Tuesday 9 October 2012

Holistic Assessment In High College Physics

The purpose of this post is to discuss that assessment in physics curriculum should be carried out holistically creating use of 3 essential assessment components. These 3 essential components are diagnostic, formative and summative methods. They should high school physics to shape a holistic judgment of student achievement. The Importance of Student Reflection on Assessment. There is an enormous no.

of price to promote reflective student practice when learning physics. Invariably students are passive about their learning and rarely leave beyond the boundaries of what is being taught within a classroom. It should be acknowledged that there exists a very tiny many students that reflect on what they can be told and know that the assessing to confirm understanding is one step to breaking below this pattern of comfortable mediocrity. The assessment components give holistic opportunities to encourage student reflective practise. Strategies to Assess Holistically.

From a pragmatic teaching viewpoint it is useful to identify specific teaching strategies and how these strategies link to an assessment component. It shall also be important to realize that there exists a host of other classroom based generic strategies which should be modified and used for each assessment component. These components of assessment, with specific strategies, are described as:. answering teacher's questions verbally. co-operative challenge solving.

writing or calculating and answer to a challenge. clarification of concepts through discussions. Furthermore it should be argued that if any shape of one specific assessment is used too frequently it shall no detailed be valid. That is why a section of assessment strategies are essential to promote better learning. That is why this discussion argues that for a holistic assessment in physics curriculum we should use a many different variations of assessment strategies from all 3 assessment components.

Holistic Judgments from Student Evidence. There should be valid examples of evidence that the student has provided, most diagnostically and formatively, that can confirm that they understand the fabric that is being taught. This evidence should be wanted due to the fact that a mistake was created during a summative assessment. For example the evidence shall have not been provided for the correct units with the numerical answer of a calculation. Is this a genuine omission or does the student not realize the importance of providing the units? It is likely that if the student should look at the challenge repeatedly he should tell the assessor exactly what is wrong.

The student should then give the correct units neither verbally or in written form. He shall have also calculated the challenge during a tutorial and provided evidence regarding the correct units during this formative assessment activity. This post states that creating use of all 3 assessment components are essential to probing understanding and that is why promoting better learning in physics education. It is important to also realize that there exists limitations to any shape of assessment, within over assessing, and due to the fact that of this there is a need for ongoing discussion. The limitations regarding the different assessment strategies and the need for distant dialogue should be discussed in a future articles.

In summary what is recommended is an educational assessment program that uses all the 3 assessment components to gather just enough evidence to shape a holistic judgment on student achievement. , and amp; Steinberg, R. Students Expectations in Introductory Physics. of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1997. , and amp; Freeman, J.

A book for the non-specialist. Cambridge, University Press, 1997.

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