Thursday 21 June 2012

Intuition - Your Invisible Guardian Angel

A well-known police officer was once asked how he was can crack multiple murder cases that appeared almost impossible to solve together with the limited evidence available. To everyone's surprise he replied that he himself does not have knowledge of how as he many times relies on his hunches and intuition for cases that cannot be solved through straightforward methods and plain logic. Throughout history, and in every country, many police officers have solved countless unsolvable criminal cases creating use of intuition, and none of them can explain how. A dictionary defines intuition in many ways like, The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes, a sense of something not evident or deducible, an instinctive knowing, an life beyond the 5 person senses or rationality, a special unexplained person power, and so on. It is derived from the Latin phrase Intueri, which means to look within.

Every person being is born together with the ability of intuition. It is a method of knowing or sensing the truth without logical explanations. Practically everyone should have definitely experienced many situations where a mysterious voice inside their brain warns them about someone or something. In layman terms it is a tiny voice inside that keeps advising, warning and suggesting us of many things in a mysterious way. Something inside tells you to do or not do something.

You cannot assign a rational logical explanation for it, but you can sense it, look it and skills development an overwhelming force to listen to it. That tiny voice is intuition. We all have intuition as we are born with it. Here are a little things you have knowledge of to have knowledge of about intuition. Intuition does not speak to us in simple language.

It communicates with us through omens, feelings and emotions. However, as we grow older and grow to more rational or logic seekers we lose touch with our intuition. We beginning insulting it, refuse to accept it and many times grow to cynical about it. And thousands of people over the ages have constantly tried to debunk its existence, desperately try to prove it wrong and argue endlessly about its existence. But, like it or not and trust it or not, intuition exists and it is your invisible guardian angel.

Intuition is beyond your 5 senses. But you cannot demand its service whenever you want. And you cannot switch it on and off at shall like your mouth or eyes. It remains a mysterious force that works when we fewest expect it. Each two of us is a mysterious and magnificent machine.

Behind our normal physical existence there lies a vast untapped world that we are not fully aware. There exists countless incredible skills and powers that we have but don't ever have knowledge of and not ever use. For example, experiments with hypnosis have shown that it is likely to do not forget just about anything that happened in our life. Things that are impossible to do not forget below normal circumstances have return out through hypnosis. Countless murder cases have been solved by police officers and doctors based on gut feelings when those cases were outwardly appearing as natural deaths.

All this knowledge and power is likely only together with the help of intuition. In many cases the intuition gives us an answer to a challenge that it is impossible for us to obtain when we are awake. One regarding the greatest revolutionary findings in organic chemistry was the discovery regarding the structure regarding the Benzene molecule. Friedrich Kekule worked for years to discover the atomic structure of benzene without success. One night he dreamed of many snakes circling together.

They finally formed into a ring of six snakes chasing each others' tails. When he awoke he correctly interpreted the snake hexagon as the elusive structure regarding the benzene ring. The snake seizing its own tail gave Kekule the circular structure plan he wanted to solve the Benzene problem. Similarly there exists thousands of such documented examples of intuition giving us answers. For example, there exists cases on record of people who have dreamed of disasters for example the Chernobyl nuclear accident or kings getting assassinated months in advance.

You should learn to listen to your inner voice, trust your hunches and pay careful attention to sure dreams. Intuition many times works through dreams and can many times release solutions and advance warnings to problems. Many a time a tough recurring dream is an indication that something is going to happen or impact you shortly, which surprisingly shall turn out to be true. For example, it was spoke about that Abraham Lincoln was actually can predict his assassination many days in advance. Finally we can conclude this post with a best quote from Albert Einstein who said, The intellect has little to do on the path to discovery.

There returns a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution returns to you, and you don't ever have knowledge of how or why.

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