Saturday 14 July 2012

Reology And The 3 Grand Illusions The Reality Code

Who Are You? Howcome Are You Here? What Is Your Life All About? When we ask the above questions we do so together with the conviction that it is the physical universe and our physical identity we each perceive ourselves to be that we seek these answers for. This is however a limited concept. When you ask any question or seek any knowledge, is it not for the benefit of you, the physical identity you look you as? No reason what we do, whether regarded real or imagined, it is always directly related to whom and what we each look ourselves to be. We in fact are each the perceived center of our lone perspective on reality. This however is an illusion.

Reology explores this illusion. So what exactly is Reology? First, it is not to be confused with real estate for which this phrase is sometimes used or the Science of Rheology, often misspelled Reology. For these articles, Reology is basically drawing conclusions about skills development based on the greatest fundamental aspects of reality. All our perceptions are based on 3 things we assume are fundamental facts of existence: 1-We are convinced we each are physical creatures with an ability to explore, discover, and define our experience. 2-We have no doubt that what surrounds us is a physical universe composed of reason and energy.

3-We have knowledge of for an information most the above have function due to the fact that regarding the mediums of space and time. If these 3 fundamental truths are facts, howcome are each riddled with contradictions? Physiologically, the method we perceive reality occurs through our cognitive ability, a completely subjective experience, and what we call our objective skills development that conclusions from our 5 physical senses. While we have knowledge of very little regarding the source and function of our subjective experience, we have knowledge of barely very many about our objective experience. We have knowledge of how the senses function, and the electro-chemical processes that release each sense its ability to detect and recognize experience. We have knowledge of where in our brain specific categories of experiences are processed.

We just have no system how it's processed; how physiological processes grow to cognitive ones. We are completely clueless what consciousness is and where it returns from despite how masterfully we seem to be can use it. Herein is the dilemma; sequential to physically sense things, that is to see, touch, hear, taste, and smell things, our nerves should first translate these stimuli into an electro-chemical code that should be relayed to brain, where this code is then translated into the skills development we just recognized. This code is so specific and so precise, it distinguishes subtle differences between similar experiences as with no problems as it distinguishes between the obvious differences. If we touch a sharp object, whether we should possibly look it or not, it is our sense of touch that should convert this encounter to an electro-chemical code that should venture through the nervous system to brain, where this code is translated into the recognition of this specific sharp object.

Not until the brain assigns an identity to this code, can we have knowledge of we are on the verge of a cutting experience. Just from this sense of touch, we can glean a wealth of facts about this object; its sharpness, shape, temperature, texture, even an image despite not seeing it. The similar to process applies to all our sensory experience. Within the greatest literal sense then, our objective perceptions of reality are actually purely subjective. This of course appears totally nonsensical.

If we look around, there is a multitude of objects and events which we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. All these reside outside ourselves and are obviously objective experience. Who can even question this? We all should, due to the fact that this is not absolute reality and we have the direct evidence of its true nature. Howcome then are we blind to this true nature?. Because regarding the almost thorough creation of this Grand Illusion, for barely literally, there cannot be objective experience.

The only skills development we are capable of possessing is exclusively subjective. If we focus on the nature of our physical senses, and visualize the process they should perform sequential for us to have recognition of experience, we have the proof regarding the above statement. This Proof lies in our own skills development of this process. Nothing should be detected as objective until it first is experienced subjectively. You have knowledge of no method of knowing regarding the sharp object above until your mind lets you have knowledge of it is there.

Your fingers not ever recognize or define what they touch. You eyes not ever recognize or define what they see. Only the mind can do this, and only when it deciphers an electro chemical code delivered to it via the nervous system in a process that takes time to complete. This is of course no revelation due to the fact that science has established this is how our senses and recognitions work. We not ever however leave about our lives with this process of recognizing skills development subjectively at the forefront of our thoughts.

Instead, we assume physical skills development is objective and label it as such. This is an illusion however. OK, you may be willing to think about there is an illusionary nature to our perceptive ability. What regarding the stuff we and the universe are structured of? What about reason and energy. Certainly these are no illusion regardless of how our senses detect them.

Then why, as we break reason below from its shape as compounds to its shape as molecules, then its shape as atomic structure, and then its shape as subatomic particles, does it grow to fewer and fewer physical to spot that the only time it can only appear physical is when, and only when, we observe or measure it? When we stop observing, it loses all physical characteristics completely, so we cannot be sure it is even there any more. This is Quantum Mechanics, and has scientists baffled. Howcome is this so baffling? Due to the fact that we assume the physical reality is absolute, just as we assume our perception of physical reality is absolute. When we dismantle the structure of physical things, we expect to discover how the components that make up these things work together to make the structure we dissected. We expect these components to obey the similar to laws of nature that the things they combine to make obey.

They do not however at the greatest fundamental position of physical reality, the Quantum level. Instead they function based upon what we ponder are probabilities that are oblivious to laws of physics and time as we have knowledge of them on our position of reality. They only appear as real physical objects and experiences when they can be observed, otherwise we are incapable of knowing and proving anything exists outside our observations of them, and that includes us. What then of space and time? Surely these should be absolute, for whether we are experiencing objective skills development or subjective experience, it still has to occur somewhere and has to take time to experience. What really is space and time? Nothing higher than a location for physical objects to appear to reside with a means to release them dimension and relationship to one another, or the time it takes to venture and measure these dimensions.

If physical reality is an illusion, and we each are the physical illusions of ourselves, how should space and time even exist? What meaning should they have apart from supporting the physical illusion? None. We even have the direct evidence of this. Ponder of any skills development you choose. Reading this post for example. Where is the space in which you reside possessing this experience? Where is the time it is taking? Well, it's all around me you think, and the clock assures me this is receiving time.

The only time that physical reality appears physical is in this present instant of observation that allows us to perceive things as physical. Our entire history, all we know, happens right now due to the fact that this is the only time it can. The similar to is true for the future. The images that tell you there is an entire world of space, time, and events that surround you can be in reality just that, images in your mind in this instant. Now ponder of some function from memory; something that happened to you within the past.

When did this skills development occur? Despite what you think, it is occurring right now, in this present instant, in your subjective perceptive reality. Why? Due to the fact that right now is the only time that exists; it is the only time there is; it is the only spot in which you can skills development anything, whether you trust it is real or imagined, or remembered. The past and the future, most personal and collective, can only exist right now. Let us leave to dawn of time as we understand it, the Large Bang. When did that happen? Yes, as difficult as it is to comprehend, it did not happen, but is instead happening right now in this instant of awareness and recognition, again, due to the fact that right now is the only time we can have awareness and recognition.

There basically is no other time. You cannot objectively or subjectively skills development a millisecond ago any higher than you can skills development a millisecond from this instant, except right now. Everything that happens can only happen right now, in this present instant. This instant is not a function of time, for it has neither a beginning nor end. It's barely incomprehensible actually, but again, it is the only time that most our subjective recognitions and our seeming objective skills development can occur; it is the only spot in which anything can exist, whether regarded real or imagined.

The very process by which we recognize skills development physiologically confirms Quantum Mechanic's instant of observation for things to appear real. They can be one and the similar to phenomena. Observing reason as real within the instant of observation Quantumly is observing skills development as real within the instant of recognition cognitively. Most occur in our mind, in this instant. This post began together with the premise that we each are the center regarding the reality we each perceive.

This is instead a Grand Illusion. Why? Due to the fact that we cannot be physical identity if nothing physical is real, and only real appearing in this incomprehensible present instant. This concept of reality, called Reology, clearly shows we are in fact the illusion of ourselves experiencing the illusion of a physical reality. Illusion experiencing illusion. Who are you then? Howcome are you here? What is your reality all about? These are still valid questions.

What appears sure is we are not the physical identity we are so convinced we are, nor is this universe the physical reality it appears to be, despite how incomprehensible this seems. As for howcome we are here, that is the real ultimate question. This question has an answer.

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