Saturday 17 November 2012

Earth Was Populated Prior To Adam : Creational Metaphysics Is Beyond Limits Of Horizontal Quest Of Science

Behold thy God spoke about to the Angels; I shall make a vice gerent on earth. They said: wilt Thou location therein one who shall make mischief there in and shed blood? whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy Blessed Name? The god said: I have knowledge of what ye have knowledge of not. And He taught Adam the nature of all things' Qur'an, 2: 30-31. Above verse in Qur'an clearly points to that: prior to Adam's arrival, the Angels were barely aware of a population which already lived upon earth by creating mischief and blood shed. Book of jesus specifically brings to our notice that there have been pre-Adamic and co-Adamic races on earth when it informs about Anakim and Nephilim etc who even have interbred with the Adamic race.

And Qur'an ratifies this by revealing that this earth is inhabited by Mankind' that includes most the people of Jinn kind and people of humankind people from Jinns an people from humans- Q, 72:6 -- subsequent to The god allowed Jinn tribes of Iblis to live for a period by mutually sharing of wealth and children with Adamites see: Qur'an, 17:64. As we turn to Book of jesus OT records: events which precede the creation of person namely, first 5 days of creation; person was created on the sixth day. With regard to Adam's creation Gen. 2: 7-8 it mentions about creation of person from powder regarding the ground', breathing into nostrils', and the planting regarding the Garden Eden' in this earth; all these are meant for only Adam and not for pre-Adamites. English Book of jesus is written such a method that it appears that the person was called Person or Adam due to the fact that most were formed from the components of ground earth ha-Adamah in Heb.

This view regarding the phrase implies that it was originally not a real name; a closer structure of atom narrative shall display that the phrase is primarily used in a generic sense, and not as the name of an individual. two 27 use regarding the phrase man' and male female is wholly generic; first conceivable sense of Adam as person' appears in Gen. 2, and 3, the writer weaves together the generic and the personal senses regarding the word. Thereby it pertains to first person as the passive subject of creative and the providential action is exclusively generic. It is not clean in Book of jesus whether it used Adam like a real name at all prior to Gen, 4: 25 J and Gen, 5: 4 P.

Here the similar to usage is manifest: for within the 3 opening verses of Gen, 5, the phrase is used generically. It shall also be observed that the writer in Gen. 2, 4 always says the person instead of Adam, even when the personal reference is intended, except subsequent to a preposition, where, however, a vowel has probably been dropped from the text. Adam is not referred to within the later Old Testament books which came via decision regarding the Council, except within the genealogy of I Chron. Removing the accrued confusions The god revealed in Qur'an that Adam was created at final from clay', but there were Jinns who had been created from fire'.

It implies that prior to the receptacle for Soul' was created up of fire' in case of pre-human Jinns; afterwards it was changed into clay' which limited the capacity of exerting the self-will like fiery Jinns. As regard mental faculty, The god bestowed upon Adam a special knowledge which pre-human Jinns lacked. Pre-human Jinns had skills development of living countless more aeons than Adam and the humans compare Gen. 2:7, hence were barely familiar with the art of living upon the earth. They lived with the knowledge of heaven and earth; they with habits of stealing heaven's secret they knew little mysteries regarding the stars as reflected in their astrology? they knew how to make use of plants, h2o and mineral sources etc to cure themselves from different illnesses and many more such ways regarding the ancient world.

But Qur'an Surah Al-Jinn revealed that these pre-human Jinns mostly turned to Satan's method of denying God. They lacked the natural ability for the reason' conversant with sensuality, passions and daily wants like that of and earthy body of humans; they possessed 'wild imaginations' but not the knowledge based upon 'proof'; thus they failed in reflecting to the Creator God's omnipotence in programming of ultra-structural facets with definite subjective and objective purposes. Hence, The god created humans subsequent to Adam by adding a special pristine intellect that has potentiality to gravitate towards the knowledge regarding the pre-mental realities and the requirement of causality'. Vast antiquity of mankind has regularly been mentioned in Indian, Greek and Roman literatures, as do the claims that the universe and mankind have always existed. First known debate about person antiquity took location in 170 AD between Theophilus of Antioch and an Egyptian pagan Apollonius, who argued that the universe was 153,075 years old.

The highest many serious early challenge to Biblical Adamism came from the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate who, upon his rejection of Christianity and his conversion to Theurgy, a late shape of Neoplatonism, accepted the plan that many pairs of original people had been created, a belief termed Co-Adamism or multiple-Adamism. Genesis 1:27-28 may let for co-creation of multiple pairs, if the phrase them' were construed accordingly: So The god created person in his own image, within the image of The god he created him; male and female he created them. And The god blessed them, and The god spoke about to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;. In addition, if a framework of strictly sequential chronology were adopted in interpreting the order of these texts from the ancient Middle East, it may be argued that Adam, and that is why Eve, in terms of God's time are created little later Gen. 2:7 than the kind of person created in Genesis 1:27-28.

As regard the question of Pre-Adamites existence, in 1555 Isaac de La Peyrre, a Calvinist of a noble family of Bordeaux and a follower regarding the Prince of Cond, published in close succession 3 works: Pradamit, seu Exercitationes super versibus 12, 13, et 14 ep. Pauli ad Romanos and Systema theologicum ex Pradamitarum hypothesi. He maintained that Adam is not the father regarding the whole person race, but only regarding the Chosen People. La Peyrre confirmed his hypothesis by an appeal to other scriptural passages: Cain's fear of being killed Genesis 4:14, his flight, his marriage, his building of a village Genesis 4:15, 16, are pointed out as so many indications regarding the existence of other men than Adam and Eve. The author also claims that ancient Jewish and Mohammedan tradition favours his Pre-Adamite theory.

The chosen people spring from Adam and Eve, while the Gentiles are the descendants of ancestors created prior to Adam. The creation of pre-Adamic races took location on the sixth day, and is related in Genesis 1:26, while Adam was formed subsequent to the rest on the seventh day as narrated in Genesis 2:7. But this translated version of Book of jesus has not provided the right message; the esoteric Prophetic transmissions of Hebrews and Muslims inform that Adam was created within the 3rd hour regarding the sixth day in terms of God's time, and Eve within the 6th hour. St Augustine's pamphlet The Village of The god contains 3 chapters indicating a debate between Christians and Pagans over person origins: Pamphlet XII, chapter 10 is called Regarding the falseness regarding the the past that the universe hath continued many thousand years, while that of pamphlet XVIII, chapter 40 is The Egyptians' abominable lyings, to claim their wisdom the age of 100,000 years. As the titles indicate, Augustine clearly believed that Pagan plans concerning the the past and chronology of most the universe and the person race were completely absurd and incompatible with the revealed truth that man's existence on the earth was not yet six thousand years old.

Augustine's position on this reason was supported by most rabbis and also by the place of prayer fathers, who generally dismissed views on the antiquity regarding the universe as myths and fables not requiring any thought about refutation [1]. Subsequent to these publications criticism flared up; but neither the scriptural arguments based upon unauthentic translated version of Book of jesus are valid in terms of authentic revealed words, nor are those scientific perceptions that fall brief in realizing the difference between the Theories' of science which pass by, and the Facts' which prevail transcending what people guess or know or say. Intriguing imports from our remote Pagan ancestors:. In conventional view of science the age regarding the Earth is 4,500,000,000 5 two or 3 billion years. And very intriguingly the Pagan traditions all over the world, separated by the time, places, cultures and languages, always have talked about a similar to time span' of 432,000 years.

Andrew Thomas The Home regarding the Gods', p. In India, the many years assigned to an eon A Best Cycle' Mahayuga of cosmic time is 4,320,000; whereas in Icelandic Poetic Edda it is declared that in Othin's warrior hall, Valhalla, there exists 540 doors, through each of which, on the day regarding the war regarding the wolf,' 800 battle-ready warriors shall pass to engage the antigods in combat. But 540 X 800 equals: 432,000!. In Hamlet's Mill' by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, Gambit Inc. 162 it states: Odin in Valhalla says the Grinmnismal 23? 5 hundred gates and forty more - are within the mighty building of Valhalla - eight hundred Einherier' return out of each one gate - on the time they leave out on defence against the Wolf.

It continues with, That creates 432,000 in all, a no. significance from old. should have very ancient meaning, for it shall also be the many syllables within the Rigveda. But it goes return to the simple figure 10,800, the many stanzas within the Rigveda 40 syllables to a stanza which together with 108 occurs insistently in Indian tradition. 10,800 shall also be the no.

which was provided by Heraclitus for the duration regarding the Aion, regarding to Censorius Dedienatali, 18, whereas Berossos created the Babylonian Best Year to final 432,000 years. Chaldean priest, Berossos, writing in Greek ca. 289 BC, reported that regarding to Mesopotamian belief 432,000 years elapsed between the crowning regarding first earthly king and the coming regarding the deluge. [The early Sumerian king list names eight kings with a total of 241,200 years from the time when the kingship was lowered from heaven to the time when the Flood swept over the land once more the kingship was lowered from heaven Thorkild Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List, 1939, pp. It is thus clean that these figures should have arisen independently in India, Iceland, and Babylon.

To done one cycle regarding the zodiac -- or, as it is called, one Great' or Platonic Year' -- requires 25,920 years; which sum, divided by 60, One soss, the founding unit regarding the old Mesopotamia sexagenary scale, still used for the measurement of circles, whether of space or time, yields, once repeatedly the no. Our valid probe into the pagan heritage of pre-historic antiquity should begin only from the deciphered texts of ancient Near East. Discernable records of ancient customs and practices are absent prior to writing was developed around 3000 BC. But traditions of pre-human gods and humans existed for multiple millennia prior to 3000 BC in most pre and post Flood worlds. Conventional the past traces roots of pre-human and person civilization in Mesopotamia of Euphrates-Tigris valley, Egypt of Nile valley, Indus valley and Hoang-Ho valley from around 6000 BC.

Evidence regarding the written documents started coming only subsequent to 2000 BC subsequent to Flood, due to the fact that all those different traditions have mostly one common legacy that each one carries the myths of Noah's Flood'. This indicates that these written archives return from the post-Flood civilizations conveying most concurrent and inherited ancient religions from their ancestors. Linguistic, philological and geopolitical evidences confirm that extant texts regarding the old world and the excavated archaeological relics are outcomes of prolonged developmental phases evidently following the remotely archaic religious roots. Inklings of antique religions return to us within the fragments of ceremonial documents preserved on stone, clay tablet and papyrus etc written in cuneiform, hieroglyphic; and we have knowledge of that such pictorial forms were the forerunners of our present shape of alphabetic languages. Mythological texts of Near East tell us stories of 4000 years' usurpations of demigod cults via rise and fall of Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Ugarits etc.

Amidst the variegated mythological constructs, theology in deciphered texts of Mesopotamia and Egypt has exposed 3 opposite directions one conspicuously towards extensive polytheism by method of multiplying the concept of The god and worshipping regional gods, goddesses and cultural heroes very many times with borrowed attributes of a Creator God. And the other tacitly goes within the direction of monotheism similar to universally common revealed principles' of our known Abrahamic religions. Reason behind such division is obvious; the knowledge of The god is traditionally inherited by most pre-human Jinns and humans since when the earth was of one language and one speech Gen, 11: 1-8 and The god has sent Messengers or Angels also to the pre-human Jinns Q, 6:130 but some accepted God, and others rejected and turned to Paganism. After deciphering the Babylonian texts we locate that: below the tutelage of Sumerians people in Mesopotamia were answering to the Anunnaki and Book of jesus corroborated it as Anakim. Sumerian and Egyptian texts dating from 2000 BC tell us the stories of pre-human gods of remote past; we hear that Enki' establishing himself in ancient Sumeria as the god en regarding the earth ki , keeper regarding the divine power Me, as the present for civilization.

A composition called Enki and world order' has described how h2o the god Enki moves around organizing the world. Gradually innumerable pagan gods and goddesses are located to overwhelm the ancient civilizations. A distinct tradition of polytheism began to emerge with abundant stone idols to be worshiped in specially constructed temples where access was limited to distinguished class of priests only who should deliver the wants of gods and goddesses. Enki's youngest son, Ningizzida, was God regarding the Tree of Truth', in Mesopotamia. He played the role of Thoth in Egypt.

The ancient Mystery College Teachings of Thoth were past below to his initiates who became the priests. They hid the secret knowledge of creation, passing it below through the ages until the experiment was to end. The aspect of Anubis Anpu connected with the wisdom regarding the underworld, particularly in regard to its Mysteries, hence very little is known of this phase except what is mentioned mainly by Plutarch and Apuleius. In this aspect Anubis was the revealer regarding the mysteries regarding the decreased world'. The highest many ancient language within the universe was known to all initiates from Atlantis to Maya to Egypt, South asia and China.

Notable protagonist of Pagan religion H. Blavatsky says it is the language in which the oldest pamphlet within the universe was written and the tongue whence she translated the many volumes of Kiu-Ti and The Stanzas of Dyzan. They know that universal script may have been brought from Venus by the Kumaras. ' It embodied in its characters the original circle, triangle, cross, tau, pentagram, swastika, etc. Researchers now have discovered many regarding the Pagan pillars called Runic stones' Technological linguists ponder that Runes posses another kind of meaning, which we cannot locate in ideograms, hieroglyphs or in technological exotic alphabets this meaning exists in sub-consciousness level.

[A Younger Futhark inscription on the 12th 100 years Vaksala Runestone inSweden]. Runes were the personification regarding the surrounding world, essence of outlook. With the help of special links between Runes an lone should express nearly everything, compiling them so called combined Runes. In different times Runes should change their meaning, so we can speak this adjusting system created dozens of meanings of one and the similar to symbol. Linguists locate confirmation of this theory within the following example every Rune in different languages had separate and original meaning, which did not fully coincide with another one within the 2nd language.

Some scholars have cautioned that the Akashic records are kept within the astral by chief Anunnaki agents, who many times modify, re-write and tamper with them to suit their purposes. The Anunnaki Elites have repeatedly re-started the illusion of time from the Earth by creating use of the atu-waa. When the illusion of time is re-started, many things are affected. These with loss of memory regarding the past within the physical realms as well as within the astral realms. Therefore, there exists no done records left except Qur'an, which The god Himself protects subsequent to each re-start regarding the illusion of time.

Many people who have stumbled upon the Akashic records have been fooled by the Anunnaki deceptions. [ Akasha: The fifth element, is represented on a pentagram by the topmost point. Spirit, and spiritual power, this is the life which forms the other 4 elements. Akasha shall be thought of as that which everything else is component of - the God and Lady, spiritual energy, physical objects, person souls - everything is connected through Akasha. And to how many populations did I release respites, which were provided to wrong-doing? Within the end I punish them.

To Me is the place of all. Earth age and evolution:. The subject of antiquity of pre-humans and humans demands our reflection into conventional views of earth age' and the theories of evolution'. As we turn to age of this earth, it is primarily derived from 3 dating techniques: radiometric dating and the geological timescale. Creationists who advocate the younger age of about 6000 years insist that radiometric dating is flawed in that it is founded upon a series of faulty assumptions, while the geological timescale is flawed in that it employs circular reasoning.

But Creationists need to think about the multitudes of cases in which different radiometric methods yield essentially the similar to answer for the similar to material. In fact, we can not locate any naturally-occurring isotopes with half-lives of fewer than 70 million years or so, unless they can be products of on-going processes, like carbon14. We only locate the very slowly-decaying isotopes, those with half-lives many detailed than 70 million years. This is exactly what we should expect of an earth that is billions of years old. Creationists make many ado about there being not enough helium within the atmosphere for the earth to be billions of years old, but helium balance is now realized as distant more complicated where factors for example geomagnetic sweeping of helium at the earth's poles should be considered.

However, flaws in radiometric and geological dating not ever mean that younger age theory based upon 24 hours a God's day has any validity either. Biblical sectarianism remains bigot in claiming that every phrase of Book of jesus is from The god without even knowing who wrote Yahvist and Elohist texts with many inconsistencies. Qur'an has clearly pointed that God's day is different from day of man' based upon sun hence in Genesis we locate that God's day began long prior to the creation of sun in 4th day. Proposed theories of creationism' are not truly Biblical just as theories of evolutionists' are not truly scientific. Until 19th 100 years within the west, Person of the church theology formed the basis of theory of Creationism which relied upon the claims based upon their-like interpretation of Bible:.

two World is of brief duration at the highest many 5757 years old. 3 World is fixed and not changing. 4 Created species are constant, and not ever evolve into other species. 5 Done world is explicable only by omnipotent and beneficent Creator. six Creation of person was special and apart from other created things.

This was the view held within the west until 1859 when the technological theory of Evolution was introduced by Charles Darwin, in his work, titled On the origin of Species'. two Creation has taken location on earth not by any creation regarding the supraliminal Intelligence of God. 3 It is driven by natural selection and chance happening mutation. How did he arrive at these 3 components of evolution? Darwin decided at the age of twenty that the Book of jesus was a fraud. He claimed he felt no distress and not ever doubted for a lone 2nd that his conclusion was correct [2].

In a disarming article, T. Dobzhansky admits that his own beliefs are based on anything but exhaustive evidence and that others with competent knowledge of that evidence not ever agree with his conclusions [3]. From 1835-36, Darwin went on a voyage in southern Atlantic and Pacific, which provided him ample opportunity to observe different species on land. He was struck at an exact geographical region by the various within each species consequently definition of species' was not known in his time. In 1838, Darwin was influenced by the essay on the Principle of Population', anonymously published by Malthus.

This gave Darwin the plan of selection regarding the fittest by Nature, or survival regarding the fittest. This evolutionary work shocked people, who so distant knew only the Creationism. Darwin was joined by Ernest Heckle and T. Huxley in developing the atheist theory and declared that person should have evolved from ape like ancestor, thus putting person within the phyllogenetic tree of pet kingdom. This challenged Creationism' of Biblical tradition and eventually gave rise to atheism in England.

Prior to this Germany and Rome had already alienated themselves from religion. Later on Karl Marx also banked upon Darwin's work to promote communism, and Lenin created scientific museum on Darwinism sequential to remove the Person of the church faith from People's life. Atheism has emerged recurrently in Western thought since Democritus and Epicurus argued for it within the context of their materialism, while Plato argued against atheism within the Laws. Evolutionary scientists mock the plan of creation by Intelligent Creation as unscientific, and not worthy of scientific examination. For something to be thought about a science,' they argue it should be can be observed and tested; it should be naturalistic.

What they doff from their rationale' is the very fact that priori knowledge is not within limits of person access. Creation is by definition supernatural. The god and the supernatural cannot be observed or tested; therefore, neither theories concerning creationism, nor evolution shall be thought about as science, but evolutionists carry on by remaining willfully blind on the pertinent issues. Like a result, all data is filtered through the preconceived, presupposed, and pre-accepted theory of evolution, without alternate explanations being considered. It is rather a tragic impasse regarding the secular rationalists who remain willingly blind in reflecting to the compatibility between authentic revealed guidance' and facts unveiled by the science.

Their willful blindness is exposed mostly when they can be located to stop brief at the very questions they themselves have raised! First is What is the origin regarding the Genetic Codes? And 2nd is the strikingly evident phenomenon with respect to the factors determining the increase of details over the course of time within the Genetic Code M. However such modus operandi of neoteric rationalism clearly indicates that The god denying traits of pre-human Jinns below different guises are in driver's seat to day. Within the early phase of humanity when scientific reason was absent, tradition of demigods used to deny The god by messing up religious truths with mythological fibs. Falsehood has changed its face' within the very technological world where relentless myths of Darwinism deny The god by claiming that living things are not the product of Intelligent Design' by the unseen Creator but the product of an organic cause. But fancies of person nescience are being exposed by the findings of paleontology, biochemistry, population genetics, comparative anatomy, and biophysics that shatter the very base of Darwinism and natural laws and chance effect proposed by the theory.

Now we have knowledge of well that every unit of living things are governed by the ultra programmed actions of DNA, RNAdefinite genetic code ordained protein synthesis to release rise to specific organs and their functions. All these are in fact clean evidences of a programming intellect that sends the details compulsory to operate the system rather than mere happy coincidences and natural selection. A computer shall only work subsequent to it was programmed. Metallic elements within the nature, without intervention of a designer can not ever turn into Eiffel Tower by chance mutation and natural process. Even in cases of observed genetic mutations there remain intelligent designs.

Let us reflect to the probability factor [5] behind the functioning of PROTEIN that plays the pivotal role in structural and functional biology of all living cells. All organisms are built largely out of protein. Proteins, therefore, are used like bricks, and all large structures are created by assembling many similar or identical proteins in a symmetrical pattern. Our bodies have some 100,000 different proteins that are functioning constantly, each for a definite purpose. Thus we are can possess a biologically functioning body'.

Person body of some 100 trillion cells is creating 2000 proteins every 2nd in every cell. A lone protein is a perfectly definite sequence of amino acids joined together as chain. Thus different proteins are formed by specific sequences of amino acids whose chain links section from little dozen to thousands. Some 20 different amino acids in varying many chain links are located to shape these sequences. Amino acids are created from atoms.

Thus atoms are like alphabets, the amino acids words, and the proteins are the sentences. Now if we take a modest sized protein speak X' of 100 chain links by 20 amino acids, the question is in how many different ways can 100 links of 20 amino acids be joined together? The answer is 10 i. , one followed by 130 zeros! This means that: out of these immensely huge 10 different possibilities, only specific little programmed sequences are formed to make the compulsory protein X' sequential to perform its ordained function. Such ultra specific precessions are evidenced in all biochemical processes of living organs. Are these hard facts of science not enough to throw light upon the mysteries of creation? Is it mere chance happenings or a 'supreme control' beyond our comprehension?.

Science has confirmed that technological person carries the genetic signature regarding the pre-humans which Qur'an revealed as Jinns. But neither we have knowledge of about different forms of Jinns who lived terrestrially and extra-terrestrially for a period of time measurable in terms of millions of aeons; and nor we have knowledge of exactly from when Homo sapiens sapiens has began its journey on earth. Technological science has not yet identified the Adam's lineage conclusively from the Y- chromosome study, yet science reckons a distinct person as Homo sapiens sapiens that differs from other Hominids. Subsequent to The god allowed Jinns to be mutually shared with wealth and children with humans Q, 17:64 we not ever have knowledge of how the present population has return subsequent to inter-breeding between Jinns and Adamites. Science should throw light upon the physical evolution of biological organs, i.

beginning from lone to multiple cells, and gradually tissues, different organs, different bodies and so on. In this respect revealed knowledge conforms to the findings of science when it says The god created us in phases or stages'. But it goes beyond the reach of science when Qur'an mentions Jinn and person Insaan, one created from fire, and the other basically from earthy ingredient clay; it essentially means 3 different creations and their inter-mixing signifies the attuning of clay with fire. As regard an lone being, only subsequent to Soul meets the body one becomes an lone with its shall in action'; in case of inter-breeding an lone has varying degrees of Jinn and person traits which reflect in life's conducts. Biological laws regarding the physical organs are governed regarding to the Shall of God, while Soul was granted a period of freedom to exercise its own will.

Science should experiment with the elements of clay but not so with the fire, it shall investigate Physical Organs' but not Spirit' and Soul'; The god has not granted person the access to secrets of Soul nafsun in Arabic and Soul ruuh in Arabic? hence knowledge of evolution in revealed sense i. Khalaqa or aTwar in Arabic is beyond the limits of quiescent scripture less-science of our present age. Popkin, Richard Henry 1992. Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought. Brill Academic Publishers.

Darwin, Charles, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin and Selected Letters New York: Dover, 1958, p, 62. Dobzhansky, Theodosius, Evolution at Work, Science 127 Shall 9,1958? 1092. 2002, What is the Origin of Man', trans. Pannell and amp; Author; IslamicBook Service. When coincidence Abound' by S.

Zaheer, in Young Muslim Digest' Feb, 2004.

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