Wednesday 7 November 2012

The Common Sense And Simple Physics Of Bumper-to-bumper Car Accidents

The quality of bumper creation processes in cars these days has a direct effect regarding the severity regarding the occupants in rear and front end accidents. A high quality bumper system is drafted to absorb the force regarding the impact by compressing. A little quality bumper system fails this test and the forces regarding the impact are passed through the vehicle to the occupants. Many cars on the path currently have the lesser quality bumper. Insurance businesses who evaluate property damage and personal injury claims like a result of rear end collisions and front end collisions are adept at minimizing the extent regarding the presumed damage to occupants if minimal damage is visible on the bumpers following an accident.

They have stables of biomechanical engineers ready to testify in court. The insurance business experts equate minimal visible damage to a bumper to little or no physical injury to the occupants regarding the car. This is just a trick, however. It takes common sense, a simple knowledge of physics, and opposing expert testimony to defeat the insurance business experts in this regard. Rear end car accidents are the highest many common kind of car accidents in Pennsylvania.

Together with the advent of cell phone use in cars and other devices that auto manufacturers continue to location in new models for example, GPS devices these kind of car accidents shall continue to rise. Federal vehicle well-being standards regarding bumpers leave return to 1978. The standards were not intended to reduce potential injuries to occupants. Rather, the standards were drafted to protect the vehicles. Decreased velocity impacts frequently result in minimal deformation of glass or polyurethane bumper parts.

However, this conclusions in a greater proportion of force directed to the occupants regarding the vehicles. Insurance businesses rely on experts who supply reports which shall contain the following kind of language: since the impact velocity regarding the striking vehicle was extremely little almost no life was transferred to the occupants regarding the vehicle which was struck. Such a position of an expert for an insurance business should be in violation of Isaac Newton's 2nd principle which basically states that whether you location force on an object it shall accelerate. And, an object accelerates within the direction that you push it. The acceleration is directly proportional to the force.

In other words, whether you push twice as hard, it accelerates twice as much. The greater the mass, the more the object that is struck shall move. For instance, twice the mass of an object behind pushed into an object in front equals twice as many acceleration. So if a mini car is struck within the rear by a larger car, being of more mass the larger car shall force the smaller car to accelerate higher than if the smaller car had been struck by a lighter car. Newton's laws are common sense.

They can be taught in high college physics classes. The shall be no disagreement related to the fact that when an object is struck it shall move. Bottom line - little velocity impact or glass bumpers not ever mean the occupants of a car sustain no injury where bumper meets bumper. The transfer of life should leave somewhere, and it is carried through the car into the occupant's body.

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