Saturday 22 December 2012

Take A Step From Your Self And Look Who You Are?

Take a step from your self and look who you are?. You are nothing but a shape, created out of atoms, in a sure manner that sends you your characteristic features. No one structure of atom hell we are. Unless you do you can sit barely and absorb my words, revolting at times, submitting at times. But it is that you own conviction of who are you that creates you what you are.

You not ever need me, nor Jack and Paul and Jerry to tell you who you are. For imbeciles as we are, we basically not ever know. We are a composed structure of atoms place together, no one knows, howcome and by whom? But we are nevertheless atoms, whether you know it or not. These atoms have its features and radiate all energy, electricity and magnetism. They can be mysterious enigmas that no one can approach the question.

Howcome should there be different atoms?. Maybe to make things different! For a stone atoms is different from an apple tree or a cockroach or an ape or a person being. Darwin should be turning in his grave now. For he was an ape once and he does not like his name mentioned in blasphemy. He thinks we return from amoebas, then fish, then reptiles and then apes.

Some of us deviate to be dinosaurs and hippopotamus, some butterflies, some giraffes and some ants. But most are rats and scorpions, whether you agree. It all depends which method you like to leave and what you should like to be. This is, in brief, the well-known crooked Darwinian theory, many of bullshit. Well, wherever we return from whatever is our origin, we are now homos sapiens sapiens and should make the greatest of it.

So, we leave to college and read about ourselves. Not very many for schools teach us that our fathers, the grand one's are chimpanzees and apes. But, college books not ever explain howcome chimpanzees and apes within the zoo stopped evoluting. Maybe for lack of nourishment! Or maybe tired of becoming humans, very disappointing at that!. But, seriously, who are you? Look into the mirror and identify yourself! Whether you can not then you can be two of seven billions who cannot.

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