Tuesday 31 July 2012

How To Write A Customized Dissertation Of Chemistry?

To write a customized chemistry dissertation, it is essential to have better understandings regarding the field of chemistry The phrase chemistry is derived from an Egyptian phrase keme, which means Earth. Chemistry in its origin is a science that predicts and studies matter's structure, composition, properties, and the undergone changes during chemical reactions of matter. The discipline of chemistry varies and depends on the kind and team of reason being studied. The primary disciplines of chemistry are: Inorganic Organic Biochemistry Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Neurochemistry Dissertation writing of chemistry sounds more like a nightmare to many students. The only key to success is to be consistent and patient along together with the maximum utilization of resources, life and time.

Writing a chemistry dissertation starts from topic selection, which requisites a good deal of attention, concentration, and devotion. A customized chemistry dissertation wants a topic that is proved to be cost added studies within the field of chemistry This story shall help students selecting the right topic for writing a done piece of customized chemistry dissertation. The moral topics for writing a chemistry dissertation are: AQUEOUS CHEMISTRY, which defines properties of Acids, Solubility, Alkalis, and Water. CHANGING MATERIAL, studies the changes of atmosphere, the changes which occurs geologically, and products involving Air, Oil and Rocks. It also emphasizes upon the series of reactions.

CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS: it studies and classifies the atomic structure, its bonding, compounds and elements. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, which emphasizes on Fuels, Alcohols and Alkenes BEHAVIOUR PATTERS, the enzymes, life transfer, rate of reactions and periodic table all should be concluded in this topic. Apart from that, topic which interests you the greatest can release you better conclusions for writing your customized chemistry dissertation. A little tips, which should be beneficial to be implemented during writing, are: Setting up achievable goals Brainstorming the plans related to chemistry dissertation writing Note below the better understandings of your dissertation Follow the right structure and pattern Creating use of right words and synonyms instant of repetition of words Write specifically Proofread prior to writing the final paper.

Monday 30 July 2012

Facts About Fats

Since March 1990 the US well-being authorities suggested that all Americans over the age of 3 shouldreduce their daily intake of saturated fats below the 10% of total kilojoules and their total intake of fat below 30% of daily calories. These suggestions were first introduced within the 1960's and were at that timea fair representation regarding the evidence that saturated fats and excessive total fats within the diet shall be thecause of cardiovascular disease and sure cancers. Nutrition science created mighty advances since the recommendations created their laborious method throughthe heavy committies regarding the US well-being authorities. The advice regarding the 1960's is now obsolete. We have knowledge of now that whether you follow current government advice on fat intake you can be most likely going toDAMAGE YOUR BODY BEYOND REPAIR.

That is putting it heavy, but as you can see, the new evidenceis without dispute. Fat is your body's primary fuel and some people still ponder that you own to have many of it sequential to keepyour life position high. A slim person of 85 kg who has only 10% body fat carries 7%of that fat like a fuel store. This fat shop mass 5500 grams and holds 49,500 calories,at 9 kilojoules pergram, that is enough to sprint for a hundred miles. In contrast to his fat store, his other primary source of fuel,his 450 grams of glycogen, holds only 1800calories, at 5 kilojoules per gram.

The limit on life is always glycogen, due to the fact that your musclescannot function properly without a minimum position of glycogen. So even a very slim person not ever runs out of fat. You need to have very little sequential to maintain asufficient fat store. This means between 10% and 15% of daily kilojoules should be sufficient. If your body should ever need any extra,it can with no problems convert proteins and carbohydrates into fat.

Bodyfat is place on many easier by chewing fat than by chewing other food. The current government advicethat it's ok to have 30% of daily kilojoules in fat encourage you to have very many of it. The result is waddling prior to us. 4 in every ten American adults are overweight and it's getting worse every decade. Overwhelming evidence shows that even moderate overweight is a direct cause of many diseases and the risk of disability and death is on the increase in almost all diseases.

It's obvious that our well-being authorities with their current advice on fat intake are creating you sick. All fats are created of fatty acids, consisting of an overweight component and an acid part. Their chemical make-upconsists of a carbon chain created of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The length regarding the carbon chain depends on the kind of fat. Short-chain fats for example butyric acidin margarine have 4 carbons.

Fish oils and the long-chain fats that comprise most of our brain,have 20 to 24 carbons. Besides the fat our body use for fuel, it requires many special fats They function as component of thecell membranes around every cell and as components of your brain, inner ear, eyes, adrenal glandsand sex organs. Our body can make these special fats only if it gets the right raw fabrics from our diet, which aretwo essential fats our body cannot make: linoleic acid and alpha-linolic acid. Most of which arelong chain 18 carbons. For optimum health, these 3 fats should be provided by our diet.

The body can tranform them in any other kind of fat it needs. Unfortunately, essential fats are scarce within the average diet. The greatest source of inoleic andalpha-linolenic acids is flax or linseed oil. Other sources are: pumpkin seeds, walnuts, soybeansand canola oil. Dark lime leaves of leaf greens also contain mini amounts.

Good but expensive oil sources used in supplements are blackcurrant seed oil, borage oil,evening primrose oil and fish oils. The fat content of common seed oils is shown within the table. This table applies only to cold-pressed,unprocessed oils that have not been hydrogenated. As you can see, when even the greatest oils areprocessed into margarine and baking oils,they lose their healthful attributes. The percentage of fats in greens oils.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Polyunsaturated Fats Mono- Saturated Linoleicalpha-linolenic Unsaturated Fats Acid Acid Fats The Good Oils Flaxseed 15 54 22 9Pumpkin seed 45 15 32 8Soybean 42 11 32 15Walnut 50 six 29 16Canola 26 8 57 9 2nd Greatest Almond 17 - 68 15Virgin Olive 12 - 72 16Safflower 70 - 18 12Sunflower 66 - 22 12Corn 59 - 25 16Sesame 45 -45 13Rice Bran 35 - 48 17 The Bad Oils Peanut 29- 56 15Cottonseed 48 - 28 24 Shall contain toxins The Ugly Oils Palm 9 - 44 48Palm kernel 3 - 18 80Coconut4 - 8 88. These percentages hold only for new unprocessed, cold-pressed oils that have not been hydragenated. Saturated and Unsaturated Fats. Saturated fats have all their carbon atoms 'saturated' with hydrogen atoms.

They have no emptyhydrogen spaces to link up together with the hydrogen of other molucules in your body. As a result, they can only be used by your body for energy. Unsaturated fats have empty spaceswhere hydrogen atoms are missing. These spaces shape special keys that can fit the locks ofother molecules in your flesh. Well-being authorities should have you trust that saturated fats return mainly from meats and raisecholesterol grades and greens oils are unsaturated and hold cholesterol down.

They are wrong! It's true that meats, cheese, eggs and milk are high in saturated fats, but so are palm oil, palm kernel oiland mostly coconut oil. Many nourishment are loaded with saturated fats. They raise cholesterol andlow density lipoproteins LDLs and damage your well-being just as many as the greasiest fatback bacon. Also contrary to government well-being recommendations, recent evidence shows that not all saturatedfats are bad. Carefully controlled studies now indicate that moderate chain triglycerides MCT's which are saturated fats extracted from coconut oil, do not raise cholesterol.

Neither does the saturated fat stearic acid. To make things worse, we have knowledge of now that many regarding the so-called polyunsaturated fats approvedby our well-being authorities, raise cholesterol over the moon due to the fact that of what food processing hasdone to them. Remember, the good oils within the preceding table remain well only if they areunprocessed. Hold a look at what is happening to them on the method from the field to your table. Cis Versus Trans Fats.

Almost all natural fats excists in so called a cis configuration. That means the hydrogen atomson the carbons are all on the similar to side regarding the molecule. Due to the fact that of their light electrical charge,the hydrogen atoms repel each other and place bends within the carbon chain, like a series ofoverlapping horseshoes. These bends are the essential shape regarding the molecule, the keywhich fits the precise locks in your body that enable the special biological functions in yourbody to take place. This essential cis configuration is destroyed by modern processing methods, like heating,hydrogenation, bleaching and deodorizing.

These procedures are applied to almost allmass-produced fats and oils. They change the well cis configuration into an unhealthytrans configuration. Chemically, the hydrogen atoms grow to rotated such that they lie onopposite sides regarding the fat molecule. The molecule then straightens out and loses its key shapethat links with your cells sequential to perform the biological functions of fats. Your body is very adaptable.

Consequently the trans fats no detailed fit its locks, it still has to tryand use them for the essential functions of fats. In cell membranes for example, trans fats causethe membranes to leak, thereby disrupting cellular metabolism and permitting toxic substancesto enter the cell. We have knowledge of now that trans fats incorporated into cells membranes causeabnormal cell functions that is implicated in most cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Recent studies published within the New England Journal of Medicine also display direct diseaseeffects. Young, well males display elevated cholesterol grades and elevated little densitylipoproteins LDLs , if placed on an above trans fat diet for only 3 weeks.

These elevations in cholesterol and LDLs are as high as those reached by feeding subjectsa diet high in saturated fats from palm and palm kernel oils. Identifying Trans FatsAll process oils contain trans fats. The more solid the oil, the higher the trans fat level. Liquid greens oils contain up to 6% trans fats and margarines and shortening up to 58%. You can identify trans fats in other nourishment by receiving note of for the words hydrogenated orpartially hydrogenated within the components list.

You can locate these words on the lebels of manybreads, candies,baked goods, chocolate, frozen dinners and processed chicken products. Whether you need the greatest of health, do not have them. The whole of Europe has had mandates against trans fats for some years. Many European nourishment now state specifically on the labels that they can be created with cis fats,the well kind, even margarines. Purchase and use only the good oils.

Mostly purchase and useorganic flax oil, it shall leave an extended method to protect your health. There are other important well-being reasons for creating use of organic flax oil like a standard component of yournutrition. To understand them you own to have knowledge of little about what your body does together with the 3 essential fats: linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Along the method I shall display you whythe 3 fish oils, eicosapentanic acid EPA and docosahexanoic DHA are such powerfulprotection against disease. It is vital to have knowledge of about these essential fats whether you need to protectyour health.

The next figure shows the sequence of special fats that your body creates from dietary essentialfats. As you can see, lnoleic acid from your diet is the begin regarding the omega-6 sequence of fats. Like all fats in biochemistry, it has a descriptive number, cis 18:2 omega-6. Sounds complicated but it's realy barely simple. merely describes a series ofbumps and hollows just like those on your car key.

Note first that the fats are in cis form. Biochemists have knowledge of that only the cis shape works within the humanbody. First figure, in this case 18, represent the many carbons that make up the lengthof the chain. The 2nd figure, in this case 2, represent the many hollows within the chain,that is, empty spaces for hydrogen atoms. These spaces make component regarding the key that fits thelocks for specialized functions of fats in your body.

The third figure, in this case 6, refers to thenumber of carbons along the chain where first empty space occurs. This position createsthe rest regarding the key. The following diagram shows how the person body uses and converts the 3 essential fats. OMEGA-3 -------------- and gt; Conversion------------------- and gt;---------------------- and gt;Dietary by delta-5-Eicosapentanoic Docosahexanoicalpha-linolenic desaturase acid EPA acid DHA acid enzyme OMEGA-6 -------------- and gt; Conversion ------------- and gt; ---------------- and gt; -------------. Dietary by delta-6-GammaDihomogammaArachidoniclinolenic desaturase linolenic linolenic acid acid enzyme acid acid Alpha-linolenic acid from your diet is 18:3 omega-3, the begin regarding the omega-3 sequence offats.

Look to right in this sequence and you can look that alpha-linolenic acid is convertedby your body first into EPA, then into DHA. DHA is vital to well-being due to the fact that most of your brainis created of it. A shortage of DHA causes inevitable brain degeneration and is now believedby researchers to be one factor in America's current epidemic of Alzheimer disease. EPA and DHA are also the 3 omega-3 fats located in fish, especally oily fish like salmon,mackerel and sardines. Whether you have these fish then you get your DHA preformed, saving yourbody very many of work in creating it.

Now you have knowledge of there is some truth to notion that fish is brain food. OMEGA-3s FIGHT CANCER. Omega-3 fatty acids make vital chemical messengers in your body, called prostaglandins. Studies have shown that little of these prostaglandins can kill breast, lung and prostate cancer cells stone dead. From this evidence, the Journal regarding the Local Cancer Institutedeclared that omega-3 fats have potential clinical usefulness in cancer treatment.

This evidence is vital to your well-being due to the fact that studies display that omega-6 fats, consequently theyare essential for some functions, also make inflammatory prostaglandins that promotecancer growth. Omega-3 fats hold this cancer effect of omega-6 fats below control. For optimal resistance to cancer, you own to hold your intake of omega-3 fats dominantover omega-6. Unfortunately, the American diet is very little in alpha-linolenic acid omega-3, but high inlinoleic acid omega-6. Most greens oils have little or no omega-3 fats and very many ofomega-6 fats.

The only common oil that contains a well balance is organic flaxseed. That's howcome it's so important for good health. The benefits of omega-3 fats do not stop with cancer. The evidence is impressive that a highintake of omega-3 fats about a tablespoon of organic flaxseed oil per day goes an extended wayto inhibit cardiovascular disease, adult-onset diabetes and theumatoid arthritis. Include omega-3 in your nutrition every day! 'We are component of a universe filled with wonders, just waiting for our wits to grow sharp enoughto look them.

Sunday 29 July 2012

Why Are You Afraid Of Death? Belief In The God Is Enough To Obtain Over Death

Why are you afraid of death? Belief in The god is enough to obtain over death. Most people, if not all, are afraid of death. They abhor structure of atom about death. It is a cold subject that sends the shivers. Most people stay away from to symmetries at night.

They can be afraid of ghosts. But in reality ghosts don't ever exist and dead people don't ever roam about like zombies subsequent to sun set. Death is an organic phenomena exactly like life. It happens to everybody. Like life and ageing, development, growing, maturity and adulthood as well as old age, death takes distant all these things and turns person into ashes and atoms.

People are afraid of death due to the fact that they thing it is the permanent end for them. They shall perish at death and they can be afraid of perishing. Ending into nothingness is frightening, but people don't ever do not forget that they were nothing, coming from zero into being, into a person adult and mature, active and energetic. They ponder they shall suffer at death and they don't ever need to place an end to their life. Life is a dear ponder for everyone.

Death is an abhorring thing for everyone. Only the people who trust in life subsequent to death, where all humans shall be brought return repeatedly to be held to account for their deeds in their earthly life, these are not afraid from death. On the contrary, if they have done good and believed in The god they welcome death. Some, and there very little of them, we have the people who duffer very many in their lives and to release themselves from suffering they wish to die and place an end for their agony. Death becomes a savior from suffering.

Belief in The god sends enough strength to welcome death, if belief in The god is tough and certain. For the end of every lone is death. It is the inevitable, unavoidable final step in man's being. It is the unknown that creates humans afraid of death. If humans don't ever have knowledge of what is going to happen to them then they grow to afraid, whether in their life or in meeting death.

Death does not mean perishing permanently. Our body disintegrates and turns to its original structure namely atoms. Then when humans are resurrected, for the believers within the Final Day and doomsday, the they can be return in their old soles but with new body structure that is eternal. Death is an extended sleep, but felt for as long as an hour, for believers in The god and resurrection. It is a transitory brief period of time waiting for resurrection.

But death is one regarding the final waiting events in our lives. We all are waiting fro something, like growing up, finishing school, getting a job, buying a flat, a car, growing up children, possessing a good retirement, getting recovered from an illness. We all are waiting for one thing or another in our lives. Look at you and look the long list you can be waiting to realize in your life. Death is the long awaited function in all your life.

We all wait for death, but don't ever need to acknowledge it. So we all preoccupy ourselves with one thing or another. But in reality, this metaphysical phenomenon is the end spot of our waiting list. Unless you trust in The god and day of resurrection you shall always be terrorized by death.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Johnson High College Basketball ? - Important News !

If you can be one regarding the many interested in creating the Johnson high college basketball team, then you can in all likelihood locate the news which this story shall reveal to be too unbelievable to be true. What if i told you that anyone who plays basketball can make impressive improvements to their abilities out on the court in just a little weeks, without the grueling training process, and endless practices. If all that sounds unreal, well, i truly have shocking news for you - it is not just a vague possibility, it already helped thousands of young varsity players from coast to coast to take their basketball play to an entirely new position in an wonderful average 3 brief weeks! First, there is something you have knowledge of to have knowledge of - becoming a valued and sought-after basketball player at a professional position is a question of being can quickly and accurately system your next move and the ability to determine the opposing team's strategy for the game. I have knowledge of you were probably just interested about creating the Johnson high college basketball team, and maybe you have knowledge of other basketball aspirations, but even so, you should have knowledge of that you should very well realize your hidden skills and talents within the play of basketball - to be can make better and quicker decisions and have knowledge of whether your strategy is working, as well as to improve the physical side of your game. Head coaches from throughout the usa memphis, uconn, connecticut and others, have reported astounding conclusions from this simple program which trains basketball players - individuals and even whole teams - to dramatically improve their play intelligence in just little weeks.

Even within the case that you can be just curious about creating the Johnson high college basketball team, be aware that there is an effective training method now available which truly enables you to skyrocket your play intelligence and make your hopes and ambitions grow to realities, whether you are hoping to be an improved team player, a varsity stand-out, or even getting that college scholarship you always wanted. Does this still seem impossible? Howcome not look how it works?.

Friday 27 July 2012

Weight Training Classes For High School

The common concept of mass training is that it is done to obtain really large muscles. What can people possibly get if they let mass training classes for high school? Shall they end up with high college children that look like wrestlers? Or worse, end up with super buff high college children that may wrestle their teachers if they fail an exam? How creepy! Getting extra huge muscles is not the only thing about mass training. You can use mass training to have larger muscles. You can stop or stick to your regimen without increasing your repetitions or weights whether you can be satisfied with your size. Mass training for high college can with no problems grow to component regarding the curriculum for example swimming and wrestling.

These hobbies are equally as dangerous as the others. But mind you, mass training shall be one regarding the safest exercises around. Mass trainers just need to carefully follow instructions to stay away from any injuries. This shall not be a challenge to highschool students since coaches should be around to observe the students progress. Speaking of progress, mass training in highschool shall stick to easier routines and lesser weights.

For short, beginners! It should be foolish to let highschool students jump into an advanced class due to the fact that mass training is like climbing a ladder, you own to be at the bottom prior to you finally reach the top. Aside from getting toned muscles, mass training shall teach students more about self discipline, endurance and patience. Howcome these three? Self discipline due to the fact that the exercise has to be done properly. Students need to follow the correct body posture. Even spreading the mass all over your body shall be called cheating.

So, if an exercise is for an exact muscle that should be the only muscle thats worked on and nothing else. The exercise is drafted to tests your strengths and limits. Sometimes it is near impossible to done the exercise as you reach the end. Students endurance should be tested. Mass training shall also teach them patience due to the fact that larger muscles don't ever just grow overnight.

Can mass training in high college teach them more? Yes! Mass training shall inculcate these 3 values in students but there exists more that they shall locate out for themselves. Once classes are done or the students have graduated, they shall locate out that, not only did they undergo physical changes due to the fact that of mass training but they also had changes within the inside that they can bring with them and use it in life.

Thursday 26 July 2012

A General Look At Alchemy Component 4

Steps in Alchemy Every spiritual system has its steps or phases of development. The Qabalist has his book within the vegetables and the paths regarding the Tree of Life. Mahayana Buddhism teaches its adherents the different bhumis, or grounds that has to be passed; other traditions for example Sufism and Yoga similarly have designated the rungs regarding the spiritual ladder. The 33 degrees of Freemasonry has its prototype within the vetebrae regarding the person spine. Kundalini is supposed to climb 33 rungs prior to she is crowned within the sahasrara chakra.

The Patriarch Jacob was shown in a vision how to climb that spiritual ladder. In Alchemy, teachings differ as to the many stages required; some adepts propound 5, 7, 9, 12, or even 14 steps. We decide to deal briefly with the following seven steps: two Sanctification 3 Purification 4 Putrefaction 5 Fermentation six Combustion seven Regeneration 7 Atonement Sanctification Sanctification is the act of consecration, of rendering blessed an object; or within the case regarding the spiritual path, the act of committing or consecrating one's life to an occult, esoteric purpose and objective. This step is undertaken when one, like Kaspar or Melchior, who saw the Star, and was determined to follow it despite obstacles, obstructions and hindrances. Psychologically, the determination to follow and look a project to its ultimate conclusion shall be spoke about to be an expression of sanctification.

Sanctification is an initiation which offers a test of one's sincerity, of being true to one's Self, to one's principles, and to the vows undertaken at the time of sanctification, which shall atom structure be within the shape of a mystical ceremony. Once an lone is sanctified, the eyes regarding the spiritual hierarchy are focused upon him, guiding, guarding, inspiring, and strengthening his newly-born Jesus mind, as symbolised by the Nativity. Every step regarding the Method brightens the aura regarding the alchemist, expanding his consciousness and mind to greater frontiers, to greater realities; he develops a keener sense of awareness, comprehension, and appreciation of cosmic verities. The alchemist sanctifying his life not ever cease to disperse from his 4 decreased bodies the heavy particles that bind him below to mortality and limitation; and incorporating within his principles the atoms of an ethereal nature, conducive to his functioning in higher planes of consciousness. Purification Purification is the result regarding the diet, the spiritual discipline which the alchemist undertakes.

By strict adherence to the laws of a spiritual ethical code, the process of purification goes underway. Purification is processed below 3 principles: two The raising regarding the vibratory rates regarding the atomic structures and atoms within the decreased components of Man. 3 The dispersion of foul reason and toxins which corrupts the sheaths. 4 The prevention regarding the accretion of heavy atoms which densifies the sheaths and entombs the soul. In esoteric Christianity, purification is represented by the Baptism.

The soul being washed within the fluids regarding the Cosmic Sea, gradually changes its garments into Jesus substance, and emerges into an special world of Light. First Adam donned clothes of skin, the final Adam dons the apparel regarding the spiritual body. Purification is an on-going process. It not ever ceases as evolution not ever halts to the spot of non-progression. Impurity in Person conclusions in a negative attitude and behaviour-pattern, a tamasic expression that creates an lone sluggish in his ways.

Records of karmic sins lodge within the heart seed atom and within the 4 decreased principles. To the clairvoyant eye, these are seen as blackish-grayish clouds resembling the pollution emanating from an non-residential center. The alchemist purifies and purges these astral, physical, and mental toxins from his system by living in harmony with the Tao, and by undertaking spiritual exercises drafted to cleanse his being. It is the dark substances that prevents man's union with God, and with the freedom to function in higher planes of consciousness. Love, Life, and Light are detergents that washes and baptizes the soul within the River Jordon.

Such divine qualities should be allowed to unfold within one's nature. Putrefaction All things leave through the change called death, that is really a transformation into an special state of expression. The life ensouling the form, or which gave shape its expression can not ever be destroyed or annihilated. Molecules shall break from its mass, atoms shall disunite from one another and explode into a shower of electrons, but with all of this apparent destruction of identity, a law so profound operates which gives birth to an special being arising from the ashes regarding the old. Putrefaction is an intensification regarding the process already commenced within the previous steps.

Astral and mental toxins are dispersed from the spiritual structure of Person by the cleansing force, the Blessed Fire, and disintegrating and decomposing the effluvia regarding the decreased realms parasiting upon Man's fears and ignorance, creating it likely for the laying regarding the foundations for the transmutation of tomb into temple. Like the Freemason, the alchemist has to construct a temple not created with hands; a temple worthy enough for the occupation and procedure regarding the Ego. In this putrefying stage, the alchemist resembles a cocoon who works upon itself internally; habitual thoughts and emotions that are not of an Ascended Master quality are decomposed and released into the Cosmic incinerator. The principle of change is symbolised by the Transfiguration of Jesus. Elijah representing Fire, and Moses--Water, are the wisdom and like aspects of buddhi that impregnates and fertilizes the Seed of Gold within Man.

Focus upon the solar principle, God's living fire, is a sure method of burning the dross, the dispersal of impurities, and the transmutation of tamas-rajasic metals of man's principles into qualities of gold. Fire quickens the buddhic seed within our being, awakening it into activity; H2o purifies the seed giving it freedom to grow, and nourishing it at the similar to time. It is spoke about that putrefaction is the principle KEY to the process regarding the Transmutation. It is the agent which accelerates growth. The momentum is increased at each succeeding step regarding the way.

Fermentation Subsequent to undergoing the previous stage of putrefaction, one then undergoes fermentation, that is represented in Person of christ mysticism by the Passion, the agony of Jesus at Getsamene. Mystics regarding the Person of christ tradition call this spiritual condition, the Dark Night regarding the Soul. Chemically, fermentation is the breaking up of complex compounds, changing it into other structures with the aid of an agent for example yeast. Psychologically, it is a time of intense psychic activity where doubts assail one's deepest convictions and beliefs to their very root. A person not ever knows the stuff he is created of until tried and tested by life and his rebounding karma.

When person becomes fixed in his attitudes and outlook, denying the possibilities of soul-culture and development, when he gets complacent concerning his location within the scale of evolution and refuses to budge further, then Nature returns to the rescue acting as yeast should do in initiating a forced change in a compound, which in this case, is the complex being called Man. This forced change returns within the shape of tests and trials; and all of his previous beliefs and misconceptions are analyzed as to their purported price in sustaining his equilibrium, saneness, and comprehension of life. Students of Alchemy are advised by adepts to volatilize that that is fixed and to stabilize that that is volatized. Esoterically, this implies that one has to liberate one's self from all delusions, glamour, illusions, and the ignorance of not knowing; to shift one's focus from the unreal to the Real, and to live in eternity and Truth. This activity of conversion, or renewing regarding the mind, is the result of fermentation, and it is usually undertaken below the supervision of an adept-master who introduces the natural state, or the Clean Light to the initiate when judged to be ready.

Combustion Subsequent to experiencing the Dark Night regarding the Soul regarding the previous step, the alchemist is faced with a greater test, that regarding the Dark Night regarding the Spirit, where one feels forsaken and cut-off from one's source of being, from the encouragement, inspiration, and help from one's teachers and loved ones. Accumulated karma of past embodiments returns in full force with apparently no mercy, but by remembering that The god does not release more trials than Person can bear, the alchemist-initiate creates it through like Old Job. Within the state of crucifixion, which symbolizes combustion, the emotions and mind on their respective planes are literally on fire, or conflagration. One overcomes this period by being self reliant, dependent upon one's own resources. Consequently apparently neglected, the suffering initiate is not ever alone.

Combustion causes a reaction, an upheaval in Man's soul, that is accompanied by bliss and pain, symbolised by light and heat. Jesus expressed this paradoxical state when on one paw with agony he cried out, My God, my God, howcome hast thou forsaken me? Mark 15:34, and on the other, subsequent to recognizing his error in presuming separation, with total surrender he entered the blissful state by decreeing to the Supreme One that is supposed to have left him: Father, into thy hands I command my heart Luke 23:46. What causes combustion, alchemically speaking, is God's all-consuming fire. With its descent upon one's psyche, the intensity regarding the Light temporary induces spiritual blindness, causing the delusion that darkness had fallen upon the soul. While surrounded by Light, one gropes around in seeming darkness.

With the descent of Divine Fire, a conflagration is begun within the emotions and mind, generating pain and agony, that is later subdued by being accustomed to God's face. It is spoke about that no one sees the face of The god and live; what perishes are the final remnants regarding the false ego, and the active identification with the carnal self. Person dies to his decreased self but lives within the glory of his greater Self. The presence of fire prepares one for the next stage of regeneration, with which it plays a vital role. Combustion is the baptism of Fire and the Blessed Ghost as promised by Peter the Harbinger.

From the esoteric anatomical perspective, combustion is triggered by kundalinic activity. As the fiery serpent ascends in sushumna, sensations of heat, cold heat, is felt along the spine. Regeneration All religions fundamentally, are concerned with regenerating Man, in laying the foundations for the regenerative process to proceed. It is the esoteric side of religion that puts Person into active contact with higher forces and principles that activates the regenerative phase of Man's spiritual development. Misguided by dogmatic teachings regarding the Church, the average Person of christ believes in a literal resurrection from the grave at the Final Judgment; however, when interpreted esoterically, Paul's writings present a wealth of facts concerning the regenerative process.

For instance, he declared that for as in Adam all die, even so in Jesus shall all be created alive I Corinthians 15:22. Adam, or the carnal self, causes the incarnating entity to be dead to higher realities. He operates his bodies sluggishly like a zombie. By contrast, when the prodigal son absorbs the universal Jesus substance, and Jesus Consciousness emanating from his higher principles, he then functions below the direction of a higher intelligence. He commences his life living in Truth and in eternity.

Regeneration consequently, begins to occur within his 4 decreased bodies, even transmuting the corporeal shape into the Body of Light. To be created alive in Jesus requires a sure spiritual discipline to be exercised. But sadly, the average lone prefers believing rather than knowing and doing. It is the destiny of Person to attain what Jesus had attained within the resurrection, and thus Paul advised the Romans: But if the Heart of him that raiseth up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raiseth up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Heart that dwelleth in you Romans 8:11. If the Heart should dwell in us for a quickening, then there should be a method for inviting the Heart to dwell in our bodies, mere beliefs and faith are insufficient to invoke the Paraclete, the Blessed Spirit.

When relied upon Nature's pace of evolution and development, the regeneration of Person shall need eons to accomplish. By entering the straight and narrow gate, the Path of Return, the Prodigal Som shall accelerate the regenerative process and quickly deify himself in his Father's arms. It is spoke about that good men don't ever die, they basically fade away. Enoch, the good antediluvian prophet was one such an lone who basically faded away. It is recorded in Genesis that he walked with The god and then he was not.

There exists basically 3 interpretations to this statement: one, the done elimination and non-identification with the false self, the false ego; and two, the etherealization regarding the physical body. Subsequent to successfully treading the different phases regarding the way, the alchemist returns to a spot where a greater influx regarding the rays regarding the Higher Self descends and takes active manage regarding the 4 decreased bodies. Every cell within the physical body is vitalized by this Paraclete and raised to a higher state of vibration resulting like a side effect, youth and a renewed power. Life is prolonged within the form, and all diseases that plague humankind returns to no effect. Psychologically, regeneration causes a spiritualization regarding the character regarding the alchemist.

Morals, ethics and principles held by the alchemist are unfolded and applied from the divine perspective. Every smile displayed and directed by the master alchemist to a recipient returns with a special blessing and force that is subtly felt projected from the heart center regarding the alchemist. From the above it shall be deduced that regeneration is represented by the Master Jesus' resurrection. Regeneration causes the unfoldment regarding the Seed of Gold within Person to mature, and preparing him for the final stage which concludes his path of transmutation. Atonement Exoterically, atonement is the reparation of any wrong or injury done to another.

Esoterically, atonement is at-one-ment, the unio mystica, or oneness between Person and God. It is the ascension in which Person is unified with his I AM Presence. This is the conclusion regarding the path of person salvation, the attainment of alchemical gold. Many tests and trials have been passed, many initiations undergone. The Seed regarding the Tree of Life planted in Man's Edenic consciousness has matured and is bearing fruit of God-qualities.

Person attains his high estate by personal effort and labor and not by depending upon another's merit and endeavors for his exaltation into the Light. This differentiates the Master soul from the puerile person being. Differentiation and separation are illusory, the projection of Maya. As Person unites with the One, he assumes the resemblance regarding the One; he has grown into God's image and becomes the Sun Initiate the, Symbol of Wisdom, the Center of Power, or the Heart of Things. The Initiate, by virtue of being one with his Sun principle, is an enlightened mind and illumined being.

Atonement is the culmination regarding the alchemist's spiritual labour within the long process of purifying, refining, and improving the quality of his metals. The principles of Right Thinking, Right Speaking, and Right Action some regarding the elements of Divine Thinking are conducive in effecting the transformation regarding the different sheaths. The alchemists lives in a state of constant meditation and prayer, 24-hours a day, prior to his ascension. Like the Sufis, the names of Allah are continually upon his lips and mind. The spiritual practice of zikir, or remembrance, is applied devotedly by the maturing initiate.

The alchemist is an active seeker for the kingdom of The god within. In Esoteric Christianity, the principles, or the Panacea for attaining the transcendental state, and expanding the consciousness to embrace Solar Consciousness is provided as Conviction, Contrition, Confession, Consecration, and Communion. Conclusion Whenever Person stalls in his evolution, the intelligences regarding the spiritual hierarchy release a method out within the shape of an special religion, philosophy, science, or art. Alchemy is at once all of these, and ever since its advent into the Mysteries, a profound inquiry had been created by aspirants and seekers as to the likely processes involved in effecting a transmutation. Confused by jargon and the real goal of alchemy, the average student of alchemy spends wasted time, funds, and life trying to probe the secrets regarding the science.

Sincerity, faith and perseverance were, and still are the keys that unlock the portal to a master's heart; and with his aid and guidance, a higher understanding and appreciation are acquired by the aspirant. Though still dismissed like a pseudo-science by technological scientists, alchemy's price like a psycho-spiritual tool for Man's transformation cannot be denied when understood in its entirety. It only takes a mind of purity, freed from bigotry and intellectualism to grow to like little child within the arms regarding the Divine Mother, or Sophia, sequential to grasp the essential principles of alchemy which radiates so many light for the wayfarer to book him to his destination.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

10 Reasons Howcome You Should Sip Ionized Alkaline Water

Under normal circumstances, the body's pH grades naturally sprint slightly alkaline. Most Americans' bodies are overly acidic due to the fact that of our poor diet filled with acid producing overly processed foods. Due to the fact that of this, many well-being professionals suggest that we sip alkalized water. Here are 10 reasons howcome you should think about drinking alkaline ionized h2o to change your pH levels:1. Alkalized h2o gives a method to help the body restore it's natural alkaline pH.

It helps to hold your body ph grades balanced which helps hold the body running in optimal condition. Ionized h2o helps reduce many symptoms of aging and increases energy. Overly acidic bodies promote disease. Alkaline pH grades help fight disease, so drinking alkaline h2o helps you wait healthier. Like an organic antacid, alkaline h2o can reduce acid reflux and help neutralize the acidity within the body to prevent sickness and some chronic diseases.

Drinking alkalized h2o promotes mass loss. Micro-structured h2o is easier for the body to metabolize and helps with losing weight. Alkaline h2o is wealthy in antioxidants! Micro-structured h2o attacks free radicals through powerful antioxidant properties. Medicinal studies display that alkaline ionic h2o has powerful antioxidant properties-- even better than vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene and selenium. Regular tap and bottled h2o hold a positive ORP - molecules that oxidize our tissues and and accelerate aging.

Only alkaline h2o has a negative ORP - the antioxidant molecules we need. Ionized alkaline h2o is living water. An ionizer does higher than filter; it changes the structure of h2o to an ionized state, which creates it easier for the body's cells to absorb. Living h2o is h2o with an organic hexagonal, snowflake-like geometric structure of hexagonal crystal. Living h2o is located in healing springs around the world, and that this geometrical structure is what gives the h2o its healing properties.

Filtered, distilled, tap and bottled spring h2o not ever have this crystal structure. There is no electrical charge, so they can be dead, that is howcome they can be not as with no problems absorbed into your cells. You can be actually rehydrating your body with ionized water. Your body should be up to six times more hydrated with alkaline h2o than when drinking dead water. Hydration helps the body function better and increases your life levels.

Alkalized h2o is anti-aging and helps with your skin. Effective hydration helps your skin look healthier and the body detox easier. There exists many anti-aging properties in alkaline water, like antioxidants, oxygen, alkaline minerals, and the very structure regarding the h2o itself. You flood your body with oxygen when you sip alkaline water! Lime juices and alkaline h2o are greatest method to do this. Alkalized h2o has extra oxygen - one oxygen atom for every one hydrogen OH whereas ordinary h2o has 3 hydrogen atoms H2O -- more hydrogen, so more acid.

Ionized alkaline h2o is better for baking and food preparation. It creates your tea and tea healthier and try better. Greens simmered in it retain their natural texture and color, and pasta and oats are fluffier when boiled in it. You also get better absorption of nutrients from nourishment you have when they can be prepared with it. Many alkaline h2o drinkers report that they have more clarity of mind and life due to the fact that regarding the extra oxygen that ionized h2o supplies.

Drinking pure ionized alkaline h2o is not an excuse to continue to have in an unhealthy manner or stay away from getting medicinal attention, but it is an important step to take toward wellness. Micro-structured h2o supports the body's ability to heal itself and maintain an alkaline pH within the body. Alkalized h2o can not be bottled due to the fact that it rapidly looses the negative charge over a period of multiple days. This is howcome it is important to purchase a home ionizing machine.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Nothing Universe Theory

The Nothing Universe By Dennis James Huff Introduction In this paper, I shall discuss and give logical evidence for an unique theory of how the universe began. One that is supported by all regarding the evidence in help regarding the Large Bang Theory. This theory is called, Nothing Universe theory. During my years of education, I learned the 3 most well-known theories regarding the day. The greatest well-known of which was, and still is, the Large Bang Theory.

The only credit I can bring myself to release the Large Bang Theory is that it is a possibility. I do not make that statement lightly, I have pondered and followed the Large Bang theory for many years. What keeps the Large Bang Theory alive is the scientific evidence that points to it as the greatest plausible explanation. The question that wants to be regarded is, Is it logically plausible, or plausible for lack of an improved theory? Just as forensic evidence can sometimes spot to wrong suspect, so to can scientific evidence. Just as I am sure there exists higher than a little innocent men and women in prison, I am also sure that there is a theory or 3 that remain well-known today, basically based upon good studies attributed to wrong conclusions.

The one sticking spot for me with the Large Bang Theory is the Prior to Period. What existed prior to the singularity exploded? If it were not for that sticking point, I should have had an easier time accepting the Large Bang Theory; and the Nothing Universe theory should not exist. The Oscillating Universe theory is nice, but it has similar problem; assuming there ever definitely was a beginning. If the universe has always existed then it is a plausible theory. However; I locate it difficult to believe, due to the fact that something should have had to set this not ever ending loop in motion.

This is not necessarily a true statement. I hold a hard time conceiving of how the universe should expand and contract continuously without possessing been set in motion at some spot within the past. This notion points to a beginning at some spot within the past. Similar holds true for the Steady State Universe theory. The notion that the universe has always existed and shall always exist the method it has for all eternity shall also be a difficult thing to conceive.

The large challenge with this theory is that we have knowledge of the universe is not unchanging. It is expanding and continuously changing on an everyday basis. Some have suggested that consequently it is expanding the overall picture remains the same. I disagree, stars are born and die, objects collide, are sucked into black holes, etc. We live in a very active and continuously changing universe.

I shall give an in depth overview of all 3 currently accepted theories followed by Nothing Universe theory. I shall also give a brief discussion of God, basically due to the fact that I know that the subject cannot be discounted. irregardless of how unlikely the existence of one shall be. I have knowledge of that The god is a subject that many people shall not should touch upon. I know that when considering the beginning of all things the subject must, at the very least, be briefly covered.

What I am about to propose in this cardboard is an plan that I have regarded for many years. It is a theory that I know in, and has helped me return to an improved understanding of our universe. I have spent roughly 15 years considering, and developing this theory. It goes beyond the sticking spot of, the Prior to Period. The time prior to the singularity or the existence of a God.

In my opinion there exists only 3 current theories that make sense. There is the Nothing Universe theory, and there is the theory of God. The The god concept does still suffer from the Prior to problem, but that should just be by design. No reason how hard I rack my brain I just cannot return to any other conclusions. Neither the Nothing theory is correct, the correct theory has not been written, or The god is responsible for everything.

I shall also explain this spot further. I shall do this by outlining a plausible argument for the existence of a god, and howcome it is so difficult for science to ever destroy the notion of a God. I do not know fully in a The god myself, but the nature of a The god creates it virtually impossible to discount its existence entirely. These were the choices I gave myself, and for now I am going to stick with my conclusions. My goal now is to share my theory with the world, and try to give a full and in depth understanding of this new theory.

I know that this theory neatly ties together all regarding the lose ends of existence. With a simple understanding of our beginnings, we shall be can gain full insight into the inner workings of our reality. I should also like to say, Pride of Authorship. Hold this in mind as you view this paper. New plans are not readily or with no problems accepted due to many factors.

Pride of Authorship basically place is; outright refusal to know in an unique plan or topic if it threatens an individuals current body of work or belief structure. Denial of an unique plan based upon person emotions is not a good method to approach any topic. I basically should like my plans to be considered, as I have regarded other's plans and works. I should also like to sum that the earth was once flat, ether was responsible for fire, and plate tectonics was an absurd concept. Nothing Universe theory shall also appear to be an absurd concept, however; I am not seeking belief.

I am only seeking consideration. The Large Bang Theory The Large Bang theory was first proposed by Georges Lemaitre. He formulated his theory based upon observations regarding the structure regarding the universe and from the theoretical considerations at the time. Doppler shift was two of those observations, first measured in 1912 by Visto Slipher. He observed that galaxies appeared to be moving distant from the earth.

The result was Doppler shift. As the objects move distant from us, varying wavelengths grow to elongated and reach us as dark brown light. It is how we have knowledge of our universe is expanding. Lemaitre regarded Doppler Shift and in 1931 concluded that if the universe is expanding currently then it should be logical to assume that the universe was once very small. You should reverse the expansion until you reached a primeval atom.

This atom has return to be known as the singularity. As we approach this time within the past the current laws of physics cease to exist the farther return we go. If we were to obtain as close as likely to this singularity then our laws of physics hold true. When we reach that moment, we reach a spot where nothing but the singularity exists. From this spot onward the traditional laws of physics do not apply.

I know this spot is termed as the Planck Epoch. Once the singularity is reached the consensus is that we should perceive an infinitely mini and infinitely dense spot of pure energy. No one can necessarily explain what existed beyond the boundaries of this singularity. Many know that nothing existed, but the singularity. We also cannot leave anywhere beyond the spot of its existence.

We do not have knowledge of where the singularity came from, and we do not have knowledge of if anything existed prior to it. The well-known view is: that there was nothing prior to the singularity the singularity came into existence the singularity then expanded instantaneously This is a very important spot to consider. Many assume from the title regarding the theory that the universe began in an explosion. That shall have been the belief within the past, but not today. Many tend to view the Large Bang like a sudden expansion regarding the singularity and not an explosion.

Imagine a done circle on a piece of cardboard with an 8 inch diameter. Now imagine that this circle expanded outward in an instant to a diameter of 80 inches. This should represent how the universe began. The singularity expanded to make our current universe. Since we have knowledge of that the universe is still expanding today; one should assume that the large bang is still receiving location today.

It should also be that the expansion of space has stopped, but the momentum of fabric has not. We should also assume that it is slowing down, but recent observations appear to display that the expansion is speeding up, and not slowing down. The 3 biggest discoveries that have provided strength to this theory is that the universe is expanding, and that background radiation exists all around us. This background radiation cosmic background radiation is thought to be evidence of a good explosion or expansion, lending help to Large Bang theory. Other supporting evidence was discovered, such as; the abundance of simple elements within the universe, namely hydrogen and helium.

the evolution and distribution of reason in our universe That is not many of a list, but these 3 plans and the 3 mentioned previously seem to be the primary supporting topics for the Large Bang theory. Many more work was done where the conclusions fit into the framework of a large bang universe. This work does not directly prove the large bang, it basically is proven to be so, and also happens to not contradict the large bang. For example, I should locate out how an object appears on a pantry table. In this instance the object is a glass.

Assuming a glass shall appear repeatedly at some spot within the future, I wait around. Eventually, I observe that an lone enters the room and spots a glass on the table. Now I have knowledge of how the glass came to be on the table. Now, lets assume there shall also be a well-known theory that we live on a planet. The discovery of how the glass came to be where it was has nothing to do with the theory that we live on a planet.

Since the appearance regarding the glass happened on this planet, it fits nicely with that theory of a planet, but we set out to prove how a glass came to be at that location. We proved that hypothesis without threatening our planet theory. This is an over simplified explanation for a not so simple topic. Let us think about the evidence for the large bang theory. We have knowledge of that a bulk of our universe is composed of simple reason for example hydrogen and helium.

The majority of our periodic table of elements is composed of elements that make up a very mini percentage of our universe. This is due to the fact that more complex elements should be formed within an above life environment, in this case a star. The evolution of elements in our universe should look like this; Protons and electrons came together to shape hydrogen Hydrogen gathered into huge clouds of hydrogen eventually this hydrogen compressed until stars are formed in these stars hydrogen is fused to shape helium the high temperatures in stars give a location for more complex elements to be formed a star dies, explodes, elements are scattered and new stars are born from this cloud now we have elements to shape not only gas giants, but rocky planets as well This is a simplistic view, but paints a simple picture of how reason evolved from the beginning to today. The universe is estimated to be around 15 billion years old, that is plenty of time for elements to evolve. Mostly when you think about that it only took life 4 billion years to obtain us here.

That is only a fifth of our universes existence. The other 5 fifths was used within the creation of stars, death, and evolution of elements to bring us to a spot where the elements should begin an unique evolution. The evolution of life on Earth and perhaps other planets. Cosmic Background radiation was witnessed by all of us who have ever listened to an off space radio station, or watched an off space television station. The hissing sound that you hear on the radio is caused by background radiation, and likewise with the fuzz on your off space television screen.

It was definitely discovered as noise that should not be eliminated during an experiment. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were working for Bell labs in 1964 when they created the discovery. They were creating use of a super sensitive Horn Antenna to detect radio waves that were bouncing of off echo balloon satellites. They had to eliminate all interference, and were successful for the greatest part. They should not seem to eliminate a little position hissing sound, no reason how hard they tried.

This little position hissing sound turned out to be Cosmic background radiation left over from the birth of our universe. This was hailed as the fingerprint regarding the Large Bang theory. It points to a massive function that created our universe. An function that released unbelievable amounts of energy. Consequently that should be true, and we do have knowledge of of its existence; it is likely that another function should account for background radiation.

A good deal of studies was done on the subject regarding the large bang. As with any theory there exists some wrinkles that should be ironed out. All theories have wrinkles and sticking points, some higher than others. The Large Bang has remained strong, due to the fact that it has fewer wrinkles than other proposed theories and hypothesis. This fact coupled with the evidence that was attributed to it, it shall remain the leading theory for some time to come.

It is not the first, and shall not be the final theory that is held to be true. Even though it should be wrong. Oscillating Universe Theory Perhaps the 2nd most believed theory for the beginning of our universe. It was conceived by Alexander Friedman in 1922, and remains fairly intact today. The primary sticking spot with this theory is the assumption that we live in a closed universe.

Presently, most scientist know that we do not live in a closed universe. I speak most, due to the fact that I knew a science teacher once who believed that whether you had a tough enough telescope you should be can look the return of that you own head! The easiest method to view this theory is to ponder regarding the Large Bang occurring over and over again, each time ending in a large crunch, followed by a large bang. At some spot within the past the singularity expanded leading to creation regarding the universe. Eventually, the universe began to slow and then contract. Ultimately this universe should end in a large crunch, and then should eventually expand again; leading to an unique universe that should end in a large crunch, and so on and so forth.

The primary reason howcome this theory was not as accepted as the Large Bang theory is, that many do not look a difference between this theory and the large bang. Howcome think about the possibility that we are many universes along within the cycle? When we can basically look at this universe, and its beginning and likely end. The conclusion being, that we do not should focus on a repeating pattern. We should be within first universe or the 100th within the cycle, it does not matter. What we are interested in is how this universe began, how old it is, and how it shall end.

This cycle matters to us due to the fact that we live in it. So, as tempting as it is to think about that this universe is only one in an extended line of universes; we should wait focused on this universe. For this reason, many have chosen to only think about the Large Bang theory. In reality the Large Bang theory should be a subset regarding the Oscillating Universe Theory. Steady State Theory This theory takes a view regarding the universe as; always possessing existed, and shall always exist.

The universe exists currently as it did millions, billions, trillions of years ago. There is no beginning, and there is no end. Developed in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold, it was proposed as an alternative to Large Bang theory. It proposes that new reason is continuously created as the universe expands. This dealt with the notion that our universe was expanding and so new reason should be wanted for the universe to remain relatively the same.

This theory should not escape observational fact. The universe was changing, was expanding, and there was nothing steady state about it. It was an interesting concept that had its supporters. It still suffers from similar questions that all theories of its kind do. Was there a beginning? Even if the universe has always existed, where did everything return from? How can something have always been when we have knowledge of that our universe is dominated by beginnings and endings? Conceptually it tried to deal with these questions.

We would not should think about a prior to time if there was no such time. Similar shall be spoke about for the end. You cannot have one if the universe shall not ever end. Strangely, We can conceive of an infinity subsequent to a beginning, but not an infinity with no beginning that also has an end. Does this arise from our linear habit of thinking?.

This concludes the 3 large theories for the beginning of our universe. The Large Bang is the simple fore runner with the other 3 only possessing a minority of supporters left. There exists many other lesser known theories out their that shall be located with little studies by any interested persons. The Nothing Universe This theory is not a well known or accepted theory, due to the fact that it is an unique theory. I call it a theory rather than a hypothesis, due to the fact that the evidence that exists for the Large Bang theory also supports this theory.

That is to speak that; My theory accounts for many of what the large bang theory does, as well as little of what the large bang theory does not account for. If I am articulate enough, I shall be can convey the strengths of this theory, and howcome it should be regarded at the very fewest like a running mate with the Large Bang theory. Perhaps the day shall return when the Nothing Universe theory shall stand alone, but I have knowledge of how difficult it is to dethrone currently accepted and popularly held beliefs. We are all familiar with our person concept of nothing. When a bottle is empty, we say; Nothing is within the bottle.

We have knowledge of that this is not definitely the case. What we are referring to is the fact that what we thought should be within the bottle is no detailed there. Sequential for nothing to truly be within the bottle, the bottle itself should should contain a vacuum. A vacuum is the done absence of matter. The only thing that can exist in a vacuum is energy.

A vacuum is the true concept of nothing, but it is not the true shape of nothing. What I propose is that our concept of nothing and the true state of nothing are 3 different things. The true state of nothing is neutrality. A balance between charges in a perfectly arranged atom. This done atom I have named the Nothing Atom.

two Hold in mind that the above figure shall not be the exact structure regarding the nothing atom. It is merely a representation of how the nothing atom should have, or shall have existed. The key spot to take from this figure is; that the nothing atom was composed of most reason and antimatter. Each was kept from destroying the other by neutrons with the electrons and positrons occupying different orbital lobes. The arrangement of this atom shall have been distant more complex than this model that I have proposed.

I shall explain this atom in distant detail in a moment. It shall also be that these particles did not exist in an atom. Nothing Universe shall have been composed of an ocean of particles locked together in a method not to destroy one another. Antimatter and reason being separated by neutrons. I take the view spot that the Nothing Atom did exist, and shall do so in this theory.

It shall also be important to note that this atom is the very existence, structure, and substance of nothing. There was no beginning, due to the fact that this atom was the actual state regarding the universe, prior to the creation regarding the universe that we have knowledge of today. When I speak that Nothing existed, what I really mean is that nothing but the done atom existed. The nothing atom that permeated all of space. In a sense, the universe we live in currently represents the very definition of something existence, while the pre-universe Nothing Universe represented the very definition of nothing.

Picture these atoms in an arrangement that allowed for as little free space as likely between them, and occupying all regarding the pre-universe in all directions. Contrary to Large Bang theory and the singularity, no free life existed in this Nothing Universe. All life was contained within this sea of nothing atoms. So, rather than a singularity expanding out into space, we instead have our universe expanding within a pre-universe. A done nothing universe.

Our universe contains free life and a ton of space and is bounded by a universe with no free life and no free space. The nothing atom that exists beyond our universe is composed of most reason and anti reason particles joined together and separated by neutrons. The nothing atom is composed regarding the proton, the neutron, the electron, as well as their anti reason counterparts. They can be all locked together and kept from destroying each other by neutrons. I do not have knowledge of the exact arrangement of these particles in this done atom, but that is irrelevant.

All that is important is the concept that they can be all locked together in this one done Nothing Atom. The electron and the positron do not annihilate each other, due to the fact that they occupy different orbital lobes. Again, I do not fully understand the exact arrangement of this atom; only that it existed. Whatever the done arrangement is, this perfectly neutral Nothing Atom is the only thing that existed within the pre-universe and composed infinity entirely. There was no motion and that is why no time, but we can use the concept of infinity to release us an plan regarding the state regarding the universe up until the spot regarding the event.

So now we have the done nothing universe composed entirely regarding the neutral and done Nothing Atom. All life is locked up tight within the shape of particles creating up this nothing universe. upon trillions, upon trillions, upon trillions, of these atoms. An infinite sea of atoms in which one can fall apart. two of these atoms in an ocean of infinity destabilized and led to Function and the creation of our universe.

Something had to happen in just two of these done Nothing Atoms to cause it to destabilize. Something had to make a destabilization of one regarding the particles within the atom to lead to an irreversible chain reaction that should lead to birth regarding the known universe. I refer to this as the EVENT. This smoking gun should very well be one regarding similar forces responsible for radioactive decay. I am referring to one regarding the Quantum forces that dictate how particles behave on a sub atomic level.

These are the Tough Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, and the Electrostatic Force. A slight shift in two of these forces should have led to destabilization of two of these done Nothing Atoms. The consequence of this was a chain reaction that should make our universe and continue on forever. The Function The function represents the exact moment when the chaos began. I have return up with a theory to explain this based upon the concept of probability.

Statistically speaking, one should should assume that when you can be dealing with infinity; the probability of two function occurring is two in infinity. That is to speak that if an function can occur, however improbable; a chance still exists for its occurrence when infinity is taken into consideration. I shall now quote two of my former geology professors, Dr. Eastler, due to the fact that I know this quote sums up my concept regarding the function nicely. He said, It did not should happen, but it had to happen.

Basically put, it happened due to the fact that everything exists, and if it did not happen than we would not be around to have knowledge of the difference. Since we are here, it is safe to assume that something did happen and the Function shall have been two of those such things. This Function shall have been caused by a shift in one regarding the Quantum Forces. Once this one neutral Nothing atom destabilized, it set into motion a chain reaction that should lead to greatest lone explosion that shall ever occur within the the past of reality. During this Function more life was released than all regarding the life currently contained within all regarding the reason in our universe.

Some call it the Large Bang, I call it; The Event. 2 This is not a singularity exploding into existence, this is an atom setting off a chain reaction in an ocean of done atoms. It is not only an expansion of space, it is an explosion of space. This reaction is instantaneous and is, I believe; the only function currently occurring in our universe at a velocity greater than that regarding the velocity of light. There exists a little possibilities to think about for this.

The nothing atoms are arranged so closely together that once the chain reaction begins it is instantaneous. This is howcome we do not look the light emanating from this expansion of our universe. I propose that if we should venture fast enough and distant enough out into space we should eventually return to a wall of life moving distant from us. I should call this the Function Horizon but that name is already taken so I shall refer to it as the Creation Wave. This wall of life is the boundary between our universe and the nothing universe.

On the other side of this wall of life is the universe as it existed prior to the event. An endless sea of done nothing atoms awaiting their turn to be annihilated by the impending Creation Wave. This means that our universe is being born as we speak, and shall continue to be born for eternity. This shall also explain observations that our universe is not slowing down, but accelerating as it expands outward. The creation wave is essentially pulling the reason behind it outward due to ongoing expansion, and or the immense gravity regarding the nothing universe on the other side regarding the creation wave.

Another possibility is that the farther out into space we go, the younger our universe is. This means that the center of our universe is the oldest, while the outer edges are the youngest. Since the creation wave passed through that region of space fairly recently, the outer regions appear to still be accelerating. It should be that the closer we get to creation wave; reason is flying distant from us at greater and greater speeds. This creation wave is a not ever ending wave of destruction moving distant from the center regarding the known universe at mind boggling speed.

This expansion also helps to explain howcome there is so many empty space out there. The universe we have knowledge of is expanding outward to fill empty space, where empty space had not ever existed. A universe full of reason and life in our universe and reason and life within the anti universe. That is assuming that an anti-matter universe was created along with the reason universe we live in today. I do think about this possibility.

It shall also be that reason outnumbered anti reason within the nothing atom, leading to massive explosions of reason anti-matter interactions soon subsequent to the event. Eventually reason won out, and anti reason was destroyed leaving us with a reason universe. I have possibilities to release as to howcome we are not blinded by and vaporized by the life being released by this process. One possibility is that the mass regarding the nothing universe on the other side regarding the Creation wave is infinitely great. This causes the light from the function to be bent return towards the nothing universe as the Creation wave moves forward.

The 2nd possibility is that the Creation wave is so distant distant from us now that the light emitted from this function cannot reach our region of space any longer. The only evidence left behind is within the shape of Cosmic Background radiation. A third possibility is, that the creation wave is moving so fast; at speeds faster than that of light, that light waves grow to so elongated that they do not appear in our known spectrum. These incredibly long waves shall be located distant to left, on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. These are not radio waves, they can be super radio waves.

The only real evidence for this function shall be located within the shape of Cosmic Background Radiation. It is the thumb print of this ultimate atomic explosion. That is not to speak that if we develop the capability to look distant enough out into space that we shall not catch a glimpse or some evidence of this light, but I highly doubt it. We should be can detect the incredibly long radio waves that should be emanating throughout space. This Creation wave was traveling outwards at a velocity greater than that regarding the velocity of light for well over 15 billion years now.

It shall not be likely to detect the outer boundary of our universe any detailed directly. We shall still be can detect it indirectly. Distant supporting evidence for Nothing Universe theory shall be located within the evolution of atoms throughout the universe. The closer towards the center of our universe we shall locate more evolved forms of matter. We should locate older stars and celestial bodies.

There should be more galaxies and galaxy clusters indicating that this region of space has had detailed to leave through the processes compulsory for these formations. The closer we get to outer, younger regions regarding the universe, we should locate fewer galaxies and galaxy clusters. That is due to the fact that this region of space is younger and has not had the time compulsory to develop as distant along as the older, central region of our universe. One should imagine the center regarding the universe containing good clusters of galaxies, thinning out the farther distant from the central spot we move until we reach the huge expanses of hydrogen clouds that occupy the outer rim. This, younger region of space should contain hydrogen clouds trillions of light years across.

Within these huge clouds exists nurseries where young stars are forming and coming to life. Another function occurred at the exact moment that the Creation wave began its long journey outward and forever. At the exact moment the chain reaction began not just one, but 3 universes shall have been created. This is assuming similar amounts of reason or anti-matter and that as soon as the nothing atom separated that its reason anti reason components occupied separate universes. First universe is the reason universe and the 2nd universe was the anti-matter universe.

These 3 universes exist on 3 separate planes that I like to refer to as the Above and Below planes of existence. The Central Plane is where the nothing universe existed in one dimension and in done harmony. As soon as the Function occurred the majority of anti reason phased into an unique dimension, or plane of existence. Similarly all regarding the reason in our known universe phased into its own plane of existence. I have designated the reason universe as the Above plane, and I have designated the anti-matter universe the Below plane.

This is strictly done to give a view of how these 3 universes shall exist. This shall not be, in reality, the true or exact structure. These are 3 separate universes, two of that is composed of matter, and the other of anti-matter. 4 Another method to possibly picture these 3 universes as existing simultaneously should be to envision all regarding the reason arranged the method it is in our reason universe. Then imagine that the anti reason that is arranged within the anti-matter universe occupies the empty pockets of space in our universe.

So, whether you look out into space now in our universe you can notice that there is very many of empty space out there. Similar is true for the anti reason universe. Reason in one universe occupies the empty space regarding the other universe and vice versa. We perceive it as empty space, due to the fact that the other universe exists on an alternate plane of existence or an alternate dimension. This is one other possibility.

This model shall also help to explain howcome there is not enough reason to account for gravity. Dark reason was suggested to attribute for this gravity or visible reason disparity. It should be that even though anti reason exists in another dimension, its gravitational influence shall still be felt in our dimension and vice versa. A link shall also exist between these 3 planes. This link shall be located within the shape of a black hole.

A black holes gravity is so intense that it literally punches a hole into that other dimension. Just as anti reason is spewed out into our reason dimension from a black hole; I know that reason is spewed forth from similar black hole into anti-matter space. A black hole shall represent a bridge between these 3 dimensions. Whether you can imagine a reason black hole bridging the gap and creating a wormhole that is linked to its counterpart or anti reason black hole. Perhaps they can be one and similar or perhaps they occupy similar space at similar time.

These 3 black holes being linked by a stable wormhole or perhaps black holes are connected to sleek holes. Perhaps sleek holes exist in most the reason and anti reason universes as the outlets or the transfer between the 3 universes. 5 Black holes also share a very common link to state regarding the universe within the very beginning and that is its very intense gravitational field. This field exists due to sheer quantity of reason contained with in a mini no. The difference is that there was no free life within the neutral universe, all life was locked up in particles contained within the done atom.

If there were any free space in that neutral universe, no doubt the gravity should be of a strength we have not ever prior to witnessed. A super black hole should pale in comparison. Clearly these are possibilities to be considered. The state of our universe currently is that of chaos in an unbalanced universe. Similar is true within the anti reason universe, if it exists.

The universe that we have knowledge of currently is trying to return to that neutral state. That is howcome atoms strive for balance. It shall also explain howcome elements seek a decreased state of energy. As elements grow to heavier and heavier, they take on a radioactive nature. Elements for example plutonium and uranium seek a decreased life state by emitting alpha, beta quanta, and gamma rays.

An internal or external life function is all it takes to set radioactive decay into motion. Once it is completed, a decreased life state particle is left behind. First is referred to as the Parent Nuclide with the decreased life Daughter Nuclide left in its place. Quantum physics governs this process. The 3 forces that govern the subatomic world are the tough nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and the electrostatic force.

two of these forces shall have been responsible for the Function that was started by the destabilization of one regarding the done Nothing Atoms. The elements that exist currently are thanks to this destabilization. Many similar method one regarding the 4 sub atomic forces are responsible for sure variations of radioactive decay. The process should leave like this; One regarding the 4 quantum forces destabilized two nothing atom life was released to surrounding atoms this life release led to an infinite and not ever ending chain reaction the creation wave continued outward forever What was left behind were protons, neutrons and electrons in this universe, anti-protons, neutrons, and anti electrons within the anti universe. If an anti universe does not exist than perhaps this region of space is only dominated by reason with other galaxies being composed of anti matter.

Our universe should then contain galaxies and galaxy clusters composed of matter, while others are composed of anti-matter. Neither way, the evolution of reason should play out similar way. It is reasonable to assume that the laws of physics should remain similar for most a reason or an anti-matter universe. Since anti reason is nothing higher than mirror particles with opposite charge. Protons and electrons should return together to shape hydrogen.

Hydrogen should condense to shape stars. Helium and other elements should shape in these stars, creating the universe as we look it today. In a sense our elements were first things that began to evolve in our universe, ultimately leading to elements compulsory for the evolution of life. In this method a simple picture shall be drawn with particles forming elements, elements forming planets, and elements combining in an unique method and in an unique environment to release rise to life. On earth, elements came together to shape lone celled organisms and from their life evolved.

It takes huge amounts of life to make the higher elements on the periodic table of elements. Elements continuously seek a decreased life state. The lowest life state for any element is the proton and the electron. These components were once locked up as component regarding the nothing atom. Since we have knowledge of that hydrogen and helium are the greatest abundant elements within the universe than it is safe to assume that huge amounts of life were wanted to lead to creation regarding the higher elements.

Howcome then do we assume that a particle created and then detected in a lab existed within the beginning regarding the universe? Yes, they exist, but not necessarily independent regarding the Nothing Atom. The large bang theory supposes that a singularity existed. This singularity was nothing but pure life and it was soon subsequent to the expansion that these exotic particles existed and disappeared as the universe cooled. That is one likely view. Another view should be that, the universe was very cold within the beginning.

All free life was locked up tight, and these exotic particles only existed as the subatomic constituents regarding the particles that created up the Nothing Atom. If they exist currently we shall locate them emanating from stars or other high life events receiving location in our universe. Somewhere, where sufficient life is available to make these exotic particles. The possibility remains that the particles we make in a lab does not necessarily lead us to conclusion that they existed during the birth of our universe. We have knowledge of of their existence due to the fact that we make and observe them in a lab.

We as person beings have created many things that did not exist until we arranged their elements to make them so. Wood has always existed within the shape of trees, but it took humans to make a log cabin. We have knowledge of that subatomic particles exist, but due to the fact that we detected them in a particle experiment. We have knowledge of they exist, due to the fact that we have knowledge of that protons, electrons, and neutrons have smaller constituent parts. I maintain that every exotic particle we have detected can exist, and shall exist, just shall not have existed within the beginning of our universe as free sub atomic particles.

The subatomic particles that did exist were locked up within the nothing atom within the shape of reason and anti matter. The fact that we detect them in a particle accelerator should be due to nothing higher than the fact that they can exist independently, and we give the environment to make them for detection. Subatomic particles within the beginning of our universe were locked up within the done Nothing Atom. Howcome The god can neither be proven or disprove I myself do not personally know in God, but I have knowledge of the possibility shall always remain, regardless of how illogical it shall seem. If a the god is an all knowing and all powerful being than it is reasonable to assume that it should foresee the current debates of today.

If faith is as important as it is supposed to be then it should also be reasonable to assume that any The god should should set things up the method they can be currently to test that faith. A The god shall set the universe up such that the evidence to contrary of its existence should be overwhelming. This should need an extreme no. of faith from any believer of that God. Some should call it blind faith, the reality is that faith is what it is.

There is no concrete evidence for such a God's existence. Some shall spot to last testament or other piece of ancient work, but I should like to ask howcome Greek gods are relegated to mythology when plenty of ancient writings exist of them? Just as the Large Bang theory is the greatest well-known theory while other theories exist, similar shall be spoke about for Christianity, and the Islamic religions. They can be the greatest popularly held theories while other theories of religion exist as well. It does not reason what evidence a scientist points to as evidence against religion. The fact remains that a The god shall have set the universe up exactly the method it is to test Faith.

A The god should have created the fossil record, plate tectonics, carbon dating, dark brown shift, and an entire host of other well-known scientific evidences against religion. Heck, a the god should have created the universe at this very instant and we should not ever have knowledge of it. All of our the past possessing been planted as memories upon our creation. It shall also very well be that these similar to scientific discoveries are nothing more the the discovery of how a The god drafted and set up the Universe. This is the primary dilemma that science faces and shall not ever truly be can overcome.

Similar kind of argument shall be created for religion against science. Since there is no solid or concrete evidence for the existence of a God. Scientists can spot to fossil record, carbon dating, etc and we leave round and round. This argument between The god and science shall forever remain like a stalemate. Neither side can entirely prove or disprove the others arguments.

Conclusions I cannot speak that the universe shall not ever return to neutral state regarding the nothing universe. The fact remains that 15 billion years shall only be a split 2nd subsequent to the Function on a universal time scale. We shall still be witnessing the very early stages of our universes existence. Perhaps one day events shall take location within the universe to let for a pocket of nothing fabric or neutral reason to form. Perhaps it shall grow slowly over time, creating an unique neutral universe inside of an ever expanding universe, surrounded by first neutral universe.

Perhaps this wave of balance and chaos was going on for some time, and the space that we are familiar with exists between two of these waves. This should be Oscillating Universe application regarding the Nothing Universe theory. The whole of existence is balanced as pockets of nothing reason within our universe that is growing within first nothing universe. These processes receiving location on such a scale that we cannot even begin to comprehend the no. of time we are dealing with.

I personally know that we are living within first universe and the only one that shall exist. Howcome deal with Oscillation in this case, when we did not with the Large Bang? The reason and anti reason universes possibly existing on separate planes, exchanging reason and anti reason with one another through different processes for example black holes. I cannot conceive of this universe ever returning to a balanced neutral nothing universe again. My belief is that we live in this infant universe, first to exist in infinity, and shall exist in infinity from this spot on. As I stated prior to though, you can not ever rule out possibilities.

The possibility that reason in our universe shall begin to collapse in on itself shall occur at some distant spot within the future. If the Creation wave gets distant enough distant from the center regarding the universe then perhaps its gravitational influence shall drop below that regarding the influence of near by galaxies and all reason in between. The universe should then begin to collapse in on itself, reform the neutral universe and the the function should occur at some spot in an even more distant and mind boggling future. Like I said, I envision our universe as expanding inside regarding the neutral Nothing universe. At similar time the anti reason universe is doing similar thing on its own plane of existence, if it exists.

3 universe, one to represent the reason universe that we live in, and the other within the anti reason universe. One should should assume that the laws of physics should exist in many similar method in most universes. I assume it does based on the fact that anti reason should interact many similar method that reason does in our universe. This is my working theory regarding the beginning regarding the universe. It is not concrete, but represents what shall have been the state regarding the universe prior to the beginning.

As with the Large Bang theory, it shall be and should be improved upon as time goes on. I also know that similar evidence that shall give to prove the Large Bang theory shall also give to prove my hypothesis. The evidence is not wrong, they can be scientific methods that have been conducted over and over only to return to similar to conclusion. The evidence is entirely correct; I maintain that the conclusion that the evidence is attributed to is wrong. Cosmic Background Radiation should be expected within the Nothing Universe Theory.

This huge explosion of our universe within the nothing universe should leave this background radiation behind. The fact that the universe is still expanding currently also fits within my Nothing Universe model. It also sends a likely explanation for howcome our universe is accelerating outward and not slowing down. Since the reaction is still occurring within the farthest reaches of space, the center of our universe should be moving slower than the outer reaches of our universe. So, when we look distant out the faster things are moving outward.

The Nothing Universe also accounts for the distribution of elements in our universe. Subsequent to the function we were left with huge quantities of protons and electrons. These particles came together to shape hydrogen. Hydrogen formed stars and gave rise to helium, the 2nd most abundant element in our universe. Finally, the evolution and distribution of reason should possibly be accounted for by the Nothing Universe theory.

Huge clouds of hydrogen came together to shape stars. Helium and higher elements are formed. All the while these stars a clustered together into galaxies based upon distance and distribution. Provided enough time we end up with our current state regarding the universe. THE BIG BANG THEORY IS ACCEPTED BASED UPON CRITERIA THAT I HAVE OUTLINED AND SHOWN TO ALSO SUPPORT THE NOTHING UNIVERSE THEORY.

The only logical conclusion should be that it, at the very least; be allowed to stand on equal ground with the Large Bang Theory. Possibilities Throughout this cardboard I place forth many possibilities as to how events shall have played out when the universe was created according to Nothing Universe Theory. I have done so, due to the fact that it should be irresponsible for me to present only one concrete set of events. Room should be left when considering a theory that deals with the creation regarding the Universe. Within the case of Nothing Theory I had to first think about the overall sequence of events, and then try to convey how those events played out.

Along with this, I had to also think about all regarding the many possibilities that shall have taken location during each critical step within the theory. I know that I have done so while still conveying the overall theme regarding the theory. That being spoke about the following is the outline, as I look it, for the Nothing Universe Theory. Possibilities not included. The Nothing Universe exists composed entirely of Nothing Atoms.

No free life exists in this Nothing Universe, and free space is limited to micro spaces between the arrangement of this sea of atoms. One regarding the 3 sub atomic forces Tough Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electrostatic shifted and destabilized one Nothing Atom. This destabilization caused the Function and led to Creation Wave. The creation wave is a wall of life expanding outward from the spot regarding the Function and is traveling faster than the velocity of light. Reason particles remained in our universe while anti reason particles entered the anti reason universe.

These are 3 dimensions that now exist subsequent to only one dimension had previously existed. Protons and electrons came together to shape hydrogen. Hydrogen compressed to shape stars. Within these stars other elements were created in smaller quantities. Over time these higher life elements formed the planets, moons, comets, and other non star objects in our universe.

Galaxies shape and within these galaxies solar processes form, and within two of these solar processes the earth was forming. On this planet amino acids formed protein, eventually leading to first simple cells. From their life continued to evolve. 3 billion years and we have life as it exists today. Life that exists within a universe that sprang forth from the Nothing Universe.

Dennis James Huff 2008.

Monday 23 July 2012

They Call It Mellow Yellow: Atomic Starts Drilling For Uranium Within The Colorado Plateau

These days, investors are just mad about saffron to take a page from Donovan's hit song. What with U3O8 trading at around $90 or lb, yellow is definitely the color of money. V: ATL management has taken it upon itself to test this novel colour theory by kicking off the drill program at its Summit Spot and Crate Canyon uranium projects atom structure Anticline in Colorado. First hole, SP9, completed upon reaching the Chinle formation at 2100 ft. Hole SP1, on the opposite flank regarding the Anticline, the Chinle formation at 1560 ft.

Currently, the drill contractor was working its method return throughout the Anticline, with completion regarding the 1st phase of drilling program slated for December 21, 2007. The business expects conclusions to follow in early 2008. As per the company's November 15th news release, Atomic's vice-president of exploration, Richard Dorman, says, Our initial drill hole at Summit Spot should be seeing for the mineralized zone regarding the Moss Return member regarding the Chinle Formation. Upon completion of this hole, we should be working along the flank regarding the Anticline together with the next eight holes. This first phase regarding the drill program involves multiple stages: crews are preparing and clearing roads, building thirteen 100' x 100' drill pads, drilling up to thirteen 2,500-foot drill holes, then doing reclamation work that includes filling within the drill holes.

The business has planned a 30,000 foot drilling program based on recommendations contained within the property's 43-101 report. The property consists of 932 claims over 24,280 acres, located in most Dolores and San Miguel counties in southwestern Colorado, approximately 30 miles from Denison Mine Corp's Simple Mesa Mill. The 43-101 report describes the property as being associated together with the Dolores Anticline, a salt-cored fold structure within the Paradox Basin Province of Colorado and Utah. The Moss Return Member regarding the Chinle Formation Late Triassic and Pepper Wash Member regarding the Morrison Formation Late Jurassic are present within the stratigraphic section regarding the Dolores Anticline; these are the highest many favorable host rocks for uranium mineralization within the Paradox Basin region. Regarding to Atomic's website, the Dolores Anticline is one regarding the final pepper anticlines within the Paradox Basin which has not been extensively drilled to explore for mineralization within the Moss Return Member regarding the Chinle Formation.

The Dolores Anticline is located only 30 miles from Lisbon Valley and lies within the Uravan Mineral Belt. Lisbon Valley is the building regarding the legendary Mi Vida uranium mine near Moab, Utah, discovered by Charlie Steen in 1952. The entire Lisbon Valley produced 49 million lbs of U3O8 from 1948 through 1965. The Uravan mineral belt is the oldest uranium mining region within the US, and is historically the highest many productive uranium and vanadium region in Colorado. A 2007 circular released by the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Well-being for the State of Colorado documents 1,200 historic mines that produced over 63 million lbs of uranium and 330 million lbs of vanadium from 1948 to 1978.

This district contains the only currently producing uranium mine in Colorado the Sunday Mine owned by Denison Mines, near what is now the ghost village of Uravan, Colorado. This day the Uravan belt is experiencing a renaissance, as there exists 35 permitted projects for uranium mining in Colorado, and 28 uranium prospecting permits have been granted. Infrastructure within the region shall also be getting a boost, as Life Fuels has announced plans to build pending regulatory approval what should be first new uranium-vanadium mill built within the United States in 25 years west of Naturita, some 15 miles southeast of Uravan. The Colorado Plateau is known for hosting roll-front deposits, which are regarded the richest kind of uranium deposits. Roll-fronts are named for the crescent shape the uranium in solution creates at the interface between oxidizing and reduction conditions within the permeable sandstone or conglomerate host rock.

The 43-101 report draws a parallel between the regional geology and that regarding the property: [based] on the literature review, geologic evaluation regarding the Dolores Anticline, and a radon survey, it is simple that there is good potential for undiscovered uranium deposits to exist beneath the properties regarded here. Currently, the worlds 435 nuclear reactors make 18% regarding the world's power requiring 180 million lbs of uranium per year. However, only 110 million lbs are being produced annually worldwide. This shortage is highlighted by the fact that some regarding the world's emerging economies have shifted their focus from coal to nuclear life with China and India being prime examples. China is currently building 40 new nuclear reactors and India is building 31.

Sum to that increased compression on the supply from developed countries, and it's easy to look howcome uranium is trading within the $90 range. Despite possessing it created within the Colorado Plateau, management is nonetheless receiving a global view with its exploration approach. Atomic also has a letter of intent with Geo Can Resources to enter into an choice agreement to earn up to a 100% interest in a land product totalling approximately 3,600 km2 in southwestern Tanzania. This ground is regarded to be component regarding the Malawi Extension a location favourable for uranium enrichment, as it lies within the Karoo Supergroup formation. Other mining businesses active within the region with Paladin Resources, Mantra and Western Metals.

Provided the lag between world supply and demand, Atomic is well-positioned to step into the vacuum for multiple reasons: management is focused on uranium in regions well-known for wealthy mineralization; the business holds a balanced property portfolio in mining-friendly areas; and Atomic's flagship property, the Dolores Anticline project, was provided the lime light in its 43-101 report. These factors all sum up to release investors the chance to participate within the revival of one regarding the world's good uranium regions via a play that should well as the song goes be a sudden craze within the coming months. This post is intended for facts purposes only, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell the equities of any business mentioned herein. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but no warranty as to accuracy is expressed or implied. The opinions expressed within the post are those regarding the author except where statements are attributed to individuals other than the author, in which case the opinions are those regarding the lone to whom they can be attributed.