Wednesday 25 December 2013

College Planning Oak Park High College | Oak Park Library

Select the Right College. Selecting the right college is critical in most ensuring your student receives the greatest curriculum likely as well as creating sure they will be happy and make colleagues easily. From a financial perspective, selecting the right college shall also be important due to the fact that different colleges are going to hold an alternate cost associated with them and component of your planning should take these differences into account. As to date there exists over 4,100 colleges within the United States alone and learning how to evaluate all of your child's choices should be crucial in your family's ability to master the college selection process. The highest many common mistake I look families make as they begin to narrow below a list of potential colleges is selecting only the highest many common and well-known institutions.

For example, many regarding the families who I speak with within the Los Angeles region exclusively think about only the highest many well-known colleges within the region for example UCLA, USC, UC San Diego and Loyola Mairy mount. My first reaction is to always remind them that there exists a ton of other choices for colleges within the region for example Chapman University, Occidental College, Harvey Mud, Concordia University and many more that not only have good academic opportunities but should be fewer expensive overall for the family. In my skills development I know not knowing what you do not have knowledge of is one regarding the highest many dangerous risks we face most within the college look for process as well as in life. The following are some methods I teach my clients to select the right college for their student. Think Twice, Act Once.

When I was in college one regarding the primary ways I should make cash was to buy, sell and rent residential and commercial real estate. Subsequent to a couple months of little conclusions I finally decided to attend a seminar by an lone named Dean Jackson who completely revolutionized most my thinking and approach to real estate. Dean's entire approach to most real estate and life was to always ponder twice and act once. What this meant to him was instead of basically acting impulsively to accomplish something he believed within the importance of sitting below and really thinking through how to accomplish something correctly first time. I cannot tell you how many families I've spoken with without thinking basically select colleges that soon subsequent to it's too late realize weren't the right fit for the student.

Families and students that act this method typically place themselves in a potentially devastating financial situation as well as placing the student in an academic environment that shall not be appropriate for them. I cannot tell you how many students I have knowledge of who are unhappy with their college skills development high school physics fact that they did not take the time to really ponder about what they wanted to obtain out of a college experience. Here is my system for what your student should ponder about prior to they even begin seeing at prospective colleges sequential to master college selection. Stop and amp; ponder about what is important. One of biggest challenges students are presented with when selecting colleges is trying to figure out what is important to them in a college.

The secret to meeting this challenge however is discovering what is first important to them in their own daily life and experiences. A good exercise to use is to pull out a sleek sheet of cardboard and have your student write below everything that they value, like doing and are naturally good at. The writing should be free flowing, unrestrained and completely uninterrupted by any analysis or clarification. Here are some categories of thought that should be important to explore in this exercise:. What I like doing in my free time.

What I like learning and thinking about. What I like reading and writing about. What parts of my life I should really like to improve on within the future. What experiences and categories of people Iwould like to have and learn more about. My biggest fears that I should like to conquer and learn from.

After freely writing below everything that came to mind the next step is to expand and relate each system and its meaning to what you need out of a potential college and college experience. Remember, it's not as important to make a full and comprehensive list of plans as it is to basically get something below on paper. Just little details shall leave an extended method as you begin to look at different categories of colleges. As your student begins to ponder about and discover what is important to them it's vital that they be ruthlessly honest with themselves. Like a general rule of person psychology, we tend to hide things we do not like about ourselves from our friends, family and even ourselves.

These hidden thoughts and feelings should potentially be the things responsible for creating real and lasting happiness in our lives. When it returns to admitting what is truly important to you, now is the greatest time to do so rather than later on when it is too late to do anything about it. Having your student select a primary first, prior to you begin selecting colleges shall prove highly useful in your ability to successfully locate the right colleges. The reason howcome this is the case is due to the fact that knowing what primary a student is interested in is an important ingredient in filtering through the thousands of colleges that are available within the United States and finding the select little that have the programs and focus connected to what your student wants to study. A huge mistake families make is thinking that due to the fact that UCLA for example is nationally ranked overall that it should be a good selection for their student.

Well if your student is studying math, physics or medicine you should be correct. If you student wants to learn journalism, marketing, public relations or business and attended UCLA they should be in trouble due to the fact that none of these majors are even offered. Just due to the fact that a college is ranked nationally overall does not mean it's a good decision for your student's critical region of study. Other colleges shall have better resources, faculty and studies opportunities depending upon what critical primary or region of knowledge your student wants to study. The other reason howcome selecting a primary is important during the college look for process is due to the fact that choosing a primary arbitrarily and then possessing the student change it 1/2 method into their college career should result in a huge increase within the cost for them to attend.

This is due to the fact that if the student changes their primary from biology to classical philosophy for example, they shall have an entirely new set of classes and requirements wanted to graduate that shall most likely force them to attend summer college or wait an extra year. We shall revisit the financial ramifications that changing a primary shall have on your pocket pamphlet during chapter 7. Here is the insider's approach I have created that my clients use when determining which primary to select for college. Think like a chess master. I do not forget once reading an interesting story about Russian Chess Grand Master Anatoly Karpov.

Anatoly was known within the 1990s throughout the globe as being one regarding the greatest chess players ever. In one competition he played over 17different highly skilled players at once and beat them all below 60 minutes. What was the hidden secret to his mastery? When asked in Moscow by the regional press what his secret to beating the competition within the play of chess was his answer was as simple as it was profound. Anatoly explained that where most of his opponents only thought 2-3 moves in advance he always worked through the entire play in his mind until he reached checkmate only then moving his first piece on the board to begin the game. What an insight into the mind of a skilled master.

As this relates to you student selecting the correct major, my system is all about thinking 10 steps in advance by first possessing your student discover what their passionate about and backward-engineering careers and majors that work in synergy with what their naturally passionate about.

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