Saturday 3 November 2012

General Knowledge Pt. Iii

WHY IS AN MP3 FILE CALLED SO?. MP3 is acronym for MPEG audio Layer-3. MPEG is the acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group, which developed compression systems, used for video data like DVD movies and HDTV broadcasts. The MP3 format is a compression system for music. It helps reduce the many bytes in a song without affecting the quality regarding the sound.

The goal regarding the MP3 format is to compress a CD-quality song by a factor of 10 to 14 without noticeably affecting the sound quality With MP3, a 32-megabyte MB song on a CD compresses to about. WHICH FAMOUS BIRD HAS A 'LAUGHING' AND 'BLUE-WINGED' VARIETY?. The well-known bird kookaburra has a 'laughing' and a 'blue winged' different The laughing kookaburra, D novaeguineae, is slightly larger than the blue-winged kookaburra with a slightly detailed bill. The blue-winged kookaburra also has a head streaked white, with a clean rather than dark eye, and no dark patch behind the eye. The blue-winged kookaburra has a bright-blue wing patch and rump.

The call shall also be barely different. Guttation is the loss of h2o within the shape of h2o droplets from hydathodes mini pores on the leaf margin of a mini herbacious plant. H2o has the ability to rise up to 3 feet on its own through the xylem regarding the plant. During the evening or early morning, when the rate of absorption by roots exceeds the rate of transpiration evaporation by leaves, very many of h2o gets accumulated within the plant body which can damage the cells. Plants have hydathodes at the end regarding the veins, through which this excess h2o is lost within the shape of droplets.

It takes location mostly in mini plants like banana, rose, etc. WHAT IS GNOTOBLOLOGY?. Gnotobiology is the science of learn of animals or other organisms raised in environments free of germs or those which contain only specifically known germs. Scientists compare gnotohiotic animals with ordinary animals whose bodies carry many germs, like bacteria, viruses and parasites. In this way, scientists can determine more precisely how specific germs affect a body.

WHAT IS BUFFERING IN INTERNET?. Buffering is a situation which occurs when a streaming journalists player is saving portions of a streaming journalists file to regional storage for playback. Most streaming journalists players buffer a mini percentage of a streaming journalists presentation prior to beginning to play it. Buffering also shall occur within the middle of a presentation when available bandwidth does not match the presentation's compulsory bandwidth. WHAT IS a biometric SECURITY SYSTEM?.

In security terminology, a biometric security system is an authentication technique that relies on a computer system to electronically validate a measurable biological characteristic that is physically special and cannot be duplicated. Different categories of biometric security processes are being used for real-time identification; the highest many well-known are based on face recognition and fingerprint matching, iris and retinal scan, speech, facial thermograms, and paw geometry. WHERE ARE FILES AND WEBSITES ON THE INTERNET STORED?. The web is a collection of a huge many client-server based systems. So all files and other resources on it are stored on secondary storage devices regarding the re- spective servers.

Servers of websites are termed as web servers. So when you kind in a URL of a webpage within the address bar of your browser, it creates a connection to that web server which in turn fetches the data from the secondary storage device for example the hard disk that they should be creating use of and returns it to respective browser. The similar to holds true for any other resource image, MP3 file, zipped file, etc. that you access on the internet. WHY IS THERE NO Be DRIVE IN A COMPUTER?.

It's not that computers don't ever have Be drives. Initially, hardly 3 decades ago, personal computers did not have hard discs they were equipped with 3 floppy drives called drives A and B. Later, a hard disk was introduced and was labelled as the C drive. Other drives like the CD drive, DVD drive, flash drive and others were labelled D, E, etc. Whether you have knowledge of a computer possessing 3 floppy drives, then they can be called A drive and Be drive.

All obsolete electronic devices for example computers, servers, printers, monitors, TVs, cellphones, calculators, CDs, floppies, chips, processors, motherboard, PCB etc. E-waste contains many hazardous substances like PVC, plastics, heavy metals, Brominated Flame Retardants etc. WHAT ARE EFT MONITORS?. Generally all categories of monitors are a strain on our eyes. EFT, or Eye New Technology, monitors hold a vital coating on the rear that emits anions and far-infrarorf r-o-fresh and ease the strain on the eyes and relax the eyes and body.

WHY ARE THE FREQUENCY OF FM CHANNELS GENERALLY BETWEEN 90 AND 110 MHZ?. The term FM is slightly misleading due to the fact that it stands for Frequency Modulation, a technique to broadcast radio waves. The frequencies between 80MHz to 110MHz, generally used to broadcast FM throughout the world, all fall within the VHP frequency section of 30Mhz to 300Mz. However, first FM transmission took location within the US within the 1940s within the frequency band 42 to 50MHz. Later in 1945, the Federal Communications Commission allocated bands from 88 to 106MHz for FM broadcasting, citing reasons for its non-interference with other radio bands in and around a village Later, in western Europe, due to the fact that regarding the already congested moderate wave band, broadcasters preferred to migrate to usual standard FM bands.

Within the UK, BBC broadcast for first time within the FM band in 1955. Since then, FM has almost grow to an worldwide standard for regional broadcasts within village boundaries and the frequency section being used throughout the globe have been within the 88 to 106 MHz section only. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD 'ROGER' IN TELECOM?. It has its origin from the Morse code in which the end of communication was marked with dih-dahdih. which incidentally is a code for 'R'.

For voice communication, people used an equivalent for every letter e. Omega-Pie-England-Norway for OPEN. For R the equivalent was Roger. Hence, all the communication ended with. Roger, meaning 'this communication is over'.

WHAT IS AN ENCODER AND DECODER?. An encoder is a device, which transforms the data into some bits known only to it and the decoder, is a device, which transforms those coded bits to generate the original data again. These 3 are mainly used in computer cutting edge designs but the underlying concept shall be used anywhere. For example, the name 'Delhi' shall be coded as 'ihleD' or '45number 1278'. Later, the decoder regenerates the original 'Delhi' from this code as it knows the coding scheme.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SUBWOOFER AND A WOOFER?. There are no stark differences between these 3 speaker processes as most are used to reproduce lowfrequency sound notes. Subwoofers are drafted to reproduce a band of frequencies below 30Hz position and woofers make sounds above it. At times, the bands shall overlap. The smallest diaphragm of a decent halfway woofer is 8 inches, in a subwoofer it is 12 inches.

The phrase 'Simputer' is an acronym for 'simple, inexpensive and multilingual people's computer'. It is a small, inexpensive, handheld computer, intended to bring computing force to developing countries. It includes text-to-speech software and runs the GNU or Linux operating systems. The device was drafted by the Simputer Trust, a non-profit organisation formed in November 1999. Simputers are generally used in environments where computing devices for example PCs cannot be used.

WHAT IS BLUE TOOTH TECHNOLOGY?. Bluetooth is a little cost, little force radio interface standard for wireless communication over brief distances. It's an reveal standard for allowing intelligent devices to communicate with each other. This allows any sort of electronic tools from computers and cell phones to keyboards and headphones to make its own connections, without wires, cables or any direct action from a user. It should let for replacing many propriety cables that connect one device to another with one universal radio link.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES?. WHEN WAS WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM CREATED?. The earliest avtar of Microsoft Windows was Interface Manager, which was being developed in September 1981. First ever version of Windows operating system was announced on November 10, 1983. It was an extension of MS DOS, and sported a graphic user interface.

0 was finally released into market in November, 1985. WHAT IS BETA TESTING?. Typically, software goes through 3 stages of testing prior to it is thought about finished. Only users within the organization developing the software often perform first stage, called alpha testing. The 2nd stage, called beta testing, generally involves a limited many external users.

Beta testing is the formal process of soliciting feedback on software still below development. Beta testing is usually the final step a software developer takes prior to releasing the product to market. With reference to final week's answer, I'd like to spot out that spywares don't ever return typically named spy ware. exe like spyware32,exe, ispyexe or such. Deleting all registry keys is ownright suicidal due to the fact that the operating system Windows should be dead without any registry keys.

If the statement is supposed to mean deleting all infected or spyware modified registry keys, that is still a tough call due to the fact that unless the user is an expert about that specific spyware, it's impossible. Higher than one anti-spyware software is neededto hold one's PC spyware-free. WHY IS IT ADVISED TO SWITCH OFF THE MOBILE PHONE IN PETROL PUMPS?. Cell phones are asked to be switched off at petrol pumps as they can be a potential ignition source to flammable vapours in that atmosphere. This step was followed subsequent to acceptance regarding the fact that there is risk of fire accidents due to ignition of batteries of cell phones.

Like a result manufacturers as well as service providers regarding the cell phones ask users to hold the cell phones in off mode. Spyware is a malicious program which does harm to computer and invades your privacy. Spyware with Trojans, Adware, Trackware, dialers, Keyloggers and some viruses. Spyware can pluck confidential infor- mation from your computer and slow its performance to a crawl. This threat copies its file s to your hard disk, its typical file name is: Spyware.

This difficulty shall be solved manually by deleting all registry keys. WHAT IS A TFT MONITOR?. Thin Film Transistor TFT Liquid Crystal Display cutting edge designs does distant with the general bulky Cathode Ray Tube CRT. LCDs use a tough backlight as the light source and manage how many of this light is allowed to reach the dots pixels by selectively allowing the light to reach each pixel. LCDs achieve this by receiving advantage of a key property of 'twisted' liquid crystal molecules; their ability to naturally block polarised light butthen let it through by degrees when a mini electric field is applied.

LCD cells are accurately controlled and arranged in a Hat matrix of rows and columns. WHAT IS A FIREWALL IN COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY?. In computer security, a firewall is a device that blocks unauthorised access to an organisation's regional region network. A firewall can reside on the administrative computer, the server that acts as the LAN's gateway to Internet. The firewall keeps track of every file entering or leaving the regional region network sequential to detect the source of viruses and other problems that may enter the network.

WHY IS SPAM IN EMAIL JARGON CALLED SO?. The term spam is derived from the well-known Monty Python song 'Spam sketch', set in a cafe where everything on the menu includes Spam luncheon meat. The chorus repeats 'Spam, Spam, Spam' over and over again, drowning out all conversation. Since 'Spam' involves sending identical messages to a huge many recipients without their permission, it was called so. The correct term for it is Unsolicited Commercial Email UCE.

WHAT ARE CHICKEN SWITCHES?. Chicken switches are switches that can disable optimisations on the chip for example caches to isolate problems. When we throw all the meat switches, we place the processor in tinkertoymode. If it still isn't working, the problemjsjikely to reside elsewhere, in external memory for example. We do the similar to sort of thing in software - give settings to disable caches and other forms of optimisation sequential to isolate problems.

WHAT IS A HANDSHAKE IN COMPUTERS?. Handshake is the process by which 3 computers initiate communication. A handshake begins when one sends a message to another indicating that it wants to establish a communication channel. The 3 computers then send multiple messages return and forth that enable them to agree on a communication protocol. 3 modems perform a handshake each time they meet, to help them determine how they shall exchange information.

If the modem speaker is on, we can actually hear the handshake the series of squeals and signals. WHAT IS CDMA TECHNOLOGY?. CDMA Code Division Multiple Access is a digital cellular cutting edge designs that uses spread-spectrum techniques. Unlike competing systems, for example GSM, that use TDMA, CDMA does not assign an exact frequency to each user. Instead, every channel uses the full available spectrum.

Lone conversations are encoded with a pseudo-random digital sequence. CDMA consistently sends better capacity for voice and data communication than other commercial mobile technologies, allowing more subscribers to connect at any provided time, and it is the common platform on which 3G technologies are built. CAN A COMPUTER HAVE MORE THAN ONE HARD DISK?. There are 3 primary hard disk categories used currently IDE Integrated Drive Electronics and SCSI Mini Computer System Interface hard drives. The IDE drives are used in PCs and SCSI in servers.

Motherboards usually return with 3 embedded IDE ports. Each port can have 3 devices connected to it on the similar to data cable for a total of 4 devices. units are also connected to IDE ports and counted as two of those 4 devices. Once you have knowledge of 4 devices, then you can sum a PCI IDE controller to have more ports to sum devices. SCSI hard drives are connected to a PCI SCSI controller that shall be can accept seven devices for standard SCSI and 15 for the newer, large SCSI.

HOW DOES A LASER PRINTER WORK?. A laser printer uses the phenomenon of static electricity like a temporary glue. The core component is the photoreceptor, typically, a revolving drum or cylinder. This is created of highly photoconductive fabric that is'discharged by light photons. The printer coats the drum with a positively' charged toner a fine, black powder.

Since it has a positive charge, the toner clings to negatively discharged parts regarding the drum, but not to positively charged 'background'. With the powder pattern affixed, the drum rolls over a sheet of paper, which moves along a belt below. Prior to the cardboard rolls below the drum, it is provided a negative charge by the transfer corona wire charged roller. This charge is stronger than the negative charge regarding the electrostatic image, so the cardboard can pull the toner powder away. Since it is moving at -the similar to velocity as the drum, the cardboard picks up the image pattern exactly To hold the cardboard from clinging to drum, it is discharged by the detac corona wire immediately subsequent to picking up the toner.

WHICH COMPANY PRODUCED THE FIRST LAPTOP?. Designed in 1979 by William Moggridge of Britain for Grid Processes Corporation, the Grid Compass was one-fifth the mass of any model equivalent in performance and was used by NASA on the space shuttle programme within the early 1980s. A 340 kilobyte bubble memory laptop computer with die-cast magnesium case and folding electroluminescent graphics display screen, this is probably first laptop ever produced. WHAT IS GREENSTONE DIGITAL LIBRARY SOFTWARE?. Greenstone is a software suite which can give digital library collections and build new collections.

It runs on Windows, UNIX and Mac OS X and sends an special method of organising details and publishing it on the web or on CD-ROM. Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and distributed in cooperation with Unesco and the Person Info NGO. It is a reveal source software. The New Zealand Digital; Library webpage contains many examA pie collections, all created with the Greenstone software. WHICH WAS THE FIRST CELLULAR SERVICE PROVIDER?.

On October 13,1983, first call on a commercial cellular system was created in Chicago, and Cellular One service within the Washington, D. or Baltimore region began in 1984. WHICH COMPANY PRODUCED THE FIRST LAPTOP?. Designed in 1979 by William Moggridge of Britain for Grid Processes Corporation, the Grid Compass was one-fifth the mass of any model equivalent in performance and was used by NASA on the space shuttle programme within the early 1980s. A 340 kilobyte bubble memory laptop computer with die-cast magnesium case and folding electroluminescent graphics display screen, this is probably first laptop ever produced.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES?. The distinction between electrical and electronic components or elements is two-fold. The former, like electric wires or cables, resistors, etc. they not ever want a force supply for operation. Secondly, the output force regarding the signals applied to them can not ever exceed the input force i.

there is no force amplification. Electronic components like valves, transistors; ICs, etc. are active components. They need their own force supply for procedure and also, depending on the design, shall or shall not give force amplification. WHY DON'T CDMA PHONE HAVE SIM CARDS?.

CDMA phones have phone numbers programmed within the handset just as the operator programs numbers in SIM cards. The final phones have most options. Since all CDMA phones are network locked, there is no necessity for the SIM card provision. As GSM phones are compatible with any operator, who sends the SIM card which enables connectivity to network. This creates the phone independent regarding the operator.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LINUX AND UNIX?. Unix developed by Ken Thompson is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system that should be used remotely and was portable. Dennis Ritchie and Thomson rewrote Unix in C programming language. Linux, developed by Linus Torvalds of Finland, is a variant of Unix. It has all the features of Unix in addition to a little more like incorporating graphical user interface environments.

It is particularly tough in networking and internet-related features and works with a large different categories of hardware and peripherals, something Unix can not due to its target region of application. The reveal source feature of Unix was retained; anyone can access the Linux source code irrespective of its version. WHAT IS GREENSTONE DIGITAL LIBRARY SOFTWARE?. Greenstone is a software suite which can give digital library collections and build new collections. It runs on Windows, UNIX and Mac OS X and sends an special method of organising details and publishing it an the web or on CD-ROM.

Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, and distributed in cooperation with Unesco and the Person Info NGO. It is a reveal source software. The New Zealand Digital Library webpage contains many example collections, all created with the Greenstone software. WHAT IS CLICK FRAUD WITH REGARD TO SEARCH ENGINES?. Click fraud is the practice of artificially inflating traffic statistics to defraud advertisers.

Within the pay-per-click system, advertisers pay a fee for each click on their link. By creating use of automated clicking programs called hitbots or employing low-cost workers to click on links, the perpetrators make the illusion that a huge many potential clients are clicking the advertiser's links, when in fact, there is no likelihood that any regarding the clicks shall lead to profit the advertiser. Click fraud scammers often take advantage regarding the affiliate programs offered by some look for engines. HOW DOES A GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM WORK GPS WORK?. The simple principle of a GPS procedure is that any spot on Earth shall be located if it is monitored from 4 different locations.

For this, the GPS system uses 24 satellites in six different orbits at an altitude of 18,000 kms. So, at any time, any location is monitored by 4 different satellites. The GPS device sends its signal to 4 satellites. These satellites hold a database that contains details of all the locations on earth. These 4 satellites, in turn, send return the latitude, longitude and altitude of that specific location by referring to its database.

FM stands for frequency modulation. Attaching it to a carrier wave in radio frequency transmits the sound signal. The frequency regarding the radio wave is varied or modulated suitably. When the modulated wave is received by a radio set, the radio wave is filtered to reproduce the audio signal. FM are fewer susceptible to noise compared to AM or amplitude modulation where the mixing is done by varying the amplitude.

In TV signals, the sound is frequency modulated while the picture signal is amplitude modulated. Fuzzy logic is a process used in computer science to solve problems that involve ambiguous data for example the space heat is too hot, too cold or just right. It uses multivalued logic to arrive at a more precise and weighted answer. In contrast, binary logic understands only 3 states: on or off, yes or no, one or zero. HOW DO INTERNET SEARCH ENGINES WORK?.

Search engines use automated software programs have knowledge of as spiders or bots to survey the web and build their databases. Web documents are retrieved by these programs and analyzed. Data collected from each web page are then added to look for engine index. When you enter a query at a look for engine site, your input is checked against the look for engine's index of all web pages it has analyzed. The greatest uris are then returned to you as hits, ranked sequential with the greatest conclusions at the top.

HOW DOES A GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM WORK?. The GPS receiver is only a receiver, without any transmitting capability. The satellites does not contain any databases regarding the locations or anything. They contain highly precise atomic clocks which generates some code which it keeps transmitting to earth. The GPS receiver gets that code from multiple satellites which are slightly time-shifted due to difference within the distances of satellites.

Creating use of this difference the receiver calculates the longitude and latitude. WHAT IS THE FULL FORM OF TFT IN COMPUTER AND MOBILE SCREENS?. Thin Film Transistor TFT is a kind of LCD flat-panel display screen. It's called so due to the fact that each pixel is controlled by transistors. TFT cutting edge designs sends the greatest resolution of all the flat-panel technologies, but it shall also be the highest many expensive.

TFT displays are usually drafted to sprint at an exact resolution. WHAT IS EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN MOBILE PHONES?. EDGE cutting edge designs is a modulation technique for GSM networks. An Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution EDGE is used to increase network capacity and data rates in mobile networks. EDGE sends data rates up to 384 Kbps.

WHO INVENTED THE QWERTY KEYBOARD?. WERTY keyboard also known as universal keyboard is used in modern computers. The name QWERTY returns from first six letters within the top row. It was invented by C L Sholes in 1872. WHAT IS A HOLOGRAPHIC VERSATILE DISC?.

A Holographic Versatile Disc is an advanced optical disc cutting edge designs still within the studies stage. It employs a technique known as collinear holography, whereby 3 lasers one dark brown and one blue-green are collimated in a lone beam. These disks have the capacity to hold up to 3. 9 terabytes TB of data. The HVD also has a transfer rate of two Gbit or s.

A piconet is a collection of devices connected via Bluetooth cutting edge designs in an ad hoc fashion. A piconet starts with 3 connected devices, for example a portable PC and cellular phone, and shall grow to eight connected devices. All Bluetooth devices are peer units and have identical implementations. However, when establishing a piconet, one unit shall act like a master and the other as slave for the duration regarding the piconet connection. WHAT IS AN E-R DIAGRAM?.

The E-R diagram entity-relation is a diagrammatical representation of a data model based on a perception regarding the real world that consists of a collection of simple objects called entities and of relationships between these objects. It is widely used in database design. The E or R diagram was introduced by P P Chen. An entity is a tangible object that exists within the real world, about which some relevant details should be stored. The qualities of an entity which shall be stored as details are called the attributes.

For example, if teacher is an entity then the teacher's ID, name, etc. are all its attributes. An association between multiple entities is called a relationship. WHAT IS A DEAD PIXEL?. WHAT DOES VOXML STAND FOR?.

The acronym VoxML stands for Voice extended Markup Language. It is a combination of IVR Interactive Voice Response cutting edge designs that deals with digitizing of sound and the Web technology. Creating use of VoxML, it is likely to hear the contents of a webpage without creating use of a computer all you need is a phone. Viruses are called non-living molecules for 3 reasons; they can be parasitic and display no signs of life till they enter a host. They can be tiny creatures.

The herpes virus measures 100 nanometers or 100 billionth of a meter. In comparison, bacteria are 10 to 100 times bigger than the viruses. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD ALGORITHM?. A formula or a set of steps to carry out arithmetic manipulation is called an algorithm. All computer programmes are based on algorithms.

The origin of this phrase is from the name of an Arabic mathematician Al Khwpresmi. The actual phrase is 'algorism. With the influence regarding the Greek phrase 'arithmos' which means mathematics, 'algorism' changed to 'algorithm. WYSIWYG stands for 'What You Look is What You Get. This phrase was popularized with the advent of digital typesetting or desktop publishing with the help regarding the computer.

Initially, the print enhancements for example bold type, italics etc. were not visible on the computer monitor but should be reproduced by the printer. The modern phrase processors display the text as it appears in print. HOW IS MUSIC STORED IN A CD?. Sound consists of waves whose intensity varies from zero to a fixed cost in a continuous manner.

The intensity is converted to an equivalent electrical signal. This signal is sampled at a very fast rate. The instantaneous cost regarding the electrical signal is then digitized and stored within the Compact Disk creating use of a computer-controlled device. A reverse process then reproduces the sound. The faster the sampling rate, the better is the quality of music.

IS IT POSSIBLE TO HACK A STANDALONE COMPUTER?. It is common knowledge that a computer hooked to a network; a network of networks or the Web is vulnerable to computer hackers. In other words, details stored in these computers is not ever safe. Prof Ross Andersen of Cambridge University has, however, illustrated that picking up the radio signals emitted by the video monitor can break into even a standalone computer. WHY DO ALL MOBILE NUMBER START WITH THE DIGIT 9.

According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI, regional numbering allowed is within the section of 2-8. While 0 is used for STD access, two is used for special numbers. So, the only digit left is 9. HOW DOES A COMPUTER KEEP RECORD OF THE TIME EVEN WHEN IT IS SHUT DOWN?. Our computers are not sprint by a lone operating system, but also the BIOS simple input output system which resides pernianently within the chips regarding the motherboard to which virtually every computer hardware is connected.

The BIOS is kept powered by a button cell 1. 5 V approximately or any variant. The cell remains present on the board and helps the BIOS do not forget not only the time but other hardware settings as well; the GUI graphical user interface syncs with the BIOS time every the computer is booted up and hence shows the computer shows the correct time. o WHAT IS BLACK BOX TESTING?. Testing software based on output requirements and without any knowledge regarding the internal structure or coding within the program is known as black container testing.

Black container testing, concrete container or functional testing is used in computer programming, software engineering and software testing to confirm that the outputs of a program, provided sure inputs, conform to functional specification regarding the program. A complementary technique, clean container testing or structural testing, uses details regarding the structure regarding the program to confirm that it performs correctly. WHAT IS MEANT BY INTERNET SURFING?. When you need some details on a subject from your web connection, you can have the decision to use many look for engines and many websites. You reveal them one by one and gather details on the subject that is of special interest to you.

This is referred to as surfing. Java is claimed to be the universal computer language that shall be used to operate all devices, within those used in households, like toasters, ovens, irons and geysers. The phrase 'Java' represents coffee, that is exported from the Asian place to US. WHAT IS stands for 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol'. It is a protocol that governs the pages drafted in HTML Hypertext Markup Language that allows a user to access details stored in many computers independent of their geographical location.

has revolutionized the field of details cutting edge designs and is the backbone regarding the Web or the details superhighway. WHO COINED THE TERM 'WORLD WIDE WEB'? WWW or the World Large Web, a synonym for the details superhighway or the Internet, was, surprisingly, coined by a team of nuclear physicists working at the European Centre for Nuclear Studies in Geneva. o WHAT ARE SUPRA-GLACIAL LAKES AND WHERE CAN WE FIND THEM?. Supra-glacial lakes are those located on the ice surface of glaciers early within the melt season. They can be located on the surfaces of temperate glaciers.

HOW DOES CYBERSQUATTING WORK?. Under a 1999 US federal law known as the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, cybersquatting means registering, trafficking in, or creating use of a website name with bad-faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. It refers to practice of buying up website names reflecting the names of existing businesses, intending to sell the names for a profit return to businesses when they leave to place up their websites. o HOW DOES A JERK-O-METER WORK?. It is a speech and tone recognition pattern that helps rate how engaged an lone is in a conversation.

It is rated on a two to 100 scale. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Cutting edge designs MIT are developing software for cell phones that analyses speech patterns and voice tones to do this. It is seen as an important tool for improving relationships and has very many of potential in telemarketing. o WHAT IS NEALE'S BALL TOKEN INSTRUMENT?. Designed by Neale, an engineer with the GIP Railway presently Central Railway, it is an electro-mechanical instrument provided at each station on lone line railway ections.

It ensures security in train operations by dispensing tokens which are handed over to train drivers as authority to enter a block section. The tokens are spherical steel balls, which are issued in such a manner that only one token shall be issued for one direction at a time subsequent to ensuring that previous train has already cleared the section and there is no other train between the stations. Each station has one such instrument for each direction, which are electrically connected to similar instruments provided at the adjoining stations on neither side. This ensures that only one train can enter the block sections at a time. WHO INVENTED THE T9 DICTIONARY USED IN MOBILE PHONES?.

The inventors regarding the predictive T9 dictionary used in cellphones are Svensson Henrik Brun Denmark and Williams Stephen Finland. This predictive text input method helps in efficient typing of SMS messages. It improves on the common multi-tap method since fewer total button taps are needed. It's achieved by creating use of a small, quick-access dictionary to automatically display the phrase most often desired for a sequence of keystrokes. WHAT IS A CRYSTAL RADIO?.

A crystal radio is the simple shape of a radio, which can detect radio signals without a force supply. It has very little components and it shall be built in a brief time with commonly available items. It works greatest if there is a transmitter within 40 km regarding the set. Simple crystal radios are often created with a little handmade components like an antenna wire, tuning coil of copper wire, crystal detector and earphones. A crystal radio receives programmes broadcast from radio stations which convert sound into radio waves and send out the signals everywhere.

The crystal radio antenna, a very long wire, picks up the signals and passes them through the set as an electronic current. It uses a crystal detector to convert this radio wave electricity to sound electricity. The detector shall be created from a special rock of galena in a holder. It uses earphones to convert the sound electricity to sound you can hear. WHATS THE WORLD'S FIRST SOFTWARE?.

Ada Lovelace wrote a rudimentary programme for the analytical mechanical system drafted by Charles Babbage in 1827, but the mechanical system not ever became operational, hi 1949, the language brief code appeared. It was first computer language for electronic devices and compulsory the programmer to change its statements into Os and Is by hand. HOW IS A SATELLITE PHONE DIFFERENT FROM A CELLULAR PHONE?. Satellite and cellular phones are wireless devices. They almost look alike but the method they work is totally different.

A cellular phone functions on the basis of cells, and hence is called cell phones. The whole network region is divided into mini parts and an antenna is installed in each area. These are also called towers. When a cellular phone is moving, it enters from one cell to another. When it crosses the border of one cell, the phone sends a signal to MTSO Mobile Telephone Switching Office.

With the help of manage channel the database regarding the MTSO relocates the phone in an special cell or area. Satellite phones use Little Earth Orbiting LEO satellites. When a satellite phone is turned on, a signal goes up to any many satellites of a team the phone is registered with. When an lone creates a call from the handset, a signal goes to nearest orbiting satellite. The satellite connects to gateway or ground station.

Then the gateway takes the call to destination. WHAT IS THE 3RD SPACE VEST?. These vests help users endure virtual blows, literally An American surgeon has invented a vest that lets computer play users look physical attacks like shots, stabs, etc. The vest uses space compression and feedback from the computer to simulate thumps on those regions of a person's torso, which should have been hit if the person were actually fighting in a battle. It's drafted by Mark Ombrellaro and was originally intended for health related purposes.

WHY IS THE SYMBOL @ USED IN E-MAIL ADDRESSES?. An e-mail address identifies a location to which e-mail messages shall be delivered. First electronic mail delivery engaging 3 machines was done in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, a programmer at Bolt, Beranek and Newman, an engineering business in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He wanted a method to separate, within the e-mail address, the name regarding the user from the mechanical system the user was on. He wanted a character that should not, below any conceivable circumstances, be located within the user's name.

He looked below at the keyboard and chose the @ sign between different punctuation marks available on his Model 33 teletype keyboard. He had no system that he was creating an icon for the wired world. Today, e-mail is the highest many used application on the internet. Each e-mail account has a special address. A general format for an e-mail address is: username@computer name.

The component prior to the @ sign is the regional component regarding the address, the user name regarding the recipient, and the component subsequent to the @ sign is the website component that is a host computer name. WHAT IS INTERPLANETARY INTERET?. If the web allowed users to get. Details from any corner regarding the world, then the interplanetary web shall let users to access details and even manage experiments receiving location distant distant from Earth. Vinton Cerf, thought about the founding father regarding the web and a co-creator regarding the interplanetary internet, is currently working on standards to book web communications within the space era.

WHAT IS CYBERSLACKING?. It's a slang term used to describe employees who surf the net, write e-mail or indulge in other inter' net-related activities at work that are not related to their jobs. These activities are performed during periods of time when they can be being paid by their employer. The lone is called a cyberlacker, while the act is cyberslacking,. also called as cyberloafing.

WHAT IS CRYOPTOGRAPHY?. It is the practice of enciphering and deciphering messages in secret code sequential to render them unintelligible to all but the intended receiver It shall also refer to art of cryptanalysis, through which cryptographic codes are broken. Collectively, the science of secure and secret communication, involving most cryptography and cryptanalysis, is known as cryptology. Today, the principles of cryptography are applied to encryption of fax, TV and computer network communications. The secure exchange of computer data is of best importance to banking, government and commercial communication.

WHAT IS A VOCAL JOYSTICK'?. The Vocal Joystick' was developed by researchers at the University of Washington. It is a computer software which allows the disabled, who can use their voice but not their hands or arms, to manage a cursor creating use of sounds. This joy stick detects sounds 100 times a 2nd and converts it into movement on screen. WHAT IS AN ELECTRONIC SPIDER?.

An electronic spider, also called an internet crawler or an internet robot, is a programme that can see the pages, on the globe large web in a methodical automatic manner. They can be most commonly employed by look for engines for browsing the web and copying new pages such that the indexes regarding the engine are updated periodically The spiders are also used by some websites for maintaining their pages, to make sure that that the hyperlmks are updated and the HTML code is valid. They can be also spoke about to be used by spam creators for capturing e-mail addresses contained in web pages. The web as we have knowledge of it was around for over 10 years now. It has principally been used for searching, browsing and reading static information.

Now, it is evolving into something barely different. We are now in what is called the Web 2. 0 era, where the web is more about interactivity. The concept began with a brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive Worldwide in 2004. 0 shall be defined like a set of technologies which enable collaboration and sharing between web users.

0 are web pages, web-based communities or hosted services for example social-networking sites, online encylopaedias like Wikipedia, blogs and podcasts, etc. WHY IS JUNK MAIL CALLED SPAM?. One likely origin is Monty Python's well-known song Spam-loving Vikings sketch which goes 'spam spam spam spam spam spam lovely spam, wonderful spam. ' As spam is repeated multiple times till one tires of hearing it, it's chosen to refer to worthless and repetitive e-mail. Also, canned luncheon chicken called spam, created by Hormel, is disliked in America and most Americans think about it nutritionally worthless to be set aside at first opportunity.

A computer team at a university was supposed to have described unsolicited junk mail as spam, as it shares many properties with this meat. WHAT IS A 'NANO-FACTORY'?. Researchers in Japan have invented a tiny brain which can act like a remote manage for swarms of nano-machines. They simultated eight such nano-machines to make a andano factory'. According to experts; nano-machines should also be used to boost the processing force of future computers.

They also have high hopes for nano-machines in treating diseases. The mechanical system is created from 17 molecules regarding the chemical duroquinone. Each one is known like a 'logic device'. WHAT IS CYBERSQUATTING?. Cybersquatting is registering a webpage within the names of well-known brands.

The phrase squatting in this context means unauthorised occupation of someone else's property Within the web domain, techsavvy entrepreneurs register websites within the names of well-known brands, whose owners not ever have websites of their own. This can lead to misrepresentation within the web journalists regarding the products or services the brand sells within the market. The brand owners naturally should like to purchase the website neither to release authentic details about products and services or to stem the ill-effects of such misrepresented sites. The person who first registered the brand name sells the location and creates a profit. The ethical and legal aspects of such practice are ambiguous as the intention regarding the original owner regarding the location can neither be genuine or fraudulent.

MySQL pronounced'my-ess-cueel' is an reveal source, true multiuser, multi-threaded relational database management system RDBMS, that uses Structured Query Language SQL. MySQL was developed by 3 Swedes and a Finn David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael Widenius. It was written in C, C++, and was first released in 1995. Currently, MySQL has higher than 11 million installations. MySQL is fast and flexible enough to let storing logs and pictures in it.

Its primary goals are speed, robustness, and ease of use. MySQL is reveal source, 100% GPL General Public License database. This sends a best opportunity for the reveal source cornmunity and for the people who are developing reveal source software. WHAT IS SONET WITH REFERENCE TO AN OPTICAL NETWORK?. Sonet Synchronous Optical Network is a high-speed, physical layer network drafted to carry huge volumes of traffic over relatively long distances on fiber optic cabling creating use of lasers or lightemitting diodes LEDs.

It sends a standard interface for communications carriers to connect networks based on fiber optic cable to handle multiple data categories voice, video, and so on. Sonet defines a cutting edge designs for carrying many signals of different capacities through a synchronous, flexible, optical hierarchy This is accomplished by means of a byteinterleaved multiplexing scheme. Byte-interleaving simplifies multiplexing and offers end-to-end network management. Sonet was proposed by Bellcore within the mid-'80s arid now an ANSI standard. It is a successor to other wellknown communication cutting edge designs implemented on fiber optics network called PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy.

It possesses multiple characteristics that make it good for the web today: It defines clean interoperability standards between different vendors' products. It can carry nearly any higher-level protocol within IP, and includes built-in help for ease of management and maintenance. Sonet has emerged like a powerful protocol that is extensively used for huge and high performance networks. A semaphore pronounced as sehm uh fawr, invented by Edsger Dijkstra in computer science is a classic method of protecting shared resources to multi-programming environments like Unix systems, semaphores are a technique for coordinating or synchronising activities in which multiple processes compete for the similar to operating system resources. A process needing the resource checks the semaphore to determine the resource's status and then decides how to proceed.

Depending on the cost found, the process can use the resource or shall locate that it is already in use and should wait for some time prior to trying again, thus avoiding deadlocks. HOW DOES A LASER MOUSE WORK?. A laser mouse is a kind of optical mouse. It uses a laser beam that is invisible, or nearly invisible, to person eye. The beam emitted by the laser mouse moves with the user's hand, triggering an optical sensor system.

It works in tandem with an procedure which tracks how distant the mouse has moved by bouncing hundreds of images every second, constantly updating the position regarding the mouse and the subsequent position regarding the cursor on the screen. WHO INVENTED THE PEN DRIVE?. A pen drive is another term for USB Universal Serial Bus flash drive and is basically a data storage device. The pen drive was invented in 1998 by IBM, with the intention of replacing the floppy drive in its ThinkPad line of products. First flash drive was manufactured by M-systems below contract with IBM and was called the disgo.

The disgo came in different sizes: 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB and 64 MB. Following the launch of disgo, a many pen drives of different sizes, categories and brands came into the market. Currently pen drives are used in a section of devices for example mobile phones, video-game consoles and digital music players. WHAT IS THE BEER GOOGLE EFFECT?. The Beer Google effect refers to tendency to google details on someone we meet for first time.

This generally happens when one consumes alcohol, and below its influence, he looks up the person on the internet. For example, I met Geeta at ABC bar for first time and she tells me that she works for XYZ Inc. Immediately on returning home, I beer-google her creating use of the look for string 'Geeta XYZ Inc'. WHICH IS THE EARLIEST SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE?. It introduced the concept of user profiles and of brief messages sent and received by colleagues on the website.

The simple purpose was to hold in touch with old friends. An applet is little application. Prior to World Large Web, the built-in writing and drawing programmes that came with Windows were sometimes called applets. On the Web, creating use of Java language, an applet is a mini programme that shall be sent along with a Web page to a user. Java applets can perform interactive animations, immediate calculations, or other simple tasks without possessing to send a user request return to server.

WHAT DOES BLOATWARE REFER TO?. Bloatware, also called junkware, adware and demoware, refers to pre-installed software and trial software that return with Windows computers. While it's a ploy to obtain consumers to purchase the software, most users regard it as junk and get confused by different icons or toolbars that pop up on their computers. Bloatware should possibly clog up the system and slow it down. WHAT IS THE TIME PREFERENCE THEORY OF INTEREST?.

The Time Preference Theory of Interest shall also be known as The Agio Theory of Interest. It was presented by Bohm Bawerk, who spoke about that interest is an agio reward or premium for time preference. People prefer present income, present consumption and present satisfaction of wants, which means that people are impatient to spend. To induce them to postpone their consumption, they can be to be compensated by paying interest. People prefer present to future due to the fact that future is uncertain and wants of currently cannot be satisfied tomorrow.

Irving Fisher improved upon this, stating, The rate of time preference measures the rate of interest. The higher the time preference, the higher the impatience to spend, and hence, the higher the rate of interest; the decreased the time preference, the decreased the rate of interest. According to Fisher, people with little position of income, uncertain about their future and are spendthrifts shall demand high rate of interest whereas their opposites shall demand little no. WHY IS BLU-RAY DISC BLACK ON TOP?. The Blu-ray disc uses a blue technically violet laser operating at a wavelength of 405 nanometre nm to view and write data.

Conventional DVDs and CDs use dark brown and near infrared lasers, at 650 nm and 780 nm respectively. Due to the fact that the Blu-ray disc data layer is closer to surface regarding the disc, compared to DVD standard, it was at first more vulnerable to scratches. First discs were housed in cartridges for protection. Now, the rewritable journalists are spin-coated with a scratch resistant and antistatic coating, which sends the surface regarding the disc its black colour. WHAT IS A GOOGLE BOMB?.

A google bomb is an effort to inflate a website's look for ranking for an exact term. Google sends importance to pages linking to an exact page for ranking purposes. In case of Google bombing, pranksters use a phrase to link to an exact page from their websites multiple times, to push that page to top of look for results. WHAT IS GRID COMPUTING?. Grid computing is a parallel processing architecture in which CPU resources are shared throughout a network, and all machines function as one huge supercomputer.

A wellknown example is the ongoing Look for for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in which thousands of people share the unused processor cycles of their PCs within the vast look for for signs of rational signals from outer space. Bluetooth is a radio wireless cutting edge designs that allows computers, cell phones, laptops, etc. to talk to each other in a limited range. Bluejacking is the term based on 3 words bluetooth and hijack. It refers to sending unnecessary and anonymous messages by creating use of bluetooth enabled devices like a contact.

WHAT DOES PHARMING REFER TO?. Pharming involves rerouting the traffic of an exact webpage to a bogus one. This is done by exploiting the weaknesses regarding the site's Website Name System server. Pharming poses primary concerns to corporates and e-commerce sites. HOW MUCH DATA DOES THE INTERNET CONTAIN?.

Estimating the data the Web contains is complicated but there exists a little estimates. According to one, the quantity is approximately equal to 500 crore pages. Another assesses the total no. of digital data within the globe by 2010 should quantity to 12 piles of pages, each of which should be twice as long as the distance between the Sun and Pluto. A viral email is an online chain letter, that is sent from person to person, almost like ancient talking drums.

The term 'viral' returns from virus, meaning pass-along. Viral mails are generally humourous in nature, which an lone can forward to colleagues or they shall be used to spread a socially important message that can reach throughout the globe rapidly These mails are also used for commercial purposes called viral marketing or advertising. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A COMPUTER SCREEN AND A GAMING CONSOLE?. The primary device for the PC is a keyboard and mouse, while all console processes return with play pads used to manage movement within the game. Technically, a computer play shall be thought of as one composed of a computer-controlled virtual universe.

A video play is a computer play where a video display is the primary feedback, that is displayed on a television screen.

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