Thursday 11 October 2012

Colloidal Silver Atoms A Technological Reality

There was many written about monatomic particles, monatomic particles are hard to obtain and hard to detect, that is howcome most Traditional Chemical Colloidal Sellers and their supporters speak that Monatomic gold or silver are a Myth. It is true, atoms DO exist, monatomic Particles DO exist, and so do Sub Atomic Particles. To better understand howcome they exist, lets examine what experts say:. How Particles Acquire Mass. By Mairy and Ian Butterworth, Imperial College London, and Doris and Vigdor Teplitz, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA.

The Higgs boson is a hypothesised particle which, if it exists, should release the mechanism by which particles acquire mass. Matter is created of molecules; molecules of atoms; atoms of a cloud of electrons about one-hundred-millionth of a centimetre and a nucleus about one-hundred-thousandth the volume regarding the electron cloud. The nucleus is created of protons and neutrons. Each proton or neutron has about 3 thousand times the mass of an electron. We have knowledge of a good deal about howcome the nucleus is so small.

We do not know, however, how the particles get their masses. Howcome are the masses what they are? Howcome are the ratios of masses what they are? We can not be spoke about to understand the constituents of reason if we do not hold a satisfactory answer to this question. Peter Higgs has a model in which particle masses arise in a beautiful, but complex, progression. He starts with a particle that has only mass, and no other characteristics, for example charge, that distinguish particles from empty space. We can call his particle H.

H interacts with other particles; for example if H is near an electron, there is a force between the two. H is of a class of particles called bosons. We first attempt a more precise, but non-mathematical statement regarding the spot regarding the model; then we release explanatory pictures. In the mathematics of quantum mechanics describing creation and annihilation of elementary particles, as observed at accelerators, particles at critical points arise from fields spread over space and time. Higgs located that parameters within the equations for the field associated together with the particle H should be chosen in such a method that the lowest life state of that field empty space is one together with the field not zero.

It is surprising that the field is not zero in empty space, but the result, not an obvious one, is: all particles that can interact with H gain mass from the interaction. Thus mathematics links the existence of H to a contribution to mass of all particles with which H interacts. A picture that corresponds to mathematics is regarding the lowest life state, empty space, possessing a crown of H particles with no life of their own. Other particles get their masses by interacting with this collection of zero-energy H particles. The mass or inertia or resistance to change in motion of a particle returns from its being grabbed at by Higgs particles when we try and move it.

If particles no get their masses from interacting together with the empty space Higgs field, then the Higgs particle should exist; but we can not be sure without finding the Higgs. We have other hints related to the Higgs; for example, if it exists, it plays a role in unifying different forces. However, we trust that nature should contrive to obtain the conclusions that should flow from the Higgs in other ways. In fact, proving the Higgs particle does not exist should be scientifically every bit as valuable as proving it does. These questions, the mechanisms by which particles get their masses, and the relationship amongs different forces of nature, are primary ones and so simple to possessing an understanding regarding the constituents of reason and the forces between them, that it is hard to look how we can make significant progress in our understanding regarding the stuff of which the earth is created without answering them.

You can view more about monatomic particles atomic colloidal silver atom sized particle is by distant more efficient, many more potent, and most lethal to unwanted critters that try to invade the body from the inside out. The Gold, iridium, rhodium and ruthenium atom sized particles, are extremely effective in dealing with free radicals that cause aging and unwanted growths inside and outside the person body. What is a Kaon: Source: wikipedia. In particle physics, a kaon pronounced or ke. n or, also called a K-meson and denoted K[nb 1] is any two of a team of 4 mesons distinguished by the fact that they carry a quantum no.

Within the quark model they can be understood to contain a strange quark or antiquark, paired with an up or below antiquark or quark. Kaons have proved to be a copious source of details on the nature of fundamental interactions since their discovery in 1947. They were essential in establishing the foundations regarding the Standard Model of particle physics, for example the quark model of hadrons and the theory of quark mixing the latter was acknowledged by a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008. Kaons played a distinguished role in our understanding of fundamental conservation laws: the discovery of CP violation a phenomenon generating the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry regarding the universe, which was acknowledged by a Nobel prize in 1980, was created within the kaon system. The negatively charged K containing a strange quark and an up antiquark has mass 493.

013 MeV and mean lifetime 1. Its antiparticle, the positively charged K+ containing an up quark and a strange antiquark should by CPT invariance have mass and lifetime equal to that of K. The mass difference is 0. 090 MeV, consistent with zero. The difference in lifetime is 0.

The K0 containing a below quark and a strange antiquark has mass 497. It has mean squared charge radius of 0. Its antiparticle K0 containing a strange quark and a below antiquark has the similar to mass. It is simple from the quark model assignments that the kaons shape 3 doublets of isospin; that is, they belong to fundamental representation of SU 3 called the 2. One doublet of strangeness +1 contains the K+and the K0.

The antiparticles shape the other doublet of strangeness -1. The decay of a kaon K+ into 3 pions 3 +, two is a process that involves most weak and tough interactions. Weak interactions? The strange antiquark s regarding the kaon transmutes into an up antiquark u by the emission of a W+ boson; the W+ boson subsequently decays into a below antiquark d and an up quark u. Strong interactions? An up quark u emits a gluon g which decays into a below quark d and a below antiquark d. StrangenessThe discovery of hadrons together with the internal quantum no.

strangeness marks the beginning of a most exciting epoch in particle physics that even now, fifty years later, has not yet located its conclusion. by and huge experiments have driven the development, and that primary discoveries came unexpectedly or even against expectations expressed by theorists. Sanda, CP violation, ISBN 0-521-44349-0. Rochester and Clifford Charles Butler regarding the University of Manchester published 3 cloud chamber photographs of cosmic ray-induced events, one showing what appeared to be a neutral particle decaying into 3 charged pions, and one which appeared to be a charged particle decaying into a charged pion and something neutral. The estimated mass regarding the new particles was very rough, about 1/2 a proton's mass.

More examples of these V-particles were slow in coming. The first breakthrough was obtained at Caltech, where a cloud chamber was taken up Mount Wilson, for greater cosmic ray exposure. In 1950, 30 charged and 5 neutral V-particles were reported. Inspired by this, numerous mountaintop observations were created over the next multiple years, and by 1953, the following terminology was adopted: L-meson meant muon or pion. K-meson meant a particle intermediate in mass between the pion and nucleon.

Hyperon meant any particle heavier than a nucleon. The decays were extremely slow; typical lifetimes are regarding the order of 1010 seconds. However, production in pion-proton reactions proceeds many faster, with a time scale of 1023s. The difficulty of this mismatch was solved by Abraham Pais who postulated the new quantum no. called strangeness that is conserved in tough interactions but violated by the weak interactions.

Strange particles appear copiously due to associated production of a strange and an antistrange particle together. It was soon shown that this should not be a multiplicative quantum number, due to the fact that that should let reactions which were not ever seen within the new synchrotrons which were commissioned in Brookhaven Local Science department in 1953 and within the Lawrence Berkeley Science department in 1955. What is a Pion:Source: particle physics, a pion brief for pi meson, denoted with is any of 3 subatomic particles: 0, +, and. Pions are the lightest mesons and they play an important role in explaining the low-energy properties regarding the tough nuclear force. Pions are bosons with zero spin, and they can be composed of first-generation quarks.

Within the quark model, an up quark and an anti- below quark make up a +, whereas a below quark and an anti- up quark make up the, and these are the antiparticles of one another. The uncharged pions are combinations of an up quark with an anti- up quark or a below quark with an anti- below quark, have identical quantum numbers, and hence they can be only located in superpositions. The lowest-energy superposition of these is the 0, that is its own antiparticle. Together, the pions shape a triplet of isospin. Each pion has isospin I = two and third-component isospin.

equal to its charge Iz = +1, 0 or 1. Charged pion decays Feynman diagram regarding the dominating leptonic pion decay. The mesons hold a mass of 139. 6 MeV or c2 and a mean lifetime of 2. They decay due to weak interaction.

The primary decay mode of a pion, with probability 0. 999877, is a purely leptonic decay into a muon and a muon neutrino:. The 2nd most common decay mode of a pion, with probability 0. 000123, shall also be a leptonic decay into an electron and the corresponding electron neutrino. This mode was discovered at CERN in 1958:.

The suppression regarding the electronic mode, with respect to muonic one, is provided approximately to within radiative corrections by the ratio regarding the half-widths regarding the pionelectron and the pionmuon decay reactions:. Kaons and Pions were a Myth as many so blindly place it, nonexistent up until a two year ago, when Hadron Collider Scientists reported to have located Kaons and Pions, while searching for the illusive GOD Particle, aka Higgs Boson. Van der Waals Force True Definition From Wikipedia. In physical chemistry, the van der Waals force or van der Waals interaction, named subsequent to Dutch scientist Johannes Diderik van der Waals, is the sum regarding the attractive or repulsive forces between molecules or between components regarding the similar to molecule other than those due to covalent bonds or to electrostatic interaction of ions with one another or with neutral molecules. [1] The term includes:.

force between 3 permanent dipoles Keesom force force between a permanent dipole and a corresponding induced dipole Debye force force between 3 instantaneously induced dipoles London dispersion force. It shall also be sometimes used loosely like a synonym for the totality of intermolecular forces. Van der Waals forces are relatively weak compared to normal chemical bonds, but play a fundamental role in fields as diverse as supramolecular chemistry, structural biology, polymer science, nanotechnology, surface science, and condensed reason physics. Van der Waals forces define the chemical character of many organic compounds. They also define the solubility of organic substances in polar and non-polar media.

In little molecular mass alcohols, the properties regarding the polar hydroxyl team dominate the weak intermolecular forces of van der Waals. In higher molecular mass alcohols, the properties regarding the nonpolar hydrocarbon chain s dominate and define the solubility. Van der Waals-London forces grow together with the length regarding the nonpolar component regarding the substance. NOTE: The science of molecules is called molecular chemistry or molecular physics, depending on the focus. Molecular chemistry deals together with the laws governing the interaction between molecules that conclusions within the formation and breakage of chemical bonds, while molecular physics deals together with the laws governing their structure and properties.

In practice, however, this distinction is vague. In molecular sciences, a molecule consists of a stable system bound state comprising 3 or more atoms. Polyatomic ions shall sometimes be usefully thought of as electrically charged molecules. The term unstable molecule is used for very reactive species, i. , short-lived assemblies resonances of electrons and nuclei, for example radicals, molecular ions, Rydberg molecules, transition states, van der Waals complexes, or processes of colliding atoms as in Bose-Einstein condensate.

Most molecules are distant too tiny to be seen together with the naked eye, but there exists exceptions. DNA, a macromolecule, can reach macroscopic sizes, as can molecules of many polymers. The smallest molecule is the diatomic hydrogen H2, with a length of 0. [10] Molecules commonly used as building blocks for organic synthesis hold a dimension of a little to multiple dozen. Lone molecules cannot usually be observed by light as noted above, but tiny molecules and even the outlines of lone atoms should be traced in some circumstances by use of an atomic force microscope.

Some regarding the largest molecules are macromolecules or supermolecules. In Brief Van de Waals does nothing to prove that monatomic particles do not exist, if that were the only guideline to leave buy, then nothing should exist and be a Myth, it is too brief sighted. Due to the fact that true scientists have knowledge of that there exists different categories of mathematical formulas to determine different effects of particles and hidden particles that is howcome the Hadron Collider was built. Zeta potentialFrom Wikipedia. Zeta potential is a scientific term for electrokinetic potential in colloidal systems.

Within the colloidal chemistry literature, it is usually denoted creating use of the Greek letter zeta, hence -potential. From a theoretical viewpoint, zeta potential is electric potential within the interfacial double layer DL at the location regarding the slipping plane versus a spot within the bulk fluid distant from the interface. In other words, zeta potential is the potential difference between the dispersion moderate and the stationary layer of fluid attached to dispersed particle. A price of 25 mV positive or negative should be taken as the arbitrary price that separates low-charged surfaces from highly-charged surfaces. The significance of zeta potential is that its price should be related to stability of colloidal dispersions e.

, a multivitamin syrup. The zeta potential indicates the degree of repulsion between adjacent, similarly charged particles the vitamins in a dispersion. For molecules and particles that are tiny enough, an above zeta potential shall confer stability, i. , the solution or dispersion shall resist aggregation. When the potential is low, attraction exceeds repulsion and the dispersion shall break and flocculate.

So, colloids with high zeta potential negative or positive are electrically stabilized while colloids with little zeta potentials tend to coagulate or flocculate as outlined within the table. Zeta potential [mV] Stability behavior regarding the colloid from 0 to 5, Rapid coagulation or flocculation from 10 to 30 Incipient instability from 30 to 40 Moderate stability from 40 to 60 Good stability higher than 61 Excellent stability. Zeta potential is widely used for quantification regarding the magnitude regarding the electrical charge at the double layer. However, zeta potential is not equal to Stern potential or electric surface potential within the double layer. [2] Such assumptions of equality should be applied with caution.

Nevertheless, zeta potential is many times the only available path for characterization of double-layer properties. Zeta potential should not be confused with electrode potential or electrochemical potential due to the fact that electrochemical reactions are generally not involved within the development of zeta potential. Zeta potential is not measurable directly but it should be calculated creating use of theoretical models and an experimentally-determined electrophoretic mobility or dynamic electrophoretic mobility. Electrokinetic phenomena and electroacoustic phenomena are the usual sources of data for calculation of zeta potential. Chemical Free Colloidal Silver and Gold Products:.

Colloidal Silver Atoms 3000 PPM to 15000 PPM, aka Monatomic Silver is Natures answer they can be Immune System Trace Mineral Supplements created with No Chemicals and have the Highest PPM price within the market. Trace Mineral Monatomic Particle atoms, do not drop below extreme cold, or heat, you can freeze it and heat it but it shall not drop to bottom, due to the fact that the atoms are attached to h2o molecule there is no need for the use of chemicals. There are chemical tests in which Pepper should be added to non chemical colloidal silver solution for example this one:. 1 Take 500 ml of GoldenGevity Trace Gold 9,999 PPM in Distilled h2o 3 Sum two tablespoon of PURE Salt. 3 Boil below to about 20 ml, until is moist salt, do not over heat.

4 Sum 500 ml H2o and repeat step 4 This time boil below to about 200 ml5 Sum 500 ml of HCL and boil below to moist salt6 Sum 500 ml of pure distilled h2o and boil below to moist salt7 Repeat 5 times until there is no HCL smell and no gold chloride color. 8 Upon the final boil down, there should be located pink or reddish precipitate mixed in together with the pepper which when fired in extreme heat produced gold beads which can then be sent to be tested for gold, or silver or any other critical noble metal. The atom sized silver particle should be thought about to be more efficient, more potent, and most lethal to unwanted viruses and bacteria that try to invade the body from the inside out!. While other noble metals also excellent well-being attributes in their own right and should also be considered, it is the atomic volume particles that should be greatest absorbed like a trace mineral which explains howcome they should be the greatest effective. The iridium, rhodium and ruthenium atom sized particles, are extremely effective in dealing with free radicals that cause aging and should be the answer to a well and youthful appearance.

The next question is then how do we have knowledge of that we have monatomic particles?.

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