Friday 25 May 2012

Vibrational Sound Therapy: A Valuable Tool For Healing Bipolar Disorder

Vibrational sound proved to be an invaluable discovery when I used my body like a testing ground to completely cure treatment-resistant rapid cycling bipolar disorder. And, I am pleased to report that vibrational sound therapy has also been instrumental in assisting my clients who suffer from mania, depression and the anxiety that these conditions often bring. I am well aware of what sounding can achieve. And yet, due to the fact that my understanding of sound healing is a result of skills development rather than cognitive knowing, I locate this kind of vibrational therapy difficult to explain. Despite this shortcoming, I shall do my greatest to convey what I have gleaned from one tidbit of simple science and that which I have witnessed like a vibrational sound practitioner.

Science courses I suffered in years gone by taught me that there exists elementary particles in atoms that make up the molecules that make up all that exists and that these particles carry charges that emit life which vibrates at specific frequencies. I trust that these frequencies are affected by vibrational sound. Our physical bodies which are comprised of these life filled atoms are interconnected to emotional, mental and Spiritual bodies. Hence, I contend that when we state specific intentions for healing imbalances and we sum sound frequencies, change manifests throughout all regarding the bodies due to the fact that regarding the impact that sound has on the atomic structure of our beings. Energetic imbalances for example bipolar disorder should be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition, trauma, repressed emotions, core belief systems, imbalanced brain chemistry, physical sickness and other culprits.

My own healing process taught me that when a brain disorder occurs, the faulty electrical circuitry that adversely affects brain chemistry should be realigned with vibrational sound. The method this works is that the vibrational frequencies which are of a Light-high vibration leave into the parts in crisis which are of a dark-low vibration and they heal the imbalanced spots within the brain chemistry with the higher vibration. It's like switching on a light in a dark space whereupon the dark is no detailed can survive. The reason I suggest that Light has the ability to transmute the density or dark is greatest explained by what the 17th Century Dutch scientist, Worshipper Huygens, discovered and called entrainment. The principle of entrainment basically states that fewer powerful vibrations from one source shall align with more powerful vibrations from another Leonard, 2006.

According to George Leonard 2006, this occurs due to the fact that nature seeks the highest many efficient life state and it takes fewer life to pulse in cooperation than in opposition p. So, if we think about the Light vibrations to be the highest many efficient life state, and we trust that any thing fewer powerful than Light life shall ultimately move into cooperation with or align with the Light, we can more with no problems understand how Light can transmute the dark or more specificallyhow sound vibrations can heal the biochemical imbalance that is known as bipolar disorder. Perhaps it is easier to comprehend the ways in which sound affects us when we look at some everyday examples for example lullabies, movie soundtracks or any music that soothes, enlivens, incites or reminds us of someone or some other time. Sure musical instruments make sounds that change our moods and even move us to cry or smile or dance. These are all conclusions of sound vibrations impacting our energetic systems.

The vibrational sounds that I facilitate during my healings sessions are at best, bizarre. You see, I not ever decide the sounds. I'm basically a conduit. It feels like I merely stand by and watch while the sound vibrations return through me in a vast array of qualities and tones. Many are indigenous sounding.

Some sound like whales and dolphins. Others resemble what seem to be ancient Tibetan or Chinese languages. Often when I sing energies that look to be ethereal high-frequency beings seem to thank me for my vocal chords as their sounds return through. At times I hear myself emit what should greatest be described as intergalactic communications in a low-budget science fiction film. When this occurs the frequencies are so high and so fast that my mouth nearly fails to move at the velocity that these sounds require.

Astounding really, for I am the quintessential fast talkin' New Yorker. Years ago, I was beginning a phone session with an unique client who upon hearing the initial sounds, inquired incredulously, Did those noises return out of you? I had to laugh. She did too, but she did not hang up. In my opinion, the sounds are primordial language that people recognize on a soul level. I am impressed with the people who do not consciously understand this, but still manage to trust within the healing properties of sound; the people who refrain from hanging up despite the odd quality regarding the songs.

Whether you can be struggling with bipolar disorder, perhaps you can locate a method to trust in this kind of skills development and receive the biochemical healing that vibrational sound therapy can bring Reference: Leonard, G. The Silent Pulse: A Look for for the Thorough Rhythm That Exists In Each of Us. Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith.

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