Sunday 15 December 2013

Schools, Children, And Drugs

Today everyone wants a lift, mostly students. Radical modifications are necessitated by the disconcertment of high college students' lives. One method this should be improved is by implementing a powerful drug prevention and teaching curricula that should address students' issues. Peer counselors should aid the college by counseling students who are weakening and by creating stress reduction tools that should assist students throughout their academic life. A well diet program should reinforce the other programs, resulting in students with salubrious bodies and minds.

Due to the fact that of a proliferation within the drug use between teens, it is manifested that a system is requisite. One method the college situation should be improved is by the implementation of a powerful drug prevention and teaching curricula. When 13 to 18 year olds were asked what was the largest challenge facing students today, drug use led the list. Teen students learning and productivity is abruptly halted by the use of drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, the drug challenge continues to be obstreperous.

In response to this epidemic, it should be mandated that the college impose tight regulations and repercussions for the use of illicit drugs. By creating Procedure Drug-Stop, a drug prevention program, students should be taught the negative effects of drugs through a series of good television animated adventures. Once in place, the drug prevention system should make the college a pioneer in improving student life. In addition to drug prevention programs, peer counselors should be instituted by the college to deal with corporate issues students many experience. Peer counselors should facilitate a well college by counseling students who are perturbed and by employing stress reduction techniques that aid the students throughout their academic life.

The formation regarding the peer counseling program, Peer Ear, should pose tough benefits to shy and fearful students who are reluctant to tell their issues and conflicts to college guidance counselor. This program shall foster the advancement regarding the student citizenry, and prove to be a holistic experience. Only reputable persons should grow to peer counselors, and should should take a mandated test devised by the college board and guidance administrators. These peer counselors should file reports, when necessary, to college board and make awareness within the college administration of problems that need addressed accordingly, thereby excelling students academic and homelife to new standards. This program shall definitely make assiduity to students issues within the college administration that should not have been addressed without the program.

Another challenge facing young people this day is obesity. One method to address this challenge should be to instate a well diet program that should foster students with well minds and bodies. The fast food sector is paramount in students diets within America's high schools. With french fries and soda being served to hundreds of students, the reason is indubitable of howcome the students are drastically overweight. By creating well-balanced foods and well food choices, students should grow to physically fit.

Physical teaching and gyms should grow to superannuated and students should not be forced to learn physical education. Instead, students should be instructed on how to take like of themselves, have right, and foster a well mind and body. In closing, this essay manifests the radical changes that the college should and should institute. It clearly observed that modifications are necessitated by the decline of students morale. By implementing a powerful drug teaching curricula, creating Peer Ear peer counselors, that should help students with corporate problems in their lives, and the instatement of a well diet program to help students cultivate well minds and bodies, the college should drastically improve the current dastardly state.

By following the propositions and guidelines set herein, the college should drastically boost students morale and performance. By creating a well taught curricula and by instituting programs for example these, students should work towards the betterment of themselves and others. These programmes work in conjunction with each other to foster the development of well-rounded and mentally stable students, thereby rescuing students from the sea of perturbance they can be currently drowning in.

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