Saturday 7 July 2012

The Free Moving Particle Structure

1 The S-partner dark reason of SM characteristic is consumed by particle main-body, Sec. six 15 2b, that is along with expandons emission dark life of expanding characteristic by particle in micro-patch of particle, item 13, i. S-patch related to dark energy. 2 Any expandon emission of kind path-length by the particle main-body i. mass moderate of contractingcharacteristic is along with contracton releasing of equal path-length magnitude and opposite sign of kind respect to former one via H hall product tunnel extending from reverson, Sec.

7 six 3, of particle main-body towards the black hole mass medium. Please refer also to Sec. six 16 11 in this regards. 3 The emission of expandons in spatial moderate by particle, Sec. 7 5 3, components A, B, has finite velocity equal or fewer than light speed; while, the contracton transfer within abstract vacuum medium, Sec.

7 5 3, component F, of H hall product tunnel, Sec. six 9 3d, component c, from particle reverson to black hole is spontaneous, Sec. 4 In case of mass-body that is constituted of particle, a bunch of lone H hall product tunnels is linked from mass-body reverson to black hole, Example six 7 8a. Thus, forming a bunch of abstract vacuum H hall product tunnels between them, which links their reversons. It simulates as mass-body or particle subspace, Remark 7 six 2a1, respect to black hole that evolved during mass-body states changing.

5 The dotted arrow from the particle main-body within the Schema E5a is related to expandons emission. 6 The solid arrows in S-partner region is the flow of dark reason towards particle main-body. 7 The horizontal tunnel-like arrow shows the H hall product tunnel or a bunch of it that is extended from the particle main-body to black hole. This arrow takes the similar to geometrical shape regarding the path of particle respect to black hole. 8 2, in case of curved H hall product tunnel regarding the photon that is overlapped on the photon venture path OT respect to observer B, but at opposite direction to that, i.

TO, in spatial moderate up to target T. 8 The micro spatial patches S-patch of a particle is not confined similar to geographic map of a place by other maps of neighboring countries; but it is elongated around the particle H hall product up to its black hole regarding the host galaxies, Comment six 15 3d, B1. 9 Based on stated above items, the mechanism of conversion of dark reason to dark energy, Proposal six 15 3b1, along with emission of expandon of configuration of path-length valueand releasing of contracton of configuration of path-length valuespecify the behavior of expanded state regarding the particle via mutual exchange of G-contracton between particle and related supermassif black hole of host galaxies, item 13. It is through common H hall product tunnel,, i. successive beats of particle, Sec.

7 six 3d, component D. Please refer also to Note 9 5 6a. Noteworthy, G-expandon emission by black hole is along with its contracton releasing towards the particle or vice versa, in free vacuum, Remark 8 7 2, E5a. 10 The whole system atom structure hole as in schema E5a, should be regarded as H hall package, Sec. six 16 3, regarding the particle.

11 Regarding to Note 4 two 2a, Eq. 4 24, to any fundamental particle H hall product merely an usual H hall product tunnel, Sec. six 9 3d, component c, is attached up to related supermassif black hole regarding the host galaxies and clusters, Sec. Moreover, in case of ordinary particles, e. proton, the common reverson of its ingredient via an usual H hall product tunnel or a bunch of it is linked to a cell or cells in case of a bunch of tunnels of cells of Schwarzschild surface regarding the related black hole; please refer also to Simulation 8 7 2, component E5, item 4, and Consequence 3 10 1b.

12 Referring to above discussion, and regarding to Sec. 10 6, the H hall packages of fundamental particles are of 3 distinct groups:. 1 Team R specified to negatively charged leptons. 2 Team L specified to positively charged leptons. Please refer to Remark 8 7 2, E5c.

8 7 2, component E2, any ground gravitational sphere is consisting of cells, each cell related merely to an state of states of a particle, e. matter, antimatter, during wait time interval along with expandon emission, Remark 8 7 2, E5a, and contracton releasing to supermassif black hole, Sec. As the result, a particle should be located in two of its state during wait time intervals, all within wait time interval related to 3 successive gravitational ground spheres infinitesimal time interval, item 12. Noteworthy, considering the decay products of, Eq. 8 8 a, regarding to above statement, if the reason components are in expanded form, the antimatter one are in contracted configuration during wait time interval, otherwise, the annihilation of reason and antimatter components is taken location in ordinary particle, e.

14 Regarding to Remark 5 4 1, B4, and referring to Eq. 5 8 1, the equation of cosmos, the effective radius regarding the electron should be referred to Hubble Universe of radius R. Regarding to HPPH, there is an empirical correlation between the spatial patch of particles in a Universe with Hubble volume through the many particles. In other words, each particle occupies a specified spatial patch within the whole Universe. Better to speak a particle occupies a specified surface on gravitational expanding sphere of a supermassif black hole below to Schwarzschild surface regarding the black hole the ground sphere, i.

the surface that an cell of a particle H hall product tunnel occupies on scale of Planck region on black hole horizon; please refer to Sec. 15 An emitted particle, e. photon, from an emitter, e. source, is correlated to latter merely by an H hall product tunnel in spatial medium, Sec. 7 5 3, component A, and ultimately to supermassif black hole regarding the host galaxies and clusters, Note 8 9 2b.

six 9 3d, component c, there is a mutual exchange of contractons between particle and emitter. The contractons received by particle from the emitter are agglomerated in particle as aggregated contracton, Sec. 7 six 3d, component B, i. the particle is in its subjective form, Sec. Therefore, just during an interaction, e.

gravitational, collision, based on Sec. six 9 3d, component c of particle and a detector, i. a measurement, the aggregated contracton is released by detector via related H hall packages towards the black hole. Thus, the particle is detected, i. in its objective form, Sec.

7 six 3d, component B, an unstable particle should be decayed when the aggregated contracton is reached to its critical price during time interval, Eq. Regarding to above discussion, an H hall product tunnel is appeared from mass-body or emitter by emitted particle from G-reverson of emitter up to particle reverson, i. within mass medium, Sec. Similarly, the agglomerated expandons on the particle main-body prior to measurement are corrupted just during the latter in spatial medium. It is equivalent to wave function collapse, Sec.

8 7 2, component D, just during the measurement. As the result, prior to measurement, the contractons are stayed in particle reverson and conserve their link with related expandons on the horizon of particle-main-body in spatial medium. Thus, forming a special H system, Sec. 8 5, just during an interaction by analogy to case of a particle at rest state, Remark 8 7 2, E5b. This link is interrupted and the contractons escaped via H hall product tunnel, and the agglomerated expandons begin to expand in spatial moderate and moving distant from the particle main-body, i.

Factually, the aggregated contractons regarding to Sec. 3 5 4a is absorbed by detector like a macro mass-body and is transferred spontaneously, Sec. 7 5 2f, component c, via H hall packages to black hole regarding the host galaxies and clusters, Sec. Thus, irreversibly absorbed by black hole. This leading to releasing of relate agglomerated expandons in spatial moderate at finite speed.

16 Any state regarding the particle of contracting configuration has its appropriate state of its micro S-patch in spatial moderate of expanding configuration of equal path-length magnitude and opposite signs, Sec. 8 8 2, item 8, any particle in a state at macro 4-space plus an extra-dimension of mass moderate has its appropriate particle S-patch of related extra-dimension in that spatial medium. 17 Regarding to above discussion during a beat of particle, Sec. 7 six 3d, component D, and Sec. 7 5 2f, Component A, we have:.

A During wait time interval, Sec. 8 7 2, E2, the particle is expanded antinode, Simulation 4 two 2a accompanied by expandon emission; while, it's S-patch is contracted below to H hall product tunnel, Sec. six 9 3d, component C. B During time interval reversal, the particle primary body is contracted antinode, Simulation 4 two 2a following with particle contracton emission through the tunnel, in item 17 A to related supermassif black hole regarding the host galaxies and amp; cluster, Sec. six 7 8; while, its S-patch is expanded due to particle expandon emission as in item 17A.

C At the end of stage 17B There is an infinitesimal time interval between this stages and next stage 17 A, related to contracton emission by particle node Simulation 4 two 2a. Note worthy if the expandon of first stage 17A is of WR kind and its contracton is of PL one. Thus, the next stage 17A is of WL expandon and its contracton of PR one? Please refer to Simulation 7 5 2e1 in this regards. D There is a slight preference of over magnitude of, i. -+, in our reason Universe.

Resuming, a component of particle dark reason as its S-partner of configuration is split, Sec. six 15 2a, to 3 parts, the expanded H particle-paths of configuration as spatial medium, and itsH particle-paths configuration component as contracton that is ultimately absorbed by related supermassif black hole regarding the host galaxies and amp; clusters. 18 Regarding to Schema E5a, the H hall packages divide the spatial moderate to micro spatial patches, i. By a distant analogy it should be simulated somehow to quantum foam and tiny wormholes, Note six 15 2c1. Below at the smallest of scales, smaller even than molecules, smaller than atoms, we get to a location called the quantum foam.

This is where wormholes exist. Tiny tunnels or brief cuts through space and time constantly form, disappear, and reform within this quantum world. And they definitely link 3 separate locations and 3 different times [606] Quantum foam and tiny wormholes. Factually, regarding to HPPH, the H hall packages in vacuum moderate are divided by H hall packages Tunnels, Sec. six 16 3b, component B, paragraph IX.

Moreover, the contractons are transferring in these tunnels spontaneously, Sec. Wormholes let superluminal faster-than-light venture by ensuring that the velocity of light is not exceeded locally at any time. While traveling through a wormhole, subluminal slower-than-light speeds are used. If 3 points are connected by a wormhole, the time taken to traverse it should be fewer than the time it should take a light beam to make the journey if it took a path through the space outside the wormhole [607] Faster than light travel. 19 Regarding to Comment six 16 7, g1, the spatial patch S-path or H Hall product of a moving particles A regarding other little velocity particles Be respect to their CMPRF origin, i.

supermassif black hole regarding the host galaxies and clusters, Sec. six 7 8, expand faster respect to Be ones due to faster entropy and amp; negentropy increment related to more expandons emission in spatial moderate and amp; contractons releasing within H hall product tunnels Sec. six 9 3d, component c, to black hole due to higher particles A speed. 20 Factually, the spatial moderate that is constituted of particles' S-patches due to equilibrated motion of particles has an isotropic behavior at mini scale or volume. While, it has a radially and right-handed spirally expanding character at large scale, Sec.

six 16 5, at little motion around supermassif black hole, Sec. six 7 8, respect to high velocity particles or mass-bodies. It should be regarded at good approximation like a stationary moderate along with its ingredients, and has steady increasing entropy. In other words, at mini volume, it has no significant effect on particles and mass-bodies in all spatial directions. 21 The particle mass moderate is confined between spatial moderate and its Schwarzschild surface nominating particle reverax; please refer to Note six 7 1b.

Moreover, the particle Schwarzschild surface confines the particle reverson, Sec. 7 5, constituted of abstract vacuum medium, Sec. Therefore, the particle reverson is linked by its H hall product tunnel to reverson of black hole as in Schema E5a.

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