Wednesday 27 November 2013

Reology And The Quantum Puzzle

From the previous 3 articles, it was noted how the discoveries of Quantum Physics has totally baffled our understanding of reality at its most foundational level; the position of atomic and sub atomic structure. One regarding the highest many baffling, yet most confirmed discoveries of Quantum Mechanics was the dubious duality of matter. Sequential to understand these findings, we first should understand the experiment that gave rise to this discovery. When Physicists first realized the existence of such things as light and electrons, each with their own special identity, they set about to discover this special identity. They wanted to have knowledge of if light and electrons were neither particles of reason or quanta of energy.

What's the difference? Particles, as matter, have critical location in space and time. Quanta of life are spread out throughout space and have direction. Whether you can identify a particle, then you have knowledge of it is matter; it has a critical location and dimension with boundaries, like a ball or stone, or anything material. Life on the other paw is all over the place. It has no critical location, but instead is spread out.

It also has direction; it is going somewhere. Sunlight is a good example. While we only look light as the reflection of those objects it hits, you can not place your finger on it. You can not speak it's over there in that spot. Instead, it's all around us, even in those spots where it passes us by without reflecting off things, like light that passes the earth without hitting it.

It just goes out into space, but we can not look it until it hits something, like the moon, or Venus, etc. In order to determine if something is a particle or quanta of energy, Scientists devised a simple experiment called the 3 slit experiment, also called the 3 hole and double slit experiment. This experiment basically consists of a barrier with 3 slits, two of which should be opened and closed, a source of light or electrons, and a photographic plate where the light or electrons should be recorded subsequent to passing through one, or most reveal slits. When one slit is reveal and light or electrons are allowed to pass through, the detection plate should display a pattern consistent with particles. We should look a pattern of impacts densest to the center regarding the reveal slit and impacts tapering off around the fringes regarding the slit where these particles were blocked from passing through by the barrier in which the slit was slice out.

Similarly, if we reveal most slits and let particles through, we should basically look 3 separate patterns of particle impacts. It should be the similar to as shooting pellets through the slits; they shall make a pattern regarding the slit opening itself. Sure enough, with one reveal slit we get exactly what logic dictates, patterns consistent of particles. Naturally, with most slits open, logic dictates we shall get 3 of these particle patterns. Instead, we get a completely different pattern with no similarity to the one opening pattern.

What our detection plate now shows is a pattern where the greatest density of impact isn't directly opposite neither opening, but at a spot directly between most openings. This impact pattern is centered between most openings but behind the barrier the slits are slice out from. Emanating to neither side of this central impact area, are alternate no impact bands and fewer dense impact bands, such that we wind up with a patter of impacts separated by no impacts, and these adjacent impacts grow to fewer and fewer dense the distant distant they can be from the central most dense impact pattern. This in spite of that fact little of these fewer impact regions are directly behind each reveal slit. To get an improved picture of this, just imagine a sheet of cardboard with a series of paint brush strokes on it.

Within the center we have the widest brush stoke created with a large paint brush. As we look right and left, the brush strokes grow to narrower and narrower due to the fact that we are creating use of progressively smaller brushes to make these. Each brush stroke is separated by plain paper, due to the fact that we did not apply any paint there. OK, so howcome the particle pattern with one reveal slit and this Zebra stripe pattern with 3 reveal slits?. Because 3 reveal slits allows us to look matter's life characteristics.

Life has no critical location due to the fact that it consists of waves. These waves are spread out. With 3 reveal holes, life should meet itself behind each opening where it should spread out and its wavelengths should interfere with each other, creating the stripe pattern described above. We wanted to have knowledge of if light and electrons were particles or energy. What we discovered instead is that with only one slit open, they can be particles, but with 3 slits reveal they can be energy.

How is this possible? As particles, we can release a critical location to them. As energy, they cannot hold a critical location, but only momentum or direction instead. This is how we discovered the dual nature of matter; it is reason and it is energy, and knows how to display itself regarding to how we decide to observe it! How can they be 3 completely different things at the similar to time?. When we look for its reason characteristics, that is all we find. We have no clue about its life characteristics.

When we decide to observe its life characteristics, there is no likely method to have knowledge of its reason characteristics. Neither way, it shall only display those characteristics we decide to observe. One or the other, but not most within the instant of observation and regarding to what we decide to observe. This is called the Uncertainty Principle. To have knowledge of one aspect of reason requires the sacrifice of knowing the other aspect of it, or its life nature.

Due to the fact that we can not observe most aspects within the similar to instant, there basically is no method of knowing if the other aspect even exists at that instant. When we observe reason characteristics, the life characteristics do not exist, and visa versa. There have been scores of this experiment performed with more and more sophisticated scientific tools right up to the present day. These with all manor of ingenious ways to fool reason and life about which we are really trying to observe, within the hope we can get to look most reason and life characteristics together within the similar to instant. None of these ingenious experiments has created the fewest bit of difference.

The conclusions are always the same. It only shows the version of itself we decide to observe, but not ever most versions at the similar to time. This is howcome this phenomenon is called the Uncertainty Principle. When we are sure regarding the conclusions of our observation of two of reason or energy's characteristics, we are completely uncertain about its other characteristic. One experiment was devised to observe light and electrons at the opening regarding the slit, rather then on a detection plate behind it.

When light or electrons were allowed into one opening, just as expected, reason characteristics were observed. When most slits were open, we expect to look the life pattern, right? Wrong. Now we look another reason pattern. Why? For no better reason then we are observing it. Not only does it have knowledge of which of it's versions we are observing, but it knows where the observation is receiving location as well, and when we aren't observing! This is known as the Collapse of Wave Function, due to the fact that that is exactly what happens in this version regarding the 3 slit experiment; the life version of light or electrons or whatever, vanishes during the observation.

How can light or electrons or any sub atomic identity have knowledge of what we need to observe, and where we are doing the observation, and inform each other accordingly so as to only display us what we expect to see? Such communication has to be receiving place, due to the fact that there is no other method for these particles or quanta to coordinate the conclusions they release us. How can an electron going through one opening also have knowledge of there is another electron going through a 2nd opening at the similar to time, and most have knowledge of what pattern we are seeking to observe, so they can display themselves accordingly?. According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, nothing can exceed the velocity of light. That is reality's maximum velocity limit. One 3 slit experiment called the Aspect experiment, sent light through a devise where the distance between particles or quanta going through one or 3 openings was greater then that of a distance that should let them to communicate with each other based upon the limitation regarding the velocity of light.

In other words, this experiment was set up in such a way, that the only method for the particles or quanta to coordinate the conclusions they showed should be by communicating with each other faster then the velocity of light allows. And that is exactly what they did. This phenomenon is known as Entanglement, referring to all quantum identities being entangled with each other regardless of their distance of separation. There have even been 3 slit experiments done with atoms and molecules, and these also yield the very similar to conclusions of all other 3 slit experiments. So, what does all this really mean? What are the implications of these discoveries of Quantum Mechanics?.

It means nothing can appear physical until it is observed, and then only within the instant of observation. The Quantum reality is an instantaneous one. All that occurs there does so instantaneously. There is no time within the quantum world, nor is there space. Time and space are versions of each other, and only have meaning for physical reality, where things have position and direction.

Position requires dimension. Dimension requires time; the time to leave from one component of a dimension to another part. Now factor in how physical reality seems to flow with consistency and coherence in a linear manor in time. How do we rationalize the present instant of observation in this? Quantum Electro Dynamics, or QED, which theorizes that life is constantly and instantaneously being converted to matter, then just as quickly reconverted return to life on an instantaneous basis. This at fewest falls in line with our illusion of perpetual observations.

This is of course scientifically absurd, and a host of new theories are attempting to explain this, from String Theory to M Theory to the Many Worlds Theory, and Quantum Loop Theory, between others. Some physicists ponder it no detailed matters to try and describe these Quantum events, believing they cannot tell us anything new and useful or shall not be comprehensible at all. They subscribe to the Shut up and calculate spot of view. No scientist is going to accept Quantum Reality as it now stands, due to the fact that it demands an Observer Who precedes person observation. This is called the Measurement Problem.

Science shall not concede to this, opting instead to discover a scientific explanation for this measurement or observation problem. The fact is however, reason only appears as reason when observed. We are created of this matter. We can not observe ourselves as physical creatures since we should appear physical to make our observations within first place. If reason cannot appear as reason except within the instant of observation, and we are created of this matter, we can not even exist unless we are being observed.

Who then is observing us so we should be the physical creatures we look ourselves.

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