Monday 11 November 2013

Electron Space... The Conduit To Advanced Technology

Pressure and heat are frequencies which originate inside of a particle, not outside! Prior to science should be can develop the technologies that shall lead to advanced computers; communication technology capable of transporting a signal at any distance almost instantaneously and without distortion; health related technology that should be can define and cure all diseases we should first develop a computer program capable of directing a signal inside of an atomic particle. A signal capable of moving through a quantum structure I refer to as an electron conduit. Space, within all matter, is created from particles one linked to another which shape chains from largest to smallest and orbiting in all directions sub quantum degrees. Space has weight; reason is proof of that and so the space that existed prior to reason had exactly the similar to weight. As components of space were compressed into matter, the structure of atom them became proportionately fewer dense.

Everything within the universe seeks homeostasis, as one component of space becomes more dense, the component of space adjoining it becomes fewer dense, this is howcome the large bang should not ever have occurred!. When we look at space prior to matter, natural space we look it broken up into particles within particles from largest to smallest. The intersection of these particles forms all geometric shapes also from largest to smallest. Space follows the law of physics and due to the fact that it has weight, naturally breaks below into these varied shapes and forms which all exist inside of larger particles which are enjoined to other larger particles. Space is an infinite sea of these particles.

Due to the fact that space is broken up in this way, the particles that exist toward the center are denser and smaller than the particles that exist at the periphery. However, the mass regarding the particles at the periphery collectively exceeds that regarding the smaller denser particles at the center and so the particles at the periphery push the particles at the center out regarding the center. This process constitutes particle orbit. Particles within particles move return and forth from the center to periphery becoming denser as they return below more compression toward the center and fewer dense as they can be pushed out once again. The intersection at the spot where one particle links to another and forms a corridor is a conduit within which flows the electron.

The signature for all reason begins in these corridors or conduits. It is the placement of electrons within these conduits which vector up into what we look as matter! These conduits vary in volume from massive macro conduits to smallest sub- sub etc. Regardless of how large or tiny the conduits are, the electrons that flow within them are universally stable in volume and weight. The relative velocity regarding the electron is affected by the volume regarding the conduit in which it finds itself. The electron as it is being described in this text, is so tiny and so dense that technological or contemporary science, even advanced science should not be can define it.

However, in keeping together with the law of physics, a particle can only grow to so dense and the electrons that orbit through reason in conduits, defines that limit. With regard to particles in space, there is a duality which exists. There exists particles which are large enough to let the flow of electrons through them and then there exists the electrons themselves that are too dense for these conduits to shape within them. While all atomic particles expand and contract while they orbit through the different compression cycles, the electron remains constant in volume and density as it orbits through the different sized conduits within which all particles orbit. Density is a reason regarding the many electrons that flow through matter.

Within the conduit, compression remains constant, to extent and arrangement regarding the other larger conduits that surround it! However, this statement is only true when one considers that the corridors through which electrons move vary in volume but within all contain the smallest of corridors, the electron conduit which remains constant throughout the universal structure. Space is broken up into sectors which resemble a piece of pie if we were to perceive an above view of a particle structure. On a 3 dimensional basis, a sector of space may be more clearly defined as resembling an orange slice. Groups of sectors linked together in a larger particle structure are defined like a particle complex theoretically 12 interlinked particles of varying sizes and densities most inside and outside of our dimensional spectrum, adjoined at the center of a central particle! So in keeping with my analogy, the particle complex should be the entire orange with all regarding the sector divisions slices within it. Like the orange, the earth shall also be a particle, which has larger particles and smaller particles rotating through it.

The Earth and its other dimensional planets shape a particle complex. Each particle within the complex becomes the central particle in another particle complex and so on and so forth. In space, particles intersect particles in an infinite sea, an interconnected mass of motion. Like a result, space is a conglomeration of geometrical patterns, each with its own special compression within a boundary or spectrum controlled by the laws of physics. Together with the exception of space itself, within infinite space, there exists no infinites, everything exists within a spectrum.

Our dimension of perception also exists within a spectrum, a spectrum of reason density. Reason which exists outside of our boundary of perception is reason that has a density which we are unable to perceive at fewest with current technology. This is true on the other end regarding the spectrum as well. Reason should possibly be too dense for us to perceive within our dimension of perception, within contemporary apparatus, due to the fact that it is so small. So, when we talk about dimensions, we are not talking about some mystical, spiritual cosmology but the density of reason within a spectrum of perception.

One aspect of other dimensional technology is the development of technology that is capable of detecting reason which exists outside of our the solar spectrum. Another aspect of other dimensional science is developing the technology to move reason from one spectrum to another. It's one thing to develop the technology which shall let us to look reason within another dimension. This technology shall let us to look how reason is constructed, for instance, person physiology! It is yet another to move an object from one dimension to another which involves, pressurizing the object from the inside not recommended. Our bodies are multidimensional but current technology only allows us to look the component regarding the person anatomy that exists within the solar or atomic spectrum.

There exists diseases which shall not ever be cured until we have the technology capable of allowing us to understand what they can be and how they initiate. Everything is multi-dimensional, even diseases! Cancer for instance, originates from the smallest position of space, within the electron conduit. Cancer, like all diseases, is a frequency signature derived at the lowest position of space, the electron conduit. All reason is an things of frequency signature. A frequency signature is like a computer program which exists at the very smallest position of space.

It is derived from the existence of electrons within a conduit in very specific arrangements. These electrons excerpt compression on the outside regarding the conduit and basically vector up into atomic space where we perceive it as reason within our spectrum. With regard to person physiology, everything we are from hair, to size, to growth and death are the final products of these prearranged electrons. Genetic studies have resolved to a very tiny degree these questions; however, what contemporary science reveals to us to a very tiny degree, is the answer. Our genetic code, whether you will, begins many deeper in quantum space and what scientists are exploring in our genes, is light years distant from the apex of these genetic formations or signature frequencies.

Everything we are, everything we should be is in our genes or signature frequencies. This is true for all reason from people, to water, to rocks; all reason is what it is due to the fact that regarding the internal compression that begins within the electron conduit. All compression begins at the lowest position of space and vectors up in all directions or sub quantum degrees. Without the particles that represent the smallest shape of reason that exists, a perpetual motion mechanical system is impossible to construct. A full circuit cannot be created without all of space being represented from the largest to smallest.

This is the done inequality that existed in natural space prior to reason as we have knowledge of it existed. A done circuit is not linear as contemporary electronics has theorized, it is evolutionary! In other words a done circuit follows the evolutionary orbit of electrons. No particles in space, even the earth orbits in a linear manner. The earth like all particles follows an evolutionary circuit orbiting below and around in a corkscrew fashion. The sun falls though space as well, in its own shallow orbit.

Since all bodies in space are moving relative to one another, our orbit around the sun is perceived as linear but understanding how particles move in space is the heart of other dimensional science. There exists 3 ways for science to understand how particles move in space; one is to wait until we physically witness a cycle shift in space which occurs every little thousand years or the other is to explore the inside of an atomic particle. There is nothing new age about a cycle shift, it is an things of engineering, and it is basically how the mechanical system we call the universe works. Every mechanical system produces heat. A perpetual motion machine, when it reaches a sure temperature, shifts the position regarding the components which make contact at the sub quantum position of space with one another and begins producing heat in another region allowing the heated region to cool.

Like a clock, with every second, there is a shift and the heat regarding the mechanical system moves from one 2nd to next however, due to the fact that there is a largest and a smallest, with every shift, compression within conclusions in particle expansion and there returns a spot where the mechanical system should change gears. With regard to earth, this internal compression shift conclusions in tidal waves and earth quakes and volcanoes etc. To a smaller degree this happens all regarding the time when the earth has to let off little steam. These tiny heat and compression releases represent the movement regarding the 2nd paw on the clock but there returns a time when the minute paw wants to move. Like the gears of a car, you can only place so many torque on first gear prior to you have knowledge of to change gears and so on and so forth.

So, there exists 2nd paw cycle changes and there exists minute paw cycle changes and yes, there exists even hour cycle changes. If a primary cycle change occurs during a technological age, scientists shall have the technology to observe and to conclude how in fact, the planets orbit in a downward spiral. For instance; all regarding the planets within the sun are falling through space and so when the mechanical system changes gears, it does not all happen at once. It shall happen to Mercury and Venus, the Sun, the Earth then Mars and so on and so forth. When this gear shifts, like a spring that is wound to capacity lets go, the earth should be moving in space at a relative faster velocity than the other planets that have not yet reached this point.

So, we should be moving in our orbit at a many accelerated velocity than the planets that shall follow us, for a period of time. In that time period, scientists shall rationalize the obvious; that we are moving below and around in a corkscrew manner as the other planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto shall appear to be reversing their orbits. All orbital speeds shall once repeatedly be synchronized when all regarding the other planets move into the next cycle and orbiting compression stabilizes. The other method that scientists shall discover how particles move in space is to develop a computer program capable of mapping the inside of an atomic particle. This is obviously not as easy as it sounds.

In fact it is so difficult to do, that instead of doing this science has decided to build huge particle accelerators like the one at CERN in Switzerland. Whether you ponder about it, this is the highest many primitive method to figure out what is inside of an atomic particle. I'm sure early person felt very good about themselves when they managed to figure out how to take 3 stones and bust things reveal with them!. On a more serious note, this studies shall finally reveal new facts worthy of distant exploration but the secret of success shall not return in this method but rather by developing a computer program that is capable of mapping the inside of an atomic particle. Elements possess varied electron conduction properties.

Scientists should first select an element or combination of elements for example sodium chloride NACL for example, where the electron conduits are large and easier to map. In elements with larger E. Conduits the electrons are moving at relative slower speeds. H2o H2O has huge electron conduits and slow moving electrons but due to the fact that of its fluidity it is unstable and so should be an impediment for experimentation. So, whatever substance is selected, the electrons should be many and slow moving as this undertaking requires stable and consistent computer measurement.

Every geometrical formation that exists within the atomic particle should be charted. These geometrical formations shall prove to science that other dimensional particles are intersecting particles that exist within our spectrum of perception or dimension. Before science should be capable of opening the next door of exploration, we shall need to follow the path of fewest resistance inside regarding the particle. It is the path of fewest resistance that shall lead us into the next generation of science, other dimensional science. Prior to we can cure it, we have got to be can look it and so define it.

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