Sunday 24 June 2012

The Game Called Life

If you own simple rules to play with, complexity may just develop. The 3 rules that book us in our life are pretty popularly known as- the rule of Birth, the rule of Death and the simplest of all! Survival Out regarding the simple rules of a life guided by atoms, myriad creatures can evolve out of no-where- creatures that can crawl- creatures that fired out smaller creatures. Just imagine, everything depends on the position and combination of atoms! A mini variation within the position of a lone atom and you own an special result, isnt that true for an instance? In our own person body, we have numerous cells and very many many combinations and structuring regarding the DNA, RNA etc. and the cell configuration regarding the heart promising to be a wholesome different from that of our lung. And then in our offspring, a mini atomic reconfiguration result to a completely new lone of-course the offspring retains some configurations that was in his or her parent.

But that is what we have been seeing all around! I mean, so many nice creations in our nature. what really do you ponder should be differentiating one from the other? A bird from a lizard to an ape and a person being in toto, the gamut is intriguing to the very sense regarding the atomic arrangements, doesnt it seem to be that way? Science dismantled the notion that life was created with a Purpose. In this rational universe then, based on the assumptions, theories, laws and postulates, there is no need for a creator- there seems to be definitely no creation in life- no creation whatsoever. Its just a consequence of a random behaviour. In this universe then, there seems no special purpose in our evolution.

We are basically the result of atoms, time and mathematics. Now, how many should really agree upon that?????????? Yes, many out there do trust within the phrase of a Creator and Creation. So, here is something that probably shall interest them scientifically. Some Cosmologists still look a greater meaning in our existence. Watching the beautification in creation, an lone shouldnt accept that we are accidentally or coincidentally to the universe.

Definitely if we look the globe around, then well locate that this universe is irrelevant without us. If there wasnt life within the universe, the nice stuffs within the cosmos shall just be a done waste. It is like a nice girl is standing within the crowd and then, the crowd is definitely empty. So, there wont be anyone to admire her beauty and as such her beauty should be a done waste. Although life is driven by mathematics and the laws of Nature, but there is still something mysterious in these laws itself.

Take gravity for instance, perhaps the greatest familiar regarding the numerous laws. Its cost determines how many things are attracted to each other- from us being stuck to the Earth, to the Earth sulking out the Sun to the stars staying close to their positions in a galaxy billions of light years away. Just a tiny adjustment to the cost of g and our universe wont emerge at all. If g is very strong, anything as large as us should get crushed. If no g at all, no stars shall ever exist due to the fact that the steering fact is that they can be all held by the force of gravity.

Other such laws are equally fine tuned to let our creation. For some, these laws are governed by our own existence and not by mathematics and this is what the website of physics doesnt locate interesting at all due to the fact that most physicists need mathematics to govern the laws. Well, there exists Rational explanations to howcome these values were set so precisely. The key lies at the very outset of creation, our own universe. The undermined truth for the religious principles to really look out is that if there is such an explanation to the very existence of fine tuning in our universe, then fine tuning maynt sound to be so mystical anymore but once again, all shall be veiled by mathematics, which probably has nothing to deal with our own existence.

The Entropic principle existed as an exciting but eccentric with its theory. But then, a completely new law of nature was discovered and our own universe relied on this law being so precisely tuned that it seemed no rational theory should ever explain it. Our Universe seems to be defined by a set of numbers, which seem to be so special, a coincidence that shall locate numerous roots- outcome of some kind of designal providence, a brute fact we had to accept due to the fact that they should be defined by some theory that we havent yet discovered. The laws of nature are so precisely set that it compulsory the paw of a creator really!!!!!!!! An antigravity force present within the space itself, called the COSMOLOGICAL constant and when cosmologists calculated its effect on the evolution regarding the universe, they realised that it had to be very finely tuned indeed. With this cost hidden in nature, it cant let us to deny that our universe was DESIGNED and the Drafted universe requires the existence of a DESIGNER and a notion that even the entropic scientists didnt need to entertain.

Discoveries always lead the scientists to the spot of an intelligent designer. A MYSTERY UNRAVELLED There exists some people who like mystery and really like not possessing all the answers and then, there exists the ones who fear mystery and just need to have all the answers. These people should be delighted to retrieve a pamphlet offering all the answers saying, Now here is all the answers. Now, leave return to your work and dont worry anymore and so these special team of individuals leave all the nice offerings of life and then leave into their website and beginning meditating or chanting or whatever and then when someone asks them to simple off their querries that is more intended towards countering a practicable life, their answer is Here is the solution of all your problems. Just view it once and all your doubts shall be over and so, the chain continues without the mystery being really solved.

Many people locate security and condolence in that while many dont. They need to explore more and return up with new discoveries that probably shall help solve our doubts one day. Some people should speak that this apparent fine tuning regarding the universe is a brute fact. Definitely we wouldnt be here to worry regarding the issue otherwise if that is how things were to be. Others are being more perplexed and it invokes providence or creator to explain that things were set up with the aim of producing a complex universe.

Some people are satisfied with a religious explanation, whereas a little ponder its a scientific question which deserves to be addressed by a COSMOLOGISTS. Locate out the mystery and the solution offered by the COSMOLOGISTS within the next segment. Signing off- Arnab Chakraborty.

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