Sunday 3 November 2013

Human Metamorphosis

Slaughter in Middle East, mayhem in Briton, natural disasters in Japan and China and the meltdown of US Economy. Metamorphosis or Transformation is a majestic term full of magic, an organic magic illustrating the development process of a pretty being for example a butterfly. The metamorphosis of a butterfly involves total physical and behavioral change that includes this beings habitat and form, from a limbless crawling being to a breathtaking, colorfully winged, flying free new entity. Observing metamorphosis while contemplating on the metaphoric spiritual ascendance of person out of physical limitation and boundaries toward the light thus the true purpose of our existence, one cannot help reflecting on the fact that being created of an atom structure like everything else in this universe spells to being at one stage a unit regarding the ultimate cosmic recycling process, a component of transcendental atomic structure of a prime light substance that forms the very fabric of our making. Imagine that you were once a component of a star and through a process of recycling you became a person and in a follow process you can be component of another light shape of Ether somewhere and sometime within the future to be.

What drives me to philosophize at such time is the end result of what the current events around the globe are unveiling, a person misbehavior when hope and sense of belonging to spirituality and sense of purpose is lost. The mass killing within the Middle East triggered a stereotype behavior of revolt and rebellion in Good Briton and the Arab spring slogan in Tunisia and Egypt triggered an adoption regarding the similar to slogan in Israel. Ironic yet painful reality is resurrecting out of deprivation of person soul from justice, equality and inner peace, an end shall justify the means. Mass slaughter in Syria within the name of local security and peace, mayhem and havoc within the allies of cities of England within the name of equality and justice while self appointed leaders in some components of our world clinch to force regardless of how many souls are exhausted within the process. Whether it is within the Mid East or Europe and whether it is natural causes in Japan or China or an economical melt below regarding the US Economy, I dare to issue a warning to humanity to reconsider our current method of life recalculate the true purpose of our existence through a meaningful return to spirituality.

Indeed, there is an urge of need to a person metamorphosis prior to more crimes are committed within the name of humanity and within the name of local security and peace. A considerable many theologians and biblical scholars should help the claim that correlates current calamities regarding the globe and its spreading pattern of disorder to the End of Days prophecies which in context sends an more spicing to an ever growing conflict within the onslaught of global race which shall prove to be the only source of future unity of mankind. Will there be a time where there should be no where to flee to for safety, I wonder. Humanity wants to located a sanctuary system in our modern world for the people who know in spirituality like a salvation leading to inner peace. You are sincerely invited to interact with us and exchange thoughts and fruitful suggestions towards achieving such a goal.

Let us do something prior to it's too late to do anything. Lest not forget a thousand miles journey starts with a lone step. Will you take this first step? Adam El Masri.

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