Wednesday 18 December 2013

Take Vitamins Or Get Them Through Your Food?

The age old question, should you take synthetic vitamin, mineral, nutrient supplements or get them from your food? There exists some pretty tough feelings on most sides of that argument. I should definitely speak that this is a huge controversy. Well, I should like to highlight the greatest argument, in my opinion of course, for each side and then tell you what I do!The most formidable argument for FOOD:Scientists have created synthetic vitamins that are reportedly identical in their atomic structure to the vitamins obtained directly from food. Now, in organic chemistry do not get worried, only a minor mini lesson, actually just a spot atomic structure similarities shall be determined with analyzing the behavior of plane polarized light when placed through an object. If the objects are identical in atomic structure, the plane polarized light shall behave in an identical manner when shown through most bodies.

However, it is relatively well documented that when plane polarized light is placed through synthetic vitamins, the light acts many differently than when placed through vitamins from food. Keeping that little organic chemistry lesson in mind, it shall be concluded that synthetic vitamins are DIFFERENT from vitamins obtained from nourishment in atomic structure. For those of you science nerds me included who just can not sit still one more minute until they hear what the difference was in how the plane polarized light acted when shown through the 3 different variations of vitamins, the results! When the light is shown through vitamins from food, the molecular rotation bends the beam of light to the right. When the light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam splits in half. 1/2 regarding the light then bends to the right while the other 1/2 bends to the left.

The highest many formidable argument for SYNTHETIC VITAMINS:Scientists argue that the synthetic vitamins are initially obtained from the natural food source. Once the scientists have the atom structure regarding the vitamin, they then locate a SAFE method to duplicate the molecular structure. There exists also scientists working on basically finding ways to duplicate the vitamin molecular structure in a financially effective way. Once the scientists locate the method they like, they then mass make the vitamin, creating it available to many of people! Even to the people who may not ever have the nourishment that that specific vitamin is located in. So what do I do:A combo of most actually.

I try to release myself a synthetic base, receiving some supplements every lone day. I also try to have nourishment with high concentrations of vitamins and antioxidants that are proven to be good for you. I guess I figure that for me, realistically trying to obtain everything I need from food is just not going to happen. I mean, have you tried to obtain iron from food whether you do not like possessing your daily serving of liver, beans, or spinach.

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