron is between Mars and Jupiter astral and aether, which rule Aries and Sagittarius, signs of fire, so it is fire itself. The previous planet, Saturn, symbolize three-dimensional physical world. Dimensions grow together with the numbers of planets counted from Pluto to Sun.

Aether has 4 dimensions, astral five, mental plane, Venus and Mercury imagination and concepts - seven and eight, spiritual world, Sun, - nine. Earth, consciousness or soul, is close to Venus. Moon as intuition, when it is full, is close to Mars, astral plane. Geocentric Sun is six-dimensional instead of Earth. Uranus is a two-dimensional surface of sphere, that is the shape of all fields and waves.

Neptune is its one-dimensional radius. Pluto is its center, zero. First 3 dimensions belong to microcosm, elementary particles and quantum mechanics. These planets are invisible like the universe they describe. This is objective reality, provided to us in our senses.

Vital subjective space starts to grow 3 steps later. Saturn is a zero-dimensional space of dead stones. Jupiter a one-dimensional space of plants. Mars a two-dimensional plane of animals. Earth is the three-dimensional world of men.

Venus, Mercury, Sun mean 4, six and 6- dimensional spiritual worlds of angels, archangels and God. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;. Without spiritual philosophy, idealism science can not be understood. Materialists manipulate formulas and geometrical structures abstractly, though they all correspond to reality. For example multi-dimensional space, described and calculated but not believed.

Telepathy proves existence of non-physical fields so we should conclude existence of non-physical worlds and prove it by distant experiments. The easiest method to confirm it all up is astrological analysis of one's personal horoscope. If astrology works, astral exists as well as spiritual world and religion is true. and lt;br and gt; and lt;br and gt;.

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