Monday 24 December 2012

Reology And The Reality Code

Without being too redundant of previous articles, what Quantum Mechanics has shown is that at the quantum position of reality what happens there does not correspond to what our senses detect about our physical reality. The conflict is of course that the physical reality arises from the quantum one. The Uncertainty Principle says that by knowing the characteristics of one state of matter, we need to sacrifice knowing anything about its other state we call energy. To observe reason returns at the expense of not knowing anything about that matter's life at the instant of an observation, and visa versa. Yet, within the macro world, the two of physical senses, we have no trouble viewing most the fabric and life characteristics of things at the similar to time; within the similar to instant of observation.

For example, we can look the sun. It has dimension and an exact location in space and time. At the similar to time we should possibly look its life or the heat it gives off. We can measure its dimensions and life at the similar to time. Yet, at the quantum level, the position from which the sun and everything else within the universe is first structured, we can only measure its fabric characteristics, or its life characteristics, but not most together at this instant of observation.

Further, by measuring two of these characteristics, we cannot be sure the other characteristic even exists during this measurement. This similar to phenomenon is true for all the atomic structures within the universe, and possibly even the molecular structures. For clarity's sake, this structure being referred to is that which creates reason appear material. At our sensory level, we detect reason within the shape of what we call compounds. These are the fabric things we perceive and are created up of one or more molecules.

Molecules in turn are created up of 3 or more atoms. Atoms are the elements we learn about in chemistry class. A molecule of h2o is created up of 3 hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom. We can detect h2o with our senses like a compound, which consists as millions of molecules all grouped together, but not lone molecules of water. They can be basically too tiny for our senses to detect.

Again molecules are created of 3 or more atoms. Just about everything we can detect with our senses is created of 3 or more atoms in many combinations from the 88 naturally occurring stable atoms so distant discovered. Take an atom of sodium and bond it to an atom of chlorine, and presto, we have table salt. Take a carbon atom and bond it with 4 hydrogen atoms and we get methane. This is the method reason that we detect with our senses is structured.

Each atom is created up of subatomic particles. Primarily it is the proton and neutron each being structured by Quarks that creates up an atoms center or nucleus, that is orbited by electrons. The many these particles in an atom determines which element it is. The element of hydrogen has one proton and one electron. It shall also be the only element with no neutron.

The next element, helium, has 3 protons, 3 neutrons, and 3 electrons. The next element is Lithium and it consists of 3 protons, 3 neutrons and 3 electrons. This progression continues all the method to Uranium, which has 92 protons, 146 neutrons, and 92 electrons. While the many protons, neutrons and electrons are always equal in stable elements, the many neutrons can vary. Uranium is not a stable element, and eventually turns decays into lead.

OK, so now we hold a pretty good picture of what we and the universe are created of, and the grades of structure involved. It also becomes obvious howcome we hold a science called Quantum Mechanics; it's the learn and discovery of how reality's most fundamental structural state works. The challenge however is that, again, what Quantum Mechanics has discovered creates no sense in relation to other grades of reality's structure this quantum position one supports. If an electron or photon, or proton or neutrino, or whatever quantum particle shall only display their fabric characteristics when we observe them, but not their life characteristics, and these particles have knowledge of when we are observing them and when we are not, creating what we call the Collapse of Wave Function the term that describes changing life into matter, isn't this in fact telling us something very specific regarding the quantum world of reality, and that is why every position of reality?. It is specifically telling us it is the fact that we observe things that forces wave functions to collapse.

It's specifically telling us we cannot below any circumstances ever observe energy, but instead only energy's effect on matter. two of energy's 4 forms is defined by what we call the Electro Magnetic Spectrum. Here is where forms of life are defined according to wavelength. At the lowest end of this scale is what is called the Long Wave forms of energy. Next up the scale is radio and TV Waves.

Next returns Microwaves, then Infra-Red, then Visible Light which really isn't visible at all, then Ultraviolet, X-Rays, and finally Gamma Rays. These are the forms of life that consist of wavelength. We can detect and measure their wavelengths, but only with instruments specifically drafted to do this. Otherwise, there is no method for us to be can observe these energies. We cannot look radio waves or gamma rays or infra-red or ultra violet or even visible light.

All we can see, or feel, is the effect these have when they interact with matter. They can be completely invisible otherwise. You use your micro wave oven, but you cannot look the micro waves. All you can look is the effect they had on whatever you place in that oven. You turn on your TV, and it works due to the fact that regarding the radio waves bringing you the programming.

You cannot look these waves, just the effect they have on your TV's components. There are 3 other forms of energy, which are gravity, and the tough and weak forces within atomic structure. They can be separate forms of life and not really understood. Only the effects they have on reason is what is known, but that at fewest is consistent with what we have knowledge of regarding the electro magnetic spectrum. Like these wavelength life forms, gravity and the tough and weak forces also are not observable.

They can be just as invisible as any other shape of energy. We only have knowledge of about them due to the fact that of their effect on matter. Energy is unobservable, and quantum Mechanics proves it. Collapse of Wave Function is not some bazaar discovery subsequent to all, but a fundamental principle of reality. Reality should not work otherwise.

Only when we observe reason in this instant of observation, do wave functions collapse such that all we can look is the fabric shape of reality. If this did not happen, then reality should be invisible, again, due to the fact that we cannot look energy. In theory, Quantum Mechanics QM claims any thing can collapse wave function, or act as an observer. In other words, light shall be an observer and that is why collapse wave function. So can the particle created by this collapse from light's observation.

So can the instruments we creation to detect the atomic position of reality. The reason for this theory is to stay away from receiving QM into the metaphysically realm, or worse, the Religious one. If nothing physical can exist until observed, and we are physical, without this theory means that there should need to be an Observer that precedes all things physical within us. This remains a challenge for QM however, due to the fact that there is no method to confirm this theory without our observations, which in turn cancels out any likely observation ability regarding the above things. In other words, if light life should cause itself to collapse into a particle reason independent of our involvement, how should we ever have knowledge of about it beyond theory? If our instruments can collapse life into matter, it should be impossible to tell due to the fact that we need to observe the data our instruments provide, and that causes life to collapse into matter.

This is the illusion then; reason is not what it appears to be within first place. It is structured of particles that themselves have no real fabric characteristics, just characteristics that appear to be real in this instant of observation, and then only due to the fact that life refuses to be observed in this instant of observation. Science fiction you say? Look around you; you and all you look is this science fiction. If you take the hydrogen atom as an example, and scale it up so its proton nucleus created of Quarks is regarding the volume of a basketball, its electron should be no bigger then a pencil dot. Electrons orbit the nucleus according to their sate of energy.

The fewer life an electron has, the closer it orbits the nucleus. If our electron here was within the lowest life state an electron can attain and that is why the closest it should ever orbit the nucleus, it should be about 12 miles distant from the proton in this scaled up example. Where is the solidity of reason in this? Couple this together with the fact that neither the proton or electron exhibit any fabric characteristics, except during a measurement or observation, then reason is just so many empty space, regardless of how permeated it is with energy. Now take into account the means we have for detecting the fabric world. We are totally dependent upon our physical senses first detecting something, then translating that something into an exact electro-chemical code, then relaying that code to appropriate brain center via our nerves where the code is translated and matched to other coded experience, such that when a match is finally found,then, and only then, can we realize the senses definitely detected something.

Then, and only then, can we have any recognition of whatever is being detected. To distant muddy the issue, no skills development or any observation can even occur except in this instant. This instant is the only spot in which reality shall be observed as real. It is the only time that exists. Everything else is neither memory or imagination.

All skills development is completely subjective. Examine this present instant. While we perceive it to be real, to be hard core reality, it is in fact nothing more then our focus on this present instant that creates reality appear so real. No reason how you slice it, this instant's recognitions are 100% subjective skills development of our minds. It only appears to be objective skills development due to the fact that that is how life shows itself within the present instant of observation.

We cannot observe anything, nor have any kind of skills development outside this incomprehensible present instant, within the obviously subjective observation of our own thoughts. This is the Grandest Illusion of all. What about space and time? They only deliver to release physical reality the illusion of validity. Space and time are conditions compulsory for a reality to appear physical, even as an illusion. Without a location for things to exist in or a means for processes to occur or evolve, physical reality should not appear physical.

Quantum Mechanics and Physiology however most clearly display all skills development is most subjective and instantaneous. Physical reality is all Illusion regarding the Grandest Kind. This is the Reality Code. Quantum Mechanics and the illusion of our biological Physiology confirm the collapse of wave function like a fundamental aspect of our observational ability, functional only in this present.

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